Trusting You

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Trusting You Page 14

by Heather D'Agostino

  I wasn’t really paying attention to Aaron, but before I knew it, he was on his feet standing beside me. “Let’s find out,” he mused as he lifted me effortlessly and tossed me over his shoulder.

  “Don’t you dare,” I warned as I twisted in an attempt to get down.

  “What?” he laughed as he strode confidently to the water.

  “Aaron! No!” I squirmed again to no avail.

  “It’s kinda nice,” he snickered as he waded out farther. The waves were crashing around his calves as I bounced on his shoulder. I slapped his bare ass, causing him to pause for a moment. “Do that again, Mel,” he warned.

  I bit my cheek as I contemplated doing just that. I wasn’t sure how far I should push him, or what he’d do in return. “Aaron,” I half whined, half teased.

  “Water’s pretty nice. Try it,” he swung me like a rag doll and caught me in his arm in front of him. Before he could set me down, I wrapped my arms around his neck, and my legs around his waist.

  His hands cupped my ass as his lips curled in a boyish smile. “Thought you wanted to swim.”

  “I wanted to get the sand off. It’s cold,” I pouted, “and I don’t have a towel.”

  “I’ll keep you warm, and I brought towels. There’s a bunch in the tent.” He took several steps into the deeper water, past the breakers before leaning in to kiss me.

  “You’re too good at this,” I sighed as I kissed him back. One hand moved to shift me before I felt his fingers probing around. I moaned as he sunk two inside before I flung my head back and closed my eyes.

  “I’m never gonna have enough of you,” I mumbled as he lowered me onto his cock. He was already hard again and had put on another condom at some point. The man was skilled at keeping me on my toes, that’s for sure.

  “I’m here all weekend,” I mumbled as I squeezed him.

  We stayed out in the water until we were pruny and then carefully made our way back to our tent. I tried really hard to keep the sand out, but Aaron just laughed. He assured me that we’d take a real shower in the morning when his parents went over to his Uncle Nick’s to set up for the party. They were hosting since they had the pool.

  It didn’t take long to fall asleep after I curled up next to him. We fit together perfectly, and as I drifted off to sleep, I silently worried how this was going to work. Where would Aaron live now that he was finished with school? Would we do this long-distance thing until I graduated? Would Aaron want to move near Eastman? I don’t think I could ever move far from my parents. They’ve helped me so much since Brooklyn was born. I could never take him away from them.

  Chapter 20


  When I awoke the next morning, I saw firsthand exactly what Aaron meant about it getting crazy. We slipped into his parents’ house early, and everyone was already over at Nick’s. There was a note taped to the microwave saying that Brooklyn was a perfect angel, and Emma was watching him until we were able to come over.

  “See?” Aaron flicked his finger at the paper. “Mom and Dad are already in party mode. The Sutters are famous for their beach parties. I’m sure Mom has something crazy planned for later. I’m the first kid to graduate college in our family,” Aaron laughed as he turned to lead me down the hallway to the bathroom.

  When we stepped inside, he closed the door behind him. “What are you doing?” I glanced at where his hand was turning the lock on the door.

  “Making sure no one walks in,” his chuckled. “I don’t like being on display, despite what you might think.”

  “No, I mean what do you think you’re doing?” I eyed his hand again as he reached for the knob to turn on the water.

  “Showering,” he grinned as he kissed the tip of my nose. “I need to get all this sand off before I get dressed up for today. You see,” he paused as he smirked at me, “this girl that I kinda like convinced me to have sex with her on the beach last night. She got me so worked up that I forgot where I was, and now I’m covered in beach grime.”

  “What if your parents come back here? Won’t they be mad if we’re in here together?” I backed away from him a little.

  “I’m twenty-two, they can be as mad as they want. I’m an adult, and other than staying here this weekend, I have my own place. Dad was just flexing his parental muscles. He didn’t really mean it. They knew I lost my virginity years ago. Hell, my dad is the one that gave me my first box of condoms,” he shrugged like it was no big deal before stepping in the shower. “You coming?”

  “Maybe I better wait,” I murmured as I looked around. The truth was I would like nothing more than to climb in that shower with him. I’d dreamed about being able to do this one day, but after Brooklyn was born I assumed it would never happen. The few men that knew about him had always bolted right away. Aaron was different though, and I didn’t want to ruin that by pissing off his parents.

  “Melinda Brooks!” he narrowed his eyes on me “Get your ass in this shower before I drag you in.” He pointed at the tile beside him. I swallowed before watching the stern expression begin to melt away.

  “I just don’t want your dad to hate me,” I sighed.

  “He won’t. Now come on,” he wrapped his fingers around my wrist and gently pulled me into the shower. “You worry too much,” he mumbled as he moved us under the spray and kissed me.

  “I’m sorry,” I sighed as I pulled back. “It’s just that I don’t want anything to ruin this. I feel like I waited so long for it to work, and now that it is I don’t want anything to take it away.”

  “Nothing will take me away. Promise,” he gave me a lopsided grin before reaching for the shampoo. “Now, let’s get cleaned up so I can go to this monkey show before I get you dirty all over again.”

  Traffic and parking were nuts the closer we got to the arena. Since a huge golf tournament was going on the same day, Aaron had suggested that we carpool. Both Nick and Cam worked at the university, so fortunately we were able to park in their employee spots, but this did mean a pretty good walk to Trask Coliseum.

  “Mommy, down!” Brooklyn squirmed in my arms as we walked across campus.

  “Sorry buddy. Mommy’s carrying you today. We have to go fast,” I grimaced as I tried to hold on to him as well as the diaper bag that kept falling off my shoulder.

  “No!” he kicked his little feet making it even harder. “Down! Now!” tears began forming and I was praying that I didn’t miss the ceremony because I had a toddler throwing a tantrum.

  “I got a better idea,” Nick came to my rescue. “Want the best seat in the house?” I smiled at Brooklyn as he held his arms out. Brook nodded vigorously as he slipped from my grip and into Nick’s. I watched as he lifted Brook over his head and slipped him onto his shoulders. Brooklyn’s fingers threaded into his hair as he grinned. “Don’t pull too tight, K?” Nick patted Brooklyn’s leg before striding up to walk with Leah.

  “Thanks,” I called out as Emma stepped up beside me.

  “No worries,” Nick waved me off. “Ryan was the same way when he was little. Very independent.”

  I watched with amazement at how well Brook was fitting in with this family. They seemed to accept us, and want to make us feel welcome. Well, everyone except the one person I wanted acceptance from… Aaron’s dad, Cam.

  “I think he’s preparing for when Brock and I have a baby,” Emma whispered as she hugged me.

  “No, I’m not,” Nick called out, causing both Emma and I to laugh.

  “I swear he has super power hearing,” Em giggled.

  “Your dad is great,” I sighed.

  “So is Uncle Cam. They have a lot going on right now. You know Aaron’s mom has been calling Uncle Cam for days. She saw the announcement in the paper about graduation. She wanted to see him,” Emma’s voice was getting quieter with each word that slipped from her lips.

  “How did you know this?” I gasped.

  “I overheard Mom and Avery talking this morning. It’s really been bothering Uncle Cam. He worked really hard to keep
Aaron away from her. They don’t want her dragging any drama into his life. It’s a messed-up story that Aaron will have to tell you about, but I think you being here is just bad timing with Uncle Cam.”

  “Aaron’s told me a little about his mom,” I whispered.

  “I’m sure you don’t know the bad stuff. When we were little it got really bad. I’m sure he’ll tell you when he’s ready, but don’t take Uncle Cam’s attitude to heart right now. When all this is over, you’ll see the Uncle that I love,” Emma wrapped her arm around me and gave me a squeeze just as we reached the doors to the coliseum.

  When we finally made it to our seats, I was sandwiched between Emma and Avery. Brooklyn sat on my lap for the time being, completely enthralled with all the commotion going on around us. The sea of people got quiet as the band began warming up, and then cheers and whoops could be heard when Pomp and Circumstance filled the air.

  Two different aisles filled with graduates as they meandered down the steps to a large seating area in front of the stage. I had no idea which one was Aaron. I watched in amazement as his family cheered, and wondered if they could tell.

  Once everyone was seated, the chancellor came to the podium and welcomed everyone, thanking them for taking time out of their day to celebrate with the faculty and graduates. My mind wandered as I thought about myself sitting at a ceremony similar to this next spring. Several different people spoke before they started handing out the ‘fake’ diplomas, as Aaron put it.

  When the College of Communication Studies was called, I watched as multiple rows of graduates stood. When they started walking toward the stage, I found him. Aaron had this swagger that made him stand out, and as he blended in with his class, that one attribute made him different.

  Graduate after graduate made their way up the steps to shake the dean’s hand. When Aaron’s name was called all the Sutters whooped and stood in front of their seats. I watched as he turned and faced us all. He held the leather-bound holder over his head as a grin spread across his face. I squinted to try and see what he was doing, but Emma beat me to the punch when an ‘Awe’ slipped from her lips. Aaron mouthed the words ‘I love you’ before pointing directly at me. I squeezed Brooklyn tighter as I tried to hold back the tears, but when Avery hugged me, I lost it. Hot tears trickled down my cheeks, causing me to pull away in embarrassment.

  “It’s ok,” she whispered. “We already know you’re it for him.”

  “Why do you say that? We just got together,” I sniffed as I wiped my eyes.

  “It’s the way he looks at you,” she shrugged. “He doesn’t know it yet, but a mother does and he loves you,” she grinned before going back to watching the ceremony.

  I sat there kinda dazed as the rest of the commencement continued. I didn’t know what to make out of what she said. I didn’t think Aaron and I were anywhere near forever. We’d just figured things out a few months ago. I understood what she meant about ‘a mother knows’ though. There were moments that I just knew what Brooklyn needed or wanted. It wasn’t that I paid attention more, or knew why. It was more about a sense that I had. All I could do at this point was wait and see where things went, and hope that Cam could see what his wife did.

  Once the ceremony ended, we went outside to a courtyard. Aaron was going to meet us there for pictures. There were flowers blooming everywhere and a fountain in the center. It made for a really pretty back drop.

  “Up,” Brooklyn pointed at Nick when we walked past where he was standing with Leah.

  She laughed as they both watched Brooklyn’s antics. “Looks like you made a friend,” she laughed.

  “He’s never gotten to ride on anyone’s shoulders before,” I clarified.

  “Come here, big guy,” Nick smiled as he crouched down and held out his arms. I watched as Brooklyn rushed over, abandoning me, and leaped into Nick’s arms. Leah waved me off, so I went to wait for Aaron with Emma.

  “Miss me?” Aaron snuck up behind me, startling me as his arms came around my waist.

  “Geez,” I gasped as I caught my breath. I glanced over my shoulder and scowled at him.

  “Let’s get this photo thing over with so I can get out of all of this,” Aaron tugged at his collar. It was the first time I’d seen him in a tie and I had to admit that I was enjoying the view.

  “Calm down,” Avery swatted at him. “It’s not every day that I get to see my baby dressed up. The next time you’ll wear anything fancy will be at Emma’s wedding.”

  We all moved over in front of the fountain and took turns posing with Aaron. A member from someone else’s family volunteered to take a photo of the entire family at one point. By the time we were finished, I was as antsy as Aaron to get home. He’d been sneaking glances at me the whole time, and I could read on his face what he was trying to do.

  “One more camera in my face and I might snap,” he growled through gritted teeth when Avery started positioning us again.

  “They’re excited,” I elbowed him.

  “I am too, but not for the same reason,” he sighed.

  “All right babe,” Cam came to our rescue. “If this party is going to be a success today, we need to get back. Our guests will be arriving soon.”

  “Thanks, Dad,” Aaron groaned.

  “No problem,” Cam smiled before glancing at me and then walking away.

  We filed out of the courtyard the same way we came in, and started the long walk back to the cars. Cam looked back at us several times, and this time I didn’t see anger. It looked like he was starting to come around. “My mom can work miracles on my dad,” Aaron snickered. “Just never ask her how she does it. I don’t want to know, and I know you don’t either.”

  Chapter 21


  When we got back to Aaron’s parents’ house, I quickly changed Brooklyn and myself into our swimsuits. I’d promised him that I’d take him swimming, and it’s all I’ve heard about since we left the ceremony. Aaron had other plans though, and when I left him standing in his room with a hard-on he wasn’t too happy. I couldn’t help but laugh as I slipped through the open door.

  Now, we’re all standing around the deck waiting for Nick to fire up the grill. There are people everywhere. The coaching staff from the university, friends of the family, and all of Aaron’s friends from school. I bet there are at least a hundred people here. The crowd has even spilled onto the beach.

  “That was not cool what you did earlier,” Aaron handed me a drink as he whispered in my ear. “Rubbing one off is not what I wanted to do this afternoon when my girlfriend is in town.”

  “Good things come to those who wait,” I smiled as I accepted the cup he was handing me.

  “I’ve never been good at waiting,” he smirked.

  “Patience is a virtue,” I volleyed back.

  “What are you? An inspirational calendar?” he chuckled. “Come here,” he wrapped his fingers around my wrist and tugged gently, leading me over to the stairs that led down to the ground level.

  “You can’t leave your own party,” I squeaked as I jogged after him.

  “I’m not,” he called over his shoulder. As soon as my feet hit the ground, he led me over to the far corner under the house. “I’ve been waiting to do this since we left my bedroom,” he yanked me into his chest and growled as his mouth descended on mine. It was a quick but deep kiss, and when he pulled back he left me breathless. I rose up on my toes, trying to continue it when a grin spread across his lips. “Sucks, doesn’t it?” he snickered as I pouted. “Two can play this game, and I always win,” he stepped back, leaving me confused. “You think about that for a few hours and then we’ll be even.”

  “Aaron!” I turned to watch him jog up the steps. He paused before throwing my line back at me, “Good things come to those who wait.”

  “You are so not funny,” I growled.


  Today had been perfect. I had my girl and all my family here to celebrate. My parents had planned a huge party which was still in full swi
ng. The sun was setting now, and soon I’d be able to take Mel back and do all the things I’ve been thinking about doing to her all day. Brooklyn had fallen asleep a little bit ago, and thanks to my mom no one had to leave the party. She had taken him back to the house and returned with a monitor that they used when I was little. I was thankful that my mom had accepted Brooklyn and Mel into our family. My dad, on the other hand, was trying. I could tell he wanted to let the walls down, but I know his history with my real mom was keeping them firm in place.

  “You wanna take a walk?” I sat down on the lounger beside Mel. “My mom will listen for Brooklyn.” The truth was, I just wanted to get away from the crowd so I could touch her like I’d been wanting to all day.

  “Sure,” Mel smiled as she scanned the deck. Uncle Nick and my dad were in some deep discussion about football. Aunt Leah and my mom were harassing Em about wedding plans, and most of my friends had left at this point to go find a girl for the night. “We won’t be gone long, and we’re not missing anything here.”

  I reached for her hand, and right when she stood up there was a commotion over by the stairs that led to the sand. “You can’t keep me away! Where is he?” the voice was almost a screech.

  “You need to leave,” Dad growled and I could tell he was barely holding onto his anger. I knew the signs.

  “I’m not going anywhere. He’s an adult. You can’t keep him away from me. He gets to choose now!” The figure pushed my father out of the way and staggered in my direction. “Aaron? Aaron!” she stood there scanning the crowd before our eyes met.

  I don’t remember much from when I was little, but I’ll remember that face forever. Years of therapy couldn’t even make me forget.

  “Aaron!” her voice was sweet at first, like a snake charmer. “Bring Mommy a beer,” she pointed toward the kitchen. At four, I didn’t think to tell her no. I didn’t understand that she shouldn’t be drinking because she was an alcoholic. All I knew was that when I gave her the bottle, she was happy and I wanted to make Mommy happy.


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