Sapphyre: Rise of an Angel (Sapphyre Saga Book 3)

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Sapphyre: Rise of an Angel (Sapphyre Saga Book 3) Page 23

by Felicia Leibenguth

  “Lexi sweetheart,” Dad called to me though my humming.

  I open my eyes and look at him.

  He smiles lightly. “We think you are healed enough to have the tubes taken out.”

  I take a deep breath. “Okay. How are you doing that cuz I can’t be awake for that, I think I would die.”

  He smiles gently with sorrow. “With the area feeling so sensitive, we won’t keep you awake. But at this point, the tubes may be hindering your healing process.”

  “I hate this you know,” I grumbled.

  “I know honey, and I’m sorry. I don’t like this anymore than you.”

  “I know. When?”

  “Well, we can do it now or tomorrow. Your choice.”

  I sigh, “Mine as well get it over with now, but can you take care of Zach’s hand first? I think I broke it again.” I frown toward Zach.

  “No, you didn’t break it this time, just popped a few joints out of place,” he smiled warmly.

  I shake my head, “Sorry.”

  Zach rolls his eyes. “I’m not.”

  “That’s why you keep getting hurt,” I grumbled.

  Orson jumps into the conversation. “Okay, if you’re ready, let’s get you out of here and fixed up,” he smiled.

  “Lexi!” Katrina’s voice fills the room from my doorway.

  “K!” I’m so excited to see her. It’s the first time in a long time.

  “Oh my God, you look so good!” She grinned as Donavon pushes her wheelchair over to my bed.

  “I could say the same to you! I’m glad you’re doing so much better! I’ve missed you!”

  “Same here,” she grabs my hand and squeezes it.

  “You know, you shouldn’t have done that.”

  “If I didn’t, you probably wouldn’t be here. So yes, I had to. I wasn’t going to lose you.”

  “But I almost lost you!”

  She smiled, “I wasn’t going anywhere.”

  I roll my eyes. “So you say. But it’s not what I was hearing.”

  Now she rolls her eyes. “Trust me. My grandma wasn’t letting me leave this world.” She laughed.

  Katrina and I talk for what seem like hours before she’s taken back to her room to rest.

  She comes to visit me several times a day for the next three days. She is finally well enough that she is discharged from the hospital and free to do what she wanted… well, to Donavon’s rules anyway. He is still concerned and worried, but Katrina seems back to her old self again. I’m so glad she is okay.

  I’m feeling so much better and stronger every day. Dad won’t let me out of bed yet and I’m going stir crazy. But he keeps telling me my wounds are healing quickly now, and it shouldn’t be long before I can leave… finally!

  The pain is subsiding and I notice I don’t need the morphine button as much as I used to. Which I’m glad about, I hate drugs.

  Dad walks in with a mischievous smile on his face.

  “What did you do?” I ask, scared of the answer.

  “Called your mother,” he grinned.

  My mouth hits the floor. “You what!?”

  “You’re a few days away from discharge and I figure it’s time to tell your mom.”

  “You told her I’m here?” I want to throw up. I don’t know how to handle this.

  “No, I told her just to get to the hospital. I have a surprise for her,” he grinned. “She will be here in half an hour.”

  “I think I’m going to be sick.”

  “Oh, you will be fine. We will tell her everything together, but first…” he pulls a paper from his pocket. “We will let this do most of the talking.”

  He shows it to me. It’s the goodbye letter I’d written for my parents. I look at Zach.

  “I found them in your suitcase,” Zach says apologetically.

  Horror crosses my face. “Did… did you read yours?” I about choke.

  He shakes his head. “I couldn’t bring myself to. I was too afraid if I did, it would seal your fate.”

  A wall of relief washes over me. “The others?”

  “They don’t have them.”

  Relief washes over me, “Good.”

  Forty minutes pass as dad, Zach and I sit in my room. We hear a voice down the hall asking for Dr. Darson. It’s mom. Her voice sounds broken, dead even. I suddenly become very nervous.

  Dad squeezes my hand before stepping out of my room. “Down here sweetheart,” he called to her.

  He hugs her when she’s close to my door. He tells her to take a deep breath and step inside the room.

  My eyes are glued to the door, waiting to see her.

  She does as he said and takes a step into my door way. She freezes as her eyes lock on me. Her purse and a brown bag drops from her hands to the floor as she stands in total disbelief. She doesn’t move as the tears stream down her face.

  I frown slightly as I look her over. She barely has on any makeup, and her hair is in slight disarray. She would never be caught dead looking like that.

  I smile widely as I look at her face. She still has yet to move.

  “Mom…” tears start streaming down my face. I’ve missed her so much.

  She doesn’t say anything as she launches herself at me and wraps me in a hug. It hurts severely, but it cannot surpass the happiness I feel as the warmth of her hug, that I have missed so much, fills my body.

  She cries and cries into my ear. “My baby, oh my sweet baby!”

  She makes me cry and even Zach and dad have tears welling in their eyes.


  I can’t believe two months have passed already. I’m free of the hospital and ninety-nine percent healed. I just have some puckered pink lines that have yet to dissipate. But other than that, I’m perfect. My heart is healthy and so is the rest of me. Malvent failed in his attempt to kill me. Because of the love of my friends and family, I am still here, still alive and with a future ahead of me. Because of their dedication, loyalty, and most importantly their love, I am alive. That is something I can never repay, and I know they will never expect me too. I love them all so much.

  They all helped make me who I am, they made me as strong as I am and I love them all for it. Our lives were brought together for a reason and I can’t be any more happy with my life than I am now. If I could turn the clock back, I would do some things different, but then again if I did, things wouldn’t have turned out the way they have. I could have died and so would have my new found family. Our past in written in stone, but our futures have yet to be written and I am excited to start writing it.

  I’m saddened that Malvent would never experience this kind of love and that his life was filled with nothing but hatred and anger. No person, no matter what they are, should have to live such a life as he did. I actually feel sorry for him at times. But he also knew the difference between right and wrong. He made his own choices and he paid the price of those choices. I don’t feel guilty in destroying him. I feel sorrow for him and I do hope he can find peace one day on the other side. He at least deserves that much, to have some kind of peace, whether in this life or the next. No one should have to suffer for eternity, not even him. I hope he can make amends with our mom Harmony and find the love he should have had since the day he was born. I know she loves him, such as any mother would love their child, no matter how troubled they were. I wish him nothing but happiness.

  I’m so happy to be back in my old room, but saddened that Bree’s room will never be full of life again. That is the worst part about returning home. It will never be the same again without her. But I know she is with me in spirit and it makes it a little easier to bear her loss. I love her so much and I thank her every day for protecting me for as long as she had, and shown me the love of a sister. I keep my promise to her about not crying, but some slip out now and then. When they do, I can almost hear her yelling at me and it makes me smile. I love and miss her so much, and to never physically see her again breaks my heart. I too, hope she can make amends with her sister Oranda and tha
t they can be happy the way they should have been long ago.

  After we told mom the truth of everything, she became quiet and reserved for a few days, digesting everything. I knew it was a lot for her to take in and I felt guilty that she had to find out about it this way, but at least I was the one to tell her. She came around after a few days, and I think she finally accepted it after Zach and Donavon showed her what they could do. Though, she did faint a time or two. I certainly couldn’t blame her.

  My poor mom. But over the past two months, she’s adjusted pretty well and welcomed everything with open arms. Of course, dad helped her a lot in the transition. I can’t be any more thankful than I am for the parents I have. They support me in everything I did and even support me now, knowing my true identity. They truly are remarkable parents and I love them to death and beyond.

  Katrina even built up the courage to tell her mom, Emily, everything in hopes she would take it as well as my parents.

  When Katrina started telling her about the truth, Emily wanted nothing to do with it, and wouldn’t hear of it. Then Katrina showed her Thomas… I don’t think she cared about anything else. I don’t even think she heard them about the rest of it. She had her son back and that was all she cared about. Emily and my parents get together a lot and she is one of the family. She’s like an aunt to me.

  It amazes me how they all took it in stride and welcomed all of us, from the Supernatural World, into their lives. I had hope that one day we wouldn’t have to hide and we would be able to live openly with the rest of the world. But I know that wouldn’t be possible. There are too many people who would see us as the devil at work and try to kill us all. I had first-hand experience and that is something I never want to relive again.

  Thomas, I’m glad to see he seemed to change back to his old self with a mature spin. The darkness is gone and he is the sweet boy we all fell in love with. I’m glad he is himself again. I didn’t like the darkness in him, it honestly scared me. It happened shortly after he was able to hug his mom again. Maybe that’s what was wrong, but then again, maybe not. But he was back to himself and that’s all that matters.

  We made many new friends through our journey and they stop by time to time to visit. Every day, there are new gifts on Garcia and Thatch’s porch thanking us for setting them free. There were also letters to me from many, apologizing for judging me wrongly and thanking me for accepting and forgiving them. It makes me happy that I’ll be able to live in peace and not have to hide anymore. They accept me for who and what I am. A Hybrid, a Lavama. That name took off and spread like wildfire through the Supernatural World and they even mention it in the letters.

  I’m known as the ‘Clandestine Lavama’ - the hidden Hybrid of the Supernatural World, half Vampire, half White Angel.

  I like that title. The Clandestine Lavama… Yeah, I could live with that.

  Forever & Always

  Zach and I snuck away for some alone time. He has something he wants to show me, so he’s driving and I have my eyes covered with a blindfold. I’m under strict orders not to look where we are going.

  “We’re almost there,” he announced in a cheery voice, but I know him well enough that I catch the hint of anxiety.

  “Where are we going? We’ve been driving for quite a while now.”

  “You will see soon enough.” I hear the grin in his voice.

  He pulls the Triumph off the road a short time later as I hear gravel under the little blue car’s tires.

  “Can I take it off now?” I ask curiously.

  He laughs, “Not yet, wait till I tell you. It will be worth it, I promise.”

  He gets out of the car and opens my door quickly. He grabs my hand and guides me out of the car gently.

  “Do you trust me?” he asked.

  I smile, “With my life.”

  “Good, now come with me.” He holds tightly onto my hand and guides me through some tall grass.

  We walk maybe half a mile when we stop. He lets go of my hand, and after a moment he says, “You can take it off now.”

  I pull off the blindfold, and my eyes have to adjust to the bright sunlight for a moment. As I look out in front of me I see the beautiful sight from only in my dreams.

  Rolling hills of golden wheat spread out in front of me. The breeze moves the top of the wheat like waves crashing on a beach, and the sky is a perfect blue without a cloud in sight. It’s stunning.

  I look around for Zach and finally find him kneeling on one knee behind me, holding a small silver box that catches the sun in its glow.

  His smile causes my heart to stop.

  My hands quickly go to my mouth in shock, and tears start streaming down my face.

  “Lexi Darson…” Zach started. “We have been through more than anyone could imagine or survive through. The day I saw you was the day I knew I loved you. Little did I know then, how much love a heart could hold. I love you with my whole heart, I love you with my whole soul. This life isn’t worth living if I don’t have you. You complete me in more ways than I even know. Please do me the honor of completing me entirely by becoming my wife. My lovely Lexi, will you marry me?”

  Tears stream down my face, Zack opens the silver box. Inside is the stunning ring of my dreams. Two diamonds, surrounded in beautiful intricate swirling lines, unable to break the bond of the diamonds holding tight onto one another, unable to be broken apart.

  I drop to my knees with my hands still at my mouth, unable to speak. I look into his deep beautiful eyes.

  He smiles widely as he reaches for my hand and pulls me closer to him. I finally break free of the shock and wrap my arms around him, knocking him to the ground. I kiss him hard on the lips and the passion is more intense than I have ever felt before. I feel complete, I feel whole, and most importantly, I hold the man I have fallen so deeply in love with, in my arms.

  I lean into his ear and whisper the word he is longing to hear.


  He growls with pleasure as I lean back and look at his gorgeous face. He is mine, I am his. We are now each other’s, always and forever.

  He slips the ring on my finger where it will forever remain.

  We lose ourselves in the golden glow of the field in a passion only true lovers can understand.

  He whispers delicately, pulling away from our kiss, “I love you more than life itself,” he continues where he left off, not allowing me to speak.

  I laugh as a rumble of pleasure goes through his body.

  He rolls and is now on top of me, supporting his own weight.

  He looks deep into my eyes and we can’t break away. I place my hand behind his head and pull him closer to me, never breaking our eye contact.

  “Forever and always,” I whisper.

  A smile brighter than the sun itself, breaks across his face. “Forever and always,” he whispered leaning down to my ear.

  He kisses down my neck, causing me to shiver.

  I lift my hand into the air to look at the beautiful ring. It takes my breath away with its beauty.

  Zach sees me intrigued as I look at my ring.

  “How did you know?” I asked him as he laid beside me admiring the ring with me.

  I look over at him.

  He smiled. “Know about what?”

  “The ring.”

  He laughed, “You loved it the first time, why wouldn’t you the second?” He looks into my shocked eyes and grins. “It wasn’t just a dream.”

  I reflect back on my dream so long ago, as he asked me to marry him in a golden field of wheat. The last moments in the field have me blushing once again.

  He runs his finger over my reddened cheek. “There is nothing to be embarrassed about,” he said gently.

  “So that actually happened…” I said more to myself. I think for a second before looking at Zach again.

  I smile kissing him on the lips. “I don’t deserve you.”

  “I don’t deserve you either. So that makes two of us.” He smiled pulling himself on top o
f me again.

  He kisses down my neck and our dream picks up, where it once left off.

  The End

  Thank you for reading

  ‘Sapphyre: Rise of an Angel’

  I hope you enjoyed the third and final book in the Sapphyre Saga!

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  About the Author

  I was born and raised in Upstate New York where my passions for Animals, Painting, and Writing developed and grew.

  During College, I wanted to be an Animal Cruelty Investigator, but fate had different plans for me. In 2013, my parents and I moved to Palm Coast, Florida where my ability for painting animals exploded, and I started my small hobby business painting pets and wildlife. My art can be found hanging in the 'Georgia Sea Turtle Center' in Jekyll Island, Georgia and the home of Whitney Way Thore, the reality star of 'My Big Fat Fabulous Life.'

  You're welcome to visit my artist page at:

  Writing began in 2009 when I started to write Fan-Fiction based on some of my favorite books. I loved the way the characters created and molded the story on their own. While writing fan-fiction, I began to crave my own story and develop my own characters. Thus the trilogy ‘Sapphyre’ was born.

  During my time in Florida, I found my strong passion for working with Developmentally Disabled children. I became their confidant, friend, and teacher of Psychosocial Rehabilitation. Seeing their faces always made me smile, no matter my mood! Sadly, I had to leave my position working with the kids I love, when we moved again in 2016 to Winston-Salem, North Carolina.


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