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Tatum Page 1

by S Raven Storm

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  Alpha Shifter Romance


  Copyright © 2017 S. Raven Storm

  All rights reserved.

  ASIN: B0762FH3CF



  This book is dedicated to my loyal readers and supporters, known as Rav Stormers. Thank you for your encouragement and love.


  I wish to thank A.K. Michaels for allowing me to participate in such a wonderful and amazing project. I’ve read the series and hope I’m included in the readers praise of A Wolf’s Hunger’s success. Thanks also to the several authors I’ve befriended over the years. Too many to count.


  Bristol could tell by the weather it was not going to be a good day, the cumulus clouds were gathering together, creating odd shapes. She could feel it in her bones, something bad was about to happen. Bristol stretched her tall, sleek body to her full height before grabbing the brush on her dresser. Taking her time brushing her jet-black locks, struggling, as always, to remove the tangles, she once again looked out the window. The sun, desperately trying to shine, could only manage to peek out from behind the clouds, unable to stay for any length of time. Taking a deep breath, she thought a rainy day would be fitting. It was one month ago today that her father died. No. That he was murdered… Murdered by a coward. A low down dirty dog of a coward. If she knew who the culprit was, she would return the favor, with more painful results.

  Bristol loved both her parents, but she was a daddy’s girl, and always would be. She’d been groomed to rule as an alpha’s mate, and to be a strong, formidable she-wolf. Her parents were the best trainers, and they were the best alphas in the region. Her father, Midas, ruled the lands and helped neighboring packs. Rolling Hill Pack, though small, were strong. Her father became alpha at eighteen and died at the tender age of fifty. Her mother Leona, a true warrior, ruled better than any male alpha. They both taught Bristol the fundamentals of being a strong, intelligent wolf that could one-day rule alongside a great alpha. Maybe that’s why her father raised her to be the son he never had. So, she would be two times better than the best. Bristol had had two sisters and a brother, all who died in the great blizzard when they were just pups. She was the only survivor of the litter. Between her parents’ strong hand and that of the pack, she learned to stand strong at a young age.

  Since the death of her father, Bristol’s mother Leona had taken her rightful place as alpha, but without her husband or a strong mate, she’d become unfocused and lacking in her duties. The Rolling Hill Pack were now screaming for leadership and change.

  Of course, Scotty, her father’s beta, was willing to fill her father’s shoes as alpha, and since she’s her father’s daughter, mating with him would be the simple solution to all. Mating with the last alpha’s daughter would bring power and status. So, whoever became alpha and chose her as his mate will have great power and position. Bristol liked Scotty, however, she’d be lying if she said she wanted him as a mate. No, Scotty was more like a big brother, he was her best friend.

  With the mourning period over and the need for a leader, the gamma set the ceremony date. To Bristol’s surprise it was a week away. No one questioned the gamma’s decision, his job was to provide counsel, wisdom, and knowledge to the pack. With the taste of power on the tongues of many, challenges were rampant and Scotty, on a daily basis, has been dealing with them. Omegas and other underlings with hopes of grandeur have challenged Scotty and lost. Bristol smiled, he’s always been bigger and stronger than most, therefore my father picked him to be beta. Not to mention he’s smart.

  Noticing the dim light coming from her mother’s room Bristol gingerly pushed the door open. Her mother, still in bed, was lying on her side. She’d been sleeping in later and later each day. As alpha of the pack, her responsibility was to lead in the hunt, yet her mother no longer took interest in the hunt. She was still allowed first meal of the kill, yet she declined to eat each day. Some days she would forgo eating at all.

  Bristol didn’t know what to do about her mother. She wanted to help, yet each time she approached her mother she would dismiss her concerns as being futile and unwarranted. Bristol decided to speak to the gamma, in hopes of receiving the answers to her many questions. She sat at her dressing table brushing her long, ebony black hair. When she removed all the tangles she braided it into a long, thick plait, then pushed the pin spikes in various places throughout her braid. A little warrior trick her mother taught her. Her dark skin resembled the pecans she loved to eat. Bristol’s skin was flawless and smooth. She was tall, taller than most of the women in the pack, including her mother, her physique that of an athlete. Bristol pulled her hooded jacket around her tightly, for the wind was brisk. It wasn’t long before small drops of rain gently fell from the sky, promising more to come. It was strange having this type weather in the present season. However, if the truth be known, everything seemed a bit unusual since her father’s death.

  Walking quickly, not wanting to draw attention to herself or where she was going Bristol covertly looked around, assuring herself that no one had noticed her, before ducking into the little cottage. She didn’t know why she was making such a big deal out of the outing, yet, Bristol didn’t want anyone to know she needed council from Gamma Rhone. Most of the pack enjoyed the gamma’s tales of the olden days, and found them to be entertaining fables. Bristol, however, reveled in the stories and believed them all to be true.

  “Come in and shut the door, my child,” bellowed Gamma Rhone. He was a short, stout man with a long gray beard that looked surprisingly funny, since he had no hair upon his head.

  Bristol, approaching the elderly man, immediately grabbed his hand, kissing the back of it, saying, “yes, gamma I…I came…” Bristol, stammered endlessly trying to find the right words.

  “You came because I sent for you.” He said.

  “I’m so sorry, I didn’t receive your message, sir.”

  “Sit.” He instructed.

  “I can’t stay. I just... I need some advice on what I need to do to help my mother.” She said, feeling uncomfortable in the dimly lit room.

  “There is nothing you can do about your mother. Her fate has been determined. You, on the other hand, must follow my instructions.”

  “What instructions. Do you not realize my mother is not eating?”

  “Listen, time is ticking as we speak. You must leave this place to ensure our future. You must leave it all behind.”

  “Leave! Leave my mother, and the pack? No!”

  “If you stay we will be no more. You survived because in death your siblings kept you warm. You have matured because of your father, and strength due to your mother, and you will be the instrument used to save our pack and revenging both your parents.”

  Bristol stood up and asked, “is my mother in danger? you said revenge…do you know my father’s killer? … No, I can’t leave!”

  “But you must, for there’s a bigger picture, one you cannot see, as of yet.”

  “I can see nothing but the murderer's blood on my hands.”

  “Don’t be a fool. Blind revenge will be your end! You must plan and prepare, always, to defeat your enemy. War’s have never been won by emotional reactions.”
  “Why should I leave?”

  “Because, what waits for you is greater than anything you can imagine. You will return, I promise. And when you do, you will bring the pack back to its glory. For right now, your destiny does not lie here.”

  “But to leave!” She cried.

  “Go! The clock is ticking.” Gamma Rhone said, then closed his eyes.

  Exiting the cottage, Bristol heard the noise coming from the square. Picking up her pace she found herself wedged between the crowd who’d gathered.

  Scotty was battling Rex, Rex the rat, she called him. He was sneaky with beady rat eyes. Bristol never like Rex. She hated the way he would follow her with his beady little eyes, then lick his lips as if he could taste her. No, she didn’t like him worth a damn. He was of medium build, with very little muscles. Plus, she’d never she seen him battle anyone. No, he was destined to be an Omega, even as a yearling, he was unimpressive.

  The fight, to her surprise, was evenly matched. Bristol, after a closer examination, believed Scotty had an advantage over Rex. Bristol noticed the way Rex kept backing Scotty up, not so much in defense, but just narrowing the space. It didn’t take Bristol long to see there was a hole behind Scotty. Not big enough to fall into, yet small enough to go unnoticed.

  “Scotty behind you!” Bristol shouted, but it was too late, the moment his foot went into the hole he lost his balance. Rex seized the moment, jumping on Scotty’s chest he began throwing punches left and right. He picked up a rock and lifted it over his head intending to crush Scotty’s skull, until Gamma Rhone shouted, “Enough!”

  Seconds went by as Rex continued to hold the rock over Scotty’s skull. Finally, he let the rock roll from his hand. He stood, sneering at Scotty, he announced loudly for all to hear, “I am alpha and I want you gone, now.”

  Bristol ran over to Scotty and wrapped her arms around his neck, whispering in his ear, “you know he made sure you’d fall in that hole? He tricked you, Scotty.”

  “Yeah, I wouldn’t be surprised if he dug the hole himself. But pack rules are meant to be followed, rules are what binds us to our humanity. I’m going to miss you, squirt.” Scotty said with sincerity.

  Tears flooded Bristol’s eyes, threatening to spill over, but she wiped them away quickly as she gave Scotty another hung. “Where will you go?”

  “To my mother’s people, the Howling Wall Pack.”

  “Do you know how to find them?”

  “I have an idea how to locate them.”

  “Please be careful.” She cried.

  “I’ll be fine. I have to go now.” Scotty said as he locked eyes with Rex. “Be strong, Bristol.”

  Bristol watched as Scotty transformed and ran down the path, his speed increasing with each step and soon she lost sight of him.

  Bristol looked over to Gamma Rhone and shook her head. He tapped his wrist as a reminder that time was ticking.

  The moment Bristol walked into the house she saw her mother sitting at the table with her head down on her forearm. Bristol ran to her mother fearing the worst. “Mother!” she shouted.

  Leona lifted her head slowly. Her red eyes revealing she’d been crying. Her mother looked weak and tired. Bristol shook her head; how can I leave when she’s in this state of mind?

  “How about something to eat?” Bristol suggested, as she ran her hands through Leona’s tangled mass.

  “Not now, maybe later.” She said, weakly.

  “Mother, you need to eat, to keep up your strength. If not for yourself, then for me, I need you.” She cried.

  “I will, I promise.”

  “Rex has been made alpha…He defeated Scotty with trickery and the gamma, he…he, said I should leave.”

  “Why should you leave? If Rex is alpha your place is with him. I don’t understand.” She said as she walked over to her bed.

  Bristol was about to follow to explain to her everything that had transpired that day, when a knock came at the door. Bristol answered and was surprised in one way to see Rex standing before her with an arrogant smug look on his face, then again, she wasn’t.

  “What is it Rex?” Bristol asked coldly.

  “I’m am now the alpha of the pack.” He beamed like a child receiving sweets.

  “I know, I was there, remember.” She stated with total disdain.

  “You are to be my mate, seems like you’d be a little friendlier.”

  “Not really! We’ll see what the council says, after all, it is not a written law that I marry you, it’s just expected.” She said tilting her head up high.

  “I bet you wouldn’t be saying this shit if it was Scotty.” He sneered.

  “No! because Scotty is a true alpha, through and through. I know the trick you played getting Scotty to fall in that hole.”

  “You’re mine, regardless.”

  “Oh, really, and you think I’m going to follow you like a little lost sheep?”

  “Let’s just say I have the wolf by the tail.” He laughed. As he grabbed her wrist.

  Bristol slapped Rex face with her free hand, stunning him. She smiled knowing he hadn’t expect her response. “You can grab a wolf by the tail but you better be ready to deal with the teeth at the other end.”

  “I won’t let you fuck up my plans, Bristol. I’ve waited to too long for this time. Your pompous ass father couldn’t stop me, and your stupid lover is gone, and I’ll be damned if I’m going to allow you to defy me.” He shouted, slapping her across the face. There was a loud growl and when Bristol turned she saw her mother standing in the doorway.

  “It was you who killed my Midas!” She screamed, ripping her gown, shredding it into pieces as if it were paper. She shifted into a glorious gray wolf, baring her teeth as she lunged at Rex. Bristol, go, leave.

  I can’t leave you mother, I can’t.

  Rex was fast and dodged her attack while quickly shifting himself. Bristol knew in her heart how this would end, as she heard the gamma’s words ringing in her ear. Tears fought to escape the rim of her eyes as she saw her mother’s bloody fur coat. She was a true fighter, a great she-wolf, as Rex threw her across the room, yet she continued to attack. She wanted to join her mother in the fight. Surely the two of them could take him. She could sound the alarm, but would anyone help her mother, alpha-mate to the old and deceased leader, against the reigning alpha? Bristol was torn, her mind running rampant. All she could here was Gamma Rhone saying time is ticking, you must leave. She reached for her fighting stick, which once belonged to her grandmother, passed down to her mother and then passed onto her. It was fifty-six-inches tall and thick in diameter. Wolves in battle decorated the hickory wooden stick, as a large wolf’s head baring teeth posed as the handle. Bristol suddenly found herself running down the back road. Running like Scotty, except she hadn’t shifted. When she got to the end of the valley she turned in the direction she thought she saw Scotty run. If anything, maybe they would meet up. She prayed to the heavens that this was so. Mom, please, I love you. She waited for a response, but there wasn’t one.

  She hadn’t changed to her wolf form and her human side was tired and hungry. Her stomach felt as if something was trying to claw its way out. Pain gripped her side and ran down her thigh. Changing into her wolf form, she entered the forest for her prey, she patiently waited until a rabbit appeared. She ate the small creature, but her hunger had yet to subside. Bristol, never a big eater, decided the day’s event may have taken a toll on her, more so than anticipated. She found a fawn drinking from the crystal brook, and quickly made it her meal. The tender, sweet meat, filled her belly as night began to fall. Bristol found a small cave to rest in. She would continue her journey at first light. Sleep didn’t come easy as she woke several times in a pool of sweat, her stomach continued to twist in knots. She remembered dreaming of a tall, handsome man with one gray and one brown eye. He was menacing, yet handsome. He made her feel secure. Bristol looked around and she felt everything but secure as pain cramped her mid-section.

  Now is not the tim
e to get sick. I must find Scotty and revenge my parents’ death.


  Scotty realized his mistake the moment he crossed the ridge. He didn’t know how long he’d been traveling, but the smell of unfamiliar wolves told him he was in enemy territory. If he smelled them, it was a sure bet that they smelled his ass too. Shit, was the only word that rang in his head. It was too late to turn back and whatever was ahead, was ahead. Scotty slowed his pace, he knew shifting into his wolf form would appear as a challenge, yet he was vulnerable in his human form. “I’m dead either way.” He said out loud to himself. It didn’t take long before four men stood along the narrow path, blocking his way. “Shit!” he growled.

  “I should have shifted.”

  “Stranger, you’re a long way from home.” One of the men stated with a smile that was as cold as his eyes.

  “Yes, I didn’t mean to trespass.” Scotty said, knowing he was out numbered.

  “Yet, you did. What’s your name and where are you from?” The man asked.

  Scotty assumed the one talking must be the alpha or no less than the beta of the pack. “I’m nobody, going nowhere.” Scotty answered, quietly.

  “Well, Mr. Nobody, who’s on his way to nowhere, I need you to meet my alpha.” He then turned to two of the guys and said, “make sure Mr. Nobody is alone,” He then nodded his head for Scotty to start walking.

  It wasn’t a long walk, yet to Scotty it could have been the death march to the guillotine. He saw several houses, small and large, houses unlike any he’d seen before. Even in his travels with alpha Midas, the houses didn’t look like this, the whole town was unlike any other. There were even log cabins scattered here and there, with several farmer type residents. They all viewed him with curiosity. This day couldn’t get any worse, thought Scotty as the group approached a large house with several men standing before it. The chat and hisses was getting louder as they drew near the house. Suddenly, a deathly silence fell over the crowd. When Scotty turned he saw the large man approach. He was over six-five, with muscles that seemed to be attached to muscles, his eyes were frightening and lifeless as they burned through Scotty. Scotty knew right then and there he was in Blackstone Pack territory and the man looking at him was no other than Tatum, the tracker. Scotty immediately got on his knees and bowed down to the fierce and legendary leader of his generation.


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