Killer Romances

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  “I think I’ll be fine.” She lifted her hand, intending to caress Nick’s face and reassure him, only to realize blood coated it. A shudder coursed through her. “I need a shower.” The car’s dome light revealed splotches of drying blood covering her clothing. “I’ve ruined your jacket.” For some reason, that was the biggest insult of the night. Tears blurred her vision. “I’m sorry, Nick.”

  “Hush. It doesn’t matter.” He slipped an arm between the seat and her back, pulling her from the car. “Let’s get you inside and cleaned up.”

  Carlie ground her teeth against the pain, setting her feet on the ground. Nick made motions to scoop her into his arms, but she shook her head. “I need to walk.”

  “Your injuries are bad.” He once again made moves to lift her.

  “If I can’t walk, I’m worse off than I thought and better go to the hospital.” And face the police.

  Nick nodded, though his face closed down. “I feel so damn helpless.”

  She guessed he didn’t often experience that emotion. “Too bad we didn’t practice defenses instead of having dinner, huh?” She attempted to laugh, but another look at his solemn face stopped that inclination. “Nick, you can’t blame yourself. This is my problem. I really don’t think I should drag you into the middle of it.” She looked into his eyes, cupping his cheek in her hand despite the blood. “But I am so grateful you rescued me.”

  He swiped his thumb lightly against her cheek. Carlie winced as he drew away. “Your cheek’s bleeding pretty bad. It might need stitches.”

  “Maybe they have butterfly bandages at the front desk?”

  “Okay.” He shook his head. “No doctors. I’ll figure something out.”

  He put his arm around her back and Carlie leaned on him during the painful process of walking into the hotel. She counted herself lucky he had the foresight to bring her through a side door and not parade her past the clerk working in the lobby. Even now, before getting the entire picture, she was sure she looked frightful.

  It took forever to make it to Nick’s room, but thankfully they didn’t see another person. He turned on every light switch they walked past, looking around as though expecting someone to attack them. Perhaps he was afraid the people after her discovered where they went. She knew she asked too much of him, but now that she was here, she really didn’t want to face going home by herself. Nick’s superior fighting skills afforded her a sense of security she loathed giving up.

  He led her past the sitting room, through the bedroom, and into a giant bathroom, helping her onto the closed lid of the toilet. “I’ll run water into the bathtub. I don’t think you’re strong enough to stand for a shower.”

  Carlie glanced longingly at the freestanding shower. “I have to get this off me. I can’t soak in a tub with his blood.”

  “You know what you’re capable of better than I do.” He crossed the space and ran water into the whirlpool tub. “A quick shower and then into here, okay?”

  Now that her fear was fading, she couldn’t help but be impressed at his care for her. “Thanks for understanding...and being a gentleman.” Bile roiled in her stomach and she added bitterly, “If he were here, Stephen would insist on soaping me up instead of just running water.”

  Nick glanced up from his crouched position. “If you need help, I’ll help you, but I won’t take advantage of you.” His hawk gaze caught her. “Did Stephen do something before beating you?”

  She pushed strands of blood-coated hair away from her face. “Not really.”

  Nick’s lips tightened. “How far did he go?”

  She blanched at the way his face reddened and the rage in his eyes. “Just kissing. He wanted more, but I said no.”

  “And he took no for an answer?”

  His voice was so soft and yet full of such venom, Carlie shivered and hugged her arms to her body. “If you must know, the prospect of beating me to death seemed more arousing to him than sex.” She sighed, taking a hard look at her actions. “I’ve always been too gullible. I felt sorry for him, but he had this planned from the start. He even wore a protective cup so I couldn’t drop him to his knees with a kick.”

  “Then he never intended to have sex with you?”

  She sighed. “I told him that was a defense I’d use against a man attacking me and he took precautions, so I guess he planned on beating me from the beginning. I think him asking for sex was just something he would have liked, but not necessary. His main goal was to kill me.”

  Nick turned the water off and stood. “Why would he attack you? What did you ever do to him?”

  A part of her ached to tell him, tell him everything. Didn’t she owe it to him? After all, he could be in danger by protecting her. Plus, he saved her life.

  She stood, and her muscles protested. Her neck was tight and uncomfortable and pain burned in her stomach. She wondered if she’d be able to move in the morning, but perhaps a hot bath would help.

  “I need to clean up, Nick.”

  He nodded and took a hesitant step for the door before turning back. “You’ll be okay on your own?”

  “I’m sore, but I really think I’m fine.”

  “Your face is still bleeding.”

  Reaching up, she touched tenderly around the area where Stephen split open her cheek. “He has one heck of a backhand.”

  Nick closed his eyes and breathed in loudly through his nose, blowing the air out forcefully. “I should have followed you home. This is my fault.”

  “No. This has nothing to do with you.” She owed him the truth. “I want to tell you what I’ve gotten you into, but I can’t do it covered in blood. Let me clean up and then we’ll talk.”

  A look that might have been surprise flitted across Nick’s face. “Take your shower and then soak for a bit. I’ll find supplies to take care of your cheek and something for you to sleep in.” He walked from the room and shut the door.

  Carlie hoped he still wanted to help her once he found out who she ran from.


  Nick waited to hear the shower turn on so Carlie wouldn’t hear when he called Paul. “Your boy did a number on her,” he said quietly. “I need medical supplies at my place. Pain pills, ice packs, bandages. He split her cheek open. I’m not sure about other damage. She refused to go to the hospital, so you lucked out there.” He paused to reign in his anger. “Less paperwork.”

  The phone line muffled, and Paul barked orders to somebody. “Your supplies are on the way. I had to bring my doctor in here. One of you broke his nose.”

  “That would be her.” Nick chuckled, happy Carlie managed to hurt him. “I nearly snapped his damn neck, but refrained.”

  “Do you need the doctor there?”

  “No. She says she’s fine, and another person might spoil things. I don’t like what you did, but it worked. She’s cleaning up and then wants to tell me why someone’s after her.” Nick walked to the dresser and rummaged in the drawer, looking for something Carlie could wear. He pulled out one of his t-shirts. “The bad news is she knows the government is on to her. The good news is she doesn’t know I’m with you.”

  “So, you believe me now that she’s involved in this.”

  He didn’t want to, but she pretty much admitted it. “I’ll know for sure soon enough. Maybe I can get her to show me the bracelet, if she has one.”

  “We need that bracelet, Nick. It’s dangerous. Just don’t do anything to warn her away. She might get suspicious if you ask about it.”

  “As long as I’ve worked for you, have you ever known me to botch a job?” Nick needed to make sure Paul remembered how important he was to S.A.T.O. He was a good agent, even if he didn’t always agree with the boss.

  “I’m flying out in the morning, but I’ll expect a report on everything as soon as you have time alone.”

  Nick smiled, knowing he won the real battle. Paul was trusting his judgment again. “Sure thing, boss.”

  “Your supplies will be there soon.” Paul disconnected without saying goodb

  The water in the shower turned off and Nick crossed to the bathroom with the shirt in his hand. “Are you doing okay?” he asked through the door.

  “I’m fine.” He heard splashing and figured she must have climbed into the tub.

  “I’m going to reach my hand in and set a shirt on the counter for you, okay?” There was silence from the other side of the door. “I promise not to look.”

  “It—it’s fine. you.”

  He opened the door and blindly shoved the shirt onto the countertop, not even looking into the mirror in case she happened to catch him at it. “I have supplies on the way. How’s your cheek?”

  “It won’t stop bleeding.”

  “Probably the hot water.” Nick heard a knock on the front door. Paul was speedy when he put his mind to it. “Sounds like the supplies are here.”

  “Okay. Give me a few minutes.”

  “Take your time.” He pulled the door shut and made his way through the sitting room to the front door.

  Checking the peephole, he found the hallway empty. He pulled open the door and found a large basket sitting on the floor. He picked it up and stepped into the room, securing all the locks before taking the supplies to the coffee table. He went through the contents, noting alcohol swabs, ointment, several icepacks activated by breaking the seal inside, bandages of all shapes and sizes, a bottle of Advil, and surprisingly, a bottle of narcotic pain pills with instructions to take one to two pills every six hours. The last must have been from Paul’s pet doctor, but Nick didn’t know how he’d explain them to Carlie.

  He turned on the TV and waited for her to finish bathing, not paying attention to the infomercial on the screen. His mind turned with questions, not the least of which was whether Stephen actually worked for S.A.T.O. or if he was hired for this one-time job. Nick still wanted to kick his ass. What kind of man agreed to beat up a woman? Especially one he dated and knew personally.

  Better question: what kind of agency hired people like that?

  The floor creaked and Nick looked up, shutting off the television. Carlie stood in the doorway of the bedroom. His shirt was too big for her, sliding off her right shoulder, and the bottom hem fell to her mid-thigh. Bruises covered her face, neck, and arms, and blood trickled from the abrasion across her cheekbone.

  His fingers curled into fists. “Damn it. That bastard.”

  “I don’t look good, huh? I thought I was kinda cute in your shirt.”

  “You are cute, except for the black and blue parts.” He knew he shouldn’t feel bad for her, but he couldn’t help it.

  She made her way across the room, wincing with every step, then perched on the couch next to him. “I think, other than my cheek and head, I’m not bleeding anywhere. Just bruises.”

  “I could have snapped his neck.” He looked at the ground, not wanting to see her injuries. “I should have.”

  “And then you’d be in trouble because of my problems.” She took his hand in hers. “I’ve pulled you in the middle of something you may not want to be involved with.”

  Maybe that was why she sounded so hesitant before. She was afraid to trust him with information about her terrorist activities because she wanted to protect him. That could work in his favor.

  Still staring at him, she raised her eyebrow. “I need to know something. Why did you come looking for me tonight?”

  He should have seen that coming. “Explanations can wait. Let’s get you feeling better. Are you allergic to any type of medicine?”

  She shook her head, and Nick handed her bottled water and one of the narcotic pills. She swallowed it down, but stared at the basket. “Where did all this come from?”

  Nick shrugged. “The front desk. They offer excellent service here.”


  Thankfully, she seemed to buy that. Good thing, because Nick didn’t have a better story to offer. He was glad she didn’t ask what the pill was.

  He pulled an alcohol wipe from the basket and tore open its package. “This might hurt.” He gently swabbed the area. Carlie hissed and he moved the swab away, blowing on the cut. “You okay?”

  She nodded and put the cap on her water. “Hurry and finish. I can handle it.”

  “Hopefully the medicine will kick in soon and you won’t have much pain.” He made quick work of applying ointment and a bandage. “You said your head was bleeding?”

  “He ripped out some hair.” She turned her back on him, parting her hair to reveal a blood-tinged bald spot about the size of a quarter.

  Nick grabbed another wipe and disinfected the area, blowing on it again to take away the sting. “I can’t bandage it, but it isn’t bleeding anymore.”

  “It hurts,” she admitted, “but I guess that’s good in a way. I thought I would die tonight.”

  “Shouldn’t we call the police and report this?” It was rather belated for him to suggest that. He guessed she didn’t want them involved since she refused the ambulance, but he should have offered to report it.

  “I can’t go to the police. You don’t understand.” She sighed and settled deeper into the couch. “Tell me why you were there. Before I explain things, I need to know how you knew to find me.”

  There was a glimmer of suspicion in her eyes, so Carlie wasn’t as gullible as she’d claimed. It worked out in Nick’s favor, though. Most of the truth would serve him well, and he’d be her savior and someone to trust.

  “I texted you about dinner and waited for you to tell me what time to come over.” He put his arm behind her on the couch, softly stroking her shoulder. “Scared the hell out of me when you took so long, but I knew you didn’t like me getting all jealous and territorial, so I waited a while.”

  “When I tried to check your message, Stephen threw my phone in the yard.” Her shoulders relaxed slightly, so he must have given an answer that reassured her.

  “I texted you again and you still didn’t answer.” He reached his other arm across his body to clasp her hand in his. “Don’t think I’m crazy, but somehow I knew something was wrong.”

  She licked her lips in a nervous gesture. “You had a feeling about me?”

  “I felt your danger or something. I rushed to your house, but your car was gone, so I decided to call you.”

  “And found my phone?”

  “Yeah. If only I had come looking for you earlier, we might have avoided...”

  “I’m glad you came at all after the way I freaked out about Muhammad.” She placed her head on his shoulder. “You probably didn’t count on all this trouble when you asked me to dinner.”

  He kissed her forehead lightly and rested his cheek on top of her head. “You’re worth any amount of trouble.”

  She was quiet for a few seconds and Nick wondered how to prod her into telling him what was going on.

  “Do you believe in fate?” she finally asked.

  “As in, ‘everything happens for a reason’ or ‘we have no control over our destiny?’”

  He felt her shrug. “More like, there’s a perfect person out there for everyone, a soul mate.”

  “Yes. I believe that. I didn’t know I was waiting for anyone, but I told you earlier, you fit. There’s a connection between us.” And it dismayed Nick to realize he wasn’t lying about that. He liked Carlie. Liked her dancing in his arms, liked her sitting in his car, and even more, liked the way she felt wrapped in his embrace now.

  She’s a target. Keep your mind on business.

  “Wow. I don’t really know how to respond to that.” She clicked her tongue against the roof of her mouth a few times. “Alright, if that’s truly how you feel, I’ll tell you what really happened tonight, why Stephen attacked me. There’s just one catch.”

  “What’s that?”

  “You have to promise not to feel obligated to help me. This is a big decision, and I won’t blame you if you decide it’s too much to handle.”

  He felt miserable being dishonest with her, and he’d never felt that way with a target. However,
she was a criminal, and he had to keep up the charade to protect the greater good.

  “No matter what you say, I promise to make my own decision.” He kissed her head again. “If I decide I’ve found the person meant for me, nothing in her past will change how I feel.”

  “That’s a sweet sentiment.” Shifting slightly, she put her free hand over his heart. “I used to believe in love at first sight, too. I even thought I found the person meant for me.” She paused and let out a deep breath. “It ruined my life.”

  Chapter Nine

  Carlie let her words hang in the air for a few breaths, waiting for Nick to pull away. Instead, his fingers slid down her arm and he kissed her forehead again. It was nice. She felt safe and cherished. Although things would likely change once he learned assassins were after her, she let herself enjoy his company.

  “I was young and stupid,” she finally continued. “Ryan seemed so exciting. I hadn’t had many boyfriends, and he invited me to a party.” Even nine years later, she still felt silly for being so naïve. A sophomore in college, and she’d never attended a party. “I was working on my business management degree, and he was in my accounting class. We talked a lot, met up some evenings to study together. I thought I found the perfect guy.”

  “But you hadn’t?”

  She shrugged, provoking a flare of pain throughout her body. “Ouch. Dang. My body is not happy.”

  Nick leaned forward to dig through the basket of medical supplies. He pulled out two plastic bags, squeezed each of them in the center, and shook them vigorously. “I forgot I had ice packs. Lie against the arm of the couch.”

  Carlie did as requested, tucking Nick’s t-shirt around her legs to keep from flashing her underwear. He adjusted a throw pillow behind her head, helping her into a less painful position, and then draped an icepack across her neck. “What else hurts the most?”

  “My stomach. He kneed me there a few times.”

  He laid the icepack on her stomach and gently lifted her lower legs, sitting down and pulling her calves across his lap.

  “Is this okay?” he asked belatedly, lifting his hands off her skin. “I’m not trying to get handsy or make you uncomfortable. Especially not after what you went through tonight.”


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