death of Jaurès and, 322–323
debate over war and, 375, 376
on French allegiance to Russia, 156
general mobilization order and, 335
German mobilization and, 320n
knowledge of Russian mobilization, 196–197, 356
knowledge of Russian resolve on war, 398, 399
notice of and response to Russian mobilization to, 294, 295–296
photograph of, 165
response to assassination news, 62
responsibility for First World War, 395
return to France after Franco-Russian summit, 261
rivalry with Caillaux, 66–67
Russian financial support for, 66, 67
Sazonov and, 147
summit with Nicholas II, 145–157, 159–166
Three-Year Service Law and, 64–65, 67
voyage returning from summit, 190, 195, 196
voyage to summit, 121, 124
Popovitch, Cvjetko, 8, 12–13
Potiorek, Oskar, 4, 6–7, 12, 16, 19, 106
Pourtalès, Friedrich
chance meeting with Sazonov, 209–210
conversations with Spalaiković and Sazonov on ultimatum, 186–189
at Franco-Russian summit, 154
German mobilization in response to Russia’s and, 268–269, 270–271
informing Sazonov of German alliance obligations, 282–283
presentation of declaration of war on Russia, 338–339, 345–347, 350
presentation of German ultimatum on Russian mobilization, 337
Russian mobilization and, 209, 213, 220–221, 309, 310
Sazonov and Austrian ultimatum, 157–158, 168, 186–189, 298–299
Sazonov’s response to assassination and, 57–58
Präventivkrieg (preemptive war), 90, 102, 387–388
Princip, Gavrilo, 6–8, 10–11, 390
arrest and confession of, 92, 93–94
assassination day, 12–13, 14, 15, 16, 17–18, 20
Rasputin, 159–160
Recouly, Raymond, 335–336
Reichsrat, 34
Reininghaus, Gina von, 24n
Reininghaus, Hermann von, 24n
Reinsurance Treaty of 1887, 40
Reshad V, 315–316
Rhemen, Baron, 23
Riezler, Kurt, 233–234
Ritter von Storck, Wilhelm, 29, 48
Robien, Louis de, 157
Rodzianko, M. V., 296, 300, 398
Franz Ferdinand and, 386
lack of support for Germany, 352, 353
need to bring into Triple Alliance, 41
as potential Serbian ally, 110, 138, 139
recruitment as ally for Entente, 383–384
treaty with Germany, 340
Rudolf, Crown Prince, 28
annexation of Bosnia-Herzegovina and, 3–4
assassination of Franz Ferdinand as factor in lead-up to First World War, 388–390
Austrian ultimatum and, 175, 182–185
early battles in war, 383
fear of British-built Ottoman dreadnoughts in Black Sea, 74–75
February war council, 59, 60–61
fragility of empire, 53–54
France and Britain as allies in war, 390
Franco-Russian summit, 145–166
German declaration of war on, 338, 345–347, 350
information on Austrian intentions regarding Serbia and, 129–135
invasion of East Prussia, 352–353
military strength of, 25, 47–48, 404
naval talks with Britain, 72, 74
relations with Vienna, 37, 40
repatriation of funds from Germany, 178, 184–185
response to assassination, 48–49, 55–61
responsibility for First World War, 287–288, 395–400
role in Balkans, 47
Serbian request for advice/support, 185–186
strikes, 153, 191
Turkey and, 59–61, 388–389
willingness for war, 59–61
See also Nicholas II; Russian mobilization; Sazonov, Sergei
Russian mobilization
acceleration of, 220–221
alleging Austrian mobilization as cause of, 282–283
argument over significance of partial vs. general, 397
British knowledge of, 238–239
expansion of, 246–249, 265
expected speed of, 149
as factor in cause of First World War, 395–396, 397–398
French knowledge of, 262–263, 264–265
French response to early, 290–296
general, 271–273, 303–304, 305
general, significance of, 400
George V’s query regarding, 329–330
German intelligence on, 341
German knowledge of, 220–222
German response to, 214–217, 266–267, 286–290
Germans seeking confirmation of, 306–309
Grey on, 314–315
knowledge of among European nations, 213–214
Nicholas II and, 256, 258–259, 271, 272, 296–297, 302
partial, 178–182, 184–185, 190, 192–196, 207–222, 229–230
phases of, 208–209
repeal of orders, 273, 296–297
Sazonov and case for general mobilization, 297–302
timetable revealed for Germans, 283
Russkii Invalid (newspaper), 179
Russo-Ottoman War (1877–1878), 388
Said Halim, Pasha, 354
St. Vitus’s Day (Vidov Dan), 5–6, 12
Salisbury, Lord, 73
Sanders, Liman von, 74, 353. See also Liman von Sanders affair
San Giuliano, Antonio, 328
Sazonov, Sergei, 51–53
advice to Serbia, 185–186, 190
anti-ultimatum ultimatum, 169–170
Austrian ultimatum and, 157–158, 164, 167–168, 176–178, 186–190
blaming Austrian mobilization for Russian mobilization, 282–283
chance meeting with Pourtalès, 209–210
Council of Ministers and, 182–185
deception to manipulate British response/policy, 247–248
deniability regarding Russian mobilization, 248–249
discussions with allies over mobilization, 194–196
fear of British dreadnoughts in Black Sea, 74–75
February war council and, 59, 60–61
Franco-Russian summit and, 147, 160
French support for plans, 257–258, 259
general mobilization and, 271–273, 303–304, 305
German ultimatum to stop Russian mobilization and, 337–338
German warning against mobilization and, 270–271
information on Austrian intentions regarding Serbia and, 132–135
informing France regarding Russian mobilization, 293–295
issuing warnings to Austria, 168–169
making case for general mobilization, 297–302
mediation plans and, 245, 256
meeting with Szapáry on Russian response to ultimatum, 210–214
on offensive against Constantinople, 389
photograph of, 52
readiness to enact mobilization and, 178–182
receipt of German declaration of war, 346–347
report on meeting with Szapáry, 219
response to assassination, 55, 56–58
responsibility for First World War, 395, 396, 397, 398, 399
securing tsar’s support for mobilization, 258–259
support for military alliance with France, 54
Schilling, Moritz F., 157, 395
Austrian ultimatum and, 176
Foreign Ministry diary of, 132, 271, 300–301, 395
on likelihood of war, 178
on meeting between Sazonov and Paléologue, 257–258
on meeting between Sazonov and Pourtalès, 270
Russian warning to Aust
ria and, 131–132, 133
on Sazonov’s attempt to convince tsar to mobilize, 300, 301
understanding that mobilization meant war, 398
Schlieffen, Alfred von, 268
Schlieffen Plan, 317, 401
Schoen, Willhelm von, 312
British offer of neutrality and, 345
declaration of war on France and, 370
French neutrality and, 333–334
meeting with Viviani on Russian and German mobilization, 320–321
relaying threat to invoke Kriegsgefahr, 268
suggestion that Austria modify its terms, 227
on Viviani as moderating influence, 228, 240
Second Balkan War, 25, 84–85
Seeley, John, 70
Austrian accusation of guilt in assassination, 120
Austrian arguments over annexation of, 140–141
Austrian declaration of war on, 396–397, 400–401
Austrian ultimatum, 110–111, 112–113
Austrian ultimatum, delivery of, 172–175
Austrian ultimatum, response to, 197–200, 232–233
Hartwig and, 49–50
mobilization, 200–201, 248–249
reaction to Hartwig’s death, 118–119
response at Kosovo Polje to news of assassination, 29
request for Russian support and advice, 185–186
responsibility for First World War, 390–391
Wilhelm II and, 84–85
anger at annexation of Bosnia-Herzegovina, 25
Franz Ferdinand and, 3–4
Franz Ferdinand’s visit to Sarajevo and, 5–6
planning assassination of Franz Ferdinand, 6–13
Shebeko, Nikolai, 125, 129–130, 157, 168, 213, 219–220, 245
Simon, John, 359, 360, 363, 364, 365
Smith, F. E., 331–332
SMS Goeben, 353, 380–381
Sophie, Duchess of Hohenberg, 1, 2, 3, 5, 12, 15, 20, 44, 79
Sophie (daughter of Franz Ferdinand), 2
Souchon, Wilhelm, 380–381
Spalaiković, M., 185–186, 199
Srbobran (newspaper), 6
Steed, Henry Wickham, 357
Stolypin, Peter, 53–54
Stolypin program, 53
Stumm, Wilhelm von, 90, 91, 255
Stürgkh, Karl, 31, 108, 109, 111, 137, 140
Sukhomlinov, V. A., 300
lies regarding mobilization, 221, 228
mobilization orders and, 271, 273, 296, 297
partial mobilization plan of, 178–179
Period Preparatory to War and, 193, 196, 208
photograph of, 274
plan for war for Ottoman Straits, 60
rejection of Serbian request for arms, 58–59
Sazonov placing blame for mobilization on, 347
on start of war, 404
understanding that mobilization meant war, 396, 398
Sultan Osman I, 74–75, 315–316, 381, 388, 389
Szapáry, Friedrich, 56, 245
as Austrian representative in Russia, 130, 132–133
knowledge regarding Russian mobilization, 213
meetings with Sazonov, 175, 219
meeting with Sazonov on Russian response to ultimatum, 210–214
Poincaré and, 155–156
on Sazonov’s rejection of Austrian terms, 177, 187, 188
Szécsen, Count, 324–325
Szögyény, Ladislaus, 90, 96
Austrian notes on response to Serbia and, 96–100, 102, 104
German support for action against Serbia and, 114–115, 218
report that Germans want action against Serbia, 119–120
Taliban, 391
Tankositch, Voja, 7–8, 106–107, 120, 197, 391
Tanneberg, battle at, 383
Tatistchev (General), 301–302
Three Emperors League, 40
Three-Year Service Law, 64–65, 67
The Times (newspaper), 68, 69, 250, 357
Tirpitz, Alfred von, 80, 222, 223
on Bethmann, 378
British offer of neutrality and, 343
on declaration of war on France, 351–352
German navy’s readiness for war and, 84
on likely positions of Italy and Romania, 340
Potsdam meeting and, 274, 275
understanding that mobilization meant war, 311
Tisza, Stefan
Berchtold’s attempts to break resistance to war, 115–116
diplomatic notes to Berlin and, 97
dispelling suspicion about Austrian intentions, 126
Franz Ferdinand and, 386
maintenance of control over Hungary’s nationalities, 45–46
memorandum on expanding Triple Alliance, 41–42
mobilization and, 325
news of Serbian rejection of ultimatum and, 202
opposition to war with Serbia, 32, 34–35, 105, 107, 108–111, 112–113, 116
peace plan, 95
response to assassination, 28, 31–32, 34–35
responsibility for First World War, 392
Second Balkan War and, 85
support for war with Serbia, 122–123
war councils and, 108–113, 137, 138–141
Wilhelm II and, 79
Tolstoy, Ivan, Mayor of St. Petersburg, 153
Transylvania, 138–139
Treaty of Berlin of 1878, 187
Treaty of London of 1867, 357
Trevelyan, G. M., 365, 369
Triple Alliance, 40–41, 328
Tschirschky, Heinrich von, 30
on Austrian plan to declare war, 230
Bethmann and four-country mediation, 235–236
blame for war and, 347
Franz Josef and, 37
“halt in Belgrade” proposal and, 253, 254
instructed to ask Austria to resume talks with Russia, 281–282
as liaison between Germany and Austria on action against Serbia, 114, 115–116, 117, 120–121, 123
Ministerial Council and, 108
relaying news of German support for action against Serbia, 94
response to assassination, 85–86
support of war against Serbia, 218, 219
ultimatum and, 142–143
Tuchman, Barbara, 43, 398
Turkey, 59–61
alliance with Germany, 353–354
recruitment of as ally, 383
relations with Russia, 59–61, 388–389
Triple Alliance and, 41
Wilhelm II and, 83–84
See also Ottoman Straits
Tyrrell, William, 329, 330–331, 345
Ujedinjenje ili Smrt. See Black Hand
United States
Afghanistan War and, 391–392
entry into war, 384
Vareshanin (General), 17
Villain, Raoul, 322
Viviani, René, 228
anti-ultimatum ultimatum, 169
attempt to influence Russia, 240
briefing on European events upon return from summit, 262–263, 264–266
Carnet B and, 323
claim of German invasion of France, 328–329
debate over war and, 375–376
Franco-Russian summit and, 145–146, 151, 153, 154, 160–161, 164, 166
German declaration of war and, 370
meeting with Schoen on Russian and German mobilization, 320–321
on neutrality of Belgium, 324
notice of and response to Russian mobilization, 294–296
notice to Britain of mobilization by Germans, 304–305
opinion of Russians, 67–68
order for general mobilization and, 334–335
response to German request for French neutrality, 333–334
return to France after Franco-Russian summit, 260–261
Russian mobilization and, 399
at sea returning from summit, 195, 196, 197
second thoughts on mob
ilization, 336–337
Three-Year Service Law and, 64–65
Wangenheim, Hans von, 353, 380
War credits, German, 376
Waugh, Evelyn, 364n
Wiesner, Friedrich, 120
Wilhelm II, 37
alliance talks with Ottoman Turkey, 353
Franz Ferdinand’s funeral and, 42–43, 44–45
“halt in Belgrade” proposal and, 254, 256–257
lack of information given to, 223, 224–227, 240
Moltke and, 343, 344
order for general mobilization and, 341
order for Kriegsgefahrzustand, 309–310
Pašić’s reply and, 199
personality of, 80–82
photograph of, 81
pressing for mediation between Austria and Serbia, 242–244
rebuke of Bethmann, 251, 274
relation with Britain, 82–83
response to assassination, 78–80, 85–86
response to British offer of neutrality, 343–344, 345
response to learning of secret Russian mobilization measures, 285–286, 288, 290
responsibility for First World War, 393–394
return to Berlin on 27 July, 222, 223
Serbian reply to ultimatum and, 241–244
statesmanship of, 82–86
support for Austrian action against Serbia, 104–105, 107, 109
Szögyény and response to diplomatic notes, 98–100
telegram from George V on misunderstanding of neutrality offer, 347–349
telegrams to and from Nicholas II, 147, 255–256, 272–273, 285, 287, 311, 345, 346
understanding of strategic position vis à vis Russia, France and England, 310–311
Wilson, Henry, 71, 73–74
Witte, Sergei, 54
The World Crisis (Churchill), 76–77
World War. See First World War
Yanushkevitch, Nedjelko.
general mobilization and, 271–272, 273, 296
mobilization and, 178, 179–180, 184, 192, 207, 246, 302, 303, 347
mobilization orders, 258–259
Sazonov and strategy to convince tsar to order general mobilization, 297
understanding that mobilization meant war, 396, 398
Yellow Book, 303n
Young Bosnia, 6
Zenker (Captain), 100
Zherajitch, Bogdan, 17
Zimmermann, Arthur, 101–102, 104, 107, 114, 393
Zuber, Terence, 387
Zweig, Stefan, 23
July 1914: Countdown to War Page 46