Forbidden Love

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Forbidden Love Page 3

by Natalie Hancock

  You’re a wolf. You can’t hunt your own kind down. Even if you were to be banished, there’s still an oath you can’t break.

  That is why I haven’t killed the man who bit and changed me.

  Wait. You’re a vampire? But you’re a wolf.

  Something which shouldn’t exist, right? Elijah shook before changing back into his human form. He hated staying in his wolf form. Not when it wasn’t who he was. “You blew up the mansion my men were in. Were you aware that you could have killed innocent women in the process?”

  Keta lowered her head to her legs before she shook, changing back into her human form and hiding her naked body with her long legs. She spoke with her hands quickly. There were others there?

  Elijah was thankful his mother had taught him sign language. “We think there might have been, but any woman in the hands of the rogue only ever wishes for one thing. You did them a favour, they are at peace now.”

  That changes nothing. I swore to myself that I would help others who have been where I have. Who are experiencing what I have.

  “Listen to me.” Elijah ran his hands through her thick soft hair. “You did them a favour. Trust me. I know you’ve been in the same situation, but I’ve seen many women kill themselves for fear of being used again, because of the nightmares. We do everything we can, but we can’t truly heal the scars they bear.” Elijah shook his head, still hearing their screams of pain when they slept, seeing the fear within them and he was unable to do a thing about it.

  You look after the broken?

  Elijah kept his eyes locked with hers, but didn’t answer. How could he tell a woman who killed his own kind that he took in the women and tried to heal them, only to fail? Just like he was likely going to fail Rio’s command when it came to bringing Katrina back him.

  There would be serious consequences for that one.

  Elijah shifted into a wolf, barely containing his anger. He waited for Keta to change before speaking. You need to stop killing my kind, especially those who are innocent.

  Your kind hurt me and made me into the creature I am now! I can’t hunt the werewolves for what they did.

  And I am both vampire and werewolf—torn between helping my own kind and keeping the other half safe from harm also. I am sworn to eternity of doing the dirty work of the werewolf who bit me. Life is never fair, Keta, but you have to deal with it anyway you can. And killing all vampires is not the answer, nor will it help you chase away those nightmares.

  Who bit you?

  Rio. He’s the alpha male and pack leader of one of a large pack.

  Rio? Though her expression didn’t give anything away, the quickness of her heartbeat and breathing did.

  You know him?

  I…I do.

  Was he the one that changed you?

  Keta shook her head and lowered her head again. He’s the one who sold me off.

  Chapter Three


  Elijah didn’t take his eyes off the wolf as he changed back into his human form. Rio sold her off? Why? Rio hated vampires, why would he sell them off to his own kind?


  Keta lowered her body and bared her teeth, staring in the direction the voice came from.

  Elijah ran his hands through her fur as he turned his attention to where Keta had. Blake and his men were waiting for him, and close by. If they caught sight of Keta, they’d kill her.

  He put his lips to her ear, keeping his voice quiet as he spoke. “Stay hidden. And don’t even think about running. I know your scent. I can track you down faster than you think.” He stood and headed through the trees to find Blake.

  As he neared the group of vampires, their anger slammed into him. Elijah knew that some of his men had been lost in the explosion.

  The fire still raged inside the mansion, black smoke billowing out of the windows, rising high into the dark sky.

  Blake met him halfway, an angry expression etched across his face.

  Though naked, he wasn’t embarrassed and Blake showed no signs of caring either. “How many?”

  Blake touched Elijah’s arm and gestured for him to walk away from the group. After offering his jacket, Blake answered. “Sixteen of our men were killed, ten of theirs and two female humans. The Silent Killer either didn’t realise there were humans in the house or she does not have a heart.”

  Elijah shook his head, closing the jacket over his exposed body and repeating exactly what he had said to the wolf. “She has a heart. Those women will never be forced to take part in activities they do not understand or do not want to do.”

  “Werewolves take their protection to humans very seriously.”

  “It is why we decided to help humans instead of just capturing the rogues for their dodgy dealings.” Elijah wondered whether Keta could hear their conversation.

  “There is something that you might make more sense of than me.”

  Elijah turned to Blake, his eyebrows raised. Blake seemed deadly serious. “And that is?”

  Blake turned to the sky. “It is not the night of the full moon, yet the Silent Killer was able to shift into her wolf form.”

  Elijah turned his attention to the dark sky and saw that Blake was right—the full moon wouldn’t appear for another day, yet the beautiful killer was able to shift.

  He decided to speak the truth, keeping his voice calm so the vampire didn’t catch on to anything. “Hmm…she must be a half-breed.”

  “Like you?”

  Elijah turned away from the sky. “It’s possible. What other explanation is there?”

  Blake shrugged. “I take it you will chase her. Or do you need to deal with your other…command first?”

  Elijah looked down at his exposed chest where the hand shaped bruise showed clearly. “I must deal with this first. He wants me to search for a missing family member.”

  “And he wants you to risk your life looking?”

  Elijah sighed, lifting his shoulder. “You know how it is. Are you okay dealing with this?”

  Blake growled and his eyes blazed with fury. He hated that one of his people was ordered to do someone else’s bidding with no choice. “I will deal with this. The faster you find the dog’s family member, the better. Keep the coat.”

  “I agree.” Elijah watched Blake go. He wasn’t worried about Blake telling the others about the command that had been placed on him.

  Whether they knew or not didn’t change the fact that he was someone’s bitch.

  Elijah cursed under his breath, turning to walk through the trees to where he had left Keta. The faster he sorted the mess out, the better. He was sick of having to do Rio’s dirty work.

  * * * *

  Command? What command? What does Rio want you to do?

  Nosy, aren’t you?

  Keta growled silently and bared her teeth. She didn’t think Elijah cared but she wanted to know what command Rio put on Elijah and why.

  Elijah spoke, we need to talk more. Is there anywhere we can go that is not near my clan? I don’t want them knowing anything about this. They’d kill you on the spot before either of us could get a single word out to explain.

  Keta believed him. She’d killed too many vampires to be let off. What makes you think I can trust you?

  You didn’t run.

  Keta didn’t say a thing. He was right, she hadn’t run. Damn it. Keta stood, shook the leaves and mud from her fur before she turned and walked away.

  Keta cast a sideways glance at Elijah as he followed. If you don’t like staying in your wolf form, why are you in it now?

  How else are we meant to communicate?

  The way I did before, by using sign language.

  And you would walk naked while knowing that I would have to look at you to know what you are signing?

  Ah. Keta never thought of that. Her clothes had been ripped apart during her change, and she didn’t think to bring spares with her.

  Her crossbow and stake would be missed. A sacrifice she cared more about than
her clothes.

  You also can’t keep a thing from me this way. If you plan on killing me, I’ll know before even you do.

  Keta didn’t say anything for that. Instead, she pounded through the woods, making sure to listen out for anyone following them. Once out of the trees, she ran past the local shops and small houses, thankful that vampires didn’t come out during the day and hardly anyone came out during the night. After all the recent disappearances, everyone had been warned to stay inside at night.

  The ones who didn’t listen would think Keta was a stray dog. She was running too fast for them to actually catch a glimpse.

  They were just lucky the vampires were a little preoccupied right now.

  Keta silently laughed to herself as she weaved around passing cars, ignoring the yells and the beeps of the horns that followed her. When she was clear of the cars and passing humans, she slowed to a trot, padding down an alleyway and into a small street with only three small houses on it, all surrounded by a large metal gate, separating the woods apart from it.

  She silently trotted past the houses, moving towards the house farthest away, deep in the shadows. Lucky I put my key in the letter box. Turn around and don’t peak.

  Elijah’s chuckle made shivers run down her spine. He turned away.

  Keta quickly changed back into a human, shivering slightly against the cold and quickly unlocked the door. After opening the door and turning the lights on, Keta grabbed a coat and put it on.

  Elijah walked into her house, not caring that he wasn’t clothed.

  Keta couldn’t help but stare, her mouth slightly parted. Holy crap. When she was laid underneath him, she had been aware that they were both naked, but she had been more preoccupied with him killing her than anything else.

  Seeing him now made her mouth water.

  He was taller than her, the hand shaped bruise over his left peck level with the tops of her breasts. He worked out, his tanned skin ripped with muscles, a strip of light hair on his stomach, spreading out above his cock.

  Keta turned away, feeling her skin heat up. She had been right, his clothes hadn’t left much to imagine about how much he packed.

  Keta swallowed the heavy lump in her throat before lifting her hands to sign to Elijah. I’m going for a shower. I need to wash the scent of fire from me. I won’t be long.

  Elijah nodded before turning his attention to the room.

  Her home was small with just three rooms. A living room with a kitchen in one, separated by counters. A bedroom and a bathroom connected.

  Keta headed there, needing a cold shower more than a hot one. Once in the bathroom, she shut the door and pulled the coat off. After turning the shower on, she stepped underneath it, letting the hard spray of water ease her aching muscles.

  While washing her hair, Keta couldn’t help but think about Elijah. She felt her stomach quiver with longing. Since being taken, she hadn’t been in contact with a male. She had been too scared. During the moons heat, she had been forced to touch herself for pleasure, but having Elijah so close to her today made her want his hands on her, his lips and tongue tasting her.

  Her pussy ached and her nipples hardened almost painfully, needing to be touched, to be pleasured.

  Keta reached down, brushing her fingers lightly over her nipples. She was surprised by the shock of pleasure that shot down her spine.


  She let her head fall back on her shoulders as she circled her nipples, imagining Elijah’s hands on her instead of her own. Still touching one breast with one hand, she ran her other hand down her stomach and past the curl of hairs and to her pussy. She was wet, and not with the water.

  Keta sat with her back against the wall, her legs spread wide. The water sprayed directly onto her, pounding against her clit as she dipped one finger inside of her, and then two, feeling herself clenching around her fingers tightly. She rubbed her clit with her other hand, abandoning any attempts to keep touching her breasts as she once again imagined Elijah’s fingers inside of hers, his thumb circling her clit softly, his deep voice whispering naughty things in her ear as she came.

  Oh shit!

  Her body bucked as she grabbed the side of the bath, lifting her body up to the spray of water as her orgasm took over. Her head fell back on her shoulders, her mouth wide open in a silent scream while her clit pulsed.

  When the pleasure became too much, Keta got to her shaking feet, breathing heavily while she rested her forehead against the cold tiles on the wall. Once she had her breath back, she began washing her body carefully, avoiding her clit until the last second.

  After towel drying her hair, she wrapped a towel around her body and headed out of the room, only to stop dead in her tracks.

  Elijah lay on her bed, fully clothed in black jeans, a white shirt and boots. “I hope you don’t mind. I’d rather be dressed than walk around naked.”

  Keta shook her head, lifting her hands together. It’s fine. She thought he looked like a rogue pirate. A sexy one.

  Avoiding his stare, Keta opened her wardrobe and searched through the collection of leather clothes she had—corsets, skirts, trousers, all steampunk. She chose these types of clothing because when she shifted, her clothes normally didn’t rip. Her underwear did but that was a loss she’d learnt to live with. Keta also thought she looked good in the leathers.

  After pulling out some lace knickers, a brocade corset with chains and a belt and a brown gathered skirt, Keta walked out of the room and back into the bathroom so she could change.

  “Leathers look good on you.”

  Keta ignored Elijah as she pulled on a pair of open-toed knee-high, heels. She didn’t plan on hunting today, not with Elijah with her. Even if she could lose him, he’d only use his heightened wolf senses to track her down.

  Keta rubbed a hand over her chest. She missed her family. Missed the life she had. She couldn’t go home. Not now, not ever. Not after what they did.

  Too much pain.

  Keta faced Elijah. What do you plan on doing? She knew he wanted to talk as much as she wanted to know about his command.

  Elijah got to his feet and stretched. “I need to go out. We can talk on the way.”

  Chapter Four

  Keta didn’t sign as they headed towards Katrina’s home. Her hands clenched into fists by her side while she turned her head to watch for others.

  Elijah didn’t mind not talking, but he had a feeling her thoughts were where she didn’t want them to be. “Aren’t you at all curious to know where we’re going?”

  Yes, but then it’s none of my business.

  “True. I have a feeling you’ll be able to help me, however. Rio came to me today before you blew up the mansion. His daughter, Katrina has gone missing and he has left it up to me to search for her.”

  Keta frowned. Why?

  “Because he’s a bastard and doesn’t like to do his own dirty work.”

  Is that what this is? Keta stopped walking. Finding his missing daughter is dirty work? Don’t you care?

  “Of course I care, Keta. That’s the problem. I care more than he does and that’s why I’m looking for her. He couldn’t give a shit about his family. If anything makes him look bad, it has to be dealt with one way or another. I’m that one way or another.” Elijah ran a hand through his hair. “If he cared, he would have searched for her as soon as he knew she was missing instead of waiting for months after to even mention it.”

  Some wolves don’t care about their pack. They just care about the power.

  “Rio is one of them,” Elijah exhaled softly. “If I find her and she is dead. I will be whipped. If I don’t find her, the command will kill me as surely as Rio would.”

  How does he expect you to find her?

  “He expects me to just know. I can only do the first thing that comes to mind, and that’s start where she was last seen. At her own home.”

  Keta’s mouth parted. She had gone pale, her mouth open.


  Keta blink
ed and then shook her head. It’s nothing. I just don’t know how I’ll be able to help.

  Elijah knew she was lying. He chose not to say anything. “You might be more help than you think. Come on, the faster we get this done, the faster we can get away from this place.” Elijah took her hand and pulled her towards the lone house on the street.

  The windows were smashed, glass glittering around the outside. There was blood on the pavement in front of the small house, dark with age, yet still shining in the moonlight. An eerie silence filled the night around the house.

  Elijah was cautious as he stepped inside, avoiding touching the broken door. The hallway had drops of blood forming a trail from one of the rooms to the front door.

  Elijah bent, looking at the blood, inhaling deeply. Though the house had not been cleaned, there were no scents within. Nothing but dust.

  Elijah followed the blood trail into a living room. The furniture was torn to pieces, pictures smashed and tables overturned. There had been a struggle.

  Elijah turned his attention to the blood trail. He could tell that from the tails on the blood, they led from the living room to the door.

  She knew the person responsible and was unable to do anything about it. Elijah searched the room, positive he was right. He couldn’t begin to imagine what Katrina had gone through, knowing the person who knocked on her door and inviting them in, just to be beaten and taken away.

  Elijah could relate. He was both vampire and werewolf, two creatures who hated each other. He couldn’t side with the vampires, or the werewolves. He was in the middle and couldn’t do a thing about it. He didn’t know who he could trust.

  “So, what happened?” he murmured the words to himself.

  From the corner of his vision, Keta raised her hands.

  Someone knocked on the door, Katrina answered it. There was no struggle because Katrina knew the person. He must have been on his way out, she was walking him to the door when he hit her. Keta pointed to the trail of blood. Gravitational drops show she was hit just as she stepped out of this room and she was dragged out.


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