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ReturntoRansom Page 6

by Regina Carlysle

  “Umm. I don’t know. I just don’t know anything.”

  Yeah, that intelligent brain of hers was scrambled now, but at least she had figured out that he liked to be in charge in the bedroom. If the way her body creamed was any indication, she didn’t mind that at all. Promising himself he would revisit this conversation later, Ransom pressed a kiss to her pussy, knowing that he wasn’t nearly as calm as he tried to portray.

  He wanted inside Lynn’s body in the worst way. His cock was ready to go off like a rocket and if he didn’t get relief soon, embarrassing himself was a distinct possibility. Facts were facts and it had been close to a year since he’d been inside a female. Ransom also knew that Lynn wasn’t just any woman. He had a chemistry with her that he’d never known before and that was a hard thing for him to admit.

  The savage urge to brand her overwhelmed him.

  Faster and harder, he shoved his fingers deep then attacked her sweet pussy with ravenous hunger. Licking and sucking her flesh, he listened to her cries, the sound making him ache to have her.

  “Now. Come for me, Lynn.” He ate her out, lapping and sucking her pussy until she shuddered, going stiff, then with a choked sound she flew apart. Ransom kept his lips and tongue on her, letting her ride it out, and at the moment she came down from the violent climax, he reached for the condom on the floor and covered himself.

  No more stalling. He had to have her.

  Coming up higher onto his knees, he reached out and lifted her limp body until he slid her home over his aching cock. If he’d ever been harder or more crazy to fuck, he couldn’t recall it. Her wet flesh covered him as she sank onto his cock and Ransom instantly latched on to a hard nipple. Lynn cried out again, clinging to him, digging her hands into his shoulders as she moved over him. Up. Down. Up again.

  Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

  His cock was in heaven, thrusting into her giving body. With a heavy groan, he clutched her ass, gripping tightly as he pushed high into her pussy. His balls were hard, aching, smacking against her with every upward thrust. Sensation whipped over his skin like the lightning that flashed outside and lust curled through his belly, winding tighter and tighter. Fucking Lynn was like coming home, like living again. It was more than he’d ever imagined sex could be.

  With a low cry, the sound moving over the nipple he held between his teeth, he came and came, pleasure crashing over him, an unforgettable wave of sensation. When she went limp against him, his arms moved around her and held on tight.

  * * * * *

  Lynn lay against him in the bed as the rain continued to fall, unable to believe where she was and what she’d done. A low, quiet hunger rolled through her body, and it wasn’t the aftermath of good sex but the urge for more. Leaning over Ransom, her thigh capturing his, her lips resting over his heart, she swept her palms over him, finally able to touch him as she wanted. Ransom’s fingers moved through her hair as he spoke into the phone.

  “Hey, Shorty. Everything going okay?” He paused to listen and Lynn heard a faint rumbling male voice. “Good. Listen, I know it’s a stormy mess outside but I need you to hitch up the horse trailer and drive out to the line shack to pick up Butch and Buttercup. Have Tim follow you in my truck. Then he can ride back with you to the ranch.” There was another pause and Ransom’s hand stilled in her hair. “Yep, everything’s okay. I’m just going to hang out here until the storm ends. When you guys get the horses picked up, you can go ahead and shut things down for the day. Yeah. Thanks, man. See you bright and early tomorrow.”

  Ransom disconnected and set the phone on an old nightstand next to the bed before turning to her. “Word of us being together out here will be all over town by morning.”

  “That soon?”

  “Maybe sooner.” Ransom wrapped his arms around her to drag her even closer as they nestled beneath the heavy quilt. “When we don’t show up to the reunion dinner at the Mesquite Branch, everybody is going to talk.”

  “Do you really care?”

  “Hell no. It’s just a small-town fact of life that people talk about every little thing. In a few days, folks will find something else to gossip about.”

  “So now what?”

  He slid a hand down her body and cupped one butt cheek. “Figure I’ll enjoy having a sexy woman in my bed. What do you think about that?”

  Lynn had seriously intended to head back to Dallas and cut this vacation short, considering her car was now trashed, but recent events had her rethinking. She might not have forever with Ransom but she had now, and only an idiot would mess that up. She definitely wasn’t an idiot.

  She smiled slowly and pressed a kiss to his chest. “That’s a good idea, cowboy, but we have one tiny problem.” Sometime in the past few hours, a more confident Lynn had been born. Surprising herself, she stretched one hand beneath the covers to find his cock. It was stiff and hard against her palm. When she fisted her hand around it and squeezed lightly, Ransom went still. “Well, not tiny by any means,” she whispered as she lifted her face to kiss the corner of his lips. “I doubt your pockets are big enough to carry a huge stash of condoms. Could present a problem.” Ransom lifted one dark brow then released her butt to reach over into a drawer in the nightstand. When he tossed an unopened box onto her belly, she laughed. “Always prepared, huh?”

  “These aren’t mine but I’m not going to be shy about using them. I figure Cooper or T left them here at some point during their wild and crazy youths.”

  She laughed and began to rip at the plastic wrap covering the box. “So we get to benefit from their youthful indiscretions?”

  “Something like that.” Ransom took the box from her hand and pulled out a long strip of the things. Once he set the condoms on the quilt within easy reach, he tossed the box onto the table.

  “Feeling optimistic?”

  Ransom rolled over her and settled his lips on her throat. “Hopeful.”

  “Now where were we? Oh yeah, I was giving you a quick hand job. We can try those condoms out later.”

  He nipped her flesh, then brushed the spot with his tongue. “No hurry. We have all night. Now grab my cock again.”

  Lynn reached for him, this time running her fingers lightly over his balls before moving higher to fist his erection. The thick, heavy stalk grew bigger and harder. “I’ve noticed you’re kind of bossy in the bedroom.”

  “Do you have a problem with that?”

  “Uh-uh. Not me. I’m not a very adventurous woman but I’m learning.” She traced her thumb over the head of his cock, collecting a silky drop she found there, and Ransom moved against the grip of her palm. Again and again she dragged her hand over him, up, down, always careful to stroke the heavy sac with each pass, but she wanted more. What she’d told Ransom was true. She wasn’t a sexually adventurous woman. Her sexual encounters had been far too few but maybe that was all changing. If someone had told her a week ago that she’d be naked and sprawled out in a chair for Ransom Dobbs’ pleasure, she would have laughed.

  She wasn’t laughing now.

  He’d turned her inside out with just a look, but now it was her turn to play and she wasn’t going to let this moment pass. Settling her hand on his shoulder, she gave him a little push until he lay on his back. There was no way she was going to let him call all the shots this time around so she crawled on top of him and pressed her lips to his chin. “Let me play with you.”

  “Fuck yes.”

  Lynn called on every bit of sexual experience she’d been lucky to glean and then embellished on it as she brushed her lips over his chest, then look the tasting lower. His rib cage was big like the rest of him and, needing to learn him, she traced each rib with first her fingers and then her tongue. Beneath her belly, his cock prodded insistently so she headed in that direction. Kneeling between his spread thighs, she looked up at him through the curtain of her hair. Pushing the mess back with her fingers, she focused on him then licked her lips as if she could already taste him on her tongue.

  “You’re a tease, know

  She shook her head. “Not as much as you so I’m going to make you pay and pay hard.”

  The answering sound he made was pained. “You’re killin’ me, Lynn.”

  She’d never imagined sex could be so much fun. Stretching out her arms, she drew her hands down the length of his torso, then dragged them down and up his thighs, loving the rock-hard feel of him, the shape of each ridge and muscle. Ransom watched, his expression shuttered, his body fairly vibrating with anticipation. When Lynn bent low to trace his balls with her tongue, he jerked and made a raw sound before spearing his fingers into her hair.

  “Damn it. Keep going. That’s so fucking good.”

  Unwilling to prolong his agony any longer, she dragged her tongue over the heavy length, careful to tease the notch at the head. Circling repeatedly, she recognized the wicked thrill that skipped through her system before she took his cock deep into her mouth. Sliding her tongue over the stiff, thick stalk, she sucked him, drawing him deep only to back slowly away. His fingers tightened in her hair as he fucked her mouth, bucking savagely when her fingers continued to teasingly stroke his balls.

  Then Ransom went still.

  Lynn glanced up the long expanse of his torso, noting the clenching of his teeth and the muscle that worked in his jaw. He was a man on the edge, and that she’d brought him there was a miracle to her.

  Maybe it was a day for miracles.

  She would take them and live on the memory forever.

  “Whoa. Come up here. I want to be inside you when I come.” He gripped her beneath her arms and hauled her up his body until she straddled his waist. His cock prodded her ass and her breasts pressed flat against his chest. Stark gray eyes glistened in the shadows. “What the fuck are you doing to me, Lynn?”


  He rolled her onto her back so quickly she gasped. His big body pressed her into the mattress, a heavy, comforting weight that prompted her to wrap her arms and legs around him. Heels digging into his butt, she lifted her body in an effort to absorb all the strength and warmth. His cock pressed her pussy and, unable to resist as lust curled and twisted, she writhed against it, waiting for the moment when he’d fill her to capacity.

  Ransom propped himself up on an elbow then snagged the long row of condoms and managed to separate one before tearing the wrapping with his teeth. He looked down between their bodies and rolled protection into place. Fisting his hand at the base of his cock, he dragged the head repeatedly over her weeping flesh.

  A little sound escaped her lips and a longing that she’d never experienced before swept her from head to toe.

  He was more than a warm body and a super-hard dick. He was her dream.

  Ransom bent close and pressed his lips to her throat. “You’re so fucking wet. You feel so good.”

  Unable to speak, she moved against each slow drag of his cock over her pussy. Wicked need, a desperate longing for more swept her as the storm in her body gathered, picking up speed. When he stroked her exposed throat, licking a spot before moving to another, she tightened her fingers on his back, then he whispered in her ear, “I have to get inside you. Now.”

  “Yessss. Yessss.”

  Ransom drew back then plunged high and hard, filling every empty space, and instantly her slick vaginal walls clenched tight in an effort to keep him there. He went still then withdrew only to slam back inside. Inundated with pleasure, his cock hitting every nerve ending, she tensed even more when Ransom moved incrementally to brush her G-spot while rotating against her clit. Paralyzing lust held her poised on the brink until faster and faster he pumped, each stroke brushing that bundle of nerves, his thick cock jolting her with electrifying sensation that zipped from her breasts to her needy pussy. Lynn cried out, clinging to him as her pleasure soared higher and higher, hovering just out of reach. One more pass was all it took to send her tipping over that rough edge of delirium. Ransom’s head went back as he stiffened then followed her over.

  Chapter Six

  Ransom might have known he’d have to contend with a dozen or so inappropriate questions from Cooper and T after not showing up at the dinner last night. He figured his baby brothers loved the idea of giving him grief after all the years he’d treated them to the same sort of inquisitions but, to tell the truth, he wasn’t all that upset about it.

  Good sex would do that for a man.

  Feeling amenable to whatever ration of shit they wanted to dish out, he nodded at the waitress as she refilled his glass of sweet tea, then sat back to wait for it.

  Cooper pushed the plate holding the remains of his lunch toward the center of the table, his lips quirking. “We missed you at the reunion dinner last night, big bro.”

  Ransom grunted. “So?”

  T grinned into his coffee cup.

  “So where were you?” Coop continued. “Everybody is wondering.”

  “Since when do I have to report my whereabouts to every living soul in Delight?”

  “As if you would,” T chimed in. Cooper and T, though Coop was the oldest, looked enough alike they could be twins, and oddly they shared the same aptitude for sticking their noses where they didn’t belong, but he could let that slide. “You have everybody around here tiptoeing around you most of the time, grumpy ass.”

  Ransom shot him a warning glance but T was unfazed. Finally Ransom shrugged. “I don’t have to explain shit to you boys.”

  Cooper settled back to continue the inquisition. “That’s true enough. Funny thing is that Lynn Halstead didn’t show up either, and that has folks speculating. She is one of the few graduates of Delight High who came in from out of town and it doesn’t make sense that she’d travel all this way to miss the dinner. Wonder what’s up with that?”

  “Yeah, and we heard last night that you got stranded out at the old line shack after that storm hit yesterday,” T continued. “And with a pretty blonde, no less. You’ve got some ’splainin to do, Ran.”

  Obviously his hands had been talking, and who said women were bigger gossips than men? They would be dead wrong about that.

  Ransom stared T down. “Like I said—”

  “Yeah, yeah, you don’t have to explain shit. I got that.” T laughed. “Too late, Ran, we already got the scoop on the shenanigans out there.”

  “Look, I’ll level here. She’s staying at my place until her vacation is up and then she’s heading back to Dallas where she belongs. I only did the neighborly thing by showing her the ranch and we got caught up. End of story.”

  Cooper watched him carefully. “It’s the ‘caught up’ part that intrigues us, and for what it’s worth, I hope you two burned up the sheets. I don’t know about the good doctor but you are definitely a man who needs to get laid.”

  T’s expression turned serious. “Cooper’s right. You’ve been buried out there at the ranch for far too long. We worry about you.”

  Couldn’t everyone just leave him the fuck alone? For years this entire town and especially his brothers had tried to hook him up, sent their daughters out to the ranch with pies and cookies, all in an effort to mess with his life. Was there a tattoo on his head that said pathetic? Not hardly.

  Ransom blew out a breath and leaned forward, hopefully a signal to his brothers that he meant business. “Look, Lynn had some trouble and she’s staying at the ranch. If things heat up a little that’s nobody’s business, but if you think for one single damn minute that there is more to this story then you’re dead wrong. I married the right woman years ago. She is gone now and that’s the end of this story. What I do with my life or where I choose to sink my dick is my business. Got it?”

  Cooper nodded. “Got it and we’ll respect your privacy. Listen, man, we just care about you. Nothing would make us happier than to know you had someone. Speaking from experience, I can tell you that loving a woman and being lucky enough for her to love you back is a big deal. You deserve to have that, Ran.”

  “Deserving has nothing to do with it, Coop. Life is what it is. Don’t get me
wrong, Lynn is a beautiful woman. I like her but she doesn’t belong in Delight anymore. She spent her youth in that pitiful little house with an invalid mother and had no friends who really gave a rat’s ass about her. This town didn’t do right by Lynn and that’s a fact. We all let her down and if she’s smart, which I know she is, she’ll head back to Dallas and keep on building her life. She deserves good things and I doubt she’ll find them here.”

  His brothers were quiet for a moment before T finally spoke up. “I’m not sure about that, Ransom. You just never know.”

  Naturally he didn’t know every detail of Lynn’s life while she’d lived in Delight. There was at least a five-year age difference between them but it wasn’t a secret that her mom suffered from a muscular disease that kept her wheelchair-bound and there was no man in the household to help with things. Lynn had been a loner, sticking close to home, going to school and taking care of her mom. It was a sad way for a young girl to live and Ransom wished things had been better for her. That she had achieved success was a miracle and a testament to her intelligence and hard-work ethic.

  He admired the hell out of her.

  After his brothers headed off to a construction job Coop was working on, Ransom sat back and stared out the big windows of the café, watching people stroll the sidewalk as they went about their business. He was a big enough man to admit, at least to himself, that he was full of shit. Nobody wanted to be alone, not really. Least of all him. Being with Lynn for this short time had proven that to him.

  Last night, after the storm had become a distant memory, they’d driven back to the house in silence but it hadn’t been that weird, uncomfortable quiet that people often experience when thrown together; quite the opposite. Ransom had parked, taken her hand, and together they’d walked straight to the guest room to start all over again. There hadn’t been a single moment where he’d wished to be alone as had been the case with other women he’d been with since Cassie died. Lynn’s manner suited him and that was a fact. She was a serious person most of the time, but she had a great sense of humor too. She cared about others and didn’t whine over things. She just got on about the business of living despite the rough moments of her past. He really liked that about her.


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