Children of the Cursed

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Children of the Cursed Page 2

by A E Stanfill

  “Do you really think they would leave such a powerful weapon like that here in the armory?” Caine laughed.

  “I don't know. Maybe.”

  “Exactly, you don't know. Take the damn blade and let's get a move on.” Caine insisted. Gawain stood there for a moment thinking the situation through before he slowly reached for the sword. When his fingertips touched the hilt, he swore he heard a voice in his head. “We have been waiting for you, Guardian of the Blade.” Caine slapped Gawain on the back, “Would you hurry up and take the damn sword.”

  Gawain acted as though he hadn't heard a word Caine had said to him, as he turned and asked, “Did you hear that?”

  Caine was getting a little irate with his friend, “Would you stop fooling around and take the sword.”

  He didn't have time to argue with Caine, nor did he have time to look for other weapons in the armory either. It was a tough decision, but at this point, he had little choice. So Gawain pulled the blade from the wall and sheathed it to the side of his waist, and then the two young men went running out of the armory to meet Lord Alistair outside the Academy. When the two young men emerged, Lord Alistair was there waiting for them.

  “The two of you are late!” He hissed. “That's not a good way to impress a Knight Of Valor is it?” Staring them both down.

  “No sir.” They both answered.

  Alistair turned his back to them and started to doubt his strategy of asking the Academy for help. “Can these two really be of help to me and my men? Maybe I should go at this alone”, he thought to himself. Then he remembered the promise that he had made to King Edward, and thought nothing more of it. He turned back around to face both Caine and Gawain, “Next time I ask for the best, prove it to me. I shall let it pass this time though, understood?”


  “Now before we take our leave, I have a question to ask you both,” Alistair said. He paced back and forth for a minute or so, “Do you know of the Dark Knights?”

  “One of the Masters said something about them, but I don't exactly remember what. It just didn't seem important at the time,” Gawain shrugged.

  Caine felt embarrassed with his friend’s remark, “Geez, Gawain. Do you ever pay attention to anything when we train with the Masters?” he snarled. “If I may, I will answer your question, Lord Alistair. The Dark Knights were assembled by one man, the evil King Vaughn. Though he wasn't always known as the evil one, King Vaughn was once a good man and even a better king, loved by all. But then something changed in him, he became obsessed with power, and greed, he even started learning the dark arts.

  The legend goes that one day he learned of something called the Dark Power, and any man that was strong enough to claim that dreadful power could gain anything his heart desired. So the King assembled his best knights and went out in search of this great power. Once he gained that power he turned his loyal knights into Dark Ones. They are not living nor are they dead, they have no human emotions whatsoever. And they are only loyal to the one that controls the darkness. Thus, the Dark Knights were born.”

  Alistair seemed very impressed with the answer that Caine had given him, so he asked another. “Does one know what happened after that?”

  “Yes, my Lord. The evil King Vaughn and his Dark Knights ravaged the lands, burning down towns and taking over kingdoms, killing thousands of innocents in their wake. The World of Todrain was thrown into darkness and chaos for many a year until one lone man stood up to that very darkness. With sword in hand he rallied the people and brought the fight to the evil King and Dark Knights, he struck down King Vaughn with his blade “King’s Defender” and dispersed the Dark Knights.

  The Dark Ones that once plagued the lands were gone, and peace was restored. Thus, the Dark Knights were never to be seen again, and supposedly the Dark Power was gone forever as well. That lone stranger became the man we all know and love today, King Edward,” Caine answered with a confident smile.

  “Very good, Caine. You're a bright young man and will make a fine knight someday.” Alistair told him. He then turned to face Gawain, “Gawain, knowledge is something that will save your life one day. Being a great knight isn't all about skill alone. You have to study and learn to know your enemies well. You have a way to go if you want to become a Knight Of Valor, young one.”

  When Alistair turned to walk away he noticed the sword that Gawain had sheathed to his side. “Is that the legendary blade?” He thought to himself. But that cannot be. That blade had a spell put on it long ago. Could that young man be the chosen? Hmm, no it's not him. The blade isn't in its final form, so why would it release itself to him?” Alistair rubbed his chin, “I will have to keep a close eye on him, I have not come this far to have some kid get in my way now.”

  “Lord Alistair, when do we depart?” A knight in silver armor walked up from behind and asked. That seemed to snap Alistair out of his state of mind, and he quickly turned to answer.

  “We're ready to go, gather the rest of the men and tell them we are heading out.”

  “Yes, My Lord.” The Knight bowed and walked away.

  “Caine. Gawain. Hurry along and follow my second in command to the horses, be ready to leave at once,” Alistair commanded. Both bowed to Alistair before following in pursuit. Minutes later Alistair met his men, along with Caine and Gawain, at the front of the castle. “Is all ready to depart?”

  “All is ready, my Lord.”

  “Good. Just make sure you keep an eye on these two, Mike. And be discrete; if the king finds out I brought others along beside them, there would surely be unwanted trouble,” Alistair warned, then jumped up on his horse and made ready to leave the castle.

  “Lord Alistair is ready to leave the castle. Lower the drawbridge at once.” The castle guard pulled a lever and the gears started creaking and cracking as the drawbridge went down, letting Alistair and his companions out of the courtyard and into the city of Drasal. And off they went towards their fates and the destiny that awaited them all.

  “Where are we going, Lord Alistair?” Caine asked, riding up beside him.

  “To a small town not too far from here.”

  “And what of our mission?”

  “We're to investigate the resurgence of the Dark Knights.”

  Caine frowned, “The Dark Knights have returned? That does not bode well for any of us.”

  Gawain rode up beside the two with urgency, “I hate to interrupt, but there's smoke coming from up ahead.”

  “No. It can't be. Everyone ride hard and fast.” Alistair told his men. “We have a town to save.”

  However, once they got to the small town, it was too late. The town of Crenshaw was burned to the ground, the villagers lifeless bodies piled in the center. It was a hard sight to see, especially for Gawain. For it brought back memories of his village being plundered by bandits, and his parents being killed. But Gawain held back his emotions, he had a job to do, and now wasn't the time for grieving.

  “Men. Pull yourselves together. Check all huts still standing, look for any survivors. Kill any Dark Knights that you find!” Alistair commanded. “Caine, Gawain, you do the same.”

  “But King Edward gave specific orders for us not to engage the enemy,” Mike said.

  “Look around you! How are we not going to engage the enemy now?”

  “I don't like this,” Mike said.

  “You don't have to like it, just do as you’re told.” Alistair scowled. Mike turned and walked away without saying another word; he was angered, but Alistair was the one in charge, not him.

  Caine and Gawain came upon two huts still left standing only a few feet from one another. “Caine, you take the hut on the left, I will take the one on the right,” said Gawain.

  “Sure,” Caine agreed. “One more thing, Gawain.”


  “Yell if you need any help, and I mean any help at all.”

  “You do the same.”

  Caine nodded, then the two young men went their separate wa
ys. Gawain entered the hut on the right just in time to catch a Dark Knight about to kill a villager, “I don't think so,” he shouted. In his mind, he was going to hurry over and run his blade through the Dark Knight's back. But it didn't quite work out that way; the Dark Knight turned and blocked his attack with little effort.

  “Who are you?” The Dark Knight asked, his voice low, deep and dark.

  “I'm the one that's about to put an end to you.”

  The Dark Knight laughed, “Such small words, coming from such a small boy.”

  “We will see if you still think that way once I run my blade through your dark heart!” Gawain hissed, before lunging at the Dark Knight.

  A sword fight broke out between the Dark Knight and Gawain, their blades clashing together with a thunderous noise, time and time again. It was a stalemate at first as each blocked the other’s strikes. But Gawain would soon start to fade as his skills and stamina was nowhere near that of the Dark Knight’s; he was just lucky to last as long as he did. Soon the Knight would overpower him and send Gawain flying back into the wall of the hut.

  Gawain found himself in trouble with the Dark Knight standing over him. “Tell me what you are doing here, and if there are any others aiding you. If you do I will end your life quickly.” The Dark Knight told him, holding a sword up to Gawain's throat.

  “And if I don't?” Gawain bravely bolstered.

  “Then I will bleed you like a pig.” The Dark Knight replied.

  Gawain laughed and spat at the Knight, “Do your worst, for I do not fear you.”

  The Dark Knight laughed maniacally, then ran the tip of the blade right into Gawain's shoulder. The sharp tip ripped through the armor and pierced his skin, and blood trickled down his plate of armor, as Gawain screamed out in pain. “Now are you ready to talk?”

  “Never!” Gawain shouted back at him.

  “Have it your way then,” the Knight chuckled. He started to twist the blade back and forth, making the pain damn near unbearable for Gawain to handle. He screamed and screamed, it was clear that Gawain was in agonizing pain, but still, yet he refused to answer the Dark Knight’s question. He would rather die than betray his friend or Lord Alistair.

  As all hope of Gawain surviving the torture that the Dark Knight was inflicting upon him faded, an arrow zipped through the air, piercing a crease in the Dark Knight’s armor causing him to stumble backwards. Gawain took that as his opportunity to land the final blow; he quickly picked up his sword jumping to his feet without hesitation, and he ran the blade right into the gap of the Dark Knight’s helmet. The thing underneath the armor let out this horrible scream that seemed to pierce the eardrums, and within a few seconds, all was quiet for the Dark Knight was dead.

  It wasn't long before Caine came barreling through the front of the hut, “Gawain, you're bleeding! Are you alright?”

  Gawain almost seemed disappointed in himself as he answered, “I'm fine, just underestimated the skill of that thing is all. I was careless.”

  Caine glanced down at the motionless body that lay in front of him, “It was a close call, nonetheless you should know to never rush into battle against a superior opponent.”

  “True, it was foolish of me - if not for you Caine I would be dead. Thank you, I owe thee that much.”

  Caine was unsure what to make of how Gawain was acting, “What do you mean? I did not save you Gawain, I was in the other hut and barely heard your cries. There is no way I could have pulled off a shot such as this,” he said, pointing at the arrow lodged in the back of the Dark Knight. “Nor would one of these arrows I carry even be able to pierce the Dark Knights armor. This is beyond my doing.”

  Gawain looked dumbfounded, “If not you, then who?”

  Before Caine could even think of what to say next, he heard the sound of footsteps coming up from behind him. “Turn around slowly.” A man's voice demanded. “Don't even think of trying anything, I'm damn good with this bow of mine.”

  Gawain was already face to face with the man, recognizing him as the villager the Dark Knight was trying to kill. Caine, on the other hand, turned slowly, all the while trying to think of a way to disarm the man. However once he got a glimpse of who was behind him, he knew that wouldn't be necessary. The villager had a large gash across his chest and stomach, blood was pouring from his fatal wound like a river. Caine was surprised the poor soul still had the strength to stand a little, let alone point a bow at them both.

  “That's no way to treat the man that saved your life!” Gawain shouted.

  “Shut up. I'm the only one that's going to do the talking right now. Are you two with the Dark Ones?”

  “We are students of the Academy, from the city of Drasal. We are out here with Lord Alistair and the Knights Of Valor.” Caine answered.

  “Drasal? Knights Of Valor? So King Edward must have sent you then, am I correct?”

  “Yes sir.”

  Gawain nudged Caine's arm, “What are you doing? Nobody is to know of this, remember.” He whispered.

  “He's not going to be telling anyone, Gawain. Trust me, this man has a fatal wound, I don't think he will last much longer.” Caine said quietly.

  “Did I not say to shut up? I may be hurt, but I can still put an arrow through both of you before I die.” That's when he noticed it, the sword that Gawain had gripped tightly in his hand, and that made him take a step back, “What are your names?”

  “My name is Caine, this here is Gawain. And yours, good friend?”

  “That is none of your concern. Caine, if you don't mind. Please give me a moment with your friend, or I put an arrow between your eyes. Your choice.”

  Caine looked over at Gawain, hesitant of what choice he should make, but Gawain made it for him when he nodded in agreement with the man. Caine went to leave the hut but not before giving the man a warning, “If you hurt my friend, I promise that I will kill you myself before your wound does it for you.” Caine stared the man down for a second more before walking out.

  “He's a good friend, that much I can tell, but be mindful of him down the road.”

  “What do you mean by that?”

  “You will find out in time.” The man half answered. “Now do you mind telling me where you gathered that sword in your hand? Be truthful, I'm not long for this world and what I have to say next is of the utmost importance.”

  Gawain was intrigued and also felt somewhat sorry for the man who stood before him bleeding out, using his last bit of strength just to stand. That's when he decided it would be best to humor the man, “I acquired the sword from the wall inside the armory at my Academy. I honestly did not wish to take it, for I believe it to be the legendary blade Nightbane. But my friend Caine thought it was nonsense and had me grab the sword regardless.”

  “Did you hear any voices when you pulled the blade from the wall?”

  He nodded, “I heard a female voice, she said that I was the protector of the sword until the time comes that I pass it on to its true master. Or something like that.”

  The man before him was starting to succumb to his wound, he no longer had the strength to point the bow at Gawain and it dropped to the floor, the man's face was flush, and he was sweating profusely. “Seems my body is starting to fail me, I better make this quick,” he said. “You can run, boy. Or you can stay and learn of why the sword chose you and not the others.”

  “I'm not a boy, nor am I scared to learn of the truth. So tell me what you need to say.”

  The man smiled, blood trickling from his mouth. “You are brave I will give you that, maybe that's why the sword chose you.” he said before continuing on. “Listen to me closely, that sword that you hold is truly the blade of legend. A spell was placed on that very sword long ago to keep mortal men from getting their hands on it, until it was needed yet again. I know this because I was the one that placed that spell upon the blade. Since the Dark Ones have returned the spell has been lifted and it chose you for the task at hand.” he gasped heavily, trying his best to stand straigh
t, but his legs failed him, and like a tall tree that had been chopped, the man tumbled over.

  Gawain hurried over to the man and knelt down beside him, “You need help sir. I shall go and get a healer for you.”

  The stranger grabbed him by the arm, “There is no time, you must listen to me boy.”

  “Please, calm down or the rest of your strength will leave you.”

  He pulled Gawain in closer, “Look at your blade, do you see how it glows now? That is because its true master is near and its true power is meant only for him. His destiny will unfold once he takes the sword from you. Hear me, boy, that person is my son. You shall find the child hidden underneath the boards on which you stand, find him, take him to the Academy and train him well.

  When the time is right, pass the blade over to him, and give him this amulet. It, it is the key to all he needs to know.” the man took an amulet out of his pocket and handed it over to Gawain. “Also tell the King that the time has come, he will…know what it means. Please protect my son, you are the only one that can. And tell him-” the man went silent and said nothing more; the fatal wounds he suffered had finally taken his spirit to another realm.

  Gawain placed his hand over the man's eyes and closed them. “You poor bastard,” he said as he stood up. “I don't know why I have to get mixed up in all of this, but I will do my best, I promise.”

  Meanwhile, Caine was in search of Alistair to tell him of what had transpired, “Lord Alistair. Lord Alistair!” He shouted loudly, running up to the knights in a panic. “Tell me, where is Lord Alistair?”

  “Calm yourself, I am right here,” Alistair said, and when he glanced over Caine he could tell that something wasn't right. “You look in a panic, has something happened?”

  “Yes my Lord, Gawain is injured. He was stabbed by one of the Dark Knights. But Gawain managed to kill the dark spawn with aid from some villager who now has him held hostage. We must help him!”


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