Desire Had A Name: The Bad Baker Boys: Matt's Story

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Desire Had A Name: The Bad Baker Boys: Matt's Story Page 14

by Tonya Brooks

  “She looks as good as ever. Maybe better.”

  Matt merely grunted in acknowledgment as he looked for the sports page.

  “She says she's getting married again,” he added and received no response. “She's got some damn fool notion that Jed needs a full time father.”

  Matt glared at him over the paper. “My son has a father. She made damn sure of that.”

  “I reminded her of that, and how bad it had turned out, but she wouldn't listen,” he complained. “You'd think she'd know better than to make the same mistake twice. The only reason to get married is because you love somebody.”

  “She doesn't love him?” Matt asked with more curiosity than he wanted to show.

  “She even admitted it.”

  The paper hit the floor as the chair slammed forward. “Then what the hell is she marrying him for?” He demanded.

  “I already told ya. To give the boy a role model.”

  “That's bullshit.” Matt growled as he stood and began to pace the floor. “Jed has me. What the hell does he need with another man?”

  “You'd have to ask her that,” he shrugged and got to the point. “Harley mentioned that she was meeting you tonight to talk about something important. What do you suppose it is?”

  Eyes narrowed dangerously, he growled, “She'd better hope like hell she doesn't want her fiancé to adopt my son.”

  “Not after all the hell she raised to make sure he was born a Baker.” Jedidiah denied and tried to steer the conversation back in the right direction. “It must be really important. She came back after all this time just to discuss it with you.”

  “It could be anything.” Matt complained as he sat back down. “I never did understand how her mind worked.”

  “She did admit something else that you should know.” Jedidiah informed him. “Harley would have stayed... if you had asked her to.”

  “She what?” He all but shouted as his feet hit the floor again.

  “But you didn't ask, so she figured you wanted her to go.”

  “Why the hell would I have wanted her to leave?” He demanded angrily. “I've missed watching my son grow up because of it.”

  “Well, she's back now.” Jedidiah said reasonably. “And if you've got a brain in your head, you'll keep her here where she belongs.”

  Ah, hell. Here we go again. “Pop, Harley didn't want anything to do with me back then and she sure as hell hasn't changed her mind after all these years. If she did, she wouldn't be engaged to whats-his-name.”

  “An engagement is not a marriage.” Jedidiah said shrewdly. “A marriage is a hell of a lot harder to have done with.”

  “All it took was a signature,” he said dryly.

  “Things aren't always what they seem to be,” his father said enigmatically. “You remember that when you talk to her tonight. And don't forget the only way to keep that boy with you all the time is to keep his mother, too.”

  “She's not mine to keep, Pop. She never was.”

  “Only because you never claimed her,” Jedidiah shot back, aggravated at his son's lack of comprehension. “You got Harley in your bed once, dammit. You can do it again.”

  Matt sighed wearily and sat back down as his father stormed out of the room. It sounded like a helluva idea and God knows he'd love nothing better, but he knew Harley well enough to know she'd have to be completely hammered before she'd crawl in his bed again.

  'You are meeting her at the bar,' some imp from hell reminded him. 'Get her drunk and take advantage of her. It worked the last time.'

  Until she sobered up, he remembered regretfully.

  The idea had merit though. Maybe the old man wasn't as demented as he seemed. He'd love to have Harley back. God knows they were sexually compatible and when they weren't fighting they had always gotten along well enough. When they first met, they had laughed and joked all the time, and after Jed was born they had become closer than ever. Their son had added a new dimension to their relationship and for a while, he had thought they might have a chance together.

  After she had the baby, Matt had hoped Harley would come to the same conclusion and see that they belonged together as a family. He'd been completely floored when she had announced she was moving to Florida and taking Jed with her. After he had put them on the bus, he'd spent the whole week drunk out of his mind until his father had put his foot in his ass and made him sober up.

  Losing Harley again had been more than a man should have to endure and losing his son had really put him over the edge. That boy was the best thing that had ever happened to him and he wanted nothing more than to be with him every day and watch him grow up. Harley was right about that much at least. Jed did need his father on more than holidays, and if she'd come back home, he could make that a reality.

  The question was, how could he convince her to do it? Especially now that she had a new man in her life. A man who wanted to marry her and be a father to his son, dammit. Jealousy gnawed at him. Why the hell did he have to want the one woman who had never really wanted him, he wondered in regret. What was it about her that had always made him lose all reason and behave like the worst sort of fool?

  Whatever it was, Matt was determined that it wouldn't happen again. Tonight he was going to behave like the mature adult that he had become and determine once and for all if they had a chance in hell of getting back together again. And if all else failed, he'd get her hammered and keep her in bed until she saw reason.

  Yeah, he derided himself. That was real mature. But it was worth a shot and he was keeping all of his options open. This might be the last chance he ever had to get Harley back. If he had to fight dirty to do it, then so be it.


  Matt entered the building at nine-thirty and walked straight to the bar knowing that Harley wouldn't be there yet. The woman had never been on time in her life. At least she hadn't when he'd known her. He doubted she'd changed that much.

  “Hey, bro,” Mark said in surprise as he opened a beer and placed it on the bar in front of his brother. “What are you doing here? I heard Jed was home.” Since he'd been stuck at the bar all afternoon with the cooler repairman, he hadn't made it home for dinner, but one of his customers had informed him that his nephew had pumped her gas that afternoon.

  Matt wasn't surprised his brother knew that Jed was here. Gossip still ran rampant in Lakeside. “He is,” he agreed and took a swallow. “Harley brought him.”

  “She's back?” Mark asked in disbelief.

  He knew exactly how much his old friend hated Lakeside and he couldn't even begin to imagine why she'd come back after all these years. But her being back home explained why his brother was at the bar. He hoped like hell Matt wasn't planning to get hammered and try to exercise those old demons again. Mark had come home for spring break right after Harley had left for Florida, and he'd never seen a man in as much hell as his older brother had been in. Losing her had damn near killed Matt and he'd been shocked to discover just how much his brother really had cared about her.

  “She's getting married.”

  Mark's jaw dropped at that revelation. “Again?” After all the hell that she and Matt had been through, he couldn't believe she was willing to try it again.

  He took another swallow and announced, “Found herself a lawyer that's loaded.”

  “She's not marrying him for his money.” Mark denied. He knew her too well to believe that. “I've never met a less mercenary woman than Harley.”

  Hell, she had always insisted on paying her own way back when they were pretending to date, but he couldn't tell Matt that. The brothers had managed to put the past behind them and regained their former closeness, but Harley had always remained an unspoken taboo between them.

  Matt knew that was true. He'd offered her money often enough over the years to know that Harley wasn't mercenary because she'd refused every single time. “Pop says she's marrying him so Jed will have a full time father.”

  “Oh, hell,” Mark sighed. His brother didn't sound too
pleased with the idea and he couldn't blame him. Knowing those two, the situation could get ugly and probably would. “Just don't piss her off, Matt,” he advised seriously. “There's absolutely no telling what Harley will say or do if she loses her temper.”

  Matt didn't need to be reminded of that. He'd been on the receiving end of her anger on more occasions than he cared to recall. “That's the least of my intentions,” he assured his brother and drained the bottle.

  “Sweet Jesus,” Mark breathed in something akin to reverence as he glanced up when the door opened and a long legged blonde walked inside. She looked like a tall drink of water for a thirsty man and he had a powerful thirst.

  Matt turned around on the stool to see what had his brothers full attention and recognized his ex entering the dimly lit bar. Damn, she looked incredible. Harley had changed into a red silk dress that showed off every curve and revealed those long, luscious legs. Heat flooded over him, hot and unyielding, piercing him with need.

  “You go after this one and I'll neuter you.” Mark warned his brother as she headed in their direction. They had become exceedingly competitive over women after the whole Harley issue and even the two younger brothers had joined in the game.

  “Back off, puppy,” was growled in a voice rife with possession. There was no way in hell Matt was gonna sit by and let his brother steal her again.

  “Hello, handsome.” Harley flashed Mark a dazzling smile as she stopped beside Matt at the bar. “Did ya miss me?”

  “Harley?” He asked in disbelief as the flirtatious smile turned to one of pure joy. Mark bounded over the bar in his enthusiasm, lifted her off of her feet and swung her around exuberantly. “Damn girl, you're looking good!” He enthused when he put her back down but didn't bother to release her. “What's it been, eight years since I saw you?”

  Mark had reserved her a seat with the teams wives and girlfriends when they had played Miami and she had taken Jed to watch his uncle play football. Most of the women had been friendly but very few of them had believed the child wasn't Mark's since he looked so much like his uncle. Unfortunately, the Dolphins had won that game but Harley was glad that she'd had the chance to see him play professionally.

  “Nine,” she corrected and then teased, “Still breaking every heart in the county?”

  “Well, once they've had the best...”

  “They won't settle for the rest,” she finished for him and laughed at the familiar line. “When Matthew told me to meet him at My Brother's Place, I had no idea that was the name of your bar.” Jedidiah had kept her informed about the family over the years, and she had known that Mark had a bar, but not the name of it.

  “It was originally called Mark's Place but with Matt, Luke and John telling everybody about my brother's place, the name stuck,” he explained in resignation.

  “I like it. It's catchy.”

  Matt had watched as much of their reunion as he could take. Harley sure as hell hadn't been this excited to see him and he couldn't stand seeing her with Mark again. Not with the jealousy already riding him so hard. The reminder that they had spent a weekend together in Miami wasn't helping matters either. He took her elbow and led her to a booth at the back of the bar without a word of explanation or apology. “What did you want to discuss?”

  “That was rude, Matthew,” she informed him as she sat down and placed her purse on the table. It seemed his manners hadn't improved a bit over the years.

  It had been and he knew it. “I'm sorry, Harley.” Matt apologized and saw her eyes widen in surprise because it wasn't something he had made a habit of doing with her. “I'd just prefer to get this over with if you don't mind.”

  Harley felt the same way. She smiled up at Mark when he placed a couple of beer on the table and went back to the bar. “I really don't know how to tell you this,” she admitted as she procrastinated getting right to the heart of the matter. “I thought about calling you, but Donald was insistent that I tell you in person.”

  “I appreciate the effort,” he said dryly and took a swallow of beer. So the only reason she'd come back was at the fiancé’s instigation. That was another strike against the man. Harley had damn sure never done anything that Matt wanted her to. “You've never had a problem telling me what was on your mind, so just say it.” Harley pulled a sheaf of folded papers out of her purse and slid them across the table to him. “What's this?” He asked as he looked at them warily but made no move to touch them.

  “Divorce papers,” she said without preamble.

  Matt stared at her blankly before he burst out laughing and slid the papers back to her. “That was a good one, Harley. Bad taste, but a good joke.”

  “It's no joke, Matthew,” she said glumly. “We're still married.”

  The smile disappeared when he realized she was serious. “What?” Matt roared in disbelief.

  “There's no record of our annulment.” She explained quietly because they had the full attention of everyone in the bar now and Mark was watching them with a worried expression. She couldn't blame her old friend for being concerned. The two of them had been known to get into a shouting match regardless of where they were. Harley was determined that would not happen this time.

  They were still married? Was she kidding? The expression on her face told him she was completely serious and not at all pleased about it. “The judge said it was done when I signed the papers.” Matt insisted, not able to comprehend how something this ludicrous could have happened.

  “Well, he obviously did something wrong,” she complained. “I need you to sign the divorce papers so I can finally put this mess behind me and marry Donald.”

  Now he understood why she'd come back, and he damn sure didn't like it. Harley had to get rid of him before she could give their son a new father. Like hell. “I'm not signing anything,” he refused bluntly.

  “What?” She exclaimed in disbelief.

  “I'm not signing them.”

  “Why the hell not?” She demanded in agitation. It had never even occurred to her that Matthew would refuse. My God, he didn't want to be married to her any more than she wanted to be tied to him.

  “Why the hell should I?” He fired back. “So you can try and replace me in my son's life?”

  “Jed needs a father.”

  “Jed has a father!”

  “I'm getting married.”

  “You're already married!”

  “I don't want you!” She snapped angrily at his obstinacy.

  And she never had, Matt thought furiously. “You should have thought about that before you blackmailed me into marrying you,” he growled menacingly.

  “Bastard,” Harley muttered furiously, her hands clenched into fists atop the table. So much for good intentions. The man had the ability to make her absolutely livid and always had. “You'll sign the divorce papers or so help me, I'll make your life a living hell, Matthew.”

  “You did that when you took my son away,” he accused.

  “You didn't ask me to stay,” she accused right back.

  “I didn't think I had a right to.”

  “And you never will,” was stated flatly. “Now sign the damn papers.”

  “On one condition,” Matt said as an idea occurred to him. He knew she'd never agree to it and he sure as hell didn't expect her to, but it would give him some degree of leverage to work with.

  “Anything,” she readily agreed.

  “I want custody of Jed.”

  Harley gasped and paled visibly. “You can't be serious!” She exclaimed in utter astonishment that he would even suggest such a thing.

  “That's the deal, Harley. Take it or leave it.”

  “Nothing would make me give up my son!” Harley denied vehemently.

  “Then I guess Donald is going to be very disappointed,” he smirked.

  “You can go to hell!” Harley shouted furiously, snatched her purse off of the table and stormed out of the building.

  Mark and everyone else in the place had heard enough of the conve
rsation to know what was going on. He also knew his brother was going to be in a filthy mood and spoiling for a fight to work off his aggression. He did not want to be on the receiving end of it. Fighting with Matt at the best of times was a futile effort, but when he was angry, he could be extremely vicious.

  Placing a full bottle and a double shot of whiskey on the table, he suggested calmly, “Have a drink, big dog.”

  Matt tossed back the shot and glared at him.

  Charlie Simms had always had more balls than brains, and it was never more evident than when he called out, “Your wife is still hot, Baker. It’s too bad she's never had a real man in her bed.”

  Mark cursed crudely. Charlie had just given his brother an excuse to expend all that anger. “Don't do it, Matt,” he warned when the eldest stood. “I mean it. Don't you tear this place apart, dammit.” He knew exactly what would happen to his bar if Matt got his hands on Charlie. The place would be in shambles by the time he was through.

  “Send me the bill.” Matt growled as he walked toward his nemesis. He hadn't been in a fight in years, but he'd just found a way to release all the pent-up frustration and fury that losing his wife and son had caused. “So you think you're man enough to handle her?” Matt asked in a voice filled with silky menace.

  Since Matt had changed from a hellion into a respectable, law abiding citizen, Charlie felt confident enough to reply, “Damn right I am,” while his buddies laughed at his cockiness.

  “I doubt Harley would agree, Simms. Especially after I saw her kick your miserable ass fifteen years ago,” he reminded the other man just to goad him. “You gave me credit for the black eye that she gave you. That's why I staked you out naked.”

  “You son of a bitch,” Charlie growled as he surged to his feet, the chair skidding back across the floor. He'd always suspected it had been Baker and now he knew for sure. It was time for payback.


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