Texas Wildfire (Texas Heroes Book 1)

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Texas Wildfire (Texas Heroes Book 1) Page 16

by Sable Hunter

  Once they were home, Titan came in and ate his burger, then he went out to take care of the animals, instructing her to lock the door. Makenna took an opportunity to just walk around his house, trying to imagine it was her home too. They had been through so much so fast. She and Titan jumped from friends to lovers with nothing much in between. Her heart was involved before they started, so if things didn’t work out, Makenna knew she would be hurt. But she’d survived hell with Damien, sharing heaven with Titan for a time would be worth almost anything.

  Upstairs, he’d made room for her in his closet and in his chest-of-drawers. She didn’t need much room, Makenna didn’t have many belongings. Titan didn’t seem to place a great deal of emphasis on material possession and that was one of the reasons Makenna admired him. Damien was very brand conscious, and they’d never had enough money to substantiate his fixations, much less fulfill them. She walked around Titan’s room, running her hand across the smooth wood of the headboard on his bed. Undoubtedly they would make love tonight, or they would if she had any say in the matter. Her uncharacteristic moxie made her smile.

  From below, she heard the front door open. “Makenna, whatcha doing?”

  His voice put wings on her feet and she flew down the stairs to greet him. “Just exploring.”

  “Not much to see, this place needs a woman’s touch.” He hugged her to him, swinging her around, her feet not even touching the ground. “Did you see my wine room?”

  “No, I didn’t. How did I miss that?”

  “It’s my only splurge item.” Setting her down, he led her back toward the kitchen. “I turned the pantry into a mini-wine cellar.” With obvious pride, he opened the door and showed her the racks of wine, organized by color and geographic location. There was also a small refrigerator unit. “Do you like wine?”

  “I don’t know much about it,” Makenna admitted.

  “Tomorrow you’ll know more. Like I promised, I’m taking you to some nearby vineyards and out on a date. We’re also heading into Austin to a family thing this weekend. Are you up for that?”

  Makenna felt like her head was swimming. But, she couldn’t lie, she was excited to be included in his plans. “Yes, I would love to go with you. You’ll just have to tell me how to dress. I might have to borrow something from Allie.”

  “I’ll get you anything you need,” he assured her. “It will be my pleasure.”

  “I don’t know…” Makenna hesitated. “I don’t want to be a burden.” Like she’d said the day before. “I need to find a job.”

  “Well, let’s talk about it,” Titan said slowly. “Walk with me.” He took her arm. “I want to show you my blacksmith shop.”

  Makenna had an image in her mind of the Old West. A roaring fire and Titan, like the god Vulcan, wielding a huge hammer as he struck iron glowing red with heat. “Okay. I want to see it.”

  “Have you worked before? I mean, have you held down a job?”

  Makenna shook her head. “Just volunteer work.”

  Titan held the door for her and they started out across the yard. “You mentioned once that you attended Texas Christian. What degree did you earn?”

  “I didn’t finish,” she said, halfway embarrassed. “Damien came along. He didn’t want me to work.” Makenna sighed. “Big mistake. Now I’m not qualified for anything and don’t have a lot of options.”

  Titan stopped her in her tracks. “Now wait a minute.” He placed a big hand on each shoulder. “Let’s get one thing straight. I think you should have a career if you want it, but you have something everyone else doesn’t have.”

  “What’s that?” Makenna didn’t understand.


  “Oh.” Makenna was struck speechless.


  As she was thinking of a response, his phone rang. “Sloan.” He listened for a few seconds, then just said, “Thanks, Kirk.”

  Recognizing the Fire Marshal’s name, she asked, “What did they find?”

  “Paraffin, so it’s the same perpetrator.”

  “Damien.” Makenna said the one word like it tasted bad.

  “Now, we just have to prove it. Conner’s about to try and get a warrant to search his house, but the judge he has to go through is the same one who let him walk after hurting you.”

  Makenna crossed her arms and stared at Titan. “It’s my house too. As much as I hate to admit it, we’re still married. Why can’t I give the Sheriff permission to search the place? That way they don’t have to alert him.”

  “Baby!” Titan smiled. “You’re a genius.” He immediately got back on the phone to call Conner. While he was talking, they headed on to the small outbuilding to the left of the barn. “Sure thing, Conner. Keep us informed.” As soon as he was off the phone, he invited her into his sanctuary. “Come in, look around. When it’s cold outside, this is the place to be. Right now, you either have to strip down to your skivvies or turn on the A/C.”

  She wandered in and was immediately fascinated. Big steel tables held every kind of tool imaginable. There was a huge forge and several vices. “What do you make? Horseshoes?”

  “Well, I do shoe horses,” he admitted, pointing out a whole row of horseshoes hung on the wall. “But I specialize in making knives.” He proudly showed her several he was working on.

  Makenna was fascinated. “I’m so impressed.” She looked at the intricate work on the handles and the fine edge on the blades. “You are talented. These are magnificent. I want one!”

  She was teasing, but he jumped on her comment like white on rice. “I’ll make you one. Every woman needs protection. I’ll feel better if you have it with you.” He began to show her blades and handles, even asking her what kind of things meant a lot to her. By the time his questions had subsided, he had a plan in mind.

  “I didn’t mean to put you on the spot.”

  “Are you kidding?” Titan asked, amazed. “I love to do things for you. It makes me happy.”

  Makenna wanted to cry. She was happier than she’d ever been in her life.

  * * *

  It wasn’t the way he looked at her, even though his intense gaze made her wet. It wasn’t the nice things he did for her, although his thoughtfulness made her feel important. She wanted Titan and the main reason was just…him. He was sexy, sweet, smart and hot as hell. By the time they were ready to go to bed, Makenna was so ready for him, she wanted to ride him like a horse. Her bold thought made her blush, but she just went with it. They’d been relaxing in front of the television. He’d been enjoying a glass of local Moscato, but Makenna had only taken a sip. Until she found out for sure about the baby, she wouldn’t risk alcohol.

  But right now she wanted something more potent—him. Makenna took his glass from his hand and set it down. Standing up slowly, she walked to the door. It took a lot of courage, but she turned, giving him a heated glance. “Titan, I can’t wait any longer. I need you. In bed. Now.” Then, she just turned and walked to his room.

  Titan didn’t delay long, only enough to come to his senses. He sprang from the couch, bounded up the stairs, kicked the door closed and ripped off his shirt in one mighty move. Makenna’s eyes widened, not only at all the muscle he’d exposed but because he was stalking her across the room like a great big cat. When he reached her, she kissed him right over his heart but eased away when he tried to catch her hand. “No, I want a chance to just…look at you.” Slowly, she started to circle him. “I’ve watched you, wanted you for so long. The day of the calendar shoot, I stood at the back of the room…and my panties got wet from looking at you. Just you. The only sex in my life that counted was what I’ve had with you.”

  Titan went still. This was the sexiest damn thing he’d ever experienced. “You like looking at me about half as much as I enjoy looking at you.” But he wasn’t crazy. If Titan could make her a little crazier for him, he would. After all, he figured it would pay off—in bed. He tried to make it look natural, but he stretched a little, moved his body and flexed a muscle or two

  When Makenna came to his back, she gave in, using both hands to caress him from neck to arms, planting a kiss as high on his back as she could reach. And then she paused to skim her night shirt over her head, leaned in and rubbed on him, brushing her stiff hungry nipples back and forth across his back. As her face was pressed to his skin, she felt his chest rumble from a deep-throated growl. Wrapping her arms around him, she pressed against him, her hands beginning to move. “I want to be as close to you as I can get.”

  Titan thought he could be still. He tried. Those small, soft hands of hers crept up from his waist and covered his pecs, rubbing, the palms caressing his nipples. He looked down. His cock was trying to push out of his pants. “You’re teasing the beast, baby.”

  Makenna smiled against his skin. What was amazing about all of this was that he was powerful, a male animal in his prime. He could hurt her if he wanted to, but she had no fear whatsoever. Titan would cut off his arm before he would harm one hair on her head. “You’re so sexy, Titan. I’m wet for you.”

  She didn’t make it around to his front by herself, she had help. He pulled her around, lunged at her mouth, taking both of her breasts in his hands. As he ravished her mouth, Titan tugged on her nipples. She arched against him, sliding one hand up his chest to encircle his neck. His mouth slid off of hers, spreading a trail of hot kisses over her throat and collarbone. She followed his lead, licking and kissing his throat, then his jaw. Her spare hand wasn’t idle, she teased his nipple, lightly scoring it with her fingernails. “Enough, babe, I’m dying.” With one easy move, he picked her up and carried her to the bed.

  “Now the pants, cowboy.” She lay there, spread out and ready for him.

  He wasted no time or movement, losing the jeans as fast as he’d lost the shirt. “Better?” He knew his cock was appreciative, it had been living in cramped quarters.

  “Come lie on top of me. I need to feel your weight.” This she wouldn’t try to explain, but the sheer bulk of him on top of her made Makenna feel sheltered, enveloped—enclosed. No one could touch her when he stood between her and the world.

  “Give me that mouth,” he growled, nipping her bottom lip, eating at her lips. Makenna reveled in his lust, clinging to him and kissing him back just as feverishly. When he pulled away, she thought she’d weep, but he moved down her body, ending up at her feet. Picking up one leg, he caressed the arch, kissing a path from ankle to knee. “Roll over.”

  Makenna turned over so quickly, she hoped she preserved some sense of grace. She was so excited. Her arousal was flowing down the inside of her thigh.

  “Up on your knees, face in the pillow.”

  About two seconds after she’d done as he asked, she felt his mouth against her pussy. “Oh, yes, God, yes.” Not being able to see what he was doing just made it more intense. A lick from his talented tongue made her groan and when he spread her open with his fingers and buried his face in her sex she thought she’d black out. Makenna perched her ass in the air, pushing back, pressing her pussy into his face.

  After that, all she could do was hang onto the sheet, because he made it his personal mission to make her scream—and he was very successful. Makenna came so hard she bit a hole in his pillowcase.

  Titan couldn’t believe the sight before him. He’d hit the damn love jackpot. There was no sexier woman in the world. For him, she was it. Taking his engorged cock in hand, he fit himself into her cleft, sliding in her cream before pulling back and pushing the head into her opening ever so slowly.

  Makenna almost said something about a condom, but she was weak. She was addicted to the feel of him. If something happened, it was on her. She wanted him, she couldn’t deny it. She wanted him forever. So, wanting his child was a natural extension. “More,” she whimpered and he worked his way in halfway. When he pulled back to thrust in, she countered his move, impaling herself on his big cock.

  “Mercy!” he bellowed, as his body shook with the need to explode. “Hold on, I can’t stop now.” Grabbing her hips, he began to fuck her hard, covering her back, kissing her neck, grazing the soft flesh with his teeth. When she tightened down around him, milking his cock, Titan saw stars.

  Taking her hips in his hands, he held her right where he needed her. Make no mistake about it, he might be on top, but she was calling the shots. At any time, if she gave any hint that she wanted him to let up, to stop, he’d cease and desist. Instead, she begged for him, “More, Ti, harder, more!”

  Giving her what she needed, Titan hammered into her. Her little channel caressed him, milked him, burned him with her hunger. “Come for me, baby, I need you so much.” He slid his hands around to her front, one grasping a quivering globe, the other delving between her legs to find her clit.

  Titan didn’t know if it was his words or his touch, but she bloomed for him, her body responding in the age-old way of a woman surrendering to a man. With a sexy cry, she came all over him, the pulsing spasms of her channel pushing him over the cliff—a stampede of sensation that kept his cock moving in and out of her long after the clasps of her pussy muscles had milked him of every drop.

  Pulling out, he wrapped an arm around her and took her with him, him landing on his back and her spread on top of him like jam on toast. “Did I satisfy you, my Makenna?”

  “Completely.” She sighed, relaxing fully against him. “Completely.”


  Titan’s world had changed. He was no longer alone and he was no longer lonely. What he’d wished for, what he prayed for had been given to him. Now, he just had to make sure he kept it, kept her. He lay there, his cock growing harder by the second and realized…she was here, they were together and there was no use to deprive either of them of what they wanted or needed. Rising, he bent over and took her nipple in his mouth, sucking through the shirt. Beneath him, she bowed her back and whimpered.

  “Titan.” Makenna said his name at the same time she clasped his head to her breast. “Good morning.” He grazed his teeth over her nipple and she felt herself grow wet.

  Titan shut his eyes, luxuriating in the moment. “Take me inside you, Makenna,” he instructed with a low voice.

  She skimmed his T-shirt over her head and rose up on her knees. Between the two of them, they managed to put Part A into Slot B. He held his cock up and helped her angle over him until she could sink down on his dick…slowly. Titan loved the look of wonder on her face as she sheathed him. Linking their hands, Makenna began to ride him while he gazed at the erotic sight. He wanted to watch—her breasts were jiggling, her eyes were glazed over with desire and her sweet mouth was open, ready for his kisses. But fuucck, it felt so good, he couldn’t keep his eyes open. The heat, the rub, the friction, the slide of his flesh against her. “Makenna!” Too soon he came, shooting up inside of her. Embarrassed by the breakneck speed his cock raised the white flag, he was grateful she was polite and came with him.

  “Oh, that was so good.” She laid her head on his shoulder and he held her tight. Life didn’t get any better than this—Titan Sloan had it made.

  After cumming so hard, they drifted back so sleep but an insistent buzzing on the nightstand claimed Titan’s attention. Since he’d squashed his old alarm clock, Titan had replaced it with a sturdier model. The next piece of technology that was in dire danger of being mauled was his phone, especially now that he had Makenna in his bed. With a groan he grabbed it. “Hello?”

  “Titan, this is Kirk Armstrong. I wanted to let you know that we found liquid paraffin in Wade’s garage. We also found some other things that might connect him to these fires—trophies, I guess you could say. All of this has to be analyzed, but he looks to be the arsonist.”

  Titan wasn’t surprised that the Fire Marshal found proof. What did surprise him was the disappointment in the man’s voice. Clearly, he hadn’t wanted Damien to be guilty. “What next?”

  “He wasn’t there.” The bombshell Kirkland dropped reverberated in Titan’s head.

  “The fucker was gone? The police
can’t find him?” Even before he heard the verdict, Titan knew the answer.

  “Someone tipped him off. He’s got friends.”

  Titan sat up on the side of the bed. He knew Makenna was awake and aware.

  “The sheriff said if he found out who was leaking information, they’d be off the force. “I hope people don’t start turning on Conner for trying to see that justice is done.”

  Rubbing his face, Titan was pissed. “To hell with those people.” Their blind faith in someone who didn’t deserve it was putting everyone at risk, especially Makenna.

  “Keep me informed,” Kirkland said.

  “Oh yeah, I will.” Titan laid the phone down.

  “He’s still on the loose, isn’t he?” Makenna knelt right behind him. “What if he comes here? He has to know what I’ve done. What are we going to do?”

  Titan cursed under his breath, he hadn’t intended to scare her. Her trembling voice made him feel helpless. “I’m going to keep you safe, first of all. The sheriff put an APB out on him. He’s probably a state or two away by now.” Which was true. Damien might be a psycho, but he wasn’t stupid. He was probably long gone. “Second, we’re going to talk and I want to know everything about that idiot you can tell me. It’s time we took him out of commission.”

  Makenna felt better when she had a sense of purpose in mind. They readied themselves for the day, then sat down at the kitchen table to eat breakfast. Today their meal consisted of omelets she’d whipped up while he made coffee. “What can you tell me about Damien’s past?” Titan asked as he buttered his toast.

  “I’ve probably heard the version that everyone else relates. He’s a hometown boy. His parents owned a Mom and Pop mercantile store.” Makenna thought a minute. “What he really likes to talk about is his time in the VFD and how he came to be involved. If I heard the story how he saved the congregation at the Baptist Church once, I heard it fifty times. He loved to relate how he was driving by, saw the fire and ran in to lead everyone out to safety.”


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