Lady's Temptations: A Winter's Regency Menage

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Lady's Temptations: A Winter's Regency Menage Page 4

by Reed, Kristabel

  Before Sarina had a chance to understand the truth of either man’s words, Prescott spoke again.

  “You were right. If you’d chosen between us,” he said in that same quietly intense voice, “it would’ve caused a rift.”

  “Then what can we do?” she demanded. Why did they insist on prolonging this torture? “We need to end this.” She took a deep breath and looked from brown eyes to blue. “Now,” she insisted.

  “Or,” Prescott said in a low voice that caressed her as surely as his hands, “we can share.”

  “It’s a way,” Liam added with equal passion, “for us all to be together.”

  Stunned, Sarina tried to understand his words, their words, and looked wildly between both men. Liam stood calmly by Prescott’s side, his gaze steady on hers, blue eyes still glittering with a burning need and acceptance. Prescott’s brown gaze had nearly blackened as he watched her, and Sarina abruptly knew what her answer was.

  For weeks, months, her answer had twisted and clawed within her, made her think all sorts of scandalous and illicit thoughts about the three of them she knew no proper lady—indeed no lady of any sort—dared to think. It had been the reason she’d been unable to choose between them. Choose only one of them at the expense of the other and the risk of her own heart.

  “Yes.” She said the word even as she stepped forward, between the men. Her men.

  Chapter Five

  Nerves danced in her belly, but they were nothing compared to the heat racing through her veins. Sarina swallowed, her heart stuttering in her chest, but knew she wanted this. She’d almost lost them, almost died in the fire that had ripped through Kingsnorth.

  Whatever happened tomorrow, she wanted to make sure both men understood how important they were to her. A part of her wondered if this had always been the outcome: the three of them, together.

  For a heartbeat she wondered if Prescott and Liam felt for each other what they did for her, the burning need to be with both. But then Liam took one hand and Prescott the other as they led her to the bed. Sarina had the feeling they truly had worked things out between themselves. Not saying good-bye, not accepting her marriage to Lord Strathmore, but sharing.

  She didn’t know what that entailed, but if the excitement running along her nerves was anything to go by, she looked forward to it.

  Liam stood behind her, his hands large and warm on her bare skin as he slipped his robe off her shoulders. Sarina’s breath caught, but she didn’t stop him. Propriety had fled and she had no desire to try and find it. This was what she wanted.

  And when his lips grazed her skin, over one shoulder to the sensitive side of her neck, Sarina forgot she was supposed to have any objections in the first place. Her eyes fluttered then closed, her skin on fire. Liam’s lips tasted gently over the soft spot between her shoulder and neck, and she shuddered.

  Prescott still stood before her; she knew that and wondered if he planned on watching her and Liam—what was the word? Consummate their relationship? Even to Sarina’s Liam-clouded mind, that sounded stuffy and prudish for what they were about to do.

  To her utter surprise, Prescott leaned forward, untied the robe, and cupped her breasts.

  She gasped and arched into his touch, her eyes flying open. “Oh.”

  His thumbs circled her nipples, hard and aching, his nearly black gaze watched her with a hunger that had her insides clenching in response. Her fingers, which had tangled themselves in the robe, now itched to thread through Prescott’s hair, to feel the strands of dark brown against her skin.

  Behind her, Liam pulled her against him, and Sarina felt his hard body, his own need of her. With her skin flushed and mind whirling with this new information, Sarina shuddered and gave herself up utterly to them.

  She had no idea how she’d make love to both men, completely inexperienced as she was, but wanted desperately to discover all of it. How they tasted, what they enjoyed. The pleasure she could give them, just as they now gave her.

  The robe pooled at her feet, and Sarina stood naked before them. She felt the heat of embarrassment begin to cool the flush of desire, but Liam’s hands cupped her hips and slid down her thighs, up to her waist. Her head fell against his chest and she felt the evidence of his arousal nestle between her derrière. His mouth continued to do incredible things to her neck; his fingers moved closer to her center.

  Prescott bent his head, his tongue on her nipple, his fingers twisting her other nipple between them.

  “Yes,” she hissed. Even though she had no idea what she wanted, what they planned, she wanted this. Them. Uncontrollable need swept through her—she’d wanted to kiss them, to touch them, for so long and never thought she’d have this chance.

  But tonight she could’ve lost them. Lost her own life had she not been with them. What was there to life if she couldn’t have what she most wanted? Turning, Sarina touched Liam’s face, felt the angles of his cheek and jaw beneath sensitive fingers. Liam’s hands clenched on her hips but he remained motionless, his gaze boring hotly into hers.

  She turned back around in Liam’s arms and reached up to touch Prescott’s face. Explored him as she had Liam, watched his dark gaze hard on hers as he stood immobile before her.

  Nothing existed now save her two men. And if there was nothing else to her life, at least she had tonight.

  Suddenly, Liam’s fingers slipped between her thighs and Sarina jerked against his touch. Blood roared through her ears, blocking out all reason, all consequences, everything but the sinful touch of the two men she loved.

  “So this is what you meant by sharing.” She didn’t realize she’d said that aloud until she felt Liam’s chest vibrate with his amusement.

  “We love you, Sarina,” he said, his mouth trailing across the back of her shoulders. “We both want you.”

  Prescott’s teeth bit down on her nipple and she cried out, pleasure shooting through her. Sarina arched into his touch, one hand already tangled in his hair. She reached behind her and threaded her other hand through Liam’s dark blond hair, holding them both close. Closer.

  Liam kissed along her jaw to her mouth, his tongue sweeping over her lower lip. His mouth was hard on hers, deepening the kiss with every stroke of his tongue until she whimpered, opened to him, arched into Prescott’s hands.

  Her body hummed with pleasure and throbbed through her center, and Liam’s teasing fingers did nothing to soothe her need. He built her higher, his fingers brushed over her core, pressed hard against her until she jerked against his touch, only to retreat and slide down her thigh, over her hips.

  “Please,” she said and realized it wasn’t the first time she’d said that. Begged.

  Prescott released her nipple, sensitive and sore, and yet still she wanted his mouth back on her breast. He climbed into the center of the bed and held out his hand to her. Liam, his hands back on her hips, lifted her up onto the bed, and Sarina took Prescott’s hand, allowing him to draw her closer.

  Nerves beat steadily in her belly, and she felt that clawing need begin to lessen. But then Liam laid her on the bed and knelt before her.

  “Just relax, Sarina.” His voice caressed her thighs just as his fingers did. Dark and knowing and another shiver of need had her gasping for breath.

  Liam’s hands replaced Prescott’s on her breasts, and Sarina was amazed she could tell the difference between both men. Their hands were both wide, fingers long, but whereas Prescott’s fingers were thin and strong, Liam’s were wider, the tips slightly calloused. When Liam brushed his fingertips over her nipples, she cried out and arched against Prescott’s hands.

  Before she realized what Prescott planned, his mouth kissed her center, where Liam’s fingers had only teased her. He tasted along her, and Sarina forgot everything but touch. She arched against him, her fingers knotted in the bedding and her mouth open on a wordless cry.

  “Let go, Sarina.” Liam’s voice hummed along her skin, the tops of her breasts, her throat, along her jaw. “Cry out.”

  Prescott slipped a finger into her, his mouth still doing wonderfully delicious things she didn’t understand but never wanted to end.

  She let go. The wave of pleasure that had built and built along her skin, in her tightening nipples, in the secret places her and her friends had tittered at but never truly spoke of. That pleasure broke, and she cried out.

  Even before she had a hope of recovering her breath, Liam’s mouth crashed onto hers, kissing her even as Prescott continued to taste her, his finger sliding easily in her.

  “Turn onto your side.” Sarina opened her eyes to see Liam’s glittering blue eyes on hers. For a heartbeat she froze, not in fear but from the craving she saw in his gaze.

  Without a word, she did as instructed and rolled toward Prescott. His hand was gentle on her now, still teasing her, and she felt that luscious buildup of pleasure begin again. Liam lifted her leg over Prescott’s hip, opening her further to him but still Sarina felt no embarrassment, only the beginnings of such pleasure she wondered if she’d ever leave this bed.

  Behind her, she heard Liam bang something against the night table, but paid no attention to it. Her eyes closed and head thrown back as she arched into Prescott’s touch, she knew whatever they planned, she’d accept.

  Slowly, oh so very slowly, Prescott slipped into her, filled her. Sarina’s eyes flew open and for a very brief moment she felt discomfort, but it felt right; he felt right within her. Then Prescott moved, slowly enough not to hurt her as she’d expected.

  To her utter shock, behind her she felt Liam’s fingers rub lemon scented oil over her derrière. She stiffened, unsure what they planned, but Prescott leaned forward, kissed her softly. The bed shifted behind her and one of Liam’s hands, slick with lemon-scented oil, brushed along her core, over her nub which still throbbed with pleasure.

  Her body relaxed and she opened her eyes to see Prescott watching her. Titling her head slightly so she could also see Liam, she nodded. Whatever they planned, she wanted. She wanted them, trusted them, and knew they’d show her nothing but pleasure.

  Liam then slipped a finger into her rear entrance and Sarina gasped, arching more fully against Prescott.

  “Liam,” she gasped.

  She had no idea such pleasure could be had this way.

  Liam’s movements were unhurried, and Sarina knew he took great care to prepare her even as Prescott moved deliberately within her. Her pleasure continued to build, wind higher and tighter, and when she felt the tip of Liam enter her, she cried out as that pleasure once more broke over her. She was awash in light and sound and such decadent satisfaction.

  They continued to move within her, harder now, and she knew they sought their own pleasure. Prescott shouted her name and she opened her eyes to watch him, needing to see him in the climax of such need.

  Liam moved shallowly within her, his hands guiding her against him. Prescott withdrew from her, and Sarina felt a keen loss even as her pleasure continued its slow, heated build.

  This culmination of need was softer than before, and a small, distant part of her wondered if it was always like this or if her men—her lovers—purposely ensured her pleasure because it was her first time. The wave broke over her and took her up and up. Behind her, she heard Liam cry out her name and knew he’d found his own climax.

  * * * *

  Disoriented, Sarina woke slowly, coming into each of her senses individually as if they weren’t part of the same whole. She felt the bed beneath her and the heavy blankets atop her, a soft pillow under her head, but the hardness behind her and the firm touch to the left of her confused Sarina.

  Swallowing hard, the taste of ash and dulled wine made her wince, and she desperately wished for a cup of tea. With another deep breath and a stretch, she breathed deeply. The scent of lemon oil, fresh soap, and a musky smell she couldn’t place had her eyes opening. Confused, she tried to place the bedding, but failed.

  Every muscle ached. Memory returned in a rush—the fire, her cousins. Her heart pounding, she sat up and the rest of the night’s events—ah, activities?—returned to her as well.



  Sarina swallowed again and crawled to the foot of the bed, careful not to wake the sleeping men. Panic gripped her, but in the next breath she dismissed it. It had been her choice to sleep with both men. And while she hadn’t been certain what that had entailed before last night, she had no regrets.

  Sliding to the floor, her legs gave out and she caught herself on the bed. Last night had been well worth the morning’s soreness, and she smiled at the remembered feelings of such intense pleasure. Even now she felt the aftereffects of pleasure. She’d never known her body could feel like that.

  Sliding Liam’s robe over her shoulders, she blushed fiercely when she realized the maid from yesterday, Iris, would no doubt be in here with her freshly laundered gown. And the three of them had spent the night in her room, or the room she’d been given for the night.

  Panic slowly eroded the pleasure, and Sarina slipped to the door. Her sole intent was to escape the room before Iris, or another maid, entered and saw the shameful way she’d acted. She didn’t exactly feel shameful, far from it, but servants gossiped.

  And she couldn’t afford the kind of malicious gossip a young woman waking in bed with not one but two men would cause.

  Easing the door open, Sarina hesitated. What was she planning? If she went below stairs, would that not look as guilty as Iris discovering her in bed with both Liam and Prescott? And Iris would expect to deliver her gown, not for Sarina to fetch it herself.

  Confused, she eased the door closed again.

  “Don’t go.”

  Sarina froze at the whispered words and carefully turned back to the bed. Liam sat on the side, uncaring about his nakedness as he watched her. She tore her gaze from his body, wondering what he felt like beneath her fingers, her mouth. She hadn’t the opportunity to touch him everywhere last eve and discovered in the burgeoning light of day she very much wanted to.

  Releasing her breath in a whoosh of air, she left the door closed and stepped closer to him. Even if the servants had woken by now, they couldn’t hear their conversation, but she wanted the intimacy of their whispers.

  “I want to regret what we did,” Sarina said quietly, “but I don’t.”

  His smile was lightning quick and transformed his entire face. Slight lines edged from the corners of his eyes with his smile, and the look he gave her warmed her heart.

  “That’s because we’ve been in love.” He paused and glanced over his shoulder. “We’ve all been in love for a long time.”

  Sarina returned his smile and inched her way back toward the bed. “Yes,” she whispered. Stopping before him, she leaned up and pressed her lips to his. It was a light kiss, not the passion from last night, but she still felt a rush of need through her.

  On the bed behind Liam, she heard Prescott stir. He rose, equally unconcerned with his nudity, and sat beside Liam. He cupped her cheek and he smiled at her, his brown eyes shining.

  “Almost since we met,” Prescott said.

  With a start, Sarina realized he’d heard her and Liam’s conversation. A knot she hadn’t realized tightened her stomach had loosened and she nodded. He leaned in and pressed his lips to hers, but didn’t deepen the kiss.

  “I don’t regret what we did,” she told him, repeating her words. Sarina took a step back and tried to gather her willpower to her. “But I don’t think it should happen again.” She took another deep breath. “I think this may have needed to happen between us, but we have no future this way.”

  She waved her hand at both men, trying to encompass with a gesture what she could not put into words. She had no words for this sort of situation and was utterly at a loss as to how to explain it. It was easy enough to justify it to herself—she loved them. Sarina knew she should feel ashamed and embarrassed of her own actions.

  She did not.

  But she was practical. Pragmatic. A relationship between the
three of them? She had doubts as to whether it could survive. Or, for that matter, should survive.

  Prescott stood and faced her. “That’s not necessarily true.”

  Surprised, she jerked her gaze between him and Liam, who looked calm as he sat on the bed. She wished she felt his calmness; her heart pounded, and not merely in proximity to two men she still wanted. And her stomach tied itself up in knots once more.

  Before she could utter a word, she heard footsteps in the hallway outside her door. She jumped and waited for the inevitable scratch, but none came. Allowing herself to relax marginally, she turned back to them.

  “Yes it is.” She shook her head. “We’d constantly fear discovery from servants or guests. At least,” she said with another look between the men, “I would.”

  Liam stood on the other side of her and ran his fingers down her neck, along the opening of her robe. “We’ll make it safe for you.”

  Shaking her head, she looked between them, determined brown eyes to equally determined blue. They really had discussed this, she realized with a start. They’d planned it all out and left her to fill in the gap.

  Sarina supposed she should be angry with them over their plans, but last night had been so thrilling, so special, she couldn’t be.

  “You can’t say that,” she said, her words short and clipped. She longed for such a way, but knew better. Her reputation was precious to her, yes, but Sarina also knew that their reputation, their business, was equally important.

  “This?” She shook her head again. “How can we ever make this safe?”

  Chapter Six

  “We will manage it,” Prescott promised.

  Sarina looked at him, still naked, and had to avert her gaze. Heat rushed through her, despite the previous night’s activities. She felt herself flush at the memory of her wanton behavior, and tried to avert her gaze. However, when she did so, Sarina saw Liam, also still naked and uncaring of his nudity.


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