Rain Riders

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Rain Riders Page 2

by Austina Love

  After grabbing a plate of food he wandered back outside to sit on the porch and eat alone. Slivers of moonlight skittered across the wood planks and a light breeze ushered away some of the intense late July heat.

  Visions of Shye flooded his mind. Wild, feisty, and gorgeous with a long mane of black hair and a killer body, she exemplified everything he wanted in a woman. He visualized her long naturally tan legs wrapped around him but stopped there. No use torturing myself again. He sighed. Once Gage brings her on board I’ll make my move. Then Viper will be the last one in the way. A fight he knew would be vicious as his old nemesis was a tough opponent, but a battle well worth taking to win the Indian woman.

  Enjoy her now, Viper, the storm is about to come and you’re way outnumbered this time.

  Chapter Two

  Shye leaned back on bent elbows, watching Trip as he took one last swim for the day in the lake behind Dax Remle’s cabin. He swam toward her using broad strokes over the shimmering water with his powerful arms. She smiled and knew her eyes had to be dancing with delight as her gaze remained fixed on him. He rose from the water slowly as he came ashore. Moonlight cast an ethereal glow on his glistening body—muscular and tanned. His appearance stole her breath.

  From the soaked strands of long black hair that fell wickedly over eyes like midnight and a ruggedly handsome face to his sexy lean legs, he was without a doubt the most alluring man she’d ever laid eyes on. She sighed and let her gaze drift over the broad chest and rippling six-pack abs. Then her eyes dipped lower to an impressive package of masculinity positioned nicely between his softly haired thighs. Not an ounce of flab on his fabulous body. His biceps flexed as he toweled dry, drawing her focus toward his magnificent arms.

  “You’re tan has become much darker over the past weeks.” She gazed dreamily at him and sighed again.

  An easy smile swept over his face. “Now perhaps my skin tone will match yours.” He stretched out on the grass beside her. They were both still naked from their moonlight swim.

  “Be careful,” she cautioned with a teasing wink. “People may begin thinking you’re Native American.”

  “I’ve no problem with that. At least your mother would not have reason to cuss at me.” He laughed.

  Shye held back a laugh. “Ah yes, Ina, she does not like the wasicu…I’m sorry she gave you a hard time.”

  “Don’t be.” He brushed her cheek with the back of one hand. “She has a right to be angry with the white men after what they did. I’ve been called worse.”

  “They really liked you by the time we left.”

  “I know, babe, and I like them too. Soon, we will give them the greatest gift. We will give their land back to them.” His hungry gaze swept over her naked body, making her tingle.

  “I hope so,” she said. “I’ve enjoyed this past week so much, spending time up here with you and Remle. He is a pretty cool dude.”

  “He’s the best friend I’ve ever had,” Trip said. “And he respects the hell out of you or he wouldn’t have shared his secret arsenal with us.”

  “He has some really impressive weaponry. But we still have not come up with a plan on how to deal with Gage. Tomorrow will mark a week since he issued the ultimatum. He’ll be expecting my return to town with an answer to his proposal.”

  “Remember I said let them come and we’ll be waiting.”

  “Yes, but I don’t like the idea of leading them here to Remle’s private hideaway.”

  Trip’s expression intensified as his eyes searched hers. “We are better prepared here than riding onto the farm. Believe me…if Gage drags his crew up here none of them will be leaving to give away the location.”

  “A firefight?” Her stomach tightened over the ramifications of such a fight.

  “I’ve been waiting for Pike to slip up just once.” His jaw muscles twitched. “He’s such an evasive bastard that I’ve not been able to catch him in the clear. Gage won’t ride up here alone. He’ll want his muscle along and that’s when we’ll take them down.”

  “I take it you’ve been thinking about this without telling me.”

  His expression softened. “I’m sorry, but yeah. I didn’t want to ruin the week of peace we had together by talking about them.”

  “I understand.” She gave him a soft, relenting smile. “This has been the best week of my life thus far. I am concerned about one aspect of your plan though.”

  “What’s that, babe?” He let one finger trail downward between her breasts and over her bare stomach.

  She drew a longing breath and did her best to remain focused. “If Gage is killed in the fight how will I get the deed to my family’s farm back?”

  Trip stared at her for a few minutes then replied. “Remle and I have that covered. We agreed that Gage should stay and help us clear up some legal matters at hand.”

  “You want to hold him hostage?” Her eyes opened wide.

  “Nah, I’d never break the law.” He gave her a wink that sent shivers through her. “We’ll make him our guest. I feel pretty confident that once Gage’s thugs are out of commission, the man will be in a more negotiating mood. He is a lawyer after all. I imagine he’s fairly intelligent.”

  “You have been devising a plan all this time.”

  “Would you expect any less from an ex-Marine?”

  She shook her head. “No, I’m impressed. Actually I’m a little embarrassed. With my strong military background I shouldn’t have been lazing around when we have pressing matters to attend.”

  “No worries, love.” Kind reassurance laced his voice. “Your skills will be needed soon enough. I wanted you to let down before we face them so your mind is clear.”

  “You’re a wise leader.”

  “Ah…just looking out for my woman. I’m not overly thrilled about you even taking part in this fight.”

  “But…you know we need the extra firepower,” she added. “And my training as a weapons specialist is a definite edge over our enemy.”

  “You read my mind but I did not plan on getting into this until later. For now, enjoy this night with me.” He brushed his lips over hers.

  She gazed into the depths of his decadently seductive eyes. He stared back, penetrating her soul with just a look. An ache of desire that had been building now welled inside. Sliding both hands into the satiny black locks hanging down on either side of her face, she pulled him close to feel those oh-so-kissable lips touch hers again.

  A deep sigh escaped him as he sunk into the kiss, filling her mouth with his tongue. He tasted good—fresh and masculine like he always did. A few moments into the kiss he slid strong arms beneath her back and pulled her into an intimate embrace. Lying on the cool dew-misted grass beneath a beguiling moon, the aura surrounding them was nothing less than enchanting.

  She’d reached a greater level of comfort with him since the first time they’d made love. No longer shy over being naked with him, she realized he’d gently stripped her inhibitions away to engage in an entire conversation while completely unclothed. His easy, natural manner set her at ease. The outside world simply melted away while in his arms.

  His breathing became heavier as gentle hands moved over her, making every inch of her body spark to life at his deft touch.

  Lifting his head just far enough so their eyes met, he stared down through half-closed eyes and sensually parted lips. Strands of unruly hair fell over his eyes. “I need you, angel. I’m aching to feel all of you,” he purred soft and low.

  She gasped at the make love to me expression painted on his face. “Take me,” she whispered with an easy shift of her weight under his.

  He didn’t break eye contact. She sucked in a sharp breath as he filled her with male sex. Nothing had ever felt this good. She gasped again as he began to move with deliberate thrusts all the while gazing at her—into her with those killer eyes.

  Shye had difficulty focusing on the conversation with Trip and Remle once back in the cabin. Their deeply passionate lovemaking beside the lake still
held her emotions captive. Every few minutes Trip would give her a wink and flash a dazzling smile as they chatted with his friend. Each time his hand brushed her leg beneath the table, flutters filled her stomach. She could tell that their intimate encounter had lingered with him as well. They could hardly stop gawking at one another long enough to speak with Remle yet matters needed discussed before dawn.

  “Do you feel confident with all the weapons I’ve shown you?” Remle asked her.

  His blue eyes sparkled with awareness and she felt heat flood her cheeks. Clearly he noticed the passionate afterglow between her and Trip.

  “Yes, I do There aren’t many weapons that I can’t handle.”

  Remle shook his head and raked one hand through his long blond hair then shot Trip a glance. “Good thing you found her first, my friend, or I’d be asking her to stay here with me. Nothing turns me on more than a woman who loves to play with ammo.”

  Trip let out a casual laugh. “You’re not her type anyway. She’s too fast for you, old friend.”

  The two men laughed as if sharing an inside joke. Shye imagined they had quite a few unspoken methods of communicating after serving in the military together. She recalled how surprised she’d been to learn that Remle had been Trip’s platoon leader. They exhibited a bond, which seemed deep and she liked that Trip had at least one friend he could trust. Losing his brother the way he did surely had left scars that would never heal.

  Sitting in quiet observation, she listened to their casual banter, then the talk of how they’d handle Gage and his crew when they arrived. She wondered if Gage had really meant what he said about coming after her if she didn’t show up in seven days with a decision. There was no way she’d agree to marry him after discovering he was the mastermind behind the entire scheme to steal her land.

  She had considered going through the nuptials just to gain partial ownership of the farm then find a way to have Gage taken out. But that plan carried way too many risks and potential fail factors. So until tonight she hadn’t any ideas on how they’d handle this predicament with Gage—an old friend of the family who had become their worst enemy. With a shake of her head, she sighed.

  “What’s wrong?” Trip asked.

  “Hm? Oh…I’m sorry. I was just thinking about how my parents trusted Gage and how things have changed.”

  He placed a hand over hers. “Don’t worry, we’ll get them all.”

  * * * *

  Pike watched with disdain as his crew danced around a campfire taking turns with the rain stick. “You’ve all had too much booze and look like a bunch of idiots.”

  “Hey you wanted rain for the crops. We’re just helping out,” one man chortled.

  “Yeah well you won’t catch me hopping around looking like some Indian. There ain’t no magic in that stick. Just bring the damn thing here before ya break it.”

  “You should loosen up once in a while, Draven. Have some fun. Money’s good but it’s not everything.”

  Pike shook his head and scowled. “Let me hear you say that on payday when I withhold your cut for destroying my property.”

  “Fine, you old tight ass, here’s your precious rain stick.” He dropped it at his feet. “Don’t go taking away the whiskey or you’ll be harvesting alone.”

  “Drink yourselves into a stupor for all I care. Just be ready to work in the morning.” Pike lifted the stick off the ground and laid it in the bed of the pickup, then propped himself on the tailgate to enjoy the cool night air.

  Tomorrow Shye would be back on the scene according to what Gage had said. He assumed the man intended to blackmail her somehow to gain her cooperation and wondered just how he planned on doing so. The woman seemed tough as nails and not likely easily persuaded. What could Gage offer her that could force her to walk away from Viper? He shrugged while lighting a smoke. Whatever the deal, as long as the pretty little Indian came back within reach suited him just fine. And if she walks away from Viper to accept Gage’s terms, even better. The lawyer will be much easier to remove than the bounty hunter.

  Everything seemed to be falling to his favor. He smiled to himself while enjoying his cigarette.

  Glancing at the rain stick, he studied it for several minutes while his thoughts churned. If Shye rides back into town tomorrow and sees this, matters could become complicated. He decided to take a ride out to an auctioneer and look into selling the relic. His crew would begin work on renovating the barn into a more suitable place to conduct business and Gage would be busy with Shye. This may be my only chance to sell the old thing before anything gets in my way.

  He picked it up and toyed around, flipping it end over end in slow motion to hear the cactus needles slide back and forth. Though he rejected everything about his Native American heritage, the rain stick intrigued him. He did his best to ignore the half-breed blood cursing his veins.

  Recollections of the black horse running him down the first day he caught Shye flashed through his mind. There was definitely an uncanny aura surrounding the woman. She appeared and disappeared in the most baffling way. He was determined to uncover the mystical veil guarding her.

  “Hey, Draven!” one of the men called. “I think that stick is working.” He pointed toward the southwest. “Looks like rain is rolling in. Keep doing what you’re doing.”

  Pike glanced at the cactus branch in his hand then at the night skies. Clouds—strange clouds had begun to form in the distance. He watched them take shape, unable to tear himself away. Something isn’t right, he thought. Yet instead of taking cover he slid off the tailgate and walked toward them for a closer look.

  “You guys better head inside,” he muttered. “I think we’re in for a storm…maybe a tornado.”

  They chuckled and laughed off his warning then continued partying around the fire. Flashes of light began streaking across the horizon, illuminating the darkness for seconds at a time. In those brief flashes he noticed the cloud formation become more organized. Rain began to fall.

  “See?” The same man threw his hands up. “You wanted rain for the seeds we planted…here it comes.”

  “We’re gonna get more than rain…” He stood captivated by the most bizarre storm configuration he’d ever seen.

  The moon turned an eerie shade of red and strangely enough the clouds didn’t conceal it. A reddish black hue transformed the black sky into a ghastly color. Vivid streaks of light veined from cloud to cloud. Thunder rumbled overhead but not the thunder of a storm. The sound was more of a rhythmic din—unlike the off and on peals of thunder associated with typical storms.

  He cocked his head to one side, simply standing in one spot, riveted to the scene unfolding before him. Another intense flash of lightning shattered the darkness.

  Then he saw them.

  “Holy shit…” His feet felt frozen to the ground.

  The men turned abruptly and looked up too. Shouts of panic rang through the air as they watched the riders come. His crew scattered, taking off in all directions as the clouds ushered in black horses carrying what appeared to be Indian warriors. The horses’ hooves touched down just below the tree line and they barreled through the field snorting fiery breaths. The heavens opened up to release bands of rain so forceful they sliced at his bare arms like tiny knives.

  He suddenly realized that Aiden had been right and raced back to the pickup. With his heart pounding in his ears and the rain stick clutched in one hand, he dove under the truck. The sound of thundering hooves split the night and among them he heard the drums. His mind reeled.

  How can I be hearing drums in the midst of this rain and those wild horses?

  Yet he did.

  They were as loud as if the one playing was sitting next to him. Foreign chanting rose amidst the chaos followed by ear-splitting shrieks of the men attempting to flee. Taking tight hold of an axle, Pike pulled himself up far enough to steal a peek. His mouth dropped open. One of his crewmembers was running for his life with a massive black steed chasing him down. A warrior straddled the ho
rse’s bare back while waving a weapon of some sort. He had a hard time bringing it into focus.

  “Bloody hell,” he muttered. “That’s not a weapon he’s holding…it’s a rain stick…like this one.”

  What he saw next he knew would be forever etched in his mind. The warrior gave a loud whooping sound from his mouth while closing in on the man.

  Poor Nate, run, man…run!

  His silent pleas did nothing. Nate glanced back to see the rider swing his long stick like a sickle. A look of sheer terror flashed through Nate’s eyes seconds before the warrior struck. He didn’t even have time to scream. His body instantly turned black like a shadow—then crumbled as dust before the wind and rain carried his soul away.

  Pike watched in horror as Nate’s silhouette rode off into the storm on the back of that fiery looking horse with the warrior driving it on.

  As the screaming died down he became aware that whoever had not escaped had been taken by whatever had ridden in. When the storm cleared—only silence remained. Pike lay under the truck shaking uncontrollably. He’d never believed in the spirit world, ghosts, or Indian legends.

  What he’d just witnessed was without a doubt supernatural. The Rain Riders had come and exacted their punishment just as Aiden had feared—he’d been wise to walk away. Assuming they’d fulfilled their mission—Pike crawled from beneath the truck and did his best to compose himself.

  How the hell am I going to explain this? He wondered if anyone else had survived and if they had, would they be willing to talk about what just went down? If not, he’d have to remain silent for fear of appearing foolish or even worse, weak.

  Chapter Three

  Shye sat quietly while listening to Trip and Remle wrap up details on handling the pending invasion. Her thoughts began to drift and she wondered why. Bothered by her inability to remain focused on their conversation, she began to get restless. The beating of drums and familiar chanting sounded in the distance.


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