The City of Angels

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The City of Angels Page 2

by Stefania Gil

  “How do you know about all of them and what has happened in the celestial plane if you cannot go there?”

  “I have my contacts.” Lilith winked at Evelyn. “And my spells are to avoid them from knowing anything about me. Not the opposite.”

  “Are you still interested in Jev?”

  Lilith smiled sweetly. “If I didn’t love him I wouldn’t be here now.”

  “Why haven’t you done anything during all these years? How do you still love him and you haven’t tried to seduce him?”

  “When you have lived so many years in the world you accept that each of us has a destiny and that destiny is written in a specific way. If you try to rush it or change it you would be wasting your energy because everything arrives always at the precise moment. Even if that moment is after millennia. That saying that has been invented is right, God’s time is perfect.”

  Evelyn put her hands on her chest and squinted her eyes in a romantic and dreamy fashion.

  “What will happen now?” Evelyn asked Lilith. “Why did you dare send regards to Jev by means of Gabriel?”

  “Finding Gabriel was a sign from fate for me. Of course, I’d never imagined that the greeting I sent to Jev would harm him so badly. I was hoping that he would look for me at the bar and he never did so. That means he’s still afraid of facing what he feels for me.”

  “Men are fools! The same happened to me with Uryan. In my vision, I saw Jev in such a bad condition.”

  Lilith was saddened. “I can imagine. I also have an idea of where he might be, but to be honest, he needs to hit rock bottom to face his fears. So this had to happen in this way and his angels will be the ones to look for him and bring him back.”

  “What if that doesn’t happen?” Evelyn asked, worried.

  “Then I will go myself to make him react and stop being stupid. He’s too old to be so stubborn and deny his feelings due to a ridiculous dedication to his responsibilities. Time and his angels have demonstrated to him that they can love and feel loved without leaving their important roles aside. So, if he doesn’t see sense by himself, I will be in charge of making him understand.”


  Around the table of the hotel bar where Mike, Uryan, Gabriel, Ralph, and Meth were sitting the tension could be cut with a knife.

  “So,” Meth said looking at Mike and then sipped his vodka. “How are you doing?”

  “Better than you, as far as I can tell,” Mike replied with a defiant look.

  Meth smiled ironically.

  “That depends on the way you see it,” he answered. “I am happy here, believe it or not. You should have a drink to relax a bit. You seem stressed.” An ironic laugh escaped him again.

  Mike sighed deeply and pinched the bridge of his nose.

  “I’m not in the mood for ironies, Meth. So let’s get straight to the point. Why are we sitting here with you?”

  “I want to have a conversation with an old friend and meet new ones,” Meth answered, looking at Ralph, Uryan, and Gabriel in a friendly manner. “That way, we give Jev the time to clear his mind after the party he’s having in the room with my friends.”

  “That’s why you wanted to lose your wings?” mumbled Mike. His eyes were filled with anger. “To turn into an alcoholic and drug-addicted sex machine?”

  “And the best bike repairman in Los Angeles,” Meth answered him with a good dose of sarcasm. “Yes, Mike, I love my life.”

  “I don’t regret ripping out your wings.”

  “I don’t miss them either.”

  “That’s enough. Stop it!” Ralph complained. “We’re not here to discuss your differences. I think that the issue with Jev is the most important thing. So if you don’t mind, let’s behave like mature adults and find a solution for Jev’s situation.”

  “And, according to you, Raphael,” Meth told him keeping his challenging tone. “What’s Jev’s situation?”

  “I see why Mike ripped your wings out. You’re unbearable.”

  The ironic smile on Meth’s face disappeared.

  “Watch your mouth, Raphael. All the fallen are by my side and even though we don’t have wings, we still have powers. I don’t think that you want to start a fight in front of humans.”

  Ralph stood up.

  “Sit down,” Meth commanded. “We are not finished.”

  Now, the tension could be cut with a knife.

  “What do you want?” asked Gabriel “And stop beating around the bush, please.”

  Meth sighed. “Well, it might be difficult to believe, but I’m very worried about Jev.”

  Mike snorted in a teasing tone.

  “Yes, that’s evident. You give him women, alcohol, drugs and who knows what else and now you come and tell us that you are very worried for him. If you are so worried, why the hell didn’t you call us before to tell us that he was with you? We’ve spent almost four weeks looking for him around the world.”

  “Except here,” said Uryan. “Around the world except for this city.”

  “By orders of Jev himself we haven’t set foot in this city before,” added Gabriel.

  “Yes, I can imagine why he gave you that order.”

  “Me too,” Mike added, looking at Meth in the eyes.

  “I didn’t call you before because I only saw him three days ago in the city. He walked past my garage. He was barefoot. He wore no shirt and with all certainty he was about to fall into a drunken stupor. He was trashed. I thought he might be a tourist. If I hadn’t seen the tattoo on his back I would have never thought that it was him. He looked horrible.”

  “Tattoo?” asked Mike, surprised.

  Meth smiled sincerely and it even could be said that a bit of tenderness appeared in his eyes when he remembered seeing the tattoo on Jev’s back.

  “Yes, it was fresh. The skin still had scabs and the tattoo that covered his back was of Lilith. When I saw her tattoo I realized that it was Jev and that things must be pretty bad with her.”

  The archangels widened their eyes in surprise.

  Mike’s phone rang.

  Everyone remained silent as he answered the call.

  “Hi, Evelyn. Yes, we’ve already found him. Hmm, is she there? With you? Aha, ok. I think that’s a good idea. Although, I don’t think it’s necessary. We’re planning to take him back home. We’ll let you know if we need help. Ok. Sure. Bye.” He hung up the phone. “She sends you a kiss,” he told Uryan. “Lilith is with her.”

  “I’m starting to like this story,” Meth said, amused.

  Mike explained to them why Lilith had arrived at Evelyn’s house and her intentions of looking for Jev if he refused to get out of the pit of despair he had fallen into.

  “Well, it’s not an easy situation,” Meth assured. This time he looked worried. “Jev is like a father to me. The fact that I’m a rebel without a cause doesn’t mean that I want this life for him.”

  Mike dropped his guard for a moment. “You’ve just told me that you are happy with your life.”

  “Yes, Mike, I am.” Meth smiled sincerely. “I decided to live like a human. I love eating, sleeping, having sex,” he paused, “I like all the vices but I’ve learned that you have to be careful with them. I’ve chosen this and I wouldn’t change it for anything or anyone. But also, I myself felt how it is to suffer from love and I don’t want Jev to go through that. He has to fix his issue with Lilith. Those two have always loved each other. It’s just that Jev believes that he will neglect his important position if he decides to surrender to her.”

  Gabriel sighed. “Is that the problem? Jev is scared?”

  “Yes, a lot,” Meth answered, serious.


  Jev woke up and looked around.

  His head was throbbing. Literally.

  The light was pouring through the window and he could barely open his eyes.

  When he could stand looking at the light he saw that he was joined by three women. They were completely naked.

  Jev’s throat was dry. As soon as he could he got
rid of the tangle of legs and arms that kept him prisoner, he went to the kitchen that was in the room.

  He took the pitcher of water that was in the little fridge and took it straight to his mouth.

  He looked around. The general aspect of the room was disgusting. He felt repulsed by what he saw and by himself. He had turned into a complete stranger. He was tired of the life he was leading. He couldn’t tell how much time had passed because he had lost track of time.

  Days and nights passed by without notice.

  Jev thought of Lilith and he felt a strong pain in his chest.

  The woman was the most important thing in his whole existence, but he didn’t dare to look for her.

  Even though that was something he had always wanted.

  Jev remembered the moment he created her, she was his masterpiece. He created her out of the desire to have someone by his side. He had spent a lot of time thinking about her creation. He was feeling more and more inspired. When Lilith came to life she opened her sweet amber eyes. Her sight fell upon him and Jev knew that he was completely lost.

  Jev felt an immediate need to possess her and make her his. He wanted and desired the woman. But an unknown fear started to overwhelm him.

  He wasn’t any person. He was a special being and he didn’t know the consequence of their union. He felt so tempted by her that for a moment he wanted to leave it all and devote his existence to making her happy.

  His rational side didn’t allow it. The right thing to do was to create a human being that was similar to him so that they could stay on Earth while Jev remained on the celestial plane.

  That was what he did. He created Adam and things turned out badly. Lilith was self-sufficient despite the fact of being so delicate and the major drawback was that she couldn’t stand Adam.

  Jev used to visit them in Eden to see how things were developing but he always ended up in the role of a marriage counselor. It was a pretty awkward situation for him because his feelings for Lilith remained as intense as the first time he had seen her.

  After intervening a lot between them, he got fed up and he let things develop naturally. It was then that Lilith asked to talk to him alone.

  The woman was strong and very sincere. She told him of all the feelings she had for him and she warned him that she would leave Adam because she couldn’t stand him anymore.

  That was exactly what she did when she saw that Jev didn’t have any reaction to her declaration.

  He had been such a fool! He had just let her go and he hadn’t even dared to tell her why he didn’t dare to be with her indefinitely.

  But Lilith was insistent and she tried to get Jev’s attention many times. Of course, one of the times she succeeded.

  That day she made a plea to Jev so that he would go to a beautiful meadow in Eden. Jev couldn’t resist he needed to see her and know how she was.

  When he got to the meeting point, Lilith was lying on her side on the meadow. Jev felt all his senses go on alert when he saw her sensual pose and his sex throbbed at the sight of the grass caressing her white and delicate breast.

  She smiled at him. “I wasn’t sure you were going to come.”

  “I wanted to know how you were.”

  Jev sat next to her but tried to keep some distance between them. Jev was dressed in a tunic. Like the one, she should have worn. But that was not the case. She was completely naked.

  Jev had never before felt like this. Never.

  He didn't know how to control the erection that he had.

  Lilith didn’t speak for much longer.

  She sat astride him, slowly, letting one of her nipples brush against Jev’s lips.

  Jev started to sweat.

  “Lilith,” Jev began to say with a breathy voice. “I don’t think that this is a good idea.”

  Lilith went silent. She stared into his eyes and at that moment took Jev’s hand and placed it on top of one of her breasts.

  Jev started to drool. Her skin was like velvet and the warmth that emanated from it was driving him crazy. He closed his eyes and breathed deeply trying to find something that would calm him down and rid him of that strange sensation that was taking hold of him.

  But Lilith had other plans. She guided Jev’s hand with gentle movements so that he could feel comfortable with what he was touching and then placed his hand in such a way that her hardened nipple was trapped in Jev’s shy and embarrassed fingers.

  That made Jev lose the little sanity that he had left and he began to exert pressure on her pink nipple. She moaned with pleasure and Jev was carried away by everything that he was experiencing.

  Lilith straightened up a bit and he pulled her with force towards him. His mouth was desperate to taste the nipple that was crying out to be tasted.

  Then, instinctively, he kissed her on the mouth. His tongue explored each space of her wet mouth as she took another one of his hands and looked for a new location to place it. Over her vagina.

  When Jev fingers touched Lilith’s moist cavity all of his senses became cloudy and the only thing he felt was the crazy need to lay her on the grass and penetrate her.

  It was exactly what he did. And what they did for the next hours because he didn’t want to stop experiencing everything that Lilith made him feel.

  A noise brought him back to reality, Jev was sitting at the kitchen table with a pitcher of water in front and he had a huge erection.

  “Are you dressed or nude?” asked Meth.

  “What do you think?” Jev responded without daring to leave his seat because, luckily, the table was hiding his erection.

  Meth tossed him some pants that he found on one of the couches in the living room.

  “Get dressed. Your babysitters came looking for you.”

  Jev looked at Meth in puzzlement. He still had a headache and well, the erection was not letting him think clearly.

  Jev put the pants on as best as he could, although it was impossible to hide the size of his erection.

  When he looked out into the room and saw his archangels standing there he felt bad for making them feel uncomfortable. But he wasn’t having a great time either and was determined to stay where he was even if he had to remove the wings of anyone who objected.

  Mike, Uryan, and Gabriel couldn’t avoid feeling shocked at Jev’s terrible aspect. He had always been thin, but what was before them, was bordering on the insane. He seemed malnourished and it wasn’t surprising considering the miserable life of vice and depression that he was living.

  “We know where to find Lilith,” Mike told him.

  Jev looked at him with surprise.

  Two seconds later his eyes showed a deep fear.

  “Isn’t that what you wanted?” Mike asked bewildered and with a high tone of voice. “You disappeared because of her. Well, now you don’t have to flee. She wants to see you.”

  Jev took a deep breath and lowered his head in shame.

  “Sorry guys. I’ve made you go through a hard time these last few days.”

  “These days?” Mike said. He couldn’t stand the pressure anymore. “You’ve been gone for four weeks. “We almost lost Uryan. Everything is your fault. Why don’t you have the guts to speak with the woman you love?

  Meth cleared his throat.

  “Don’t butt in,” Mike threatened with determination.

  “What if I do? Are you going to remove my wings again?” Meth smiled ironically. “Oops! Sorry, Mikael. I don’t have wings anymore.”

  Absolute anger gripped Mike and he lunged at Meth. He punched him in the nose which fractured and began to bleed.

  “Ouch,” Meth screamed and smiled mockingly. He closed his fists and threw a fist in front to punch one of Mike’s eyes which immediately swelled up.

  Just like that, they began to fight and no one knew how it would end up because Gabriel, Uryan, and Ralph attempted to separate them but they stopped when they both received some blows despite not deserving it. And well, it was somewhat difficult to know if Jev was in the cond
ition to stop it because as soon as those two began to throw punches “the boss” disappeared again from the sight of his warriors.

  “Enough!” Lilith’s strong and hoarse voice burst into the room making Meth and Mike abruptly stop the fight.

  “What’s wrong with you?” Lilith asked them. “Can you stop behaving for one damned time as if you were small children?”

  Meth and Mike lowered their heads.

  “It’s not okay for you to curse.” Jev left the room that he’d entered to watch TV while his two warriors traded blows.

  Lilith looked at Jev with a scowl on her face. She was sick of all of their behavior that day.

  “You don’t tell me what I have to do! Is that clear? And even less after making us all look for you around the globe. You’ve put too much at risk, Jev.”

  Jev was as still as stone. He never thought about what he had put into play when he decided to flee from everyone in fear of confronting his feelings for the woman that stood before him.

  And as usual, he still didn’t know how to fight that. Given that it would not be a good idea to disappear again for several reasons. One of those reasons was that he was so contaminated that he failed to dematerialize. Jev turned and before he even thought of closing the door and locking himself in the room, Lilith’s angry look forced him to change his mind.

  “We need to talk.” It was then when he felt firsthand the expression that humans used, his knees were knocking in fear.

  Lilith was furious.

  “I want you all to leave me alone with Jev, please,” she looked at the warriors directly in their eyes. “I’ll take care of him.”

  They walked to the door in silence.

  “We’ll be outside in case you need any help,” Meth told her while he held a paper below his nose to contain the blood that kept coming out.

  She looked at him up and down. “Meth, please, right now you have to take care of yourself.”

  Meth looked at Lilith doubtfully.

  “I’m going to take Jev from here to another room in the same hotel. This place is a sty and I can’t think with such a mess around.”

  “Then, we’ll take you to the door of...”


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