Killer Romances

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“I have a plan to save us,” he said. “Paul will bring you to me in a few minutes. Make sure they bring Shelley, too.”

  “I already said they had to. They’ll kill her if I leave her behind.”

  “Good job.” Nick knew Paul would snatch the phone away any second, and there was one thing he wanted to make sure Carlie knew, just in case things didn’t work out. “I lied to you a lot these past months, Carlie, but I never lied about loving you.”

  “Good to know. I love you, too, Nick.”

  “Awe,” Paul’s voice came back on the line. “How touching...and disgusting. I’ve called off my men and they should be leaving right now.”

  Nick saw distant forms walking away in the desert. He could only hope they actually left.

  “We’ll be there within the hour,” Paul said.

  An hour to get Muscle Man firmly on his side. While talking to him, Nick somehow had to work in clues so the FBI agents listening in could piece together his new plan to get Paul into a populated area. And then Nick hoped they agreed with that plan.

  So many things could go wrong.

  Chapter Forty-Eight

  Nick stood in front of the truck, watching the blue van approach from a different direction than Muscle Man drove them. He wasn’t sure which choice his captor would make if it came down to a gunfight. He’d tried to get him thinking, but the other agent was hard to read. If he wasn’t mistakenly working for the wrong side, he could actually do a lot of good for the United States. He seemed like a good guy.

  “Looks like we’re about to find out how honorable Paul will be,” Nick said, not looking at his companion. The man at least hadn’t taken Nick’s gun away, so that was encouraging. He must have some questions as to the validity of his assignment. Either that or he knew he couldn’t best Nick in a fight.

  The van came to a halt thirty yards away. The sun had set while they waited, and the headlights from the vehicle blocked Nick’s vision. Silhouetted forms piled out, two of them holding guns against two others and a single person standing alone.

  “Cut the lights,” Nick yelled.

  Paul’s voice boomed across the empty field. “This isn’t the Nick Kendall show. You want Carlie back alive more than I want the bracelet.”

  “But he wants the bracelet.” Nick shifted his gun to the single silhouette separated from the others. “I bet your client doesn’t want to die, either.”

  Paul laughed. “Are you sure you aren’t pointing your gun at the beloved princess?”

  That made Nick pause. If they taped Carlie’s mouth shut and put bulky clothes on her, it would be impossible to tell which body was which through the headlights, especially with her short hairstyle. He couldn’t blindly shoot.

  Sorry to alienate Muscle Man, Nick did a quick chop to the man’s hand and his pistol dropped into the sand. Nick twisted him in a headlock and pressed the barrel of his gun into his forehead. “Don’t move.”

  He grunted, but made no further action, knowing he was beat.

  “Set Carlie and Shelley free,” Nick ordered, “or I’ll kill your agent.”

  “So kill him,” Paul said, sounding bored. “He’s expendable. Saves me a paycheck.”

  Well, that should let the agent know where he stood. Disgusted, Nick released him. “Pick up your weapon. If that doesn’t tell you what kind of man the boss is, nothing I say will ever convince you.”

  The man looked up at him. “I can have my weapon?”

  He nodded. “Either climb in your truck and drive away, or help me save the truly innocent people here. It’s your choice, but I have no fight with you.”

  Bending to pick up the gun, he then leaned against the truck. “I hope you have a plan, because I don’t feel like dying tonight.”

  “I’ll try to keep that from happening.” Nick looked at the headlights, wishing he could tell which person was Carlie. “My girlfriend’s not completely helpless, and neither is Shelley Daniels. We outnumber them now, if we can just figure out a way to see them.”


  Carlie breathed a sigh of relief as the man with Nick picked up his gun and pointed it at their party. If Nick didn’t trust him, he would have never given his gun back. They must have another person on their side.

  She glanced to where Shelley stood alone, her hair pulled slick against her head and a thick coat making her appear bulkier. Carlie was glad she could at least stand. Although she wouldn’t be much help in a fight, she might get out of this alive. Shelley gripped her chest with one hand, and Carlie hoped they could get her to a hospital soon.

  Paul tightened his hold on Carlie’s arm and whispered, “Isn’t that interesting? Looks like Hal changed sides. What is it about you that makes agents leave me and choose to protect you?”

  If her mouth wasn’t taped shut, Carlie could tell him that good always triumphed over evil, all he had to do was read a fairytale. It was only a matter of time before the agents believing they worked for the government found out the truth and turned on him.

  Next to them, Stephen held onto Ryan, his gun against the man’s head as a decoy to fool Nick. Although she could see Nick clearly, it must be impossible for him to know what was going on.

  Carlie wished she had a way to turn the lights out. It would give Nick a better chance at whatever he planned to do. The only problem was, Paul warned if she tried anything he’d shoot Shelley, this time in the head. What she needed was a distraction.

  “I guess we’re at a stalemate,” Nick called. “What now?”

  Paul kept Carlie firmly secured from behind in a bear hug, squeezing her a bit tighter as his gun pressed into her side. “There is no stalemate. I have the upper hand, as always. Put your gun down and walk slowly forward. You too, Hal.”

  Carlie watched as Nick turned to Hal, though the pair talked too low for her to catch their words. She needed to do something. Looking across at Shelley, the woman swayed on her feet. As she looked at her, Shelley moaned loudly through the tape on her mouth and fell to the ground.

  “What the hell?” Stephen yelled.

  Paul’s grip loosened slightly as he turned his gun Shelley’s direction, and Carlie sprang into action. Letting her body go through the motions like Nick taught her without thinking about it, she brought her foot up hard and slammed her heel into Paul’s knee. At the same time, she popped her head forward and brought it back quickly against his face.

  Paul yelled and released his hold. Carlie reached behind her head and jabbed her thumb in his eyes with as much force as she could.

  His gun thudded to the ground. “You stupid bitch. Shoot her, Stephen!”

  Carlie looked behind her. Paul clapped both hands across his eyes. She swooped down and grabbed his gun, pointing it at Stephen and Ryan.

  “Don’t get crazy,” Stephen said, releasing Ryan and backing against the van. “Ryan did this to you. Not me. Everything’s his fault.”

  Carlie gripped the gun in both hands, spreading her feet slightly like Nick had taught her. She stared Stephen’s direction, hoping she looked threatening enough.

  The bright headlights now partially obscured him, but she saw Stephen turned toward Paul. “It’s time to go, boss. This client is on his own.”

  “What?” Ryan whipped around. “I’m in charge here. I paid you to kill her. Do it.”

  “And let Nick kill me? No way. He’s much scarier than you.” Stephen took a slow step in Paul’s direction. “Don’t shoot, Carlie. If you let Paul and me go, you can do whatever you want to Ryan.”

  “Get in the van,” Paul growled.

  “No, Carlie!” Nick yelled. “They’re traitors to the United States. Don’t let them leave.”

  She turned at his words and watched him run across the field, Hal close on his heels.

  “Everyone, freeze!” yelled a female voice from behind Carlie. “FBI.”

  Suddenly, voices shouted ‘freeze’ all around the space and gunshots erupted the night air.

  “No!” Nick’s agonized cry cut right through her. “Carlie
! Get down.”

  A stinging pain pierced her leg. Carlie flopped to her stomach, knocking the wind from her. Next to her, Ryan fell, too.

  Gunfire continued over her head, and Carlie sent up a silent prayer that no stray bullet hit her or the people she loved.

  The headlights of the van shifted orientation and the sound of tires spinning in the soft sand penetrated the fog of fear around her. The van was on the move, and she was in front of it.

  Light illuminated the ground around her, and Carlie rolled to the side. The tires bore down faster than she could move. She gave one last lurch and slid into a ravine she hadn’t seen in the darkness, rolling quickly down a hill as the wheels zoomed by.

  There was a wet crunch above her, and pain-filled shrieks replaced the sounds of gunfire as the van sped off onto the desert road. The cries continued for a few seconds—though seemed to last an eternity—and then silence descended on the area.

  Nick had been running for her. He was in the path of the van. What if those were his screams?

  She struggled to get up, pain flaring in her leg. Desperate to find him, Carlie ignored the discomfort and clawed her way up the sandy slope. She ripped the tape from her mouth, heart in her throat as her head crested the top of the hill. “Nick? Nick? Please say you’re okay!”


  At the sound of her sweet voice, Nick’s knees buckled with relief. In the moonlight, he saw her head pop over the ridge to the side of the field, and he took off running.

  “I’m okay.”

  He reached her as she regained her feet, and swept her into his arms, twirling her into a circle and crashing his lips into hers.

  Tears streamed down her face and she wrapped her arms around his neck, kissing him while trying to speak. “I thought they hit you. I thought I lost you.”

  “No.” He kissed her again. “No. We’re okay. We’re okay.”

  Suddenly, Carlie released him and looked up, her eyes wide. “Shelley. Was it her?”

  “I don’t know.” He took his hand in hers and they walked toward the unmoving form on the ground.

  “Nick?” Jenessa’s voice came from their right-hand side, opposite Muscle Man’s truck. “I have a man down. Is Carlie okay?”

  Nick waved his hand above his head. “Yeah, she’s fine.”

  A few more steps and they could clearly see the body. Though the head was a mass of blood, moonlight glinted off the dark hair.

  Carlie turned, dry heaving into the sand.

  Nick knelt down, feeling for a pulse. “I take it this was Prince Rayhan?”

  She stood up, wiping her mouth with a trembling hand. “Yes. He’s dead?”

  Nick nodded.

  She swallowed hard and then shook her head. “That’s good for his people. They’ll get the better prince.”

  Although Nick was uncertain what she meant, he didn’t have time to ask as she walked around the prince’s body. Nick saw what caught her attention, another form lay on the ground. He did a quick head count, knowing Jenessa had one agent down next to her. The person on the ground had to be Shelley.

  Carlie began running in front of him, limping on her right leg. That didn’t slow her down much. She dropped to her knees when she reached Shelley.

  By the time Nick caught up, Carlie nearly had the tape pried off Shelley’s mouth.

  The other woman breathed deeply and then sighed. Her eyes fluttered open and she smiled at Carlie. “Damn, girl. No wonder I never had any girlfriends before you. I’m not sure I like your idea of a party.”

  Carlie laughed. “How’s your pain?”

  “My chest feels like it would be happier if I’d died tonight, but I’m still alive and I assume the bad guys are taken care of?”

  “Well...” Carlie shook her head. “Paul and Stephen got away. Ryan’s dead.”

  “At least we got one of the bastards,” she said. “That’s a start.”

  “The FBI has a lead now,” Nick said, trying to look on the bright side.

  “Yeah,” Carlie agreed. “They’ll probably need your help, Shelley. You know more about that compound and the people working there than anyone. First, we need to get you to a hospital.”

  “Sounds like a plan,” Shelley agreed. “I could use some really excellent pain killers.”

  “I have ambulances on the way,” Jenessa yelled. “Everyone just stay put.”

  “Hear that?” Carlie stroked Shelley’s head. “You’ll be okay.”

  “Good.” Shelley sighed and closed her eyes. “I want to be the maid of honor at your wedding.”

  Carlie stood up. Her hand found Nick’s and she twined her fingers with his.

  Nick squeezed her hand tightly as terrible guilt overcame him. “I’m sorry I lied. I’m so sorry for—”

  “Don’t.” She glanced up. “I know why you didn’t tell me you were an agent.”

  “It would have saved a lot of trouble if you knew the truth.” Nick didn’t know if he’d ever forgive himself.

  “No, it wouldn’t have.” She leaned in to him, circling her free arm around his waist. “Neither of us knew Ryan was alive or that he was after the bracelet. They wouldn’t have stopped coming after me. Eventually they would have killed me if you hadn’t figured things out. Plus, you saved me, so many times. Even tonight. Without your training, I would have never gotten away from Paul. Don’t apologize for that.”

  “It doesn’t stop me from feeling guilty.”

  “Fine. Feel guilty.” She smiled up at him. “As soon as we’re healed up, I can be the one to take control again, and you can make it up to me.”

  Laughing and feeling much better, he wrapped her in his arms. “Does this mean you’ll do another strip tease?”

  “Oh no, honey. It means you’ll have to do one for me.”

  Kissing her softly, he pressed his forehead against hers. “My lady, that’s the best offer I’ve had since I left Canada.”

  Carlie pulled him in for another kiss as sirens sounded in the distance and emergency lights flashed across the horizon. “All strippers require a lacy thong, though,” she murmured. “I’ll have to order one in your size.”

  Chapter Forty-Nine

  A week later, Carlie sat in the Blue Room of the White House, awaiting President Sharp. Nick sat next to her, and Shelley and Agent Jenessa Jones took up the chairs across from them. Nick held her hand and gave her an encouraging smile, but it was hard not to feel overwhelmed by the opulence of the room. Not to mention the fact that they were about to meet the President of the United States.

  Gold and blue curtains flanked the full-length windows, complimenting the blue and gold rug in the center of the circular room. Pictures of past Presidents hung at intervals on the white and cream walls, and a beautiful chandelier with false candles commanded her attention, hanging in the center of the room.

  Carlie closed her eyes and took some calming breaths. She never expected to tour the White House, let alone pay a visit in the evening at President Sharp’s request.

  “Excuse me?”

  They all turned their heads to the doorway where an intern stood, cell phone in hand.

  “Is one of you...?” The man looked at the phone, shaking his head, and then looked back up. “Is someone here Princess Stephanie?”

  “Who’s asking?” Nick said, before Carlie could answer.

  The man seemed to shrink in on himself at Nick’s glare. “She has a phone call.”

  “Don’t scare the poor guy.” Carlie stood from her chair. She smiled at the intern, though anxiety fluttered beneath her breastbone. “The call’s for me.”

  He scuttled forward and thrust the phone at her. “I’ll wait in the hallway. Take your time.”

  Carlie sighed, wondering how many people Nick would intimidate for speaking to her today. She wouldn’t be surprised if he stared down the President himself. While in the hospital to take care of the bullet wound that grazed her leg, Nick had made it known to all the staff if she didn’t get top priority, there’d be hell to pay.

  It was nice, actually, knowing he cared so much. Now that their secrets were all out in the open, Carlie looked forward to their future.

  She just didn’t look forward to this phone call.

  Clearing her throat, she put the phone to her ear. “This is Stephanie.”

  “Sister-in-law, I cannot tell you how happy I was to learn you survived the car accident six years ago.”

  The heavily accented English brought a smile to her face.

  “Prince Ehud? I never imagined I’d talk to you again.” She paused, uncertain what emotion to express. Though she didn’t feel grief at Ryan’s death, condolences were in order. “Sorry about your brother.”

  “Rayhan made his choices and paid for them,” Ehud said. “I will be confirmed as heir in three weeks, and you will no longer be princess. Are you okay with that?”

  Relief flooded through her. “I never wanted to be a princess in the first place. I’m happy for the people of Maharla. When your uncle passes, they’ll be blessed to have you as king.”

  “I am glad you feel that way, sister, because I have a favor to ask.”

  That figured. She wondered if she’d ever be rid of the royals of Maharla. At least they weren’t trying to kill her anymore. “What do you need?”

  “I want you to come to the ceremony. The people look for happiness after the death of Rayhan. The ones terrorized by him also want to thank their savior and the lady who will always be their princess.”

  Carlie shook her head. “I’m supposed to be dead. How will that work?”

  “I have said there was a mistake and another woman is buried in your grave. They want to see you. My mother told me what she and Rayhan did to you. This is my way to make it right.”

  “You’re a good man, Prince Ehud.”

  “Also,” he continued, “you could visit the grave of Princess Gabriela.”

  Tears gathered in the corners of her eyes. “I’ve wanted that for a long time.”

  “Then it is settled. I will make travel arrangements for you and one guest. Thank you, my sister. This country owes you a lot.”

  She was a little afraid to ask, but she had to know. “Ryan mentioned people he had trapped, planning to torture them if I didn’t cooperate. Have they been found and released?”


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