Brown, Berengaria - Raw Want [Raw Claiming 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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Brown, Berengaria - Raw Want [Raw Claiming 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 1

by Berengaria Brown

  Raw Claiming 3

  Raw Want

  Yuri, Jed, and Lucas claim Ruth as their woman after rescuing her. The men demonstrate their love for her by helping her to prepare herself for the dangers and stress of their journey. Can the foursome learn to become a unit while searching for more survivors?

  Weeks of searching reveal no survivors and no clean water either. How can people live under such conditions? Mind-blowing orgasms form a contrast to days of fear and tension. Will their travels cement their relationship or drive them further apart than ever? Is shared danger and awesome sex enough of a foundation on which to build a long-term relationship?

  Genre: Futuristic, Ménage a Trois/Quatre, Science Fiction

  Length: 20,389 words


  Raw Claiming 3

  Berengaria Brown


  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  IMPRINT: Ménage Amour


  Copyright © 2011 by Berengaria Brown

  E-book ISBN: 1-61926-034-4

  First E-book Publication: November 2011

  Cover design by Jinger Heaston

  All cover art and logo copyright © 2011 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  Never give up on your dreams. Love will find a way.


  Raw Claiming 3


  Copyright © 2011

  Chapter One

  Ruth was bursting with suppressed excitement, but also with some fear and trepidation. Very soon she would be one of a team of ten people returning to the limestone cave system to search for survivors from the Edu-Tech group. But more than that, it was pretty much a done deal that she’d be sleeping with Lucas, Yuri, and Jed. Three men. Three men at the same time!

  Hazel seemed to thrive with three men, and two of her husbands would be coming on this venture, too, Kenan and Reuben. That would be hard, Ruth thought, waiting back at Lilyward One with Peyton and her son Tyler while two of her men were away for three months in danger. Although that was what military wives did all the time, she reasoned.

  Ayla was coming with her two husbands, Ethan and Gideon. Gideon was the team leader. Having Ayla there, another woman, would be great.

  Ruth was going to miss Tatiana. The older lady had been a wonderful support to her when they’d been surviving in the caves themselves after Charlie, Tatiana’s son, had been killed.

  The other man on the team was Greg, the leader of Team D. Travis and Dave were their backup and support men, able to join them if needed.

  Which brought Ruth’s mind back to the idea of three men. Sleeping with, living with, fucking three men. It boggled her mind. All three had made it very clear they were claiming her. Yuri was more the caveman type, throwing her over his shoulder and carrying her when she was too weak to walk properly. Lucas was the conversationalist, sitting beside her, talking for hours, drawing her out, getting to know her. Jed was more the observer, his gaze on her the entire time.

  How would it be having sex with three of them? Would Yuri jump straight on her and start pounding into her while Lucas teased and touched her and Jed watched? Wow! Now that was a hot thought! Or would all three claim her together? Hazel had acknowledged that’s what her three men had done, one in her cunt, one in her ass, and one in her mouth the first time. All claiming her equally.

  Ruth’s belly clenched with desire. And wasn’t that exciting. After months and months of her stomach aching with lack of food, now it was aching with a need for sex! Ruth held her arms out and looked at them critically. She was still thin, likely a little too thin. But nowhere near as bony as she’d been when they were rescued. She and Tatiana had shared one can of food per day for weeks, trying to eke out their food supply. Now they were on unrestricted meals, eating the same as everyone else here at Lilyward One. A proper, nutritionally balanced diet, three meals a day, with occasional snacks. At first the medics had watched them carefully, worried real food would make them ill, but now Ruth was able to enjoy her fashionably slim figure without the nagging, cramping pain of an empty stomach.

  Her thoughts turned back to Lucas, Jed, and Yuri. Sex. Yum! They were all ex-military, all physically fit, tall, muscular, buff. Yuri had been a sniper. Jed was an expert at driving and machinery. She knew Lucas had lived with his grandparents on a farm, but he hadn’t spoken about his military service.

  Ruth ran her fingers through her short brown curls. Her hair’d had to be cut very short after the cave experience. It’d become thin and brittle, but was growing back stronger now. Still, she rather liked it short. She’d likely keep it this length for a while.

  Being still more or less military, all the men had very short hair, too. Yuri’s so blond he almost looked bald at times, Jed’s black, and Lucas’s brown. All she needed was a redhead and she’d have the entire selection. She giggled.

  Three months was the time set for their expedition to explore the cave system properly, looking for tributaries into th
e lake that brought in clean water. There had to be one or more water sources because the water had tested out as only very slightly contaminated. Not good to drink all the time, but perfectly all right for washing in. And any community that had survived so long must have had clean water. So, if they found the clean water, they’d find the survivors. Or that was the theory anyway.

  Nonetheless, the ten of them would be bringing everything they needed for the three months, including water, into the caves and making caches of it in various places, just carrying what they needed for each trip. It sounded reasonable, she supposed, but she was really glad the men knew what they were doing because she was pretty sure she didn’t. As one of the Edu-Tech staff, she both wanted to go to look for her colleagues and was needed to recognize any people they found. Plus it meant Ayla had a female companion, which was a bonus for them both.

  Ruth smiled to herself. Life had sure changed since she’d spent her days sitting at a desk, typing data into spreadsheets, her only worry whether her paycheck would cover all her bills and allow her to save a little toward her dream of traveling overseas. First, she’d been so excited to be in the limestone caves with new areas to explore and to be part of a community. Then she’d realized those in charge were too stupid to ensure the food and supplies were managed properly. She’d been terrified of violence splintering the group. After Tatiana’s son, Charlie, had been killed, life had been a grim challenge of guarding their small store of provisions and hoping they’d manage to find a way of providing for themselves. She hadn’t really expected to be rescued. Now, of course, she was not only protected and cared for. She was hoping to be able to share her good luck by rescuing some other people.

  Which brought her thoughts right back to sex with three men. Sex. With three men. Jed, Lucas, and Yuri. Wow!


  “Yes, Sir?” George Samine, the 2IC of Lilyward One, was standing in front of her desk in one of the open areas, where she was supposed to be entering the names and descriptions of everyone she could remember who’d been part of Edu-Tech’s group to go into the limestone caves.

  “Can you join the Captain and me for a few minutes please?”

  “Yes, Sir.” She saved the document and logged off the computer before following him into the Captain’s office.

  “So, Ruth, you must be well aware of the men who wish to partner with you.”

  “Yes, Sir.” Damn, she was starting to sound like an echo. Could she say nothing else anymore?

  “The 2IC and I feel it would be better for you to have already made the commitment before you go. You’ll feel more secure traveling for three months with men you’re committed to. It’ll make it easier for Greg, Reuben, and Kenan too, who won’t have a woman during this trip.”

  “Yes, S—I agree.”

  “You’re ready to commit to Yuri, Jed, and Lucas?”

  “I am.”

  “How you make the arrangement work is a matter for the four of you to decide. But the woman is the final decision maker in matters of the relationship. All men are equal partners, however. No favorites. No primary or secondary husbands.”

  “I understand, Sir.”

  “Excellent.” The Captain nodded at her and smiled, his blue eyes gleaming behind his wire-framed glasses. “Tomorrow you’ll move into one of the family apartments. Today you need to finish those lists of contacts.”

  “Yes, Sir. What about Tatiana?”

  “She will stay in your existing apartment. If you bring back a large group of people from the caves, we may need to make some changes, but the building team has already made a few spare apartments and will have more completed before the three months is over.”

  “Thank you, Sir.”

  “By the way, there’ll be no need to starve yourself while you’re away. Ayla and Hazel have insisted some chocolate be packed just for you women,” the 2IC added.

  Ruth grinned. “Excellent! Everyone knows chocolate is the most important food group!”

  * * * *

  Tatiana had spoken with the clothing team, and Ruth was dressed in a filmy negligee. Tatiana had handed it to Ruth saying, “You may only have it on for the first five minutes, but making them guess and wait is always good, dear. If I were twenty years younger, I’d seriously consider picking out one or two of these fine young men for myself.”

  Ruth hugged Tatiana. “If you want one, or two, or even three, go out and grab them. We’ve been given a second chance at life. I say go for it and enjoy it. I’m not too sure how sex works with so many men, but it’s going to be one hell of a ride finding out. I’d love for you to enjoy yourself, too.”

  “I’ll certainly think about it, dear. But tonight is for you.” Tatiana hugged Ruth again then left, giving a cheeky little wave as she shut the apartment door.

  Ruth drew in a deep breath. She was excited and nervous all mixed in together. Her tiny satin panties dampened every time she thought about the men. Her heart pounded and her palms sweated. It’d been a long time since she was a virgin, but she’d never had a ménage before, and she couldn’t ever recall being so excited about being with a man either. It was like her first time all over again, but amplified times three.

  For a brief moment she remembered and mourned Cameron. Such a beautiful young man, and she’d loved him passionately. They’d shared a wonderful few months together before he’d moved on, seeking something more, something deeper, that she couldn’t offer him. She shrugged. The world had changed so much in less than a year. She hoped he’d found contentment in whatever form was right for him.

  Ruth knew Tatiana had thought maybe she and Charlie would form a relationship, but he’d been shot before anything had a chance to develop between them. Charlie had been about a dozen years older than her, but he was a good man and had died trying to protect his family—Tatiana and her.

  She shrugged her shoulders. The world in 2013 was nothing like it had been before December 21, 2012. The government and the extremely rich were undoubtedly bunkered down somewhere safe, having avoided the nuclear debris cloud, but who knew when they’d come out and reclaim the land, providing law and order and sanity for ordinary people? Meanwhile, Lilyward One was the only hope she had for survival. And if three husbands was part of the deal, well, she could cope with that. What red-blooded woman wouldn’t want three men to worship her body?

  She turned slowly, surveying her new home. This two-bedroom apartment was not big, but it was still quite a bit bigger than the one-bed apartment she’d shared with Tatiana. The second bedroom was full of the men’s possessions. Having been here since before the world ended, they had far more possessions than her. She’d arrived with everything she owned in one plastic bag. They each had boxes of military equipment, several suitcases full of clothing, and other things like books and music.

  Yuri had a large, locked trunk with his sniper gear in it. Jed had photo albums of his childhood and extended family, and a guitar. All of that was in the second room, leaving the main bedroom for her things and the bed. A very big bed. She giggled. Well, they were big men. If what people said about men with big feet having big dicks was true, they were all well hung, too, she thought, gazing at the row of boots by the door.

  As if in answer to her thoughts, the door opened, and Yuri walked in. He stopped short, staring at her, then licked his lips. After a few moments of silence, he nodded and said, “I like the outfit. I’ll just take a shower and make myself presentable.”

  He looked fine to her, but she nodded. Everything the community used had to be produced or replaced by them, so showering was in recycled water and people were encouraged to keep their showers short. He wouldn’t be long. Everyone wet themselves then turned off the water while they soaped up, only turning it back on to rinse off again. It seemed a huge change to Ruth. She remembered friends who had showers with built-in seats so they could sit there while the water poured over them until it ran out. Likely those kinds of things were gone forever now.

  Yuri was just walking out into th
e living area, with a towel wrapped around his waist, when the door opened again to admit Jed and Lucas. Both had wet hair so presumably had showered in the communal bathrooms. Lucas swept her up into his arms and kissed her. “Nice outfit,” he said.

  “Hell, yes,” said Jed.

  There were a few moments of total silence, so Ruth asked, “So how is this going to work?”

  Jed answered, “You understand that you hold the reins in our private, family life? Who you sleep with, when and where, is always your decision, excepting only that we’re all equal partners according to community rules.”

  She nodded.

  “When we’re out in the caves, we all obey Gideon, the team leader. We’ll possibly be split up, given different tasks, have to take turns on watch, sleep as teams, and so on. That’s different. We’ll still want you, but sex might not be a sensible decision for days on end. But here at home, the choices are all yours,” amplified Yuri.

  “So if I say, ‘No sex,’ you’ll all abide by that.”

  “Might be a rush for the bathroom so we can all jack off, but yeah,” said Jed.

  She snorted.

  “Or we might try to change your mind,” added Lucas, sliding his arms around her waist and pressing her against a very large, very hard erection.

  “Just as well I was planning on saying yes then.”

  “Thank God,” breathed Lucas into her ear as he licked the outer rim of it.

  Oh, that felt so very good. It was wonderful to feel strong arms surrounding her, hot lips on her face. She couldn’t really complain things were moving too fast. She’d known almost since the moment the men found her that they wanted her.

  But in other ways, it was rather like sex on the first date. Sure, they’d talked in public, in groups, at mealtimes. But now they were alone together, and everyone knew they’d be fucking tonight. It seemed—weird.


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