Desire Had A Name: The Bad Baker Boys: Matt's Story

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Desire Had A Name: The Bad Baker Boys: Matt's Story Page 27

by Tonya Brooks

  Harley looked as guilty as if she had committed a crime and for the first time, she wished Matthew wasn't in the room. “I was,” she admitted quietly.

  Jerry closed the file in satisfaction that he had a case against Hobbs. “Thank you for coming in, Harley. I'll be in touch if we need any more information before the trial.”

  “What about Matthew?” She asked in concern over what would happen to him. “He was only trying to protect me.”

  “I don't think Mr. Hobbs will be inclined to press charges after we confront him with the evidence against him,” he said confidently. “And if he does, my office wouldn't be interested in prosecuting a man for protecting his wife under these circumstances.”

  Besides, Matt had been more than generous to his mother when he'd bought the tire store after his father died. He was also a good friend and there was no way that he was going to let him go to jail for stopping a serial rapist. In his opinion, the man deserved a medal for castrating the bastard.

  “Thank you.” Harley said in relief as she offered him a tentative smile and stood shakily. Matt shook hands with both men and led her out to where their family waited. “Everything is going to be alright,” she assured them and hugged her son.

  “This calls for a celebration.” Jedidiah decided and smiled tenderly down at the woman next to him. “Claire, what do you say we whip up a feast fit for a king?”

  “I'd say it sounds like a fine idea, Jed,” she readily agreed.

  The family went back to the Baker's home where Luke and John began teaching their nephew the proper way to grill steaks while they bickered over whose technique was the best. Jedidiah and Claire took charge of the kitchen and prepared all of the side dishes to go with the meal. Mark took a long, hot shower and got out of the dirty, blood stained clothes he'd worn since yesterday morning.

  Matt and Harley sat in the hammock in the back yard and she said guiltily, “I owe you an explanation, Matthew.”

  “You do,” he agreed without heat. “Why the hell did you let me believe you and Mark were lovers?”

  “After I saw you with another woman at the Halloween party, I was convinced that you'd just been playing with me. So I got drunk and Mark happened to be at the right place at the wrong time. When you came to the diner and accused me of sleeping with him, I was so hurt I didn't know what to do. Then when Mark showed up, my pride got in the way and I decided to let you believe we were lovers instead of admitting that you'd broken my heart.”

  She forced herself to meet his troubled gaze as she confessed, “The truth is that I passed out and Mark put me in the hatchback to sleep it off. When you found us together, nothing had happened, but it gave him a crazy idea.” Harley shook her head because after all these years it seemed even crazier than it had then.

  “Since you already believed that we were lovers, he convinced me to act like we were a couple until you lost interest in me. I agreed because I loved you so much that I knew I'd wind up giving you a second chance and I didn't want to be hurt again.” She sighed wearily and explained, “It was just a game. A damn stupid game, but once we'd started, there was no going back.”

  Years of pain and jealousy were washed away in an instant as Matt realized he hadn't been wrong about her after all. Harley had loved him as much as he'd loved her. She hadn't betrayed him and slept with his brother. It must have been pure hell for Mark to be so close to Harley and not have the intimate relationship that everyone believed they had, he realized in malicious satisfaction. It also explained how it had been so easy for Mark to forgive her when he and Harley had made love. If it was all a game, his brother hadn't had the right to be upset.

  “That explains Mark's other women,” he said dryly.

  “Lord. I didn't know what to do when you drug me out to the lake to confront him and Darla that night,” she laughed in remembrance. “I still can't believe you bought that load of bull I gave you about being aggressive.”

  “Every last word,” Matt assured her. “That's why I didn't think there was anything odd about you screaming and clawing when we made love.”

  Her mouth dropped open in surprise. “I never even thought about that.” Harley confessed and realized that her own foolishness and inexperience was what had allowed her to believe that Matthew had used her so callously.

  Matt stretched out in the hammock and pulled her body atop his, locking his arms around her. “So, what you're telling me is that I'm the only lover you've ever had,” he said with a smug expression.

  “You are,” she admitted with a smile because what that bastard Cass Hobbs had done to her certainly didn't count. “You're the only man I ever wanted, Matthew.”

  “Do you want me, Harley?” He asked in that smoky voice that sent shivers down her spine.

  “I always have,” she confessed and kissed him.

  “You guys are gross.” Jed said as he walked up beside the hammock and grinned happily at his parents.

  “Are not,” Matt laughed as he pulled the boy into the hammock with them. He lay there with his whole world in his arms and couldn't imagine how a man could want more than what he had at that minute. “What do you say the three of us spend the afternoon at the beach? Maybe play some miniature golf and hit the amusement park?”

  “Can we Mom?” Jed asked, excited at the prospect of spending the day with his parents.

  “I think it’s a great idea,” she agreed.

  “Alright!” The boy whooped with glee.

  “Uh oh,” Matt said seriously and exchanged a look with his son. “Do you know what time it is?” Jed smiled at the familiar game he and his father had played when he was younger. “It's tickle time.” Matt announced and began to tickle his wife and son as they laughed and squealed. Somehow the hammock overbalanced and the three of them wound up rolling around on the grass and having a hell of a time just being together.

  “It's about time.” Claire smiled through the tears as she watched their antics from the kitchen window.

  “Ain't that the damn truth,” Jedidiah agreed with a smile of satisfaction and kissed her cheek.


  They spent a wonderful day together as a family and it was something that none of them would ever forget. Matt drove them down to the beach to play miniature golf and Jed trounced them twice before the adults gave up. Then they hit the amusement park to ride everything from the carousel to the roller coaster. Much to Matt's amazement, Harley outran both of her men when they raced go-karts and Jed assured his dad that she was a speed demon in a car as well. They sampled cotton candy, candy apples, funnel cakes and snow cones before she wisely called a halt to the sugar overload.

  Matt won her a teddy bear and they went for pizza before taking a walk along the beach as the sun was setting. It had been a perfect day and Jed was asleep before they were halfway home. Matt carried him inside the house and placed him in his bed. Harley kissed their sons cheek and pulled a sheet over him. They tiptoed out of the room and practically ran back down to the car laughing like a couple of teenagers.

  Hours later, Harley lay in what had become her favorite position, sprawled across Matthew's chest, and smiled in contentment. When they had arrived at the vacant lot, he had assured her that as her first and only lover, it was his solemn duty to teach her everything there was to know about making love, and then proceeded to demonstrate his prowess most expertly.

  She may not have been his first and only lover, but she'd likely be his last. The pleasure had been so intense; it was a miracle they hadn't died in each other’s arms. Matthew knew exactly what to do, and when to do it, in order to drive her completely out of her mind with ecstasy. She'd never imagined making love could be so incredible.

  Harley now understood exactly why women threw themselves at him. The man was an incredible lover and she was reaping the benefits of his vast experience. The thought prompted her to ask more than a shade jealously, “Just how many women have you made love to, Matthew?”

  “One,” he answered without hesitation an
d received a pinch in response. Matthew opened his eyes, met her baleful expression and couldn't help grinning at her. “I've had sex with a lot of women, Harley,” he admitted. “But you're the only one I've ever made love to.”

  Propping herself up on her forearms, she asked curiously, “What's the difference?”

  “The mechanics are the same, but it’s what you feel that makes it different.”

  Her lips curved wickedly. “You mean the indescribable pleasure?”

  “That, too,” he agreed seriously and stole a quick kiss. “When I make love with you, it feels like I'm actually a part of you in more than a physical sense. Like we're two halves of a whole. Without you, I'm not complete.”

  Moved by the depth of his emotion, tears misted her eyes. “That was beautiful, Matthew,” she said softly.

  “You're beautiful,” he smiled and pulled her back down to worship her mouth with reverent kisses.

  Sometime later, exhausted and replete, they slept under a canopy of stars, in each other’s arms.

  Chapter Twelve

  Tuesday, May 25, 2010

  They awoke still in each other’s arms and watched the dawn with regret because Harley was planning to leave today. The sunrise reminded Matt of what he wanted for them, a new beginning. “No more secrets,” he said quietly

  “Agreed,” Harley smiled sleepily and snuggled closer to his big, strong body.

  “I wasn't playing with you, Harley,” he confessed. “I was serious. What you didn't see that night was me walk away from Lauren because I wasn't interested in her or anyone else. The only woman I wanted was you.”

  She didn't doubt him. Not now. Harley knew that Matthew was telling her the truth. He really had meant what he'd said at the garage that day, she realized. Leaning up on her elbow, she stared down at him wide eyed and asked, “You mean we've spent all these years apart for nothing?”

  “Yeah,” he agreed heavily and bared his soul. “I was in love with you, baby. I'd even told Pop about us because I was planning to marry you.”

  She gasped in shock as tears filled her eyes. “You were?” She asked tremulously as her heart overflowed with happiness. Matthew had loved her as much as she'd loved him.

  Matt reached up and traced the line of her jaw with a knuckle. “How else was I supposed to treat a lady?” He smiled sadly. “You weren't the kind of woman a man could play with, Harley. You were everything I'd ever wanted and I couldn't believe how lucky I was that you felt the same way. It nearly destroyed me when I thought you'd slept with Mark.”

  Harley grasped his hand and kissed it as tears of regret flowed down her cheeks. “Matthew, I'm so sorry,” she said brokenly. “I should have trusted you, or at least confronted you when I saw you with her, but I was so hurt...”

  “It's over,” he said as he placed a fingertip against her lips to silence the self-recriminations. “We can't do anything about the past, but we can control our future. I want to go to sleep every night with you in my arms and know that you'll be there when I wake up in the morning. I want to spend every day of the rest of our lives loving you, and I'll do whatever it takes to make you love me again. Please stay with me, Harley.”

  There was nothing that she would rather do, but Harley wasn't the same impulsive girl that she had been. She was still learning that making rash decisions could cost more than she wanted to lose. In spite of her desire to stay with him, she had to make sure she wasn't making a mistake that they would all live to regret.

  “I need time, Matthew,” she confessed regretfully. “We've gone from enemies to lovers so fast... I can't risk making a mistake that will hurt Jed.”

  “We are not a mistake,” he said firmly. “We're a family.”

  She smiled into his eyes. “We are.” Harley agreed. “But I still need some time to make sure I'm doing the right thing.”

  “How much time?” He queried with a frown.

  “A few weeks,” she suggested.

  “Weeks?” Matt complained and did not like the idea of being away from her for that long.

  “Matthew, please don't make this more difficult than it already is.” Harley implored softly.

  Difficult? Hell, he wanted to make it impossible. “Maybe I should remind you what you're leaving behind.” He said as he rolled her onto her back and began to make slow, delicious love to her.


  In the end, Harley left later than she had planned, but it had been more than worth the delay. She made the twelve hour drive with a satisfied smile on her face. Since Matthew called every couple of hours just to let her know that he was thinking about her, she was wearing her wireless earpiece. So when the phone rang, thinking it was him again, she answered with, “I miss you. I'll be home in about an hour.”

  “Glad to hear it.” Donald said in satisfaction. “I missed you, too.”

  Dear, lord. Harley had forgotten all about her fiancé! “Donald!” she exclaimed in surprise. “I'm sorry. I thought you were, um... Jed.”

  “Oh,” he sounded somewhat disappointed. “How is the little guy?”

  “Having a wonderful time,” she admitted. “How are you?”

  “Lonely without you,” he assured her. “Are you too tired for dinner tonight?”

  Thanks to an incredible night spent in Matthew's arms, she was. However, guilt convinced her that she needed to tell him as soon as possible that she couldn't marry him. “I'm wrinkled from traveling so let's make it someplace casual.” Harley requested.

  “How about the yacht club at nine?” He suggested.

  “I'll see you then,” she agreed and ended the call. The phone began to ring almost immediately and assuming it was Donald again, she answered with, “Did you change your mind about dinner?”

  “Dinner?” Matt repeated in confusion.

  Damn, damn, damn. Now she was going to have to explain her plans for the evening and she knew that he was going to be pissed. “I'm sorry, Matthew.” Harley apologized. “I thought you were Donald.”

  He sat forward alertly and growled, “You're having dinner with him?”

  “I owe the man an explanation, Matthew,” she reasoned. “He thinks I'm going to marry him.”

  “He knows you're already married.” He reminded her bluntly, not at all liking her meeting the other man for dinner or anything else. “That should be explanation enough.”

  “I suppose you'd rather I had a courier deliver the ring with a note that said, thanks, but no thanks,” she said dryly

  “Damn straight,” he didn't mind admitting.

  “And if I'd used that tactic with the divorce papers, look what we would have missed out on,” she countered.

  “My point exactly,” he assured her jealously. “I don't want him trying to convince you that you've made a mistake, dammit.”

  “You're forgetting one very important thing, Matthew.”

  “What?” He demanded in frustration.

  “I don't love Donald and I never have.” Harley admitted. “There is absolutely nothing he can do to change the way I feel about you.”

  Somewhat mollified by that, he growled, “I still don't like it.”

  “I'll call you when dinner is over.”

  “If I haven't heard from you by ten, I'm coming to Florida tonight.” Matt warned in full possessive mode.

  Harley laughed at his persistence. “Bye, Matthew,” she said and ended the call.

  She arrived at the yacht club late, as usual, and after a quick stop in the ladies room to touch up her appearance, she joined him at the table. Donald rose and pulled out her chair.

  “Welcome back, Beautiful,” he smiled and bent to kiss her cheek.

  “Thank you.” Harley said with an uncomfortable smile. “Donald, we need to talk.” The waiter appeared and as she ordered a mojito, a smile touched her lips. The last time she'd ordered one she'd been having a romantic dinner with Matthew.

  “Did he sign the divorce papers?” He asked curiously and took her hand in his.

  Distracted by the memor
y, she answered absently, “Matthew made a few changes to the original agreement,” and pulled her hand free to smooth a wrinkle from her slacks.

  “What kind of changes?”

  “He insisted on adding spousal support and a college fund for Jed among other things,” she admitted even though none of that was relevant now.

  Donald was surprised to hear that. He normally had to fight tooth and nail to get spousal support. It seemed Harley's ex had been eager to end the marriage if he was making the offer himself. “That's a generous gesture.”

  “Yes, Matthew is very generous,” she agreed and smiled at the waiter when he placed the drink in front of her and asked if they were ready to order.

  “We'll both have the grilled flounder.” Donald informed him without bothering to consult her preference, as usual, and then asked her, “Did he make any other changes?”

  Annoyed because she was tired of him choosing what she ate, Harley informed the waiter, “He'll have the flounder. I'd prefer shrimp creole.”

  Miffed at her contradicting his choice, Donald repeated the question a bit stiffly. “Did he make any other changes, Harley?”

  “What?” She asked absently and realized he was still talking about the divorce. “Oh. Matthew insisted on giving me half of everything he's acquired since we were married.”

  He frowned at that. “He's a mechanic. What's he offering, free oil changes for life?”

  Not at all pleased with his condescending attitude, Harley informed him proudly, “Matthew owns several businesses as well as residential and commercial properties. He's done very well for himself.”

  “So, why would he want to give you half of it?” He wondered aloud. The man had to have an ulterior motive, because he knew from experience that no one gave away half of what they had without a damn good reason.


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