The Year of Living Biblically: One Man's Humble Quest to Follow the Bible as Literally as Possible

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The Year of Living Biblically: One Man's Humble Quest to Follow the Bible as Literally as Possible Page 47

by A. J. Jacobs

  brother-in-law seen as chief architect of, 276

  traffic laws, obedience to, 283-85 downside and upside of, 284-85

  Travolta, John, 122

  TreeHugger web magazine, 304

  T. rex:

  blood vessels found in bone of, 60 vegetarian incisors of, 57

  truth telling, 6, 53-54, 55

  about biblical observance, 171 in Julie's new mind-reading game, 291-92

  see also lies, lying

  Tsedaka, Benyamim, 216-19

  "tumah," mistranslation of, 50

  Twain, Mark, on not letting those people go, 201-2

  25th Hour, 131

  twins, biblical:

  Jacob and Esau, 237-40, 316-17 Perez and Zerah, 147, 315

  twins, Jacobs:

  AJ and Julie informed about, 158-59

  birth of, 314-15

  circumcision of, 317-21; see also circumcision

  combativeness of, in utero, 237 gender revealed, 206-7

  mentally preparing for, 229-30

  Tyndale, William, execution of, 13

  Unauthorized Version, The (Lane), 176

  Unitarians, 256

  universe, age, size, and light rays of, 60-61

  upper respiratory disorders, as excuse for not touching women, 16

  Upper West Side, 234

  AJ as the Gandhi of, 8

  elderly adulterer cornered in, 92-93

  gleaning innovatively attempted in, 167

  rare opportunity for good deed in, 249

  turning heads in, 122-23, 169

  Uriah, David's wronging of, 195

  vegetarianism, 110, 117

  universally observed until Noah,


  Vilna Gaon, 70, 163, 199


  consequences of sleeping with, 135

  how to look upon, 132

  vitalism, 248

  Volchok, Martha, 235

  Walden Walking Stick, 234

  Wallis, Rev. Jim, 67, 269-70

  Wall Street Journal, front page of, 106 Warm Blankets Orphan Care

  International, 272

  warriors, beards as possible head

  handles on, 223

  Watson Adventures (scavenger hunts),

  157-58, 338

  Weinberg, Noah, on life as jigsaw

  puzzle, 112

  Weisman, Charles, 292-93

  theocratic and racial dreams of,


  Welch, Thomas, temperance advocacy

  of, 231

  West Bank, 217, 219

  Western Wall, 227

  binding tefillin on tourists at, 103,


  high-voltage faithful at, 220 West Wing, The, 202-3

  "What Does the Bible Really Teach?"

  (Witness booklet), 75

  "What Jesus Said about

  Homosexuality," 266

  When Good Men Are Tempted

  (Perkins), 287, 288

  white garments, 122-23, 300, 329 buoyancy experienced in, 167 celebrated wearers of, 122

  darkening of, 167, 304

  verbal equivalent of, 157

  Whitfield, Daniel, biblical wine study

  of, 232, 233

  Who Wants to Be a Millionaire, AJ's

  ill-fated appearance on, 58, 276 Why I Am Not a Christian (Russell),


  Why the Ten Commandments Matter

  (Kennedy), 54-55

  widows and orphans, confirmed,

  offering cash to, 6

  Wikipedia, 200, 214

  Williams, Venus, pagan namesake of,


  Wills, Garry, on Dominionist

  influence, 293

  Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory,

  Natalie's bat mitzvah theme

  as, 325


  biblical views contradictory on,


  Noah's imbibing of, 242-43 winkers, biblical warning to, 205 wireless piggybacking, 112-13, 138,


  Wisconsin, Jews as "frozen chosen"

  in, 36

  witchcraft, penalty for, 91

  Wolfe, Tom, AJ as biblical version of,



  avoiding unnecessary contact

  with, 16, 229

  best to stay out of clothes of, 15,


  discussing monthly cycles with,

  49, 240-41

  ex-uncle's postprandial ritual

  denied to, 224-25

  Hasidic wallflowering of, 85, 87 how they came to be, 213, 322 Israelite husbands' rights to, 135 not permitted to speak in

  churches, 328, 341

  octogenarian and touchable, 249 prudent ways to think about, 28,


  turned on by bad-boy things, 137 when biblical correctness requires

  severing hand of, 111

  Woods, Mary and Rick, 168


  B-, in Song of Solomon, 134; see

  also forbidden words

  biblical, verily, 99

  final, 11-12

  in Jasper's vocabulary, 26, 144, 152 no making of, on Sabbath, 72 "prehistoric," creationists'

  rejection of, 61

  rationing of, 157

  "reverential," two-day high

  produced by, 180


  Bertrand Russell's classification

  of, 80

  in building sukkah, 78-80

  not working as, 251

  Worldwide Church of God, 121

  yarmulkes, 85

  bald spots concealed by, 4 lack of mentions in the Bible of,


  Yemenite Jews, world's sole kosher cricket favored by, 338

  Yom Kippur, 78

  done cluelessly and alone, 214 kaparot atonement rite on eve of, 160-65; see also chickens, ritual

  Yossi (spiritual adviser), 93-94, 171, 182-83, 214

  AJ at hot fashion show with, 286-88

  parable of the two praying guys told by, 208, 219

  story of Esther discussed with, 207

  tefillin wrapping demonstrated by, 198

  Zappa, Frank, 194

  Zerah and Perez, 147, 31 --SWC

  About the Author

  A. J. Jacobs is the New York Times best-selling author of The KnowIt-All: One Man's Humble Quest to Become the Smartest Person in the World. He is the editor at large at Esquire magazine, for which he wrote the article "My Outsourced Life." He has also written for the New York Times, The Washington Post, and Entertainment Weekly. He lives in New York City. You can visit his website at

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