Children of the Cursed

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Children of the Cursed Page 4

by A E Stanfill

  “Follow me, but do so quietly,” Henry told them. He was the first to sneak inside the room. Henry looked around the class, seeing only a handful of the other students had seen them, but they were friends of his and would not dare to snitch. So he waved for Ulric and Leon to join him, believing the coast was clear, however, he couldn't have been more wrong.

  As soon as Ulric and Leon were just about caught up to Henry, something happened to their bodies and they could no longer move, not even a muscle. Henry turned back and noticed how they were both just squatting down in place not moving. Henry went to wave them both over again, but he also could not move a single muscle either. He began to wonder what was going on, as did Ulric, until they both heard a voice shouting all the way from the other side of the classroom.

  “Look behind you, everyone. We seem to have some untimely guests in our presence. I wonder why they are just squatting there. Do they need to go to the outhouses?” The voice was none other than that of Lady Catherine's; she must have cast a spell of movement upon the young boys, to keep them in place. The whole class turned around to see who she was referring to, and that's when laughter filled the room. Three boys were being pointed at, talked about, and most of all laughed at.

  It was the most embarrassing thing that could have ever happened to Henry, and there was nothing he could do about it. Ulric, on the other hand, couldn’t have cared less of what the others thought of him anyways, this never did matter to him. Poor Leon was scared out of his mind yet again, he had been through enough for one day and just wanted it to end.

  Lady Catherine made it a point to slowly walk around the boys, scolding them in front of the rest of the class, “You see, class, this is what happens when you are careless. This is also what happens when one is untimely and shows not a care in the world for anyone, or anything.” She stopped to look back at the rest of her class. “Never think that I don't see all because I do!” She shifted her focus back on the boys. “And I will have swift punishment brought upon all three of you boys.” And that's when she noticed an unfamiliar face. “Wait a minute, I don't remember you. Just who are you boy?” she released the spell on the three boys so Leon could answer. “I know Henry and Ulric. But I've never seen you before now, child. Who are you?”

  Leon was so frightened that he could barely even utter a word, Ulric decided he would try and answer for him, “He is frightened, Lady Catherine. Also-”

  “I did not ask you, hold your tongue!” Lady Catherine shouted. She turned her attention back to Leon. “If you cannot answer me because of fear, I shall use another method to get the answer I seek.” She knelt down in front of him and whispered. “It is safe here child, I shall not hurt you. Just look me in the eyes, try your best not look away. If you do this, all shall be made clear to me.”

  Leon found her voice soothing and comforting in a way that he could not explain, and without even thinking twice he did exactly what was asked of him. He stared straight into Lady Catherine's eyes, and not once did he attempt to look away. Not a single one of the students in the room, including Ulric and Henry, knew of what she had seen through Leon's eyes. But it was enough to make her facial expression change to that of worry, almost as if what she had seen frightened her. Without uttering a single word, their teacher bolted out of the room in a major rush. Which confused everyone, and worried all the students in the room.

  Back at Gawain's sleeping quarters, he was putting things away getting ready to head for different classes, forced upon him by King Edward. He wasn't much paying attention to anything else and was deep in thought about the trials that laid in wait for him. When Alistair rushed through the door and into his room, it made him jump and reach for his blade.

  “Calm yourself.” Alistair took a step back with his hands raised in the air. “Just here to ask a question or two.”

  “Lord Alistair.” Gawain sighed and put his sword back on his bed. “Sorry, you startled me is all. To what do I owe this honorable visit?”

  “When you found the boy, did he have anything on him? Like an amulet of sorts.”

  Gawain could feel his heart start racing. ‘How does he know of the amulet?’ He thought to himself, but remained composed, even in the presence of Lord Alistair. ‘Still, I have a promise to keep, and will not betray that even to Lord Alistair.’ “No my Lord, there was no such thing with the child.”

  Alistair looked at Gawain as though he didn't believe him, “Are you sure you didn't find anything on the child?”

  Knowing he could not give him the amulet, he didn't think it would hurt to give Alistair the book he had found. Later, that would prove to be one of Gawain's biggest mistakes. “Hmm. I did find something with the child on second thoughts, but it was not an amulet.”

  Alistair's eyes widened with anticipation, you could hear the excitement in his voice, “What did you find?”

  Gawain picked up the book and showed Alistair, “I found this book, Lord Alistair. It doesn't look like much though.”

  “You have a lot to learn, Gawain. Never judge by looks alone, there is always more to some things than the eye can see.” It seemed as though Alistair was lecturing young Gawain. But it would be the best advice anyone could have given him. “Do you mind if I take the book off your hands? I could demand you give it to me, but it is not mine to take.”

  “I have no use for this dusty old book; by all means you can have it, Lord Alistair.” He held the book out for him to take.

  Alistair slowly reached out and grabbed the object, and once the ancient book was in Alistair's hands images flooded his mind. Images of great battles and weapons of great destructive power were what he had seen, but that wasn't all. For he also seen images of the Dark Knights, and monsters far worse than you could ever imagine. However, there was one image that he witnessed that changed him forever. It was of a man that gained the power to control it all, the power to make all of his dreams come true.

  “Are you alright, Lord Alistair?” Alistair cracked a faint smile, turned his back on the young lad and walked out of the room. That was the moment everything would change in the world of Todrain.


  Alistair Makes His Plans Known

  Many a year had passed in the Kingdom Of Drasal. King Edward was more ill now than ever. Chamberlain Ballard had more control over matters than anyone else and was making decisions for the King, be they good or bad. As for Alistair, he had become a vile and evil man - no longer did he care for the duties of being a knight, nor did he care about honor or protecting the weak either. All he cared for was learning all of the secrets of the book he had acquired, nothing more than that mattered to him.

  Since that time, young Gawain had become a fine adult. His brown hair was now down to his shoulders, and his goatee was more visible, and he had even grown a foot taller. Gawain had fulfilled his obligation and became a Master at the Academy. He was now teaching the art of the blade to the younger students, like Leon and Ulric, who had become the best of friends.

  But like all friends they did fight every once in a while over who was the best out of the two; sometimes jealousy will come between friends, it's just the way it is. Nevertheless, on this day things were about to drastically change for the new master and his students. Lord Alistair was on his way to the Academy with demands that he intended on being carried out by them alone.

  “Lord Alistair, I haven't seen you in ages. To what do I owe-”

  “Enough talking, Baird. I don't care for your humble words for me, the title of Lord is something I care not for, and being a knight is all but the past. I will be King soon, so just do as you are told.”

  “This is my Academy, Lord Alistair. You shall not speak to me in these hallowed halls in such a manner. Knight or not!” Baird retorted.

  Something seemed to snap inside of Alistair as his calm demeanor changed into that of a man full of rage. “Baird, I have an important mission that I need your best men to go on. Get your ass moving and go and retrieve the best of the best in this dump of yours
. And do so with haste!” He demanded. “Or will you refuse your future King?”

  “You, sir, are not my King. Nor are you the Knight that I remember from the past. You use to be a good man, full of promise. Now look at what you have become.” Baird lowered his head in shame at the man that stood before him. “For that reason, I shall not send any more men to their deaths in vain, not for an arrogant bastard like you. Now be gone from my sight.”

  Alistair unsheathed his blade, “If you do not do as I ask of you then I will have no choice but to kill you like the dog you are. And replace you with someone that will bend to my will.”

  The old man shook his head, and you could see the disappointment flooding over his face. “What has happened to you, Alistair? You were once my best student, the King's most trusted Knight. Why did you decide to throw it all away?” He had his hand on the hilt of his sword but was hesitant to unsheathe it. The man did not wish to do battle with his former student, Alistair was like a son to him.

  Alistair laughed at Baird's hesitation; his laugh was dark and maniacal, very much unlike him at all. “Are you afraid to fight me, Baird?” Alistair smirked. “How about I make this easier for you?” He used the tip of his blade to cut Baird's cheek wide open. “Do you wish to fight me now?”

  Even with blood running down Baird's face from the open wound, he still refused to unsheathe his blade and fight Alistair. “For your own sake, please stop this madness. Whatever path you are now following, you still have time to change. This is nothing more than foolery, can you not see that?”

  “Tsk, tsk, tsk. Do you really think that I am mad, Baird?” Asked Alistair, and he lowered his sword and smiled. “Let me tell you a story, stop me if you have heard this one. Better yet, don't, because I'm sure you know of this story already, old friend. You see I know of the blade that King Edward holds dear and the true power it contains.

  I also know that the King’s Defender is only half of a whole if I can acquire its better half, the Reaper Blade. Then all I have to do is say a little transfer of power spell, with the help from a certain Mage that is, and you know the rest.” Alistair shrugged. “That's why I need the best the Academy has to offer, for I have found the location of the first piece of that extraordinary blade I speak of. Do you understand now, Baird?”

  Baird gripped the hilt of his sword tighter. “What do you intend to do with such a powerful blade?”

  “You ask such foolish questions. What do you think I will do with such a blade?” He raised his blade back up at Baird, who was now considering fighting as his only option, which seemed to please Alistair greatly. “I see that you want answers, Baird. And I shall give you the answers you seek before I kill you, for I am a generous man.”

  He smiled evilly. “I plan to use the Reaper Blade to completely resurrect and control the Dark Powers. Then, and only then, shall I be master of the Dark Knights and rule this world the way I see fit. But do not worry yourself with such a matter, you will not be here to witness my rise in power.”

  The look on Baird's face said it all; he knew what he had to do, and there was no turning back. “I see.” He looked away. “So that is your plan. Then I guess you leave me with no choice.” Baird reluctantly unsheathed his blade, “You are a fool, Alistair. I shall stop you, even if I must give my life to do so. Have at thee.”

  “And here I thought this was going to be boring.” Alistair mocked him, before lunging with his blade.

  Baird easily knocked the oncoming blade away, “Is that all you've got? Or are you still toying with me?” He slashed at Alistair's face with his sword.

  Alistair sidestepped the blade that was coming down at him, and countered Baird's attack with his own that wounded Baird's upper arm, “I'm just having a little fun with you first, Baird.” He said, smiling, like he was having the time of his life.

  Baird charged at Alistair. “Don't think that you will kill me that easily, Alistair.” He proceeded to side slash his blade at Alistair, hoping to make a quick and deadly blow to end the fight. Baird was shocked to see how quick the man was on his feet, even in his heavy armor. Alistair jumped backward just enough that Baird's blade barely nicked part of his nose and face. Alistair could feel the blood running down and the pain from the cut itself.

  “How dare you!” He screamed. “How dare you cut the face of a god? I'm done playing games, now you die.” He kicked Baird's chest hard, sending him flying backwards onto the ground. It was unbelievable the amount of strength that Alistair had acquired, sending a man as big and as skilled as Baird backward with just one kick. That is no easy feat for any man. Baird was even caught off guard by his strength; he could now sense that he was in big trouble, and may not make it out alive.

  Alistair was upon Baird with his blade held up in the air, getting ready to plunge it straight through Baird's chest. Without even the slightest hesitation he brought the blade downward. Baird still had enough fight left in him to roll out of the way, letting the tip of the blade come crashing down to the floor.

  Seeing the opportunity, Baird swept Alistair's feet out from under him. The tables had been turned in Baird's favor, or so he had thought. He grabbed for the sword that Alistair had dropped, jumped to his feet, and with haste, tried to plunge it through his evil heart. But Alistair was quicker, stronger, than ever before and managed to grab the blade with his hand before it even touched his breastplate. “What's wrong, Baird? You look surprised.” Alistair smirked.

  Baird pushed down with all of his might, but it was of no use, Alistair was just too strong. And that's when he saw the dark aura surrounding his body, “So you draw from upon a dark power for your strength.” Baird hissed.

  “The “Dark Arts” to be exact, Baird. Let me show you just a sample of the power I have acquired.” Alistair took his free hand, and grabbing the blade with both hands he snapped the sword in half with ease. Baird had no idea what to think or even what to do, never had he seen such power come from a single man. While Baird was distracted, Alistair took the part of the broken blade he was holding and stabbed it through Baird's right calf muscle.

  He went down in agonizing pain, gripping his leg trying to slow down the bleeding. The old man’s fate was sealed, it was only a matter of time before Alistair would finish what he started. “It's a shame that I had to break such a beautiful blade, especially one that I was so fond of.” He proceeded to walk over to where Baird had dropped his own sword, and bent over to pick it up, knowing that the old man was unable to flee. Alistair had all the time in the world to make Baird suffer, and he relished in that fact. Alistair looked over at Baird, “Do you want me to tell you a secret before you die?”

  Baird still holding his leg, trying to figure some way out of the situation he found himself in, but things were looking very bleak indeed. “Why don't you stop playing mind games and just kill me!"

  “Still trying to play the hero, huh Baird,” Alistair arrogantly said, making his way towards the fallen warrior. “Besides, there is still plenty of time for that.” He looked down at Baird, still smiling that evil smile of his. “Don't you worry, after I am done sharing my secret with you, I shall end your pathetic existence.”

  Baird felt as though he was about to meet his end at the hands of the man that he once considered his own son. Still, yet he plotted of a way to take down that bastard with him. Then he remembered something, Alistair did not have his helmet on, which left his face and neck open for one last attack. “Wait. I have something that I want to tell you first, if you will allow a fallen warrior one last word, that is.”

  He knew that if he could get Alistair close enough, he may be able to end him. “Don't you at least owe me that much?” Sure enough, Baird's plan had worked. Alistair knelt down beside him, giving him the opening he was hoping for. He didn't give Alistair a chance to speak, Baird reached down and pulled the broken blade from his leg and plunged it towards Alistair's face. Unfortunately for Baird, the attack was for naught, as Alistair could read his every move and caught Baird's hand, stop
ping the tip of the blade, just inches away from piercing Alistair's left eye.

  “That's not very nice of you.” Alistair grinned from ear to ear, using his newfound strength to force Baird to turn the blade back on himself. “You know, out of every teacher in this hell hole, you were my favorite, but even a student must surpass his master. That is why it pains me to have to do this to you, Baird. But no matter, at least your sword will be put to good use.” He plunged the broken blade straight into his old master’s chest.

  Baird was coughing up blood profusely as he spoke to Alistair, “You will only…bring…ruin…and destruction upon yourself. I…die…knowing…that someone here…will…stop you someday.” These would be the last words that he would speak.

  As Alistair sat there and watched as his old teacher perish by his hand, tears rolled down his cheeks, and that was the last bit of humanity he had left in him. Ignoring the words that had been spoken to him, Alistair stood up and sheathed Baird's sword as his own. It was nothing more than his trophy, a reminder of the man he had now become. He had only one problem; Baird's body needed to be disposed of, and someone had to take Baird's place as head of the Academy. And he knew exactly who to call upon, his most trusted knight and now second in command to only him, Sir Caine.

  Alistair let days go by, even weeks before he announced to everyone at the Academy that Headmaster Baird had disappeared, and Caine was now the new Headmaster. “Now listen to me everyone. I know this comes as a surprise but we are doing all we can to find Baird. Until further notice, Caine is in control. Do as he commands, and show him the same respect you would for Headmaster Baird.” He then turned and whispered something to Caine before taking his leave.

  Gawain was standing in the very back of the room, listening to everything that was being said, he trusted in none of the lies that Alistair was telling. He felt as though something was amiss, and he intended on proving it. Caine, though, had other plans for him, “Master Gawain. Front and center if you will.”


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