Flesh For Fantasy

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Flesh For Fantasy Page 21

by Joan Elizabeth Lloyd

  “Babs, you look terrific,” Walt said, leaning forward and grasping Barbara by the shoulders. He looked her over from left and right, then from head to toe. “I haven’t seen you in a long time. You’ve changed.” He reached over and fingered the streak of white hair above her ear. “And this is very sexy.”

  Barbara gritted her teeth and tried not to glower at the man whose face she had last seen in the glare of a camera’s flash bulb. I certainly have changed, she said, trying not to let all the humiliation rush back. “I haven’t seen you in a long time.”

  “What have you been doing with yourself?” he asked, his smarmy smile trying to give the impression that they were old friends.

  In as few words as possible, Barbara told him that she was still working at the same place and that her mother had died more than a year ago. “Nothing much else has changed.” At least nothing she wanted to discuss with him.

  He flashed his most charming smile. “Well, I think you look wonderful. Why don’t we have dinner some evening and catch up on old times?”

  “I’m really quite busy these days,” Barbara said, her fingernails digging into her palms.

  “If you’re still at the same place, I must still have your number. I’ll give you a call. I’m sure we can work something out. I really want to see you.”

  I don’t want to see you, she thought. “I don’t think it will work out,” she said, turning her back and pushing her shopping cart toward the front of the store.

  “Good, I’ll call you.”

  “You know, Maggie, almost every sentence began with ‘I.’ He’s such a prick.”

  “I wouldn’t insult wonderful erect pricks like that,” Maggie said with a twinkle in her eyes.

  Barbara burst out laughing. “Thanks for that,” she said. When she could talk again, she said, “I needed you to put everything back into perspective. God, he’s such a jerk.”

  “He certainly sounds like one. But he did notice how wonderful you look.” She winked. “He’s obviously a very perceptive guy.”

  Barbara giggled as she considered how far she’d come. “I don’t think I look that different,” she said, “but I feel so differently about myself.”

  “That’s so much a part of how you look. Confidence, a positive image of yourself, and, don’t overlook the sensuality that’s so much a part of you now.”

  “I guess Walt saw that,” Barbara said. “He looked me over like I was the blue plate special. It made me want to punch his lights out, then take a shower.”

  “But does it still hurt? Think before you answer.”

  Barbara considered, then said, Yes, I guess it does. But I’m so different now. It shouldn’t hurt anymore, but when I saw him in the market, my stomach clenched and it was as though that evening happened only a day ago.”

  “Maybe you need to exorcize the evil spirits.”

  “I’d love to. But how?” Barbara asked, flexing her fingers to try to work out the sudden stiffness.

  “Revenge is good for the soul occasionally,” Maggie said. “Women have weapons, you know.”

  “I couldn’t,” Barbara said, her brain suddenly scrambling, searching, planning. Maggie raised an eyebrow and Barbara smiled. “Could I?”

  “This has to be your decision,” Maggie said.

  Barbara knew that this was, indeed, her decision. Could she do it? Even the few moments she had spent with Walt had done a job on the self-confidence she had built up over the last months. She thought about the men she saw now on a regular basis, Jay, CJ, and the others. What did they see when they looked at her?

  The two women were silent for a long time, then Barbara sighed and silently nodded. She was not the same person Carl and Walt had humiliated that night years ago. She was happy, and, although she had yet to find someone who gave her everything she wanted in life, she knew that finding him was possible. And in the meantime she was having fun.

  She nodded more strongly, then grinned. “I want to smash the slimy son of a bitch into pulp,” Barbara said. “Starting with his overactive cock.” She was quiet again, then said, “And I think I have the germ of an idea. Will you help me?”

  “Do you need to ask?” Maggie said, her grin widening. The two women talked for hours until they had every aspect covered. All that remained was for Barbara to pick up a few items on her next visit to CJ’s store.

  The following evening Walt called, as Barbara had known he would. “Babs, I have been thinking a lot about you since we ran into each other the other day.”

  “And I’ve been think about you too, Walt,” Barbara said, her voice soft and mellow.

  “I was wondering about dinner on Saturday. I happen to be free and I thought we could talk about old times.”

  Old times indeed. The bastard acted as though they had had a wonderful, but unfortunately interrupted, dating relationship. She was spending the evening with CJ on Friday, so Saturday would work fine. “That should be all right for me, “ she said.

  Walt sounded a bit taken aback as he said, “Sure. Great. I wasn’t sure you’d be available.”

  “Well, you’re in luck, Walt. How about the Peachtree Lounge?” she said, selecting the most expensive restaurant she could think of. She could almost picture Walt considering whether she might be worth a hundred-and-fifty-dollar dinner.

  “Uh…okay. That’s sounds fine.”

  He was hooked. “Can you pick me up about seven?” Barbara suggested. “You remember where I live, I’m sure. And will you make the reservation?”

  “Of course. The man should make the reservations anyway. And let’s make it seven-thirty on Saturday. I’ll be looking forward to it.”

  Barbara bit the inside of her mouth to keep from laughing. Seven-thirty. She suspected that Walt had to make a point of making the decisions. “That’s fine. I’ll see you then.”

  On Saturday afternoon, Barbara settled into the tub and pulled out one of her favorite tapes. She played it and masturbated to several satisfying orgasms. As she dried herself off, her sensual awareness was at its height. She selected a new, basic black dress with deceptively sexual lines and spread it out on the bed. Surprised that Maggie wasn’t here to help her, she picked out a black satin-and-lace teddy, thigh-high black stockings, and high-heeled black shoes. Heavy silver earrings and several bangle bracelets completed her outfit. She brushed her hair, then arranged it so, although it was high on her head, it was held with only three combs that could easily be removed. She used a curling iron so that the silver streak curved against her jaw and caressed her neck as she moved.

  As she looked at herself in the full-length mirror, she knew she had created exactly the image she wanted. And without any help from Maggie. “Nice work,” she told herself.

  Walt rang the bell right on time. She opened a second-floor front window and called down, “The door’s open. Make yourself comfortable and pour a drink if you like. I’ll be down in a few moments.” Although she was completely ready, she sat in her bedroom for almost half an hour. As she finally walked downstairs, Walt was pacing the living room. As he turned and saw her, his expression turned from annoyance to appreciation. “My God,” he whispered. “Babs, you look…”

  “Thanks,” she said as she handed Walt her light jacket so he could drape it around her shoulders. She leaned back into him just slightly so he could inhale the exotic scent she had carefully applied behind her ears.

  “I never imagined you could look like that,” Walt said. “It’s amazing.”

  “I thought a lot about you after we met last week and I realized that you never got to know the real me.” She walked out the front door and locked it behind her. Walt walked around and got into the driver’s seat of his Ford while Barbara opened her door and got into the passenger seat. As she fastened her seat belt, she allowed her skirt to slide up her thigh. She patted Walt’s leg. “I think we’re going to have an interesting evening.”

  They drove the short distance to the restaurant in silence. At the entrance, a valet opened her door
and assisted her out, with an appreciative look. They entered the large room with a soft blue, nineteenth-century southern decor and were seated side by side on a blue-and-white patterned banquette. As they settled, Barbara reached over and grasped Walt’s thigh, just above his knee. “I’m glad this evening is finally here.”

  Walt blinked his eyes several times and leered at her as the waiter arrived to take drink orders. “We would like a bottle of wine,” he said without consulting Barbara. “White.”

  “I’d like to see the wine list,” Barbara said.

  “Of course, madam,” the waiter said. “I’ll send the sommelier over.”

  “I didn’t know you knew anything about wine,” Walt said.

  Barbara thought about the financial analyst who had taught her to appreciate fine wine. And a few other things as well. “There’s a lot about me you don’t know,” she purred, wondering whether Walt would be sickened by the incredibly predictable dialogue.

  He leaned forward, hanging on her every word. Beneath the tablecloth, he reached over and placed his hand on her stockinged knee. Rubbing her index finger up and down his inner thigh, she glared at him until he removed his hand. It had become clear that she could do what she wanted, but he had to keep his hands to himself. Slowly, she allowed herself a slow smile. “Later.”

  When Walt placed both his hands on the table, Barbara saw they were shaking.

  “The wine list,” the sommelier said, handing her a leather-covered tome.

  “Goodness, this is quite a list,” she said. She leaned forward so Walt could get a good view of her cleavage. “Walt, are you having beef, fish, chicken, what?”

  She could see his gaze reluctantly rise from the shadowed valley between her breasts. “I thought I’d have a steak,” he stammered.

  “Good.” Still caressing his thigh with one hand and holding the wine list with the other, she discussed the wine selection with the sommelier for almost five minutes.

  “You have wonderful taste, madam,” the sommelier said as she finally selected a 1984 California Cabernet from an obscure vineyard. “I’ll get that right away.”

  As he disappeared, Barbara returned her attention to Walt. She licked her lips and watched his eyes follow the path of her tongue. “I hope you don’t mind, but I found a wonderful wine at a ridiculous price. I’m sure it was a mistake on the list. Only thirty-five dollars. It should have been at least fifty.”

  Walt was in a daze and seemed not to hear anything Barbara said. Barbara talked and Walt listened through the pouring of the wine. Since Walt seemed incapable of concentrating, Barbara ordered the meal: a creamy carrot soup, sirloin steaks medium-rare with baked potatoes and sour cream, broccoli, and green salads with the house vinaigrette dressing.

  During the meal, Walt spoke very little, totally distracted by the frequent presence of Barbara’s hand on his leg. Her hands, her looks, her very posture were designed to keep him off-balance. Sensual, inviting, yet taking charge at every opportunity, she was creating exactly the atmosphere she wanted.

  As the plates were cleared and the last of the wine poured, Walt said, “How about we go back to my place after? We could continue this wonderful evening there. I even put clean sheets on the bed.”

  Barbara bit her lip to keep from laughing. He still thinks he’s choreographing this evening. “I have a better idea,” she said. “I have some wonderful things to play with at my house.”

  “Oh” was all Walt could say.

  “But let’s have coffee first.” Barbara let the tension build for another half an hour before she signaled for the check. Moments later, Walt signed the credit card slip.

  They waited only a moment outside the restaurant as the valet got Walt’s car. As the valet started to hand Barbara into the passenger side, she walked around to the driver’s seat. “I think I’ll drive. Okay, Walt?”

  “Sure,” Walt said hesitantly.

  Barbara got behind the wheel and saw that Walt hadn’t fastened his seat belt. “Here, let me help you.” She leaned across Walt’s body and, as Walt gazed down the front of her dress, she grasped the seat belt and pulled it across his chest and snapped it into place. “There,” she said, patting his chest.

  “But I’m caught,” he said, realizing that his arms were trapped.

  “I know,” Barbara said, and tapped him on the chest again, “and I like it that way.” She pressed her lips against his, licking the surprised ‘0’ his lips formed. He stopped trying to free his arms from beneath the belt, the tent in his slacks growing each minute.

  Again in silence, they drove to Barbara’s house and she let them in the front door. She remembered the first evening she had had a man in her house, her first evening with Jay. So much had changed. “Come upstairs with me,” she said, “and let’s have some fun.”

  Eagerly Walt followed her up the stairs and into her room. “Now,” Barbara said, “I really like to play. And I think you do, too.”

  “Oh, I do,” Walt said, unbuckling his belt.

  “Not so fast,” Barbara said, slapping his hands hard. “In here we do things my way.” She watched Walt consider the situation. Would he go along? To increase his incentive, she licked her lips slowly, then reached out and squeezed the hard ridge in his pants. “It will be wonderful. I promise.”

  Wait dropped his hands to his sides. “I’m sure it will.”

  She was in control. When she had first thought up this idea, she had wondered whether she could pull it off. She had been very reluctant to assume control at CJ’s party, but now it seemed comfortable. Different situations, different views, I guess. “Good boy,” she said. “Now that we understand each other, strip.”


  “You heard me. Strip.”

  “But…” He stared at her, obviously unsure.

  Barbara met his eyes and tapped her toe on the carpet until Walt’s gaze dropped to her shoes.

  Awkwardly, without a word, Walt quickly pulled off all his clothes until he stood in the middle of Barbara’s bedroom naked. He’s actually not badly built, she thought, but she also noticed that his erection had softened. She wanted to keep him continually hard so he would do anything she wanted. She pulled the combs from her hair and shook out the dark mass, allowing it to fall around her face. She separated out the silver strands with her fingers and twisted them around her pinky.

  “Let me give you a taste of what’s to come,” she said then. Still fully clothed, she quickly knelt at his feet and sucked his semi-erect cock into her mouth. He was hard again instantly.

  After only a moment, she stood again and lifted her skirt. She motioned him to his knees and pulled the crotch of her teddy to one side. “Now lick me.”

  Eagerly he licked at the hot, wet places between Barbara’s legs. Although he seemed to pay no attention to what pleased her, he did lick many of the places she enjoyed. She’d get hers this evening, she vowed, in more ways than one. “Use your hands, too,” she said and felt his fingers probe her pussy. As she wiggled, his fingers slipped toward her anus. “Umm,” she said, “I like it back there, too.”

  As she took her pleasure, she looked down and saw that Walt had one fist around his erection. She leaned over and slapped first his hand, then his cock. “Mine,” she snapped. “And don’t forget again.”


  “No buts. Your hands and your cock are mine. Unless you want to leave, of course.”

  Walt groaned “No,” and his shoulders sagged. He was hers.

  “Good. Get on all fours. I’d like the feel of my pussy on your back.”

  Reluctantly Walt knelt on his hands and knees and Barbara stepped over him and rubbed her wet pussy on his spine. “It’s like horseback riding,” she said as she settled her weight on his bark. “It always gets me hot.” She had never been on a horse in her life, but it sounded good. “Move underneath me,” she said. He moved a bit and she purred, “Mmmm, that’s good.” Slowly he seemed to get into the game and began to arch his back and wiggle his hips
so his spine rubbed against Barbara’s wet lips.

  “You are very good at this,” she said. She dismounted, reached beneath him and squeezed his cock. “And you certainly seem to enjoy it.” She left for a moment, and returned with a tube of lubricant. “I love hard cocks,” she said, rubbing the cold gel all over his erection and balls. “You feel so hot, so hard. I’ve never known anyone so hard.”

  She watched him preen, the oily bastard. Still rubbing his cock with one hand, she slid one finger of the other to the sensitive area behind his balls and stroked. Gradually, her caresses worked her fingers closer to his anus. “So hot, baby,” she purred as she rubbed his puckered hole. She had no idea whether he’d ever done anything like this before, but whether or not he was experienced, he seemed to be enjoying her ministrations. She lightened her touch on his cock so he wouldn’t come just yet.

  “A horse needs a tail,” she said, “and I have just the thing.” She quickly found an anal plug with a slender neck just below the flange and a dozen strands of leather attached to the base. She imagined that some used the dildo end as a handle for the whip, but she knew what she wanted to do with the device.

  Still on all fours, Walt looked at the item in Barbara’s hand. “You’re not going to hurt me with that, are you?” he said.

  “No, baby,” she said, rubbing her slippery hand over the flesh-colored plastic handle. “I am going to fill you as you may never have been filled before.”

  “I don’t know,” he said.

  Barbara looked at his cock, now harder than ever.

  “Yes, you do. It’s dirty and evil, but the idea of having something invade your ass excites you.” She leaned beneath his groin and rubbed his swollen cock. “You can’t fool me, so don’t try. Just be quiet and let me do this.”

  Walt shuddered but remained silent. Gently Barbara massaged Walt’s rear hole with the tip of the dildo, then pushed it inch-by-inch into his rear passage. When it was deep inside, held by his tight sphincter, the leather strips made it look as though her horse indeed had a tail.


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