by Laura Rossi
“I’m sorry…” he cringed, as one of the paramedics touched his chest.
The woman in uniform was examining every little part of his body, putting a little pressure on it at times.
“Shhh” Isabella said and leaned forward to kiss him gently on the lips, uncaring of the people in room. “Don’t talk”
The touch of her lips made Christopher’s chest move up and down a little faster.
He wanted to touch her, but he couldn’t, not with his arms tied to the stretcher.
The paramedic pressed on his stomach a little and Christopher cringed again.
“What are you doing?” Isabella asked, a little worried.
“We are trying to assert if he has any broken bones or internal bleeding” the woman said in English and then turned to speak to her colleague in German.
“Are you really okay?” Isabella’s eyes moved quickly from his face to his body, than back to his face.
“I am okay, Bresciani” he smiled.
His smile, her name on his lips. He was okay.
From up close she could see he had a scratch below his lower lip- probably he had bit himself during the impact with the barrier. The paramedics had already taken care of it.
She touched his hand, softly not sure if it was safe to, unsure if it might hurt.
He’s okay, he’s okay… you can breathe again Isabella, breathe.
“Everything seems okay” one of the paramedics said “But we are taking you to the nearest hospital”
“Why?” Christopher asked.
“We don’t think there is anything broken but we need to run a cat scan, to assert any internal bleeding”
“I am coming with you” Isabella said and felt a tear run down her right cheek.
She wiped it off immediately.
“Nobody is allowed on the ambulance”
One of the paramedics fastened the last strap on Christopher’s leg and informed the hospital they were on their way.
“It’s okay” she said and looked into Christopher’s deep green eyes. “I’ll meet you there. I’m coming with one of the MB cars” she nodded, determined to do so.
As they moved out of the room towards the ambulance, Isabella asked one of the paramedics which hospital they were talking him and then she grabbed her headphones and plugged them back in. She quickly pressed on the button of her radio and called Hillary.
“I’m with Christopher”
“Okay” her voice hesitated.
“He’s conscious”
“Oh thank God” Hillary breathed out.
“But I’d like to go with him to the hospital…if that’s okay” she hesitated.
“Of course. Mr. Johnson and I will meet you there, as soon as the race is over” Hillary said “I’ll take your stuff from the work station”
“Thank you. I’ll take one of the MB vans in the parking lot” Isabella hung up and kept walking fast next to Christopher, ignoring the journalists screaming out his name and the cameras moving beside and in front of her, recording their run to the ambulance.
Nothing, absolutely nothing mattered anymore. She kept her pace, kept her eyes on Christopher, kept her hand on the stretcher.
She waited for the paramedics to ease him inside the ambulance and then leaned forward to grab his hand for an instant.
She squeezed it tight and then kissed it.
“I’m coming” she told him.
End of book 2
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The third and final book of the Counterpoints series will be available on Summer 2017