Nightmare in Steam (Alliance of Silver and Steam Book 1)

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Nightmare in Steam (Alliance of Silver and Steam Book 1) Page 9

by Lexi Ostrow

  She nodded, knowing full well that Felicia couldn’t see her, and pressed the button that would tap the crystal and scatter the magnetic pulse that was allowing her to speak to Felicia.

  Her mouth was bitter from being sick and she forced herself to take a few deep breaths and leaned back into the seat. What had seen done? It wasn’t like when the hunters seduced demons for information or to corral them into an easy to kill location. She’d done this because of the buzz that hummed in her blood and the pulsing between her legs when he’d touched her, even the smallest of touches.

  She pulled the timepiece from her pocket. “One hour left.” She didn’t know where she was going to go, but thanks to the small pane of glass near the top of the door she could see Lucius wasn’t merely outside waiting for her. She was his mate; she had no idea what it entailed. She’d never had the nerve to ask Felicia, but she knew one thing. If Lucius opened that door and slanted his mouth over hers, she would never be able to get away.

  She pushed off the floor and felt momentarily guilty again about being sick all over the car, but knew she didn’t have time to find one of the attendants and tell. Lucius - God it really was him-could come back any moment. She was hoping he left because guilt had eaten away at him. But she suspected it was because he heard her communicator and knew what it was. Looking through the glass panel she confirmed again that he wasn’t there and hastily grabbed her bags. She cursed as clothing fell out of the one she’d grabbed the communicator out of and she bent to shove the clothes in as quickly as she could.

  Throwing open the door to the train car’s hall she forced herself to breathe. She couldn’t go running through the train. It would cause a commotion. Lucius had the only ticket that was needed when one had a personal car and if she got caught running they were likely to assume she was a stowaway and toss her out of the moving train or take her for a trial. She could just picture her mother’s face if that happened. She couldn’t tell anyone aboard either. It wouldn’t matter she mentioned that she’d had a man force himself on her. Without a ticket, she was a criminal.

  And if Lucius wasn’t a killer there would be blood on her hands and that wasn’t something she could handle. She wasn’t a hunter no matter how badly she wanted a taste of their lives. Death did not fascinate or excite her.

  She took a step out of the private room. One foot in front of the other and looked down both ends of the hall. Lucius wasn’t standing anywhere. He may have found a facilities car, or perhaps he’d gone for a smoke. Her last bed partner always lit a cigar after they finished, he might do the same. Slowly, she walked down the hall toward the steam engine car. It would be smarter to go upfront, there was always a Constable on board and if Lucius came after her, perhaps the combined efforts of her crystal gun and the Constable’s gun would enough to take him down.

  Her feet stopped moving at the thought. Could she take him down? She was certainly not able to be with him, but if she was his mate, the one person he was meant to share his life with, could she be the one to pull the trigger? “Stop it. You have no idea if he’ll even come looking for you. Although why wouldn’t he? Man makes your whole body quiver with release and you run out. No shot he’ll think you just feel improper, Eliza.” She sighed and kept walking. The train was quite stable for being such a new mode of transit; far less rocky than the cycle bikes they rode in secret.

  Eliza passed through two cars before finding her saving grace in the third, a baggage compartment room. Once again she looked, this time for train attendants, before opening the door, going inside and closing herself off from Lucius.

  Chapter 9

  The scream was like an aphrodisiac. His whole body thrummed with excitement as another pierced the air. He was standing, rather casually along a brick wall in the dream of an Alliance member. Lucielle to be exact. A hunter who was honestly far too old to be running the streets of the London Underground. Her deepest fear had been simmering right at the surface, being outrun by any of the demonkind they fought. Lucius hadn’t even had to try to create a truly horrifying nightmare. Lucielle was damaged goods. She’d been attacked by a Kappa Demon in her early years with the Alliance.

  So he’d manifested a good ten or twenty of the vicious little buggers and had stepped back out of the way to watch. Her screams echoed off the brick walls and he couldn’t wipe the smile from his face if he tried. A part of him had been reluctant to seek out an Alliance member. Killing a potential friend of Eliza’s wasn’t going to help them along. But he couldn’t control how the way a victim responded to a nightmare made him feel. It was who he was after all and it was quite apparent Eliza wasn’t going to see him. He’d tracked her down fairly easily, mated mark and all that. But she clearly knew who he was, what he was, because she hadn’t slept during the night. Maybe she hadn’t slept at all, he couldn’t tell. But it had been two days and he’d been rocking an erection everywhere he went to the point of pain because all his body wanted was her. It seemed Greyston had been right about what touching your mate caused.

  A thumping sound shook him from his thoughts. Darling Lucielle was down on the ground, down and out. He couldn’t see her too well, but every once in a while he got a good glimpse of a Kappa Demon latching onto her. Typically they only bit to turn a human, but for this dream, they bit to kill. Over and over again. Her body twitched and convulsed, red rivulets of blood ran down her arms and over her face. He watched the rise and fall of her chest as best as he could until it stopped. A moment later her soul was departing her body. Souls were pathetic really. Walk up and grab them and poof they were gone. His hand grasped her soul and as with every kill, it melded itself in a way to his own body. Seraphina stripping them hurt like hell and the only nice thing about the bitch was that it was only once a month that she wanted her proof. She could always tell when he got humans anyway. Hell was Hell. The Underworld. The afterlife. Didn’t matter who you were or what you believed, you went to Hell. Some people just got nice cozy rooms, while other people were left to roast in hellfire for all eternity. Either way, she knew.

  He felt a nasty pain in his stomach and he gagged. Another pain, same place as before and he gasped, jerking out his trance. Arial and Dean had found him a few hours earlier. Kicked the living shit out of him, but not enough to leave him unable to do Seraphina’s bidding.

  His eyes flew open in time to watch as Dean’s huge hand landed across his face, snapping his neck and making stars dance in his vision. “It’s done, you mother fucker. Stop fucking hitting me. I bloody well did what the bitch wanted.” His words were strained, but he’d still made a mistake. Never call Seraphina a bitch to her lap dogs.

  Arial’s hands were around his neck so fast he wouldn’t have even know it, save for the warm trickle of blood he felt running down his neck where the demon’s claws punctured. He coughed, tried to choke out any meager attempt at drawing air into his lungs and failed. Black touched his vision and he felt as his head lolled to the side.

  “ARIAL! Stop it before you really do kill the demon.”

  Hands slipped away from his neck and he gasped, drawing in all the air his lungs could handle and still feeling like it wasn’t enough. His chest rose and fell rapidly, trying to aide in sucking in the air. His vision was blurry, and he wanted to puke, but he wasn’t in any position to get off the wet cobblestone he’d been dropped onto. He laughed. Hitting it hadn’t hurt nearly as bad as some of his attempts to get the mating mark off his cheek the entire month before.

  A boot slammed into the side of his head, knocking him off balance and sending a spittle of blood onto the ground. “Next time, don’t make us come after you. Seraphina doesn’t like expending energy sending us up here after tracking you down. She’ll be waiting for Greyston Westham’s soul within the week. Don’t forget.” Without another word the two Stranglehold brothers popped out of sight.

  Lucius pulled his upper half off the floor and stood on shaky legs. Thankfully he wasn’t as bad off since he’d just made a kill, but it didn’t mean it didn’
t fucking hurt. He spit to the left of his boot and grimaced at the deep red blood, and no white frothy spit, that landed on the stones. He wiped at his mouth with the back of his hand and was thankful he’d put on a deep russet shirt. There’d be no evidence and no copper coming up and asking him questions. “Try that again, pricks. When I’m paying attention and you won’t get away with it!” He probably sounded like a drunkard shouting into the night, but he didn’t care.

  Arial and Dean had snatched him as he’d left his lodgings. He hadn’t killed anyone in weeks, so he’d been an easy grab. Either way he may have been prey for them since they were stronger. But they had a habit of knowing when he was weak. Probably Seraphina’s doing since she put a fucking tracker on him somehow. Angel magic he supposed, but he wasn’t sure. All he knew was that the brothers had pushed him into doing what he didn’t want too and he’d loved every second of it once the fun began. Nightmares were literally in his blood and he’d been trying to be better for Eliza.

  He was trying to only murder those she might find unsavory in their sleep. Too bad he wasn’t too good at figuring out which ones they were unless he caught them. While he’d been trying to connect with her the past few months, he’d found a man forcing himself on a barmaid, and someone mugging an elderly man. Those had been a piece of cake. He’d even realized he liked hearing them scream even more. Relished the way the evildoers had felt when the tables were turned.

  But one didn’t run from a deal with Seraphina. He knew that but he couldn’t help it. He could claim all he wanted that Greyston was too strong as a mated Incubus Demon but sooner or later she was going to smell the shit through the flowers. Greyston wouldn’t be any harder than any other demon to take down, the exception being Fallen Angels. The ding-dong twins hadn’t specified who to kill and there had been a team of Alliance hunters patrolling Eliza’s house, probably trying to protect her from him. He didn’t think Seraphina would mind having another Alliance member off the street and added to her soul collection. Not that he knew what she did with them. All he knew was she stuffed them into a wall and he didn’t ask what her plans were for them. Only angels could truly play with souls and if a Fallen wanted them, then those souls were damned.

  He stretched, his muscles pulling slightly but feeling strong for the most part thanks to the soul. He felt the kick to his head though, probably would even after a good night’s sleep. Demon’s healed quicker than humans, but pain was still pain. He leaned his head to the side and heard the satisfying crack more than he felt it.

  Injuries aside it was time to seek Eliza out. He had tried knocking the first day and the butler damn near drove him off. Yelling at him about showing up without a requested audience. He hadn’t realized just how much money Eliza came from until he realized her father was closely aligned with the Duke of Halifax. The house alone would have been easy enough for Eliza to hide in. If she wasn’t his mate. But going inside hadn’t worked so he’d resorted to waiting outside until she walked out or snagging her in her dreams. While Lucielle might be missing there were still two other Alliance hunters watching over her and it made that a bit harder.

  His feet knew the way to her house as if he’d been walking it his whole life, not a mere two days. The manors sprawled before him and large green trees loomed from yards. Rod iron fences tucked most of the residences safely away from anyone walking on the street. Lawns were as green as dyed silk and some sported white porcelain fountains with naked cherubs or something equally as asinine.

  He’d been intimidated two days ago. He lived in squalor, but it was an act. He had masses saved up, even registered himself as a lord at one point in the Middle Ages. He did like his rundown home, it fit his lifestyle. Seeing where she lived, how she’d grown up, he’d been immediately nervous that even if he could undo whatever damage someone, most likely Felicia, had done, he would never be enough for her.

  His toe bumped into the brick column that marked the entrance to her home. He almost shouted with joy at the energy he felt from within. Not only were her parents sleeping, but so was she. Her energy was still and seductive. All he needed to do was pray that she wouldn’t do something stupid in her dream trying to wake herself. With him present, with his powers working even just enough to bring him into her mind, she would be able to kill herself.

  Lucius retreated across the street. A large Oak grew on the premises and he walked around the back of the massive trunk and stood. He was concerned the landowners could see him, but the windows were so far from where he stood they would most likely assume their eyes were playing tricks on them, rather than thinking they saw a man. Especially at such a late hour. He pressed his back into the bark of the tree and closed his eyes letting his power work its magic. He slipped easily into her dream.


  His name was a mix of barely controlled venom and desire. Her voice sent a pang of lust through him and he inhaled her chocolate and lavender scent before he could stop himself. He looked up, found her honey colored eyes blazing fire up at him. She looked as if she was prepared to fight him.

  “I knew you’d find me.” This time her voice lacked the fire it held, a moment prior, even if her eyes didn’t.

  “Eliza. Let me explain. Please let me explain.” She reared back as he put a hand out to brush over her face and he felt like someone slapped him. She didn’t want him to even touch her. “I don’t know what you were told, but please, listen.”

  “I got a message this morning. From Felicia. Lucielle was found dead. An Alliance member they spared to guard me while I’m on this ridiculous leave is dead. Please, explain that one.”

  Some of the heat had returned to her words, but she was fully across the room in her dream. Probably her room. It looked a lot like the room he fucked her in during the last dream. Wrong thought ole boy. His cock surged to life and she looked down and snorted in disgust.

  “Tell me you didn’t do it.”

  He wanted to lie to her because he knew it would be the only way to save them. But he couldn’t. “I killed her.”

  She recoiled again and shut her eyes. When she opened them they were filled with tears ready to fall over her lashes and stream down her cheeks.

  Her voice was barely above a whisper, but she didn’t break her gaze on his. “I wanted her to be wrong. I wanted them both to be wrong.” She turned, ready to walk out the door of her dream room. Her hand pushed on the imposing wooden door and she walked out. Only to walk right back in. The startled look on her face would have made him laugh in any other scenario.

  “You can’t control this, love. Just like that one night, I’m the one in charge in here. The only way out is to wake up and fortunately for me, you don’t have that kind of control over yourself. You could if you practiced, but you don’t.”

  She lunged at him. A fury of skirt and blonde tresses. Her nails raked across his chest, but he felt nothing through the thickness of his shirt. He did his best to wrap his hands around her shoulders and hold her steadily away from him.

  “Eliza, please just hear me out.”

  “I don’t want to hear anything you have to say. Fuck you being a demon, Felicia and Greyston are happy. But you lied to me! You lied to me and then you seduced me and all but took me in the train car!” Her voice was high pitched and her cheeks burned pink with anger. The flush was turning him on almost as much as the way her body had smashed against his during her assault. His fingers dug into her shoulders a little deeper, to hold her still.

  “I. Did. Not. Lie. My name is Willan. You never asked for more details than that and you did nothing to stop me on that train. You didn’t even pull away. In fact you melted against me so perfectly I wonder what would happen if I touched you again, now.” He pulled her into his body, let her feel the thick erection barely restrained in his pants. He watched as he eye lids drooped a little and her mouth parted to form an “o”. He ran the back of his palm down her cheek and her sigh as she pressed her face into his hand was the only thing he needed to know.

/>   He lowered his head in one smooth motion and captured her mouth in his. For a split second her body tensed and then relaxed against his and her mouth opened for him. His tongue laved hers slowly and he released her shoulders and let his hands travel slowly up and down her back. She moaned into the kiss and pressed herself into his erection before pulling back. He looked down at her, at the picture of wanton desire she was before him. Her hair was still perfectly straight over her shoulders but her eyes smoldered with hunger and her lips were rosy and plump.

  “I hate you.” Her words held no conviction and she pulled his arms, tugging his mouth back to hers. His body was on fire, his shaft throbbed to be inside of her but he knew it wasn’t the time. He knew what he wanted, that she was certainly not as put off as the airs she put on. She cried out when his lips left hers and he felt his own grow cold without her touching them.

  “That speaks quite the opposite, love.” His voice was deep and husky. He was dying to grind against her. She didn’t say anything, just took a small step back from him and pouted her lips. “Let me explain. I’ve had chances to kill you, both in your dreams and on the train and I didn’t. I wouldn’t.”

  She was quiet and looked everywhere except into this eyes. The time dragged out and he worried if she would ever answer or simply leave them standing there, locked in silence. “Tomorrow morning.”

  He flinched. Morning would leave him weak and if the Stranglehold twins came looking for him she would be in danger. “I’m weaker in the daytime.” Honesty was the only thing he could use in a situation like this.

  “I know. It wasn’t hard to figure out. Of course a creature of dreams would thrive when most of the world dreamt. I want to believe you, Lucius. But you just admitted to killing someone I knew, someone who does good. I need to know you’ll trust me when you’re at your weakest.”


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