The Billionaire From Los Angeles: A BWWM Billionaire Romance (United States Of Billionaires Book 9)

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The Billionaire From Los Angeles: A BWWM Billionaire Romance (United States Of Billionaires Book 9) Page 5

by Simply BWWM

  They stared into each other’s eyes for a long moment, both of them on the edge of a precipice, and then his fingers found the edges of her clothes, the zipper, the buttons, and he slid them off her as she reached for his attire with trembling fingers, slipping the buttons open and peeling his shirt from the beautiful body that was hidden beneath it.

  The flames that had ignited in her grew rapidly into a blazing bonfire as his eyes, his fingers, and his hands moved over her skin, canvassing all of her, and stealing away the last of her breath as his mouth followed closely. He laid her back onto his bed and stared down at her, shaking his head slightly.

  “You are such a stunning woman. So beautiful. So perfect inside and out.” He leaned down to her and kissed her again, pressing his body against hers as he held her in his arms. Slowly and teasingly, he brought his mouth from hers all the way down her throat to her breasts, taking her dark and hardened nipples with a ravenous appetite, biting and sucking at them as she sighed softly and tried to catch her breath.

  When he had some of his fill of them, cupping and massaging them, satisfying some of his hunger for them, he moved down her body again, over the swell of her breasts to the valley of her belly, and then below that, parting her thighs as he kissed and teased his way to the tender core between them.

  He seemed to want to taste her flesh slowly at first, but his hunger for her overtook him, and as her pleasure grew with every movement of his mouth against her, she began to sway her body against his mouth, and his appetite for her became insatiable, delving his tongue far into her depths, sucking and biting at her, drawing her pleasure out until she cried out and came for him not once, but twice, trembling in his hands as her release overtook her each time.

  When her second wave had passed, and she could nearly breathe again, he lifted himself from her and gazed down at her with eyes that seemed to draw her in and hold her fast. “Now I want all of you.” He meant it, and there was nothing to say to the contrary.

  As he pushed himself in between her legs, filling her with his rock-solid erection, she closed her arms and hands around him tightly, nearly unable to withstand the intensity of the pleasure that gripped every part of her on the inside. She didn’t realize it, but her mind was on him and only on him. Shane had pushed away every thought of the universe outside of the bedroom they were in and the moments they were sharing as he thrust himself into her body over and over again, making her gasp for breath and cling to him helplessly as she wrestled passionately with him, barely able to breathe, her body quivering with ecstasy as he kept himself inside of her for a long, long while.

  At long last, he reached his fullness and could no longer hold back his powerful release, calling out her name as he flooded her depths with his river of passion, burying his face in the curve of her neck as he gasped for air and held her tight against him.

  She found herself marveling at the perfect fit between them, at the way she nestled into his arms and against his body with such an exact fit, at the way that his body filled hers as if it had been made for that purpose, just for her, and she wondered at the difference between him and every man who had ever held her intimately, because none of them had fit her the way that he did.

  Shane turned and lay himself beside her, resting as he caught his breath and looked up at her, face to face, mere inches from each other. He leaned forward for a moment and kissed her tenderly before sinking his head into the pillow again.

  “That was even better than I imagined it to be. You’re amazing. Beyond anything that I could have imagined. I wish it could have gone on so much longer.” He laughed softly and gave his head a shake.

  She laughed with him quietly. “That was the longest it’s ever been for me! What do you mean go on longer? I don’t think it’s possible!”

  He smiled wide and reached up to trace his finger over her cheek. “I didn’t want it to stop; it was so incredible, but I just couldn’t hold back anymore. That’s okay.” He leaned forward and kissed her mouth tenderly again and then rested in his pillow. “We’ll try for longer if you want to on the next round.”

  She blinked as realization came back to her, as reality seeped into the corners of her mind and her thoughts, and she remembered just exactly why she was there and what she was doing in his bed beside him. She had forgotten completely as they shared themselves so wholly with one another. A small frown formed over her face.

  “I… I’m not complaining or anything, but I thought… I thought it was just going to be once. One time in your bed.” She spoke quietly, not liking the words that she said, feeling bitterly that they somehow cheapened the powerful experience that she and Shane had just shared together.

  He raised one brow and lifted his chin slightly. “Oh no, my angel, no. This deal was for one whole night with me, not one time. I’m not letting you out of this bed until you plead with me not to let you go, or at least, until lunchtime or dinner tomorrow. I want all of my money’s worth. I want so much more of you. Don’t you want more? Didn’t you enjoy that even a little?” His green eyes twinkled, and a smile tugged at the corner of his mouth. “I was sure that you did.”

  She felt her cheeks warm, and she couldn’t stop the grin that formed at his words. “Yes, I enjoyed it very much. I just… wasn’t clear on how it was going to work.”

  He looked at her somewhat seriously then. “Do you want to make love with me again? I’m not going to force you.”

  She felt her heart begin to race as honesty surfaced immediately to her mind and her mouth. “Yes…” she whispered, her eyes growing wide as she heard herself admit it, feeling somewhere in the back of her mind that she shouldn’t be answering that way. “Yes, I do.”

  He grinned and leaned close to kiss her long and slow again. “Good,” he murmured in between the kisses as his fingers trailed with feather lightness over her shoulder, her arm, and the fullness of her bare breast.

  When he laid back again, he gazed at her with satisfaction in his eyes as he took her hand in his and held it. She watched him and wondered at the kind of man that he was, trying her best to wrap her mind around it.

  “What are you thinking?” he asked, studying her face intently.

  She frowned a little and sighed softly. “Oh, I’m… I’m trying to figure you out. I guess it must be easy for you to figure other people out, but for me, it’s like you’re a puzzle, an enigma that I can’t seem to sort out. What makes a man like you want a woman so much that he pays a million dollars just to spend one night with her? Why would you ever have to pay any woman to sleep with you?”

  Shane rolled his eyes just a little and laughed softly. “Oh, you’d be surprised how many women are more interested in the money than in me. Not you, though. You didn’t want that.”

  Tamika frowned slightly and tilted her head a little at him. “But I’m here because of it,” she replied quietly.

  His smile faded, and he touched her cheek again, tracing his fingertip over the outer line of it as he gazed into her eyes. “You’re not here because you wanted to be; you’re here because he wanted you to be, because he wanted the money.”

  “How do you know that?” She gasped quietly, staring into his eyes, looking for the real answer.

  “Because I can read people. I saw it. I know why you’re here, and it’s not because you wanted the money. You would have come because you’re curious about me, because I made you smile and laugh, because I intrigue you, but it would have taken you a while to admit it and to come to me. That key card would have burned a hole in your pocket, and your curiosity would have made you come later. I would have waited for you. I knew that you came when you did because of him, because he wants the money.” Shane spoke simply, as if he was talking of the weather or the color of the drapes on the windows.

  Tamika closed her eyes for a moment, trying to hold in the wave of emotion that cascaded through her and culminated in tears right behind her eyelashes. Her stomach turned and twisted, and she realized that it wasn’t because of what she was doin
g or what she had done; it was because what Shane was saying was true. It was because the man she was with was willing to sell her to another man for the right price, and in that truth, she held no real value. In quiet whispers in the back of her mind, she told herself, love has no value. Love, real love, has no price.

  Swallowing hard, she opened her eyes again and looked right at Shane. He was still watching her silently. “Would you ever do it?” she whispered with the barest voice. “If someone offered you so much, would you do what he did?”

  “Would I let another man buy you out of my arms if you were mine? No chance. If you were mine, there is nothing in this world that anyone could offer me that would make me let you go. You’re the Mona Lisa, remember? Best of the best. Nothing is worth sharing you with anyone. Not ever. Not if you were my lady. Other men might look and wish, but it would never be more than that. Not with you.” He spoke with a seriousness that she hadn’t heard from him before.

  Her heart flipped over in her chest, and she gave him a small smile. “Thank you,” she whispered again. At least there was a man out there who she could have meant enough to that she wouldn’t be sold. The knowledge of it seemed to steady her inside, like a ship tossed on a wild sea that had found a sanctuary harbor, and it calmed and stilled her emotions and her mind. It was some solace where she hadn’t been expecting any at all.

  “You wouldn’t want to go anyway, because I would love you so completely and so deeply that you would never look at another man that way again; no other man would ever be enough.” He leaned toward her and kissed her again, and his kiss was hungry. Flames ignited in her once more, and she drew in a sharp breath of surprise and pleasure as she felt his fingers against the soft folds of flesh between her legs. He massaged her firmly, moving his fingertips over her and into her, setting her on fire until she gasped for air and held tight to his shoulder, burying her face in his chest as she cried out and came, shuddering with ecstasy.

  Silently, he turned her to her back and pulled the sheet from her, revealing her dark body beneath him. Placing his hands on the inside of her thighs, he pushed them open for him, and she lifted her hands and arms to him, welcoming him into her, and closing her legs around him when he had filled her.

  They moved together, partners in a dance of love, locked in each other’s arms, their muscles tight, their breath short, their hearts pounding out a rhythm as they rocked together, becoming one and losing themselves in each other.

  Shane had stayed true to his word, and the second time they made love, it lasted much longer than the first time.


  Tamika opened one eye slowly and then her other eye, drawn to waking by the scent of food drifting in from another room. For a moment, she was startled, wondering where she was, and the night before came flooding back into her mind all at once. Her eyes grew wide, and she sat up in bed, pulling the sheet up to her chin.

  She was alone, but there beside her was the rumpled pillow where his head had rested, and the place where his body had finally slept beside hers, and she marveled that she was there at all, and then she smiled wide at the memory of what being in his arms had been like for her.

  He had held her and loved her all night long, well into the wee hours, and after the third time they had been together, he had finally succumbed to sleep, and when he had, he had held her in his arms, cradling her against his chest as if she was precious to him. As if she mattered to him.

  She thought of all the times that Maurice had slept beside her after a night together, and he had always turned away from her and rolled off to go to sleep, snoring into the morning, sometimes playing with himself just a little bit in lighter moments of sleep.

  She hadn’t liked it, any of it, from Maurice, but it hadn’t ever occurred to her that it could be any other way until just then, until she had woken after a night of being cocooned in the arms of a beautiful, sensual, tender man who could not seem to get enough of her. The thought of it made her feel as if she was glowing from the inside, like a sun had been born in her and was strong enough to light the universe from within her, and the illumination made her happy. She considered that it could have been all of the orgasms she’d had the night before, but those were intense pleasure, not comfort of the heart, and she had been soaked in both.

  Turning to get up, she saw a note on his pillow that she hadn’t seen before, and a red rose beside it. She picked up the rose and smelled it, drinking in its heady and sweet scent, and then she looked at the note as she brushed the soft rose petals over her lips thoughtfully.

  ‘Good morning my angel, breakfast is ready for you whenever you feel like it. I’m in the dining room and I can’t wait to see you.’

  She grinned and laughed quietly to herself. It was the first time a lover had ever left her a note or a rose for that matter. Breathing it in once more, she set the rose into a glass of water that was on the bedside table and rose from the bed, reaching for the beautiful satin robe that was laying over the end of it for her.

  Tamika slid her arms into the smooth sleeves and closed it around her like an embrace, tying it at the waist and looking down just in time to notice that there were matching slippers at the foot of the bed. She slipped her feet into them and walked into the bathroom, only to find herself smiling anew all over again.

  There was a vase filled with the same red roses as the one that had been left on the pillow, separated from its compatriots. Near that was a brand-new toothbrush and toothpaste, a small case of dental floss, mouthwash, deodorant, bottle of high end lotion, makeup remover, facial cleanser, a face mask, a beautiful brush and comb set, a makeup kit designed for her skin tone, cotton swabs, and several other personal odds and ends, all tucked into a basket and waiting for her. She gasped with delight as she began to go through it all. It was as if a spa had been given to her all in one gift.

  Hanging on the back of the bathroom door was a gorgeous dress in her size, made of the smoothest, softest material she had ever felt. It was in her color, with a form fitting top and three-quarter sleeves, with a snug waist and a full skirt. There were beautiful designer sandals in a box sitting on a small stool nearby. She grinned and squealed with delight. Being spoiled was rather nice, she thought to herself.

  She spent a little while readying herself for the day; taking a long and hot shower and luxuriating in it, fixing her hair and makeup, and then slipping into the dress that had been hanging on the back of the bathroom door. She loved the way that it felt on her and the way that it looked even more, flattering to her figure while being elegant and beautiful. It made her feel the way that it made her look, and that was even better.

  With one last approving look at herself, Tamika walked out of the bathroom and into the dining room, where Shane was sitting at the dining room table reading a newspaper. She stopped for a moment and looked at him, appreciating the view.

  He was dressed in a button up shirt and nice pants, no tie or jacket, and his hair was combed back away from his face, styled but not so much that the rebellious waves didn’t make themselves known. He looked the way that he so often sounded: peaceful, pleasant, satisfied, contented. She liked that he was that way both in attitude and demeanor. It was nice to be around, she felt.

  Looking up from his newspaper, he saw her, and a wide smile formed over his face. “It’s not possible.” He shook his head and put the paper down, rising out of the chair and walking to her. Her heart began to beat faster.

  “What? What’s not possible?” She felt her breath grow short the nearer he got to her.

  His eyes seemed to twinkle as he grinned. “It isn’t possible that you could be more beautiful today than you were yesterday, and yet… there you are. Breathtaking. I like waking up to this.” He set his hands gently on her arms and pulled her close to him, kissing her softly and sweetly, but as things began to heat up between them swiftly, he let her go, and they each caught their breath.

  “I should at least wait until you’ve had something to eat. I’m sorry. I just ca
n’t seem to take my eyes or my hands off you.” He turned and indicated the dining room table, which was laden with food. “I heard you in the shower, so I ordered everything they had for breakfast, guessing you’d like at least something here. Please, sit down with me and enjoy it.”

  He pulled out the chair for her that was nearest to his, and she sat in it. He sat with her and folded the newspaper, tucking it away. Tamika began pouring juice for herself as she gazed at all of the food and felt bad that there was no way she could eat it all.

  “You read a regular newspaper instead of getting all of your news online?” she asked in surprise as she took a sip of her juice and then began preparing a plate for herself. He too began making a breakfast plate as he replied.

  “I read both. I skim over the things that aren’t important to me, and I go for the meat of it, both online and in print. There’s just something about reading a paper that I love. I don’t think they’ll all go to the wayside like a lot of people do. It’s true that the car is around, but the horse and carriage is nostalgic and sweet, and people still like them, and vinyl records went when CDs came, but they’ve made a resurgence, and CDs are back out the door. You never can tell what will remain, and for myself, as long as I read the news, I will prefer both online and paper.” He sipped his coffee and gave her his full attention then. “How did you sleep?”


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