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Jump: Book 7 in the Vengeance MC series Page 20

by Natasha Thomas

  “You two are beautiful together.”

  And that’s all it takes. With a few whispered words from Mia and Austin’s body plastered against my front, my cock jerks and I empty myself inside him, coming with an unholy roar. At the same time, Austin’s cock erupts, bathing Mia’s neck, tits, and belly with rope after rope of thick, white come.


  “Ijust realizeddidn’t necessarily think things throughthoroughly whenIagreedto this relationship.NowI’vegot twopeople bitching atme instead of one.”

  –Austin’s‘oh shit’moment After the first time the three of us made love, there was a second and then a third before we finally fell into an exhausted heap. I closed my arms around Mia tightly, refusing to let go of her for a second for fear that if I did, she would disappear. Patrick must have had the same thought, too, because when he came back from disposing of our condoms and getting a damp cloth to clean Mia up, he climbed in behind me and wrapped us both in the safety of his arms.

  Even though I was worn the fuck out, sleep didn’t claim me easily as I thought it would. My mind was a hectic mess of maybe’s, what if’s, possibilities, and worst case scenarios, keeping me awake until the early hours of the morning. My biggest fear, the one that was on a loop, repeating over and over again, was what if the next day when Patrick and I spoke to Mia she told us we weren’t what she wanted.

  And while that outcome was the bleakest of the lot, there was still the issue of whether Patrick and I would continue our relationship separate from Mia. Everything hinged on her decision mere hours from now, and I only hoped we had done enough to convince her we are worth the risk.

  I don’t have all the answers to how we’re going to make a permanent ménage relationship work, and I know we’ll be subjected to scorn and abuse from those who don’t understand our lifestyle, but I’m willing to endure all of that if it means I get to go home to Patrick and Mia every day.

  Because of my unconventional needs and the lack of a single monogamous relationship as an adult, I thought it best to push my hopes for the future aside. Buried in the back of my mind, they come flooding back with a vengeance as I look over at Patrick’s big, muscular body curled protectively around Mia’s tiny one.

  From the time I could remember until Patrick and I called it quits, my plan was to go to the police academy, graduate, come home and start working my way from the ground up with Waterfield PD until eventually earning my detective shield. After a few years as a detective, I figured I’d be ready to settle down and get married, have some kids of my own, and when I wasn’t running around after them, enjoy the practice that came with making them.

  And, before you say it; sure, the first part went according to plan, but the later wasn’t even on the cards until Patrick came back into my life and I met Mia. Now, all I could seem to think about as I sat in a chair across the room watching them is how much I want that with them. To stand at the end of a petal-strewn aisle with Patrick beside me as we wait for me to appear dressed in white. To watch as Mia grows round with our baby. To walk through the door and be greeted by two people who love me unconditionally, regardless of my arrogance and surly attitude.

  Dawn broke across the sky, lighting the horizon with bursts of color and reminding me just how long I’d been sitting there. Patrick stirred, rolling over to see me staring at him.

  “You sleep at all?” He asks in a gravelly voice laced heavily with sleep. “Not a fucking wink,” I reply, running my hands through my hair. “I think I’m going to take a shower and then get started on making Mia some breakfast. She’ll be starving when she wakes up.”

  Pressing a tender kiss on the back of Mia’s head, Patrick moves to get out of bed.

  “I’ll join you,” he says quietly so as not to disturb the angel beside him. “No, stay with her. I don’t want her waking up alone, and I could use the time to think anyway.”

  “Isn’t that what you’ve been doing all night; sitting there fucking thinking while you should have been in bed with us?” He questions with a hint of anger. “What’s the problem, Austin? Shit getting too real for you? I don’t know what you thought when you decided you wanted to do this, but this,” he snarls, gesturing between us and then to Mia, “this is as real as it fucking gets.”

  “Fuck you,” I snap back. My fists clench with the urge to throttle the asshole, but that won’t get me anywhere. In part, Austin’s right. The reality of our situation hit me like a ton of bricks somewhere between the hours of three and four AM, but not in a bad way. More like it woke my shit up to the fact that I now have two people relying on me. Two people whose happiness hinges on my ability to do the right thing and provide for them accordingly.

  Patrick may make good money doing whatever it is he does for the MC – his bike, truck, the house he owns outright sitting on forty acres is a testament to that – but that won’t always be the case. Not after his meeting with Boss and his brothers a week ago, and definitely not after the letters he told me are being delivered today.

  Mia and I read ours together last night. In between rounds two and three, she sat between my legs and read aloud all the things Patrick was too frightened to vocalize. He talked about his mom, his brother, and how they came to live on the street. What it was like to be hungry and cold every day, not knowing where your next meal would come from or if there would even be one. He recounted Cash’s abuse, the fear that one day he would be hurt and Patrick would be left alone with nothing and no one.

  Then there was his heart condition. Patrick went into detail, explaining his surgeries, the post-operative pain, and eventually his slippery slide into the world of drugs and crime. But the part neither Mia or I had even the slightest idea about was how disillusioned Patrick had become about his life and position in the MC.

  Out of a misplaced sense of guilt, Patrick followed his brother, Cash, into the MC, prospecting for Vengeance after finishing high school. That much I did know. I was acutely aware of Patrick’s plans since they were the thing to destroy us.

  What I didn’t know, and from what we read neither does anyone else, is that Patrick never had any intention of being a life-long member of Vengeance. He had other goals he’d set out for himself, one of which included starting his own business. I was shocked at what he revealed and the anger he harbored for what he felt were wasted years that could have been much better spent doing something – anything – else.

  Patrick was alarmingly clear that leaving the club was what he wanted, but there was thinly veiled hesitance there too. He had built a family with Vengeance. Those men were his brothers, his support network, and leaving them behind would create a huge hole in his life that he worried he’d never fill. Add to that his fear that the men he trusted with his life would shun him for his sexuality, and it is safe to say, that Patrick’s decision was never going to be an easy one.

  When Patrick returned home from his meeting with the MC that he had Sarge arrange, I expected him to be either livid or have fallen into a state of depression, depending on how they reacted. What I hadn’t anticipated was the dazzling smile I was given over Mia’s shoulder as he swung her up into his arms.

  According to Patrick, other than the black eye he was sporting and the small cut above his eye – both were gifts from his brother, Cash who was furious that Patrick ever thought he would disown him for something like his sexual preferences – the meet went smoothly, all things considered.

  As expected, Patrick’s letters had been delivered the day before, and each of the men had read them multiple times before entering the room they used for church. Confusion warred with disbelief as Patrick divulged more of our history together. They weren’t angry at him, but at themselves for never noticing how badly their brother suffered after we called things off.

  Then there was the matter of our current relationship with Mia at the heart of it. Gage was the most worried since Mia was the sister of his wife’s personal assistant. Shit got messy when family was involved, and Gage was only protecting
his wife, Aislinn’s interests when he asked if what we were doing was permanent or just a fling until something better came along.

  Regardless of why he asked, Patrick took offense to Gage’s reference to Mia not being good enough, throwing a punch that narrowly missed the hinge of Gage’s jaw, Cash delivered his first blow which earned Patrick the cut above his eye. I don’t blame Patrick for reacting the way he did; if anyone questioned me about what Mia means to me, I would have done exactly the same thing.

  Boss intervened when they started arguing about who was at fault for not recognizing Patrick’s struggle. But then it was time to address the elephant in the room, to which the men all became eerily silent. Interestingly, it was Fury, the quietest Vengeance brother, and Patrick’s Vice President who broke the silence.

  Fury wasn’t concerned about the logistics of Patrick leaving the MC; he was more worried about how to do it without severing all ties. Fury was adamant that there had to be a way Patrick could continue to come and go as he pleased, with the exception of church and lockdown unless the situation warranted it. And surprisingly, he wasn’t in the least phased by my job as a detective, even joking that having a cop in the family may come in handy sometimes.

  Fury’s easy acceptance of Patrick’s decision paved the way for the rest of them to list their concerns and state their case either for or against. Then in a preliminary vote that would eventually be put to the rest of the club as a whole, each man raised their hand to cast their hat in the ring, and much to his shock the vote turned out to be unanimous in Patrick’s favor.

  I’m not discounting the validity of his fear, but in the end, it was all for nothing. In six weeks, Patrick would be officially replaced as Vengeance’s Road Captain and his membership dissolved. They would part ways friends, which was a damn sight better than the worst case scenario Patrick had spent weeks agonizing over.

  ***** I understood that better than most about the anxiety that surrounds bearing your best-kept secrets. When I told my own parents that Patrick and I are together and it isn’t the first time, nor will it be the last, I thought my dad was going to have a stroke. All the color drained from my mom’s face, her complexion turning ashen before her jaw went slack and she gaped at me not having the first fucking idea what to say. They look horrified by the prospect their only son is bisexual and in a relationship with a man and woman at the same time. But thankfully, my sister, Dallas came to my rescue.

  She took our parents aside and calmed them down, not bothering to explain that in this day and age polyamorous relationships are more common than they think. Dallas instinctively knew they wouldn’t want to hear a thing she had to say, so she left them to it and turned her attention to me instead.

  We aren’t close, or I hadn’t thought we were. But I learned something about Dallas that day, and it changed my entire outlook on our sibling bond. She shared why she no longer lived at home, delivering the news that she was also in love with two people at the same time – the owners of the company she works for – but unlike me, Dallas didn’t hold out hope that it would work out. Dallas hated the narrowminded views of our parents and knew they wouldn’t accept her lifestyle choices. Hence, her decision to move into a small bungalow closer to where she works and far away from the prying eyes of our mom and dad.

  I left our parent’s house while Dallas was checking on them, but not before I promised to have her over so that she could meet Patrick and Mia, and making her swear she would call me if she needed anything. Since then, we’ve text each other every day, and I’ve called to check in with her twice.

  Thinking about Dallas reminds me that, blood or not, she’s no longer the only family I have. Patrick and Mia are now the biggest part of me, which makes them the most important members of my family. Which brings me back to Patrick’s letter, and his fears that his family would react in much the same way as mine.

  ***** By the end of the article Shauna wrote, but Patrick agonized over, Mia was sobbing, and even I had shed more than a few tears. There were no words of sympathy, and no pity or disapproving looks. Instead, Patrick slid inside Mia’s slick, wet pussy and I thrust myself deep into her ass, I kissed him fiercely, and we murmured how much we love him until Mia and I were sure he believed us.

  All of this and more runs through my head as I shower and dress. Glancing over at the bed as I’m leaving the room, I see Patrick has fallen back asleep, and Mia hasn’t so much as moved a muscle.

  Cooking a simple breakfast of bacon, eggs, and toast, I arrange three plates on a tray, along with orange juice and coffee. My walk back to our bedroom is slow as I pathetically try to delay the inevitable. I have no doubt that when Mia is finished eating, she will make an excuse to leave, and I can’t let that happen. Granted, taking ten extra seconds to deliver her breakfast won’t change anything, but it’s all I’ve got.

  What greets me when I walk through the partially open door immediately erases all thoughts of Mia going anywhere, though. With her back on the bed and Patrick’s face down between her spread thighs, my eyes zero in on Mia’s breasts as she arches her back. Her nipples are tight peaks, pointing toward the ceiling, and based on their color, Patrick had been sucking and biting them for a while.

  “Look who’s finally decided to join us,” he says with a wicked gleam in his eye.

  “What do you say we give Austin a little show, baby?”

  Mia moans helplessly as Patrick pins her hips to the bed and descends on her cunt, licking, sucking, consuming her like she is his last meal. I don’t move an inch; my feet are riveted to the spot as the tray I’m holding slips from my grasp. Plates clatter to the floor, glasses smash, and it’s safe to assume none of us will be eating the breakfast I cooked. However, from my point of view, there are plenty of other, tastier morsels on offer anyway.

  Patrick notices my hand go to the snap of my jeans and halts my progress with a sharp command.

  “No touching. Just watch. Later, when I’ve taken care of our girl, she’s going to watch as I suck your cock and swallow every last drop of your come. But for now, keep your hands at your sides and sit on the bed.” My first instinct is to tell him to fuck off, but I don’t, opting to follow his directions at least for now.

  As I ease myself onto the mattress beside them, Mia looks up and smiles at me, reaching for my hand. I differ to Patrick, silently asking for just this one small touch in order to feel connected to them. He answers with a curt nod before he buries his face back in her pussy, so I thread my fingers through Mia’s and squeeze gently.

  “Mm, delicious” Patrick fucking good.” Shoving two dripping cunt and gathering some of her cream, and offers them to me to lick clean.

  rumbles. “She tastes so thick fingers inside her

  Sucking his digits into my mouth, my tongue laps and sucks until I’m sure I’ve gotten it all.

  “More,” I growl when Patrick slides them out and then slams back into her.

  “Fuck, no. You can have her next orgasm because this one’s mine.” Focusing on the task at hand, Patrick spreads Mia’s lower lips open and flicks her clit until it turns dark pink and is so distended Mia has to be bordering on desperate for release. Something she proves to be true when she pleads,

  “Oh god…I don’t think I can take anymore. It’s too much.” Patrick takes that as his sign to pinch her clit between his thumb and forefinger as he points his tongue and stabs it in and out of her cunt like it was his cock. Mia lasts about another minute, bucking her hips up to meet his mouth and clamping her thighs tightly around his face.

  The inside of her creamy thighs are rubbed raw from Patrick’s beard and covered in love bites, but if she’s sore, Mia doesn’t show it.

  “There. Yes…Patrick. Right there.” Cresting the wave of her climax, Mia’s whole body stiffens and she lets out a keening wail. Her breasts and chest are flushed, her nipples diamond hard, and her belly quivers as Patrick wrings her orgasm from her almost viciously, leaving her boneless and panting.

  Once Mia’s brea
thing returns to normal, Patrick rises to his knees in front of her but doesn’t look away from the sight of her swollen pussy. Come leaks out of her sweet cunt, down the crack of her ass, and pools beneath her on the bed. And just when I thought that was the hottest fucking thing I’ve ever seen, Patrick blows it out of the water by slowly and methodically collecting every drop and shoving it back inside of her where it belongs.

  “I made you a promise earlier, and I think it’s time I delivered on it,” Patrick grins. I return his grin with one of my own and wait for him to tell me where he wants me. Patrick doesn’t disappoint, instructing me to strip and lean against the wall directly opposite the bed. I knew why he chose there; from where Mia’s was lying on the bed, she would have the perfect view of every angle depending on how far we took this.

  I can’t deny that I’d love to skip the foreplay and feel Patrick bury his cock in my ass again. It was fucking hot, dirty, and something I’d desperately needed. His thick shaft pumping in and out of me, the sensation of his balls slapping against mine, and the way he bit down on my shoulder as he was about to come was pure eroticism at its best. The man was a God with a huge cock, and he knew exactly how to use it to coax the most pleasure out of his partners.

  My quick shower this morning did nothing to quell my desire for Mia or Patrick, I realize when he comes to stand in front of me. Completely naked, Patrick’s cock sits hard and heavy, straining against his abs.

  His chest glistens with a thin sheen of sweat from the exertion of eating Mia’s sweet pussy. All in all, he was the sexiest man I’d ever had the privilege of touching, and I couldn’t wait to get my hands on him again.

  Luckily, Patrick doesn’t fuck around this time. I was already horny as fuck, and I didn’t think I could stand it if he decided to tease me for long.

  “Kiss me,” he commands, wrapping his hand around the back of my neck.

  “With fucking pleasure,” I reply. And those were the last words we spoke. We kissed until neither of us could catch our breath and then Patrick dropped to his knees. His hands trailed up my thighs, scratching lightly over the crisp hair there. My balls ache with the anticipation of his touch, but it never came. Instead, with a tight grip at the base of my shaft, he guides the crown of my cock into his hot, wet mouth.


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