Rain Riders

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Rain Riders Page 6

by Austina Love

  What is he doing? She swooped lower, wanting so badly to help him, yet knowing she was forbidden to interfere. Her heart sank as the riders moved in swinging their rain sticks with loud cries of war filling the air. In the midst of utter chaos Trip stood strong and proud like warriors of old. A sense of pride flooded her even in her fear. She’d never seen a more strikingly handsome man who exhibited the courage of a bear.

  Please…don’t take Trip!

  They descended upon Trip in all their fury then in the blink of an eye switched directions and headed over the hillside. Gage’s screams of terror rose and reverberated off the rocky caverns. Shye flew closer and watched in shock as the rider on the red-coated horse swung his stick at Gage. One final scream and Gage turned to dust, then she saw his shadowy form riding on back of the sorrel horse.

  Oh my god! She couldn’t gasp in eagle form but felt a rush of wind hit her full force as the Rain Riders blew past her. Gage’s hollow eyes met hers for an instant before he was taken away. She doubted she’d ever forget the look of sheer dread in those haunting depths. Gage…Gage is guilty! How? Soaring on spread wings she circled above while keeping a trained eye on the two men below. Remle rode off in the direction of his cabin but Trip headed off toward town.

  Is he going after Pike or in search of me?

  She followed.

  Chapter Seven

  Trip was riding at a high rate of speed so she used the power of her wings to keep up. I love being an eagle…so much power and freedom! The image of the riders taking Gage hung in her mind. Her lover had been right, yet she’d played it safe this time. A twinge of regret for doubting him gnawed at her but she kicked it aside. Every instinct must be followed, this she knew. And for reasons that eluded her, she’d chosen to remove herself from the situation.

  While following Trip, she offered a prayer of thanks to the spirit world for sparing his soul and she asked them to cover him with their protection. He had gone about halfway to town and just passed the reservation when another biker came into view. He had pulled out from the wood line and headed the same direction as Trip. She didn’t recognize the bike so she dipped lower for a closer look. A brawny man wearing a baseball cap and leather jacket was driving a fairly large motorcycle. A long black ponytail hung down his back but she still couldn’t see his face.

  He was moving in behind Trip. Must be a passerby, she thought, yet she kept watch for some reason. He lifted one arm and continued steering the bike with one hand. Another swoop around brought his face into better view as well as the object in his raised arm. Panic engulfed her so much so that she almost fell to the ground in shock.

  Pike Draven was racing up behind Trip in a sneak attack with an assault rifle in his hand. And Trip clearly didn’t recognize him, as the man had done a decent job of disguising himself.

  No! No! No! With not a single minute to spare as the gap was quickly closing and placing Trip within range of fire—she did the only thing that came to mind—dove! A shot went out and clipped her wing, sending her tumbling downward. Pike must have seen her coming and tried to shoot her down. Searing pain raced along the muscles of her wing. She did her best to stay on course. Jutting her talons out in front she held her broken wing up the best she could and used the wind to carry her down.

  He fired again but missed seconds before her claws clutched his face. He cussed loudly and omitted a painful cry then lost control of the bike. She cast a glance at Trip to see if he’d been hit. Much to her relief he had remained unscathed but had obviously heard the shots and was now aware of the commotion behind him. He swung his Harley around and barreled toward them. She flopped to the side of the road, leaving Pike with his motorcycle.

  Shye thought for certain that Trip would go after Pike then come back for her but he didn’t. He raced to her side, parked his bike then leapt off.

  “Shye!” He slid to the ground on his knees and scooped her into strong arms.

  With her safely cradled on his lap, he reached into his holster and pulled out his nine-millimeter pistol then took aim at Pike who’d begun to scramble to his feet. Trip fired one round after another and hit him twice before the bastard got away.

  He laid his gun aside and held her, gently stroking her feathery head. His touch warmed her even in the shadows. She was still somewhat dazed from the incident and pain from her wounded wing.

  “You must shift,” he said. “The sun is almost gone.” Taking hold of the white feather dangling at her neck, he called upon Nagi on her behalf.

  Hearing his sensual, softly masculine voice call upon the spirit world stirred her deep inside. A wave of heat washed over her followed by a dull ache in her stricken arm as she shifted from the world of shadows back to humanity. Immediately Trip tore a strip of fabric from his t-shirt and made a temporary bandage for her wound. He kissed the sore spot with tender lips as her body completed the shift. Warmth returned. Her eyes fluttered open.

  “You saved my life…” His voice faltered with emotion.

  “You stayed with me instead of taking the opportunity to go after Pike.”

  His liquid gaze poured over her. “Of course, my love.”

  “You might lose his trail again,” she murmured, feeling a little weak.

  “I’d rather lose him than lose you, angel. You are everything to me.” His breath feathered her lips sending delightful shivers over her skin. “I can’t believe you took him on. You are the bravest woman I’ve ever known.”

  “I saw everything. I’m sorry I doubted your instinct and left you at the cabin.”

  With a gentle hand under her chin, he said, “Don’t be. Had you not followed your instinct I’d be with your ancestors right now. Nobody saw that coming. I have no idea how he knew where to find us.”

  “Gage was lying as you said, but I still don’t understand why the riders took him after he returned my land.”

  Trip arched his brows. “I’d never question a force like them…wow…that was mind-blowing.”

  “Yeah…they are awesome, aren’t they?” She smiled then winced. “And you…you stood there like a brave warrior prepared to accept your fate. I have never been more proud of you.”

  “Hey…everything I do comes from the heart. I figured if they were coming for me then there was no use running like a coward.”

  “My brave warrior…I love you so much.”

  The easy smile she loved swept his gorgeous face and he pushed to his feet with her in his arms. “C’mon, let’s get you up to Remle’s and tend that arm.” He carried her to his bike and gently positioned her onto the passenger seat. She wrapped one arm around his muscled waist as he steered the bike onto the road. Within minutes they were cruising north at a comfortable speed toward Remle’s cabin.

  “What the hell happened?” Remle rushed them inside before closing the door.

  “Draven ambushed me,” Trip said. Rage and emotion flooded his voice. “Shye saw him coming and she dropped out of the sky—literally—to save me. He fired off a couple shots and clipped her wing.”

  Remle promptly removed the makeshift bandage. He slid eyeglasses on and peered through the lenses while inspecting the damage. “Doesn’t look too serious. The bullet passed straight through. I can fix you up unless you’d rather see an MD in town.”

  “No…no doctors. I’ve been hurt worse than this. Just fix it.”

  She sat still with the ball of fabric pressed against her arm as he left the room then returned moments later with a first aid kit.

  “I take it you’ve done this before.”

  His blue eyes twinkled. “I don’t go into town much, just to buy supplies. I like my privacy. I learned a lot from the medic in the Marines.” After pouring rubbing alcohol into the wound he looked at her again. “That had to hurt like hell yet you made no sound.”

  “I hated being a girl when I was little. I used to secretly follow the young men to watch their warrior training. Ate knew I was there but he never said anything. He once told me that I had the heart of a warrior. W
hen Ina raised a fuss over me joining the military, Ate calmed her fears and assured her that I would be okay.”

  “He was right.” Remle bandaged her arm, packed his medical supplies away and stood up. “You’ll be good as gold in no time.”

  Trip stepped forward then knelt beside the sofa. “She already is.” He rested his forehead on her bare midriff and drew a heavy breath. “Thank God you’re okay.”

  Shye stroked his silky hair as his arms slid around her waist. She basked in his deeply affectionate embrace. His humble position at her side touched her heart. She kissed the top of his head and continued petting the luxurious black strands that fell around his face.

  “I found this on my desk when I returned.” Remle laid a cell phone on the arm of the couch. “Gage must’ve wriggled his way over and managed to send a quick text while you and Shye were in the kitchen. I had stepped out for a few minutes to relieve myself. He was one determined prick.”

  Trip lifted his head. Taking the unit in hand, he flipped it open and read a text message from the phone that Gage had sent to Pike. “Heading north to Cooper’s Lake. Viper and Dax with me. Clear out. Farm is gone.”

  “That’s why the Rain Riders took him.” Shye gasped, astounded by his level of deception. “I was so wrong about him all the way around. How could I be so naïve? He almost convinced me that he’d done a noble deed when all along he was setting you up.”

  “There’s nothing naïve about wanting to think the best of someone you’ve known all your life,” Trip told her with soft eyes. “Don’t ever lose that heart of gold.”

  “He wasn’t bullied into participating as I thought.” She sighed. “Sometime while I was away the man I used to know turned into a hardened criminal. He really did mastermind the hijacking of my parents’ land. At least now I understand why he sprung Carter from prison. I wonder…who is the boss in that crew?”

  “Probably none of them, men of that nature are always watching their backs even against each other. There’s no trust among thieves and killers. Gage was still going to take me out even with Carter gone.” Trip gave her a curious look. “You never flinched when he said Carter had been killed at the prison. I thought for sure you would’ve had some kind of reaction. How do you know Gage got Carter out?”

  “I never got a chance to tell you about my ride. The Rain Riders escorted me to the prison. I was confused at first as to why they’d taken me there. Then I saw Pike waiting in his truck and Carter came out. I could hear them talking about Gage springing him.”

  “That’s exactly why I didn’t want to turn him loose. He was a snake of a lawyer and I knew he’d find a way to help Draven slip through the noose.”

  “Gage certainly had a way with words. Guess he was in the right profession just on the wrong side.” She lifted one corner of her mouth in a half frown. “And he lied to the very end. The riders took me there to kill Mike Carter. I watched his soul ride off with them just as Gage’s did.”

  “Wow…” Trip gazed at her with sheer awe in his eyes.

  “Yeah…” Remle added. “I am honored to be in your presence.”

  “Stop that,” she said with a light laugh. “I’m no better than anyone else. I just happened to be blessed with the privilege of riding with the greatest warriors of all time.” She then proceeded to tell them every detail of her experience with the riders.

  They sat in open wonder, clearly fascinated by her story. When she’d finished, Trip appeared awestruck. He shifted his weight from the floor to sit beside her on the sofa, gazing down at her with those captivating eyes that made her tingle all over.

  Remle stared down while rubbing his chin in open contemplation. “I wonder why the riders didn’t take Pike out there on the road. His guilt is undeniable.”

  “That’s a good question.” She wondered about this. Why hadn’t they delivered their vengeance to Pike? The man is guilty as sin.

  “Maybe…” Trip arched one brow. “They’re saving him for me.”

  * * * *

  “How’s your arm?” Trip asked as he led Shye outside to the front lawn of Remle’s cabin.

  “I’m fine.” Her black eyes shimmered in the moonlight as she looked up with a warm smile.

  “I can’t believe everything that’s happened.” He gave a slow shake of his head as they neared his parked Harley. “You have your land back. I couldn’t be happier for you. I bet you can’t wait to tell your parents.”

  “Everything seems so surreal.” Her voice was soft, almost dreamy-like. She ran one dainty hand over his chest. “I am very excited about giving Ina and Ate the good news. I will move them back home tomorrow. But tonight I want to enjoy you.”

  He straddled the seat then helped her on to his front. She cast him a wicked grin as he eased her into position facing him with her long, killer legs draped over his thighs. He laid her backward with one hand supporting the small of her back. She threw her head back and with one hand swept that gorgeous mane of black off her lovely face in a gesture so laden with utter sensuality he nearly lost it right there. She clutched his forearm with her other hand while leaving the other arm up over her head in a take-me-now invitation.

  Her breasts barely covered by her black halter-style half top, rose and fell to her soft breathing as she lay before him with gently closed eyes and sweetly glossed lips. Her raven hair shone in the moonlight as it draped behind her. He wanted her here—now—under the moonlight on his bike. And he knew without a doubt she wanted the same by her suggestive body language. An urgent ache rose in his groin creating a painful tightening in his jeans that throbbed for relief.

  “You’re stunning,” he purred. Lowering his head, he let his lips trail along her bare midriff.

  She moaned softly. “Take me, Trip…take me right here just like this. I’ve missed you so much.”

  “I missed you too, babe.”

  A few minutes later after a few smooth moves and some perfectly synchronized body movements they were both naked and in the same stimulating position, nestled against each other skin-on-skin. She cried out as he pushed inside while at the same time gripping her hips and pulling them tight against his. He ran both hands down the length of her legs then back up and along her waist while making love to her.

  She tangled her fingers in his hair and took a tight hold when his mouth found her breasts. He lingered at her bosom, kissing and savoring her beauty, making her writhe in heated passion. She pushed against him, openly pleading for more. He didn’t hold back. Using his hands and lips, he bathed every inch of her delicate luscious body with passion.

  His gaze moved over her as he pushed deep. Never had he seen a more beautiful woman—laid out before him on his Harley in the most provocative pose a man could fathom. The way she clung to him as they joined took him higher until the heat became too much to hold back. He groaned long and slow as his release filled her. She tensed and sucked in a sharp breath seconds before her own climax seized her.

  “I love you, angel,” he murmured as they crested the tide of ecstasy together.

  She gasped and an expression of sheer bliss swept over her face. “I love you too, baby.”

  He pulled her up and wound his arms around her back, drawing her so close they could barely take a breath while coming down from the sexual high. Their eyes met. Hers glistened with euphoric afterglow and he had no doubt his expression paralleled hers. They gazed at each other for several intense moments before merging into a sizzling kiss heavy with tongue. She coiled around him in the most delightful manner. His spirit soared over having this mysteriously alluring woman back in his arms. Nothing had ever felt more right.

  They eased from the deeply stirring kiss and wrapped around each other, taking their time to descend from the heavenly rapture of lovemaking. He inhaled deeply at her neck, taking in her light floral scent. Night sounds provided enchanting music, as nature seemed to embrace their union.

  After enjoying another round of passion and even more intense orgasmic highs, they clung to one anoth
er, panting for breath. Slivers of light from a full moon danced off her hair and her naturally tanned skin glistened with a light sheen of sweat. When she had been completely satisfied in every way after hours of intimacy he eased back while gazing into her sultry eyes.

  “Would you like to take a ride?” he asked.

  “Where to?”

  “I thought maybe you’d enjoy riding down to the farm to bask in some victory.”

  “Do you think any of the drug runners are still there? Maybe we should pack a few weapons.”

  Trip smiled in adoration. He loved a woman who loved firepower. “I doubt anyone stayed behind after the warning. Draven had obviously split the scene and who knows where the prick is now. But I have no objections to packing heat,” he said with a wink. “What’s your pleasure tonight, my love?”

  A delightful sparkled danced in her eyes and she smiled. “I really like that RPG and an AK-47 would be nice in addition to my shotgun…just in case.” She winked. “If they’ve left any evidence of their drug dealings in the barn I’m going to level it. I want no trace of their filth on my homeland.” Her sweet expression of excitement quickly switched to that of rage. “Those bastards were probably in my house sullying my home.”

  Sadness washed over him as he shared her grief. “Unfortunately, you’re probably right.”

  “I cannot dishonor my parents by allowing the stench of Carter and his white pigs to touch them. I’ll have to rebuild. I have enough money saved to erect a small cabin until I’m able to rebuild the main house. They would live in a tee pee if necessary just to be home again. We are not a fragile people.”

  “I’ve noticed that,” he said with a wry grin. “I’ll help you. I foresee a bonfire in our near future,” he teased to help lighten the sorrow.

  Her smile was laced with open gratitude. “What about Pike? Aren’t you worried the trail will grow cold?”

  Trip shrugged while pondering her words. “Maybe…but—there might be one thing he can’t get rid of so easily. I think Draven unknowingly took on a tracking device.”


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