Mace & His American Rose: The Scarlet Runners MC

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Mace & His American Rose: The Scarlet Runners MC Page 6

by Brair Lake

  When he freed himself of the kiss. He stroked the hair out of her face. His fingers tracing her eyes and nose, coming to rest on her lips. Slowly he pushed the digit into her mouth, and pulled it. Avery sucked the finger. Her gaze never leaving him. ‘Soon that’ll be my cock – But not yet.’

  Heat surfaced Avery as she watched Mace straddle her.

  ‘Tonight I get to play with you. – To taste every part of you.’ Mace’s head lowered. His lips brushing her cheeks. Then his mouth slid over her throat, nibbling against her flesh. His hands glided down her sides, stroking her waist. His touch, skimming over her stomach to her tits. Where he plumped and kneaded the firm mounds. His mouth latched on to a nipple. His teeth tugged at the hard bud.

  Avery moaned as her mouth went in search of his. Her fingers stroking over his back, hugging his ass whilst kneading the flesh. Her gasp of air lost when Mace’s mouth slid over her pussy. His tongue probing in between the plump flesh to lick at her. To taste her. Avery’s hips thrust and twisted as she spread her thighs. Her fingers dig into the mattress while his tongue savaged her. ‘Mace!’

  Mace’s body slid over Avery. His mouth finds hers. She hummed at the taste of herself mixed with beer and whisky. Blood pounded in her ears. Her hips twisted as Mace’s fingers played with her pussy. His thumb pressing and stroking her clit. ‘Mace – Shit – More.’

  ‘Are you ready Little-Bird.’ Avery nodded wildly. Her fingers digging into his shoulders. She’s desperate to feel Mace in her. To have this burning ache, eased.

  Mace’s first touch is gentle. A soft probe as he pushes his cock in slightly, withdrawing before thrusting in further. With each surge he makes, he goes deeper. His gasps loud in her ears. Her pussy muscles clung on to the hard throbbing plunging cock. As Avery grew accustomed to the stretch of his cock, his momentum picked up. His thrust going deeper and harder.

  ‘That’s it Little-Bird – Take me in. All of me.’ Mace’s thumb press against her throbbing clit. Her thighs tensing when the nerves in her lower stomach coiled. Mace thrust his tongue into her mouth. Tongue, cock and thumb moved in rhythm. Avery’s hips thrust as she sought and found her release. Her neck arching, breaking the kiss. Her keening drowned by Mace’s roar as he came. His body shuddering over hers. Mace rolled away, disposed the condom and rose from the bed. ‘Mace.’

  ‘Shush – It’s okay, I’ll be back in a minute.’

  Chapter 11

  A small smile played around Avery’s lips as she listened to Mace snore. She’s done the dirty with a biker and with a giggle, she wiggled her toes. With the pillow hugged to her stomach, she rolled over to face him. The plain sheet is tucked into the indent of his waist. While she watches him, Avery’s tongue swipes over her lips and she wonders what Mace’s reaction would be, if she were to lick him awake. Her fingers itched to stroke the smooth flesh. To follow the contour of the muscles over his arm. Instead of giving in to temptation, she rolls into a sitting position, and grabs her clothes off the floor. ‘Leaving already.’

  Avery swung her legs over the side of the bed. The sheet draped over her knees as she hugged it, covering her breasts. Her nerves quivered and she forces herself to look at Mace. His warm brown eyes roving over her body. Another shiver ran through her when his fingers traced the ridges along her spine. ‘No – I was just going for a shower.’

  ‘I’ll join you. Then you can sit for me.’

  Avery quickly found herself sitting in the chair by the window, wearing the same blue gossamer wrap she had worn on her previous sitting. She wanted to turn her head. To watch Mace. However, he had her on profile, and the few times she has turned to face him. He has growled. The shower they shared, had been long, slow and torturous. Avery doubted if she would ever own her body again. ‘How did you join the Scarlet Runners?’

  ‘Sinbad. – I was living on the streets. He took pity on me, and offered me a home.’

  ‘How old were you?’

  Mace rolled his shoulders. The look he flashed her, had her stomach doing its usual flip. Shit, they’ve just fucked and she still wanted him. ‘Oh about fifteen, maybe sixteen.’

  ‘And you’ve never thought of leaving them?’

  ‘Nope. – Now shut up. And… if you behave, I’ll take you for a spin later as a reward.’

  Mace turned back to sketching Avery, Avery turned to look out of the window. Then her stomach growled.

  ‘You should be feeding the girl – Not painting her.’

  Avery threw the wrap over her legs. Scrambling out of the chair she watched Sinbad stroll into the studio. His gaze lazy, and his smile predatory as he appraised her, causing her to pull the wrap tighter. Mace passed Sinbad a beer, while Avery declined the offer.

  ‘Say Avery – Did Mace tell you what your initiation into the club will be.’ Avery glance at Mace. Her stomach swirling while she swallowed the bile at the back of her throat. Mace’s growl deepened as he took a step forward. ‘They’ll be no initiation.’

  ‘What initiation.’

  ‘Forget it Avery – Get dressed.’

  ‘No – I want to know what he’s talking about.’

  Sinbad’s gaze turned insolent while he continued to watch the lovers. His smile mocking and his fingers tapped the bottle. ‘If you want to ride with the Scarlet Runners. You have to give everyone a taste of what you’re giving Mace.’

  Avery stepped back. Her eyes widening when Mace’s fist connected with Sinbad’s nose. Sinbad dropped his beer. The bottle spun to the ground. Gold fizzy liquid splashed over the stark wooden flooring. His fist landing with a loud thud when air met with flesh. Mace’s head rocked to the side, then he was hitting Sinbad again. Their bodies rocked and rolled as they fell against the sparse furniture. Avery glanced towards the door, wondering if she should go and fetch help. The sound of the lamp clattering to the floor has her staring at the two fighters. Neither of them appear to be tiring in the fight. Taps to the head and punches to the stomach were viciously exchanged. Their bodies swaying before they threw back another punch. At one stage, Avery thought the fight was over when the two men broke hold and circled each other. Then Mace threw another punch, one which Sinbad avoided when he pulled his head back and bounced back. Sinbad’s retaliating punch missed Mace when he sidestepped. Then there was a third body in the middle of the tussle. His back pushed against Sinbad whilst he shoved Mace away. ‘Fuck – Sit down Mace’

  Avery watched the redhead break the fight. His gaze flashing between the two men. Sinbad’s lip and nose were seeping blood. His cheek beginning to show signs of discoloration, and he rolled his right shoulder as his left hand comforted it. His mocking smile still played around his mouth, and Avery shivered. Her gaze shifted back to Mace, who Dill had pushed on to a hardback chair. His hand rubbed his side, and Avery noticed the beginning tales of bruising and a couple of cuts on his cheek.

  ‘Get dressed.’ Avery glanced down at the pale blue wrap, groaning at how the gown didn’t hide anything from the three men, who were all gawking at her.

  When she returned to the studio. She found the men drinking beer. When she stepped into the room, they fell silent. Mace and Dill glared at their president, who rose and stumbled across the room, coming to stop in front of her. ‘I owe you an apology – What I said was out of line.’ Avery nodded, glad that she now had her tee-shirt on when Sinbad’s gaze raked over her body. His finger coming to rest on her cheek to stroke the flesh. ‘Although when you get tired of the young pup – You know where to find me.’

  His lips are cool when they brush over hers. His hand cupped her ass to pull her closer. Then he’s stepping back, accepting the beer Dill offered him. Avery then accepted the one he offered her.

  ‘I’m Dill’

  She dipped her head. Her gaze falls on Mace, watching him drink his beer. He didn’t return the look. His eyes focused on his rapidly emptying beer bottle. ‘Are we going to talk about what just happened.’


  ‘Mace – Stop being pigheaded. We all know Av
ery’s out of bounds.’

  ‘What does he mean Mace?’

  Mace slugged back the remaining beer. Wiped his hand over his mouth. Then lowered the bottle. ‘The women at the club are anybody’s.’

  ‘All of them.’

  Mace still refused to grace her with a look. His gaze fixed on the empty bottle. ‘No – The ones who have been claimed as old ladies don’t service any other men apart from their old man.’

  Avery’s fingers tapped on the beer bottle. Her stomach churned. ‘Is that why they’re here. They thought I’d – What was it you said – Service them – Now.’

  ‘We’re not that bad.’ Dill’s inviting smile leaves Avery frowning as she glimpses what other women see in him.

  ‘We didn’t meet last night.’

  ‘No – Mace likes to keep you to himself.’

  ‘From what I saw, you were busy being serviced by two women.’ Mace’s laugh bellowed in the room, and Avery found herself smiling weakly. The shine in his eye has her shaking her head and she went to stand beside him. Her fingers run over the swollen cheek. Sinbad’s chuckle washed over her as he spoke. ‘We better get back to the club. Mace when you’ve finished being pampered - Join us. Clipper’s been in touch.’

  Sinbad strolled over, tapping her on the nose. ‘That’s why I came over. Mace has his cell switched off. Not to be serviced.’

  When he smiled, Avery nodded. The Scarlet Runners were a fine specimen selection of men, and she was unable to prevent her own answering smile. ‘It was a joke – A bad joke Avery – And I’m sorry.’

  Avery simply dipped her head. Not moving until she heard the click of the door closing. ‘If it was a joke. Why did you punch him?’

  ‘Because it didn’t seem like a joke. Fuck, Little-Bird. Since Anna-Leigh’s murder, Sinbad’s change. He never used to act like an ass.’

  ‘Did he love her.’

  ‘Too much. She ruled this place. She was a good person, and didn’t deserve what happened to her.’

  ‘My guess is – She wouldn’t be happy with his behavior then.’


  ‘Okay – I forgive you both.’

  Mace smiled, wincing when he pulled on the dried blood on his lip. ‘What am I forgiven for.’

  ‘For acting like an idiot.’ As he dragged Avery on to his lap, a loud puff of air expelling from him, causing him to wince when she fell against his stomach.

  ‘Here, let me take a look.’ When she went to grab the bottom of his tee-shirt. He grabbed her fingers, lifting them up to his mouth to kiss the tip. ‘Better not.’

  Her lips brushed against his throat. Her free hand slipping down to the fastening of his jeans. Mace chuckled as he grabbed the wayward hand. ‘You’re good for my ego. But I have to go.’

  Avery pouted, her eyes on Mace’s brown ones. ‘Wouldn’t you rather spend the time with me. Naked.’

  ‘Tempting me Little bird – I would. But for Sinbad and Dill to come to the studio, it must be important.’

  ‘Who’s Clipper.’ Avery watched the light go out of Mace. His eyes turning bleak. When he pushed her off his lap to stand, she stumbled slightly. Whilst he searched the room, he ran his fingers through his hair, and she wondered if he was ever going to answer. ‘He’s the President of The Hybrids.’

  Avery stepped back. She knew who the other bikers were. They’ve made a visit to Sylvia. Although she turned the offer down, it hasn’t stopped her from agonizing over a possible return visit. ‘How much do the other store owners pay you for the security you provide.’

  Mace paused in retreating his cut.


  Chapter 12

  ‘I’d better be going.’ Avery sensed the stillness in Mace as she turned away from him. His fingers pressing into her spine while they continued to walk towards Mississippi. She returned the biker’s smile as she sat in the seat opposite him.


  ‘Because you have stuff to do.’

  ‘The meeting won’t take long. Then we can go for a ride as promised.’

  Avery sipped the coffee Mace passed her before he left for his meeting. As she glanced around the almost empty room, she wished he had left her at his studio. Maybe she should have insisted on returning home. After all, there are plenty of things she should be doing. A glance at her cell, reveals several missed calls from her father, and a couple from Shanae. With a dispassionate sigh, the cell landed with a thud back in her purse. They can wait. Although she’ll have to tell them about her and Mace eventually. Meanwhile, she wasn’t ready for that particular conversation yet.

  ‘Hi. Any coffee left in the pot?’ Avery glanced at the redhead, and returned her smile. She remembered her from last night. The one who was all over Sinbad. Without waiting for a response from Avery, the redhead, sat in the chair recently vacated by Mississippi.

  ‘I’m not sure.’

  ‘Hell, it’s after twelve, why don’t we have a beer instead.’ The redhead returned with two beers, passing one to Avery, who accepted it with a smile. ‘I’m Carrie.’


  Avery watched Carrie search the room. Her red hair swept over her shoulder, and the shorts she wore, exposed long tanned supple limbs. Her nails, painted red with black strips. ‘Mace not about?’

  ‘No.’ Carrie smiled, it was a warm smile which reached her eyes, and Avery wanted to relax, but her body refused to. When her cell rang, she switched it off, then returned to the beer.

  ‘Aren’t you going to answer it.’

  ‘Nope, It’s my folks. They can wait.’ She continued to watch Carrie lit a cigarette, who then blew smoke rings as she examined her nails.

  ‘If you’re hanging out with Mace. You’re going to have to get used to it.’

  ‘Used to what.’

  ‘Mace ain’t no Angel, and he’s fucked all the women here.’

  Avery’s laugh is hollow as she studied at the redhead. ‘I guess. Why are you telling me this?’

  ‘You’re going to need a friend if you stay with the club. Especially while you’re with Mace.

  ‘And after Mace.’ Avery went cold inside, refusing to think ahead.

  ‘When you’ve fucked a couple of the other guys. They’ll probably not find you as intimidating.’

  Carrie’s comment brought the conversation she’d had with Mace back to her mind, wondering if he’d lied to her, and she was expected to sleep with the others. ‘And as a friend – You think you should be telling me this.’

  ‘Sure – Last night and this morning I fucked Sinbad. He may choose me again tonight or Dill might. When Mace is finished with you, he might call on me. Just letting you know what’s going to happen.’

  ‘And you don’t mind being passed around.’

  Carrie chuckled, stubbing the cigarette out before she finished her beer.

  ‘I’ve been with the club seven years. I’m safe here. They look after me and the girls’

  ‘Don’t you ever want to leave?’

  Carrie traced a pattern on the table, her teeth grazing her lower lip while avoiding Avery’s gaze.

  ‘Can I take your picture.’ Avery has found her next project. She has Mace’s, and if Carrie consented, she’d fetch the consent forms over.

  ‘Why would you want to take a picture of my mug.’

  ‘Because you’re beautiful.’ Carrie’s head fell back as a giggle escaped her. Her hands reaching out for the carton of cigarettes. As she shook one out of the packet, tapping the end on the table before raising it to her mouth. Her gaze returned to Avery. ‘And when would you want me to pose for you.’

  ‘I wouldn’t – I want them natural. So I’ll be taking them at any time.’

  ‘Can I have copies?’

  ‘Sure – And I’ll pay you.’

  ‘This is your place.’

  Avery watched Carrie as she stood on the threshold of the cabin. After gaining her consent to have her picture taken, a couple of the other girls, who had joined them, had willingly agreed. Wanting to star
t on her new project straight away, she’d come home with Carrie tagging along. ‘Yep. Come in – I’m just going to get changed. Then we can go back to the club where I can make a start.’

  When she returned, she had replaced her jeans for black lace shorts, and a black top with off shoulder sleeves. ‘Ready.’

  Carrie replaced the photograph of Avery’s grandparents and her, on the mantelshelf. When Avery walked into the room, Carrie’s smile had been missing. Now, as she looked at her, it’s back in place. Avery hoped her own expression is bland. There had been something lost about Carrie, and she prays she has the ability to capture that quality on film.

  ‘How did you end up at The Scarlet.’ Carrie climbed into the silver ford. Another cigarette at her mouth, and as she lowered the window, she blew smoke into the open air. Avery wondered if she could ask the woman not to smoke in her car.

  ‘It was supposed to be a temporary thing. I was in a bar looking for a john, and Reel was there. He took me back to ‘The Scarlet’ and I never left.’

  ‘Reel?’ Avery grabbed her camera and began to take shots. Carrie’s vulnerability is back.

  ‘Yeah – He’s dead.’

  ‘How did he die.’

  ‘The Hybrids.’

  Avery shivered. Apart from seeing them ride through town, she’s never met the bikers. The more she heard, the less she wanted to meet the rest of them. As far as she can tell, they were responsible for two deaths. ‘How.’

  ‘It was a bar fight.’


  ‘Three – four years ago.’

  ‘Were you Reel’s old lady?’

  Carrie drew heavily on the cigarette. Her hand shaking while she picked at invisible dirt underneath her perfectly manicured nails. Her gaze avoiding Avery’s as she stared straight ahead. ‘Yeah - For four years he looked after me - He was good to me.’

  ‘Did you fuck the others while you were with Reel?’ Carrie shook her head, her red hair falling forward. Avery caught every movement on camera. She wanted to feel guilt for capturing such a private moment, yet she didn’t. These were the pictures which would sell.


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