Remember, It's Our Honeymoon

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Remember, It's Our Honeymoon Page 20

by Mairsile Leabhair

  I love you, sweetheart, and am so happy for you! I will count the days until I see you again.

  Your loving wife,


  “No, no, no, no!” Aidan grabbed her clothes and dressed haphazardly, and then she grabbed her cellphone and wallet and ran out the door. Hailing a cab and jumping inside before it came to a complete stop, she offered the driver one hundred dollars to get her to the airport as fast as he could. As he sped away, she called Vicky and even sent a text, but there was no answer.

  It’s not that Aidan didn’t believe the sincerity of Vicky’s note, but something that she wrote, didn’t ring true to her. She had done this before, trying to protect her from Harold, when he had kidnapped Vicky’s parents. They had also talked about being clingy and both understood the need for it right now, so why all of a sudden, would Vicky become concerned enough to leave her. She knows how much I need her to be close…, she knows this. Why did she suddenly take off like that? She helped me find my mother, damn it, of course she should be there. And what about our honeymoon?

  Granted, the honeymoon had been interrupted several times. And yes, Aidan did want to get to know her mother better. But she wanted and expected Vicky to be a part of that. Aidan’s mind was racing a mile a minute with confusing thoughts. Did someone say something to her?

  Once she got to the airport, she was grateful she had left her gun in the lockbox at the hotel. It would had taken to long getting through security with it. She began running from one terminal to the next, until her frustration became too much and she finally stopped long enough to ask someone for help. They pointed her toward the other end of the terminal, where the planes departed for America. Aidan ran full out, barely dodging people in the walkway until she reached that area.

  “Vicky!” she yelled up and down the walkway, drawing the attention of everyone but who she was desperately looking for. I have to find her!

  Suddenly Aidan spotted Brigid leaving a check-in station and ran over to her. She demanded to know, “Is Vicky on that plane?”

  “Aidan? What are you doing here?”

  Aidan didn’t have time to explain; she ran over to the check-in station and asked if she could speak with a passenger on the plane. She gave the ticket agent Vicky’s name but they informed her that they wouldn’t start boarding for another hour due to a mechanical issue. Thank you, Jesus!

  She pulled out her cellphone and tried calling her again, but there was no answer. She walked back over to Brigid, her anxiety becoming worse than her frustration. Where could she be?

  “I’m so sorry. You must have just missed her.”

  “I don’t know what you said to her to make her leave, but it’s not going to work. Nobody comes between my wife and me, understand, NOBODY!”

  “Aidan, I don’t know what you’re talking about? Vicky said she wanted to give you some time alone with your aunt, so she asked me to arrange her flight back to the states and that’s all I did.”

  “Bullshit!” She doesn’t know that I know who she is. “Vicky is very fragile right now, but as fragile as she is, she would still sacrifice everything if she thought it would help me, and that includes ending our honeymoon early. I think you took advantage of that.”

  “She was threatening to take you back to the states.”

  “If that’s true, she had a very good reason for it, and I have no doubt, it was to protect me. But it doesn’t matter. I won’t let her leave, not without me. You see, Brona, Brigh, Brigid, or whatever the hell your name is now, what you have underestimated was how much I need her with me. So like I said, it’s not going to work. I’m leaving too.”

  “No, you can’t leave!”

  “Watch me.” Aidan turned to leave but Brigid grabbed her arm.

  “Wait! Please, wait.”

  “Why should I?”

  Brigid struggled with her words, “Because…, because, I’m your mother.”

  “I know.” Aidan said flatly and walked away.

  Aidan saw her first, sitting in a café in the next terminal. A single tear sparkled in the corner of her eye. The sad, lost look on Vicky’s face practically broke Aidan’s heart. She could tell that Vicky was not leaving of her own volition. The pang of guilt Aidan felt was because she knew it was her fault. But she was going to set it right.

  “Fancy meeting you here, gorgeous.” Aidan strode up to her, leaving her panicked frustration behind.

  “Aidan!” Vicky practically jumped into her lover’s arms.

  Aidan held her tight, never wanting to let her out of her arms again.

  “What? Why are you here? Didn’t you get my note?” Vicky asked.

  “I got it baby, that’s why I’m here.” Aidan rubbed her palm down Vicky’s arm and took her hand. “Here, sit down, we need to talk.”

  “I’m so sorry, sweetheart.”

  “Sorry? You have nothing to be sorry about. You put your own needs ahead of mine again and I love you for it. But baby, I don’t want you to do that anymore. We are so much alike, you and I. Just like I ran away to protect you when we were kids, you’re running away now to help me. But don’t you know, the mere thought of you not being by my side, paralyzes me?” Vicky’s eyes filled with tears as Aidan continued, “Kid, I need you so much. Please don’t leave without me.”

  “But what about your mother? She needs you too.”

  “Yeah well, I don’t need her. Not now, not anymore. I need to work some things out in my head, do some research on Harold. I need to know the truth and she didn’t see fit to give it to me, so to hell with them all.”

  Vicky knew Aidan was talking out of anger and frustration and hoped that once she calmed down, she’d feel differently. “You don’t think your grandfather was telling you the truth?”

  “I think he was telling me what he knew, but I think there’s more to the story than that. Shit, I don’t know what I think right now. I just know I need to put some distance between me and them. This whole thing has turned out to be a complete disaster.”

  “Honey, I’m so sorry. I know when we were little, you put your mother high up on a pedestal, but sweetheart, she’s only human, and if what your grandfather said is true, she’s been through hell. Just give yourself some time, you’ll find that you’ll want to be a part of her life.”

  “And time is exactly what I need right now. Time alone with you. Let’s get out of here.”

  “All right. You go buy a ticket and I’ll make arrangements to have your luggage sent home.”

  “Sounds like a plan.” Aidan started to leave but then turned back to Vicky, “Don’t go anywhere without me, promise?”

  Vicky smiled lovingly at her, “I promise, sweetheart.” God, I love that woman!

  As soon as Aidan was out of sight, Vicky looked around for Brigid. She found her at the end of the hallway, about to leave the main terminal. “Brigh! Brigh wait!” Vicky ran up to her, and catching her breath said, “Aidan just needs time, please, just give her a little time. You both have been searching for each other your whole lives. Just be patient a little while longer and let her work some things out first. She’s a fantastic, loyal, loving, protective, inspiring, beautiful woman, inside and out. You’ll be so proud of all she has accomplished.”

  “I already am proud of her, Vicky. Very proud. But I’m not very proud of the way I misled you, and the way I’ve messed everything up.”

  “I understand why you did that. You are her mother and wanted to learn more about her without me getting in the way. I can’t fault you for that. But I will give you some advice for the next time. Put everything out there on the table. Don’t try to protect her from the truth because it will only backfire on you again. You should give her a reason to trust your sincerity. Also, Aidan and I are extremely protective of each other so don’t try to come in between that, it won’t work.

  “Yes, I just learned that one the hard way.” Brigid smiled.

  “But Brigh, there’s plenty of room in Aidan’s large heart for you too. I know it doesn’t
seem like it now, but she desperately wants to be your daughter, and to have you in her life. Oh, I can’t wait for you to get to know her better, you’re going to love her! Perhaps, if you can be patient for a couple of months, until the trial is over, then I’m sure Aidan will be ready to see you again. Unless…, unless maybe you’d like to see Harold Cassidy get the justice he deserves?”

  The thought of seeing that man again made Brigh almost panic, “No! I mean, um, no thank you. I’ll read about it in the papers.”

  “I understand how you feel, but Brigid, remember, until you face your demons, you are controlled by them.” Vicky patted her on the arm, “Listen, I have to run before Aidan starts to worry. Here’s my cell phone number,” she handed Brigh her business card, “call me if you need anything, anything at all. Even if it’s just to talk. Oh and would you please do me one more favor, and have Aidan’s things from the hotel sent home to her. Thanks!”

  Brigid watched as Vicky hurried back down the hallway. I was wrong about her. I was wrong about so many things.


  She slipped in through the courtroom door and quietly sat in the back row. Nerves as tight as a rubber band, Brigh O’Malley looked first for Aidan, who was in the witness chair, and then for Harold, who was sitting at the defense table.

  Aidan was in the witness box, testifying about the abuse she suffered as a child, but when she saw Brigid enter the courtroom, she inhaled sharply. Confused at first, her eyes welled up with tears. She understood then what it took for Brigid to be there and it meant everything to her. Vicky followed her gaze and let out a gasp when she saw Brigid.

  Harold turned to see what everyone was looking at and when he recognized Brigid, he lost all control. Screaming that she was a bitch and he should have killed her when he had the chance, Harold was so out of control that he had to be forcibly removed from the courtroom. Brigid stood up as he was dragged past her and spat on him, hitting him square in the face.

  Aidan jumped up and applauded, even as she wiped the tears from her cheek.

  The End

  Other books by Mairsile:

  Riches to Rags series:

  From Riches to Rags

  A bad-girl billionaire, accepts the ultimate challenge from a waitress, and gives up all her money, expensive toys, liquor, and women, to live in a run-down building, working at a barbeque restaurant. She only has to last thirty days, and suppress her growing feelings for the waitress. Just thirty days, but to a billionaire, that's a lifetime. This is a multi-first-person point of view novel. (Riches to Rags Book 1) Buy it now!

  Combining Riches

  Blackie and Chris set up house together in a romantic mansion by the river, where the paddlewheeler greets them in the morning, and the golden rays of the setting sun, dance on the river for them in the evening. They work on their first pay it forward case, which is more of a favor for a close friend. And Chris meets the man she hit when she was drunk. Her guilt becomes so great that Blackie is afraid that the very special Valentine’s Day she has planned for them may not happen. Book two of the Riches to Rags series. This book is a multiple person point of view. (Riches to Rags Book 2) Buy it now!

  Separating Riches

  When Blackie and Chris initiate their scholarship program, an unexpected call-in sends them to San Francisco to revisit Blackie's past and presents an opportunity for her first pay-it-forward case. Once they have settled into their temporary home, the City by the Bay opens itself up for a wonderful experience that is celebrated by all. But not everything is as it appears to be as the investigations progress and Blackie finds herself in a compromising situation that threatens to separate the soul mates forever. This book is a multiple person point of view. (Riches to Rags Book 3) Buy it now!

  Aidan & Vicky series:

  I Remember You

  Aidan is tough, self-assured and suffering from amnesia. The only person who knows her heart, Vicky, can’t tell her that they were childhood lovers, even when Vicky is asked to hire her.

  Vicky is the CEO of a multi-million dollar health system, being targeted by terrorists. Will Aidan get her memories back in time to stop the bombs before they destroy Vicky’s hospital? Will Vicky choose the hospital over Aidan? (Book 1 of the A&V series) Buy it now!

  Remember, It’s You I Love

  Aidan & Vicky are on a mission called, Operation Pink Knight, where they must enter a war zone in order to rescue Aidan’s second love, and first fiancée. It comes down to a volatile standoff between them and the enemy, and Aidan must choose which woman to save. (Book 2 of the A&V series) Buy it now!

  Remember, You Love Me

  Planning a wedding with her fiancée, losing herself to the sexual advances of her ex-fiancée, Aidan is torn between love and duty. Through no fault of her own, Aidan is caught up in a love triangle, and must choose which woman she will marry. But that's not Aidan's only problem. She must save her fiancée, Vicky, from a particularly nasty stalker, who as it turns out, is Aidan's own father. But how can she concentrate on just her, when she is also engaged to Samantha, who Aidan believes she left behind, during an insurgent attack in Iraq. Samantha spent a year in captivity, and the only way she could survive the horrific treatment, was to think of Aidan. (Book 3 of the A&V series) Buy it now!

  Remember This Day

  Life together had never been easy for Aidan and Vicky, but it just got worse as their wedding day approaches. Tornadoes threaten their magical roof top wedding, Aidan gets in a drunken fist fight behind a bar, and Vicky performs open heart surgery on a city street as buildings collapse all around her. And then if that weren’t bad enough, after a horrific experience while making love, one of them calls the wedding off. This time, their love may not be enough to see them through these disasters. (Book 4 of the A&V series) Buy it now!

  Remember, It's Our Honeymoon

  Their honeymoon postponed by a tornado, a crazed mad man, and a building collapsing on top of them, Aidan and Vicky are finally on their way to Ireland. Exploring the emerald island led to a lot of shopping, love making in some provocative places, and of course espionage. But life for Vicky's best friend, Joyce, wasn’t nearly as bright, when she suddenly couldn’t see the patient’s heart beating in his chest cavity. (Book 5 of the A&V series) Buy it now!

  Generations of Women Warriors:

  Generations of Women Warriors: Battle of Pea Ridge, American Civil War

  First in a series chronicling the life and times of women in a family, who fought in historic battles and loved in historic times, though both could get them killed. Temi, at age 17, finds herself pregnant, in love with a girl, and staring down a cannon, in this epic tale of growing up during the Civil War. Buy it now! (Book 1 of the Warrior series)

  Generations of Women Warriors: Battle of Amiens, The Great War

  The next generation in the second book of the series, finds the daughter of Temi and Robin, in France during WWI, fighting for her life, as German tanks rumble toward her. Buy it now! (Book 2 of the Warrior series)


  Breaking into Prison

  Trudie Youngblood, a successful author with a movie franchise based on her award winning novels, had everything; fame, money, and a wife who loved her. Then the unthinkable happened. Her wife was murdered leaving Trudie so devastated that she became a shut-in. Unable to leave the confines of her home, she lives with her dog and cat, allowing very few people into her inner-circle.

  Annie Nichols is the service tech for the ultra-modern building where Trudie lives behind her lock door. A routine work order introduces Annie to the reclusive writer and opens up a world of love and danger. Annie, a reservist in the Air Force Military Police, must use her skills to discover the identity of the stalker who has caused the beautiful author so much pain. Buy it now!

  It Happened Over the Holidays

  A chance holiday meeting, followed by a second unplanned holiday encounter, leads to a series of adventurous holidays for Bobbi and Lynsey. They find themselves drawn closer to each
other with each meeting, yet dare not expose their painful secrets that could bring their fun filled holidays to an end.

  Secrets that are revealed just before their mission to a war zone, putting their relationship in peril. The life of a child hangs in the balance. Buy it now!

  Booker James - The Case of the Blood Red Rose

  Booker James is a private investigator who is having a bad year. Her girlfriend dumped her after taking all her money with her. Her beloved grandfather died. She’s living out of her rundown office, and her PI license is about to expire. The last thing she wants to see walk through her door is an upstart young lawyer, eager to hire her.

  Through Booker's door, walks Kennedy Witherspoon, a novice lawyer hoping to prove herself with her first case, but she needs Booker’s help to do it.

  Booker’s penchant for alcohol clouds her judgement, and she sign’s Kennedy’s contract before she learned what the case was. Someone is murdering nursing home patients. The same nursing home where Booker's ex-girlfriend just committed suicide in.

  In the middle of a murder investigation, romance blooms like a garden full of roses. Buy it now!

  See No Evil: Adventures in the Grand Canyon

  In ten years a worldwide catastrophe no one was prepared for, will inexplicably change life as we know it. Ranger Mackenzie Mason, a Park Ranger in the Grand Canyon, has to stop a diabolical plan to kill the Major General in charge of the South Western portion of the nation under Martial Law. But she was injured by the anarchists, and it is up to Hannah Cumberland, a registered nurse at the canyon hospital, to nurse her back to health. The attraction was instant, but they had many obstacles to scale first, not the least of which was Mack’s blindness after she was attacked, and her dogged determination to save her mother, the Major General. Buy it now!


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