Texas Wildfire (Texas Heroes Book 1)

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Texas Wildfire (Texas Heroes Book 1) Page 9

by Sable Hunter

“Not till we get to my truck,” he answered in short order.

  Makenna hung there, willing her stomach not to misbehave. “Well, don’t walk so hard. I’m woozy.”

  Her small words from behind his back touched his heart. “Oh, come here, baby.” He gently pulled her forward and into his arms until she was nestled against his chest like a bride. “Better?”

  “I think so.” She studied his face. “What’s going on, Sloan?”

  Seeing they were being watched by a half dozen interested townspeople, Titan answered, “We’ll talk about it once we’re alone.”

  Once they were alone. “Okay.” She liked that. Makenna nestled her head on his chest and let out a big sigh.

  When they arrived at his truck a few seconds later, he sat her down in the seat facing him. Bracketing her with his arms, he caged her close. “I have to tell you something.”

  Makenna’s heart thumped. This was it. He was going to tell her he couldn’t wait another moment to have her in his arms…and then he was going to kiss her. She leaned toward him. “I think I know what you’re going to say, but I want to hear you say it.”

  Titan paused a second. “So, you heard? Conner got ahold of you?”

  “Conner?” Doubt dampened her joy. “What do you mean?”

  “Damien’s out on bail. You’re not safe.”

  His words were like a bucket of cold water. “Oh.” Her face flamed. She didn’t know what upset her more—the fact Damien was free to hurt her again or that Titan had only come to warn her, not claim her. She began to try and climb down out of the truck, which was difficult with Titan’s bulk in the way. But she gave it her best shot, wiggling and stretching her legs out, trying to touch the ground while she pushed on his chest.

  “What exactly are you aiming to do?” Titan chuckled. The only thing she was succeeding at was turning him on.

  “I’m trying to go back to the party. I need to find Allie and…and…” She wrapped the oversize scarf around her waist and tied it in a knot over her hip.

  Titan mourned the addition of the extra material.

  “Now let me go.” She pressed her hands against his chest. Her body was wedged against his and she was getting exactly nowhere. “Would you move?”

  “No.” Titan was confused. She was acting like he’d hurt her feelings. “What did you think I was going to say?” Reinforcing his point, he repeated himself. “A while ago when you said you wanted to hear me say it, what did you mean?”

  “Just let me go.” Makenna was so embarrassed, she wanted to get away. “I need to find someplace safe.”

  Titan put his arms around her. “Lean on me, I’m sturdy. Don’t I make you feel safe?”

  “Yes, but...” Exasperated, she leaned her head against his wide chest. “I thought you’d come here to…” Her voice trailed off into nothing. “Instead you just came to give me bad news. I don’t know what’s going on.”

  “What’s going on? I’ll tell you what’s going on.” Titan held her shoulders so he could look into her face. “Yes, I came to tell you about Damien. Do you think I want him to get his hands on you again?” He cupped the side of her face. “Makenna, I’ve held myself back. I’ve done what I thought was the right thing, only to find out your marriage was a sham. I should’ve acted on my instincts a long time ago.” As he spoke, he could tell she was shocked—her eyes widened and he didn’t know if that was good or bad. “What I’m trying to say is—if you want a man in your life, you’ve got one. Me.”

  The moon was out, the stars were bright and Makenna tried to decide if she was asleep and dreaming or if this was real. She blinked, wet her lips, then raised her hand to touch him, making sure he wouldn’t fade away as he had so many other times in her dreams. “You want me,” she said with wonder.

  Titan stared at her as if she had just asked him if the Dallas Cowboys were a hockey team. “You have to ask? I thought I’d already made my case.”

  Makenna glared at him. “Yes, I have to ask. In the hospital, after you were burned, you said ‘this isn’t working’. What did you mean?”

  Bowing his head to hers, he kissed her on the neck, right where it met her shoulder. “The pain killers loosened my tongue. I was trying to tell you that seeing you all the time and not having you was killing me. So, yes I want you. I’ve wanted you from the first moment I saw you herding little ducks across the road.”

  Makenna tensed, hesitated, then flung herself into his arms. “I used to imagine I belonged to you rather than him. I tried to hide it, I really did.”

  Tightening his arms around her, Titan held her close. “You hid it well enough. I didn’t know. I could only hope.” Kissing her on the side of the face, he turned her and helped her fasten the seatbelt. “Let’s get out of here. I want to be alone with you.”


  First they drove by Allie’s to pick up her bag. Titan took the key, asking what room her things were in. “First bedroom on the right down the hall,” she answered. He clicked the lock button behind him, leaving her in the darkened truck. She peered out into the night, half expecting Damien to come rushing out of the shadows. When Titan returned, they resumed the trip.

  Even though the drive to Skyview took only minutes, Makenna’s head was so full of thoughts it was spinning. She was ultra-aware of being alone with Titan, of his strong body so close to hers. He was so calm, so sure of himself. It was hard to comprehend that he wanted her as much as she wanted him. Damien had made her question everything, even who she was and her value as a person. She wanted to ask Titan if her staying with him was temporary or…more, but she didn’t. What would people say when they heard she’d moved out of the house with her husband and into Titan’s? She decided the smart thing to do was take it one day at a time—heck, one hour at a time. Makenna was just going to be grateful she was out of danger and with someone who seemed to care about her. After all, she used to have someone who cared for her.

  Makenna had grown up in Oklahoma City, the spoiled only daughter of Cedric and Darcy Neil. Her childhood had been perfectly normal until that fateful day in April of 1995 when her world had exploded. The aftermath had left her shaken, questioning everything. Had it changed her? Of course it did. The remaining years of her childhood had been spent rebuilding herself, trying to make sense of why she was alive when so many others were dead. The psychiatrist had called it ‘survivor’s guilt’. In many ways, Makenna carried that guilt with her even today.

  When she’d met and married Damien, the attention he’d given her seemed heaven-sent. Above all she longed for normalcy, she just wanted to be like everyone else and not special just because she’d narrowly escaped death. Makenna wanted to live.

  But she had no idea living could become so painful. Being with Damien was nothing like she’d hoped for. He stole what confidence she had left. What was different about her? Did she deserve the way he treated her? Had she done something wrong? And tonight she was with another man. Makenna was placing her faith and trust into the hands of Titan Sloan.

  Titan knew this road like the back of his hand. Driving safely on the curvy road, he had no intention of endangering the precious cargo he carried. The illumination from the dashboard lights allowed him to see the pale shape of her bare legs. He longed to run his hand down their smooth length, spread them apart and make himself a place between them. More than that, he wanted to make a place for himself in her life. Seeing her hand resting on her thigh, he took it, weaving his fingers with hers. It was so small and it trembled within his grasp. “Don’t be afraid. Nothing will happen that you don’t want. I only want to make you feel safe and happy.”

  “I keep expecting to wake up back in my own bed and find I’ve dreamed all of this,” Makenna confessed, placing her other hand over the top of their joined ones as if attempting to anchor herself to him.

  Titan used his thumb to caress her palm. “I know it’s been horrible for you.”

  “How did he get out on bail? He admitted to beating me up.”

shing he had an answer, he just held her hand tighter. “I don’t know. I suppose he has friends in high places.”

  “I’m sorry you’re in the middle of all of this,” Makenna apologized.

  “Shhhh,” Titan protested. “You’ll never know how often I’ve longed for you to be right where you are.” Titan tightened the hand he was driving with over the steering wheel, making the knuckles go white. He hated the fact that he’d allowed Damien to continue his abuse of Makenna for so long. Titan blamed himself for not comprehending what was happening, for explaining away the suspicious things in his mind instead of acting on them—for allowing Makenna’s terror to exist right under his nose for as long as it had gone on. Damien Wade was not the fine upstanding citizen and community leader the community presumed him to be, yet even now people were doubting his guilt. They hadn’t seen Makenna’s battered body or held her as she cried.

  With a great sense of homecoming, he pulled under the Skyview sign, parked near his front entrance and turned off the ignition. Makenna started to get out, and Titan raised the hand he still held and kissed it. “Stay put. Allow me. I don’t want you to turn your ankle in those heels.”

  Even that simple gentlemanly act was alien to Makenna. Trembling, she opened up her door and waited for him. Effortlessly Titan lifted her, carrying her across the yard to the house. He seemed to have no trouble, shifting her weight so he could open the door, then flipping the switch to turn on the light. Everything looked much the same as when she’d been here last, comfortable and lived in. A book lay open on the arm of the recliner, a few sports trophies were lined up on the bookshelf and a valet kit lay open where he’d been shining his boots. The place looked like Titan. “I’m glad to be here.” She hugged him gratefully.

  “Are you hungry?” he asked. She shook her head no, biting her lower lip with her small white teeth. “I’m thirsty.”

  “Coffee, tea?”

  Before he could say ‘me’, she asked for “Milk?”

  “You got it.” She tagged along behind him as he went to the kitchen and opened the refrigerator door. “Warm, cold or chocolate?”

  “Chocolate.” She said the word with a smile in her voice.

  “A girl after my own heart.” He poured two big glasses, placed one in front of her where she sat at the bar, and took a tin of cookies from atop the refrigerator. “Nutter Butters.”

  Makenna’s stomach growled. “This is nice.” Taking a sip of milk, she reached for a cookie.

  Titan felt his heart lurch in his chest, realizing she probably hadn’t enjoyed moments like this with Wade. Even though he hurt for Makenna, part of him was glad he could be the one to share them with her. “I’m sorry you’ve had to go through all of this.”

  Makenna finished chewing her mouthful of cookie, wiping a crumb from the corner of her lip. “I’m ashamed,” she confessed. “I would still be there if he hadn’t threatened you. I was convinced he’d set the fire at Allie’s and just knew he would do something to you next.”

  “You should have told me long ago,” Titan said gently, dipping one of his cookies in the milk. “I would have helped you, no questions asked.”

  “Like you’re doing now.” She smiled sadly. “He’s free. This isn’t over.” Makenna cleared her throat. “If the law isn’t on my side, I don’t know what I’m going to do.”

  Titan laid his half-eaten cookie down. “That’s easy. You’re staying with me.” He held her gaze, staring deep into her eyes. “At least until we know you’re safe.” Titan wanted to offer more, but knowing what she’d been through, he knew it was probably best to take it slow.

  “I’ll disrupt your life.”

  Smiling, he drained his glass of milk. “I can’t think of a better disruption.”

  Makenna didn’t miss the heated look he gave her. Even though she was right where she’d longed to be, Makenna feared she was setting them both up for disappointment. “I need to tell you something and it’s embarrassing.”

  “You can tell me anything.” Seeing she was nervous, Titan picked up the glasses, rinsed them and set them in the sink. “Come with me to the couch and let’s get comfortable.”

  Makenna went with him. His living room was large, a big fireplace to the right, picture windows to the left. A large brown fabric couch faced a flat screen TV. Like she had in the truck, she found herself glancing out the window, imagining her husband would come crashing through the glass at any moment. The events of the day and the knowledge that Damien was out of jail caught up with her. “Could we go in a room that doesn’t have such big windows?”

  “Damn, baby, I’m sorry.” Titan immediately pulled the curtains. “Sure, let’s go to my bedroom, I have a sitting area in there too.”

  His room. Her feet almost wouldn’t cooperate. She had spent the night here just a few days before, but this time it felt completely different. When he opened the door to his suite, she saw he did indeed have only one window and it was covered by heavy drapes. A loveseat and a recliner sat to the left of a bed so big, it looked special made. Titan would require such a bed. Shivers of awareness sent chill bumps over her skin. Needing some distance, she chose the recliner.

  Her choice of a place to sit didn’t go unnoticed by Titan. “I told you that you have nothing to worry about. You’re safe with me.” He sat across from her. “You’re even safe from me.”

  “I don’t know how to say this.” She felt foolish. “In my mind, I thought if I could just get to you, everything would be all right.”

  “And you were exactly right.” Titan sought to assure her of this fact. “I’ll protect you with my life.”

  Waving her hand at the bed, she just blurted out her concern. “I thought about you all the time. I would touch myself thinking about you.” Makenna felt herself blushing, but she forced out the words. “But I don’t know if I’m ready for this.”

  The statement that she’d touched herself thinking of him almost stalled his brain. “I thought of you too, often. Do you want to leave?” Titan didn’t know if he wanted to hear her answer.

  “No.” Makenna blushed. “I’m just not sure I’m ready to have sex. And after the kiss and everything I’ve said, it seems silly.”

  Titan breathed a sigh of relief. “Honey, it isn’t silly at all.” He gave her a big smile. “I’m willing to wait as long as it takes.” Going to kneel in front of her, he clasped her hands. “I’ve seen and heard enough to realize the hell he put you through. I’m just grateful you’re here with me. There’s nothing I wouldn’t do to make you feel safe and cherished.”

  Needing to unburden, Makenna spilled out her heart to him. “There were times when things were fairly normal, but I would never know what might set him off. He was a control freak. If I did what he said and obeyed the rules, sometimes we could go for several days without an episode.”

  Titan clenched his hands into fists. Makenna’s referring to what she’d endured with such an innocuous word as ‘episode’ only seemed to make it worse. “What set him off this last time?” She bowed her head, appearing to not want to answer. “Tell me, baby. Was it the door I ripped off the hinges?” He’d worried about that.

  “No.” She shook her head. “Not really. I was able to replace the nails and get the hinges back in place after he’d passed out.” Makenna gave him a small smile. “I’m fairly handy with tools.”

  “What was it then?”

  Again, she delayed. Seeing his adamancy, she finally relented. “He checked my phone.”

  Remorse dug into Titan’s chest like a knife. “I called to check on you.”

  Not wanting him to blame himself, she enclosed one of his hands in both of hers. “Your kindness and concern wasn’t the problem. Damien is crazy. He’s sadistic. He lashes out, he hits, he punishes for the least little infraction.”

  Her words did little to alleviate his pain. “I’m so sorry, baby.”

  Feeling her face flame scarlet, Makenna dampened her lips before adding, “I didn’t want him.” She laughed harshly. �
�How could I? I hated him.”

  Makenna began to cry and Titan couldn’t stand it. Rising, he asked. “Can I hold you? If that’s all you’re comfortable with, that’s all we’ll do. But if I don’t get you in my arms soon, I’ll go crazy.”

  His passion thrilled her. It also made it hard to stand still. He was so intense and she was so…damaged. “In the bed?” She looked over at the wide expanse again.

  “If you want, we’ll do whatever makes you happy.” He stood. “Let me go downstairs and get your suitcase.”

  While he was gone, she paid a visit to the bathroom, washing her face with cool water. Slipping off the high heels and the cover up, she waited until Titan returned. When he left the case outside the door, Makenna took it and removed a sleep shirt. It was about as appealing as a feed sack, but she hadn’t borrowed anything from Allie and sexy lingerie hadn’t been something Damien demanded or allowed. Pulling the much-washed garment over her head, she fled the bathroom before she could chicken out.

  It’s said that good things come to those who wait. Titan agreed. When Makenna came through the door, he felt his pulse rate skyrocket. “If you want, I can sleep on top of the covers and you can be underneath.” He’d turned down the navy spread, fluffed the pillows and made the bed as inviting as he could.

  “No, I’d rather be closer to you…unless that’s what—”

  “No, hell, no!” he exclaimed as she climbed into the bed, curling on her side the way she had the other night when he’d watched her sleep.

  Before her, he began to undress, removing his alligator boots and the ever-present Stetson. She couldn’t look away, she didn’t want to. He was a giant of a man, making most other men pale in size and comparison. Stocky, his body was thick with muscles—ripped and chiseled with perfect definition. At six-five, he was more than a full foot taller than Makenna. Licking her upper lip, she shamelessly stared at his hot banging body. At thirty-three, he was in the prime of life with honey-brown hair and topaz eyes. Wide cheekbones and a ready smile complimented a strong jaw and a determined chin. Stripping down to his underwear, he proudly stood before her. There was a huge ridge in his briefs, but she allowed herself only a glance at it.


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