Lying With Temptation

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Lying With Temptation Page 9

by Sm Donaldson

  Russ laughs, “Oh he text me earlier, his roommate is out of town for some club convention this week so I’m guessing Daria’s staying with him this week.”

  I nod, “Okay, those two jeez.”


  These past few weeks have flown by. I’m actually enjoying my job at the gym quite a bit. I have gotten to spend some time with some of the physical therapists there and talk about my major. It’s all kind of been exciting, I feel like I’m learning more about what I want to do with the rest of my life. Linc has kept his promise and given me time, but he also still gives me those little smiles to let me know he’s still interested. Jennings class has been…well a little bit of a nightmare. He gives me glares, Linc glares at him. I’m just glad my grade hasn’t seemed to suffer too much. I was kind of worried about it. He hasn’t text me anymore either, but I always feel him watching me…it’s creepy.

  I did find out the other day that my sister and Russ have been texting each other. Part of me would like to know what those texts are about…but then part of me is scared to know…I mean this is my little sister. She texts me during every game they play at home to make sure I’m going and send her pics…but they both swear they are just friends…whatever.

  Cade has had a million questions as to why I quit my job, but they are all happy about me being at the gym. I feel like deep down Daria knows or has a feeling since she knew about the kiss, but she hasn’t said anything. Tomorrow they have a big home game…I’m stoked. Daria has turned into quite the little football fan…well more like Cade fan. She only pays attention when he’s on the field and then most of the time she’s confused as to what is actually going on. I almost fell off my seat a couple of weeks ago when she asked me if college football has like a world series or something. Yeah Cade and the guys have been giving her shit since then. On the plus side Cade has taken the time to teach her a little more about the game. So I don’t spend the entire game texting pics to my sister of Russ and explaining the game to Daria.

  ~Game Day~


  “Jeez Daria sit down…Cade won’t be able to concentrate with you up here all but striping for him and branding him in front of all these other women.”

  “What, I’m mean damn I waited until the fourth quarter and they are leading by quite a few …touchdowns…so I need to let these bitches around us who are drooling over him know he’s mine.”

  I’m laughing so hard I have tears rolling down my face, “I think you don’t have to worry too much…I’m pretty sure you are the only person besides me who loves him unconditionally besides his Momma.”

  She flops down in her seat and sighs, “Yeah, he wants me to go home with him sometime when we have a free weekend.”

  I laugh, “Is my little hard ass Daria nervous?”

  “Yes…I am…You know how Momma’s are about their little boys…it’s a weird relationship really…”

  “Okay Ms. Therapist calm down, Lydia is awesome. She’s been like a second mom to me and when all that shit happened my senior year she was actually a lot more supportive and ready to kick someone’s ass than my own parents.”

  “But will she think I’m good enough for Cade?”

  “Yes she’ll love you.” About that time I hear everyone around me get frantic… I turn to see Linc laid out on the field…I jump to my feet before I realize what I’m doing, I try to cross the barrier to the field. Daria is pulling me back and I’m struggling against her.

  “Gabby, look they’re carrying him off now and the game only has seconds left. Come on we’ll go wait in the tunnel.”

  We’ve been standing in this fucking tunnel for what feels like forever and most of the other players have already left. Finally I see Cade coming down the walkway I go rushing to him and he automatically pulls me into his arms right along with Daria.

  “Cade where is he? Is he okay? Why has it taken so long?”

  “Gab, calm down he’s gonna be out in just a few minutes they’re finishing checking him out. Russ is with him, he just got his bell rung pretty hard. That asshole that hit him better be lucky he rode the bench the last few minutes and they shuffled his ass out quickly, before any of us got ahold of him….Wait are you crying?”

  “Shut-up it scared me…I mean he just looked lifeless.”

  “Well, they knocked his ass out cold that’s why.”

  Daria pulls back from their hug, “Hell I had to keep her from trying to get on the field.”

  “Damn Gab I thought you were all hard core football after watching me all these years. When did you turn into a girl?”

  I punch him in the arm, “Shut it dickhead, I’d have been the same way with you. Except I think Dar here would have beat me over to the field and security would’ve gotten called it would have been a PR nightmare really.”

  They both laugh and I hear the locker room door open.

  Chapter 17


  I can’t even begin to explain the fucking headache I have. I can tell I scared the ever living shit out of Russ from the look on his face. I look over at him, “Did anyone at least get the tag number off of that fucking truck that hit me?”

  “Yeah we got his fucking number, but his coach benched him and then took him straight to their locker room, before we could discuss the matter with him.”

  I grab my bag, “Let’s go.”

  “Do you wanna shower first?”

  “No. I’m ready to get out of here.” As we walk out into the tunnel I see her beautiful

  face waiting on me with Cade and Daria. She comes almost running to me, wiping her face…shit she’s been crying.

  She wraps her arms around me, “OH my God don’t scare me like that again. I think you shaved a good five years off my life.”

  I chuckle and hug her, “Sorry…I promise I didn’t mean to.”

  She looks at Russ, “Is he really okay?”

  “Yes, he’s okay…He’s not going to be a Chemist but we already knew that. Do they have ESE classes for college students that got hit in the head too many times?”

  She punches him, “Dickhead…call my sister. She’s been blowing my phone up because today’s game was televised.”

  Russ smiles and walks off, “I’ll catch you guys back at the room.”

  Whatever is going on with him and Anna is weird. I’ve never seen him like this and that shit just took off with my keys.

  Cade looks at me, “Man you gonna be okay? Gab here was about to break down some doors or kick that guys ass. Then she got all crying and shit.”

  Gabby punches him in the gut, “Watch it Cade…I told you…I’d have been the same way with you.”

  “Jeez Gabby quit fucking punching me in the gut…you will break your hand on these abs. So Linc you gonna be okay? Daria and I were going to stay in my room this weekend because my roommate is off screwing his girl on the Debate Team or whatever team she’s on.”

  “Yeah man, I’ll be fine. Plus Russ will be there.”

  “Okay man, Gab if you guys need me call me. Don’t let him sleep too much.”

  Gabby looks up at me, “Give me your keys…you’re not driving.”

  “Actually Russ took my truck, is your car here?”

  “Yeah come on.”

  Shit I feel like someone hit me over the head with a bat or something. I throw my bag in the back seat of Gabby’s car and slide into her passenger set. I groan, everything has started to ache.

  She looks at me, “Are you hungry have you eaten?

  I laugh, “Hell I didn’t even shower…so no I haven’t eaten…but I could eat something.”

  “How about I swing in and get us a couple of subs to take back to the room.”

  “Sounds good to me.”

  “Did they give you any medicine we need to get filled or anything?”

  “Yeah, but its right here. It’s just some 800mg Motrin…they don’t really give you much more than that when they worry about concussions.”

  “Okay wel
l, I’ll be back in a minute.”

  She jumps out of the car and runs into the sub shop. God she’s awesome a few minutes later she comes out subs in hand.

  “I got you two subs, because I know you need the carbs and you’ll need to eat again in a little bit.”

  “Thanks, I’ll grab some cash for you when I get back to the room.”

  “No don’t worry about it.”


  We walk into the apartment I look at her she’s getting our plates ready. “Hey Gab I’m gonna get a shower okay.”

  “Okay are you going to be alright, or do you need help?”

  I put my hand over my mouth like I’m in shock, “Why Gabby are you trying to see me naked? God, I feel cheap really.”

  She laughs, “If you didn’t have a head injury I’d hit you.”

  “Dirty and Abusive.”

  “Shut it….go get in the shower… But seriously if you get dizzy or something call me.”

  “I may just get dizzy then.”

  “I never knew becoming a perv was a side effect of a concussion…interesting.”

  I chuckle, “Yeah, really everyone knew about it but you. I’m getting in the shower. Don’t be coming in there trying to sneak a peek at my goodies either.”

  I close the door of the bathroom and strip out of my clothes…damn I’m gonna hurt like hell tomorrow. After I take my jeans off and stand back up I get dizzy and fall into the counter knocking a bunch of shit over. The next thing I know the door flies open “Are you okay?”

  I don’t know why I was acting like a boy in Jr. High covering up my jewels, “I’m fine just got a little dizzy standing back up from taking my pants off.”

  It’s like she just realizes that I’m naked she starts giggling, “Sorry.” She looks up at the ceiling, “I just heard something crash and I thought you’d fallen.”

  I smirk, “Sure….whatever you wanna tell yourself. But just a heads up don’t giggle in front of a naked guy…it’s bad for our self-esteem.”

  “Okay well since I’ve seen all your glory, go ahead and get in the shower and I’ll sit here on the counter to make sure you don’t fall over and knock yourself out.”

  “Well if you are that worried about my safety you can get in with me.”

  She jumps up on the counter, “Perv…get in the shower.”

  She does just what she said, she sits right there on the counter as soon as I turn the water off she jumps down and hands me my towel around the curtain. She watches me get out of the tub with the towel around my waist. I head to my room and she follows.

  I laugh and turn around, “You gonna watch me dress too?”

  “No I’m just going to stand outside the door and make sure you don’t fall.”

  A few minutes later we are sitting on the sofa with our subs, watching a movie. I look over at her, “Sorry you had to see my naked ass.”

  She chuckles, “Believe it or not I’ve seen a naked guy before. Hell, Cade and I used to take baths together when we were little.”

  “Well that makes me feel so much better. That you would compare me to Cade as a little boy…that does a lot for my ego.”

  She laughs, “That’s not what I meant…I mean it’s not a big deal. I wouldn’t have stayed in the bathroom if I’d have been that embarrassed.” She gets up to take our plates to the kitchen and she glances back at me, “Oh, and from what I did see your ego should be just fine.”

  She sits back down a minute or two later, “Hey do you need some Motrin or anything? I just notice you rubbing your head.”

  “Yeah, if you don’t mind.”

  Shes bring me back the pill and another bottle of water. She sits down and pulls my head over in her lap and she strokes my hair, while rubbing my temples. God her hands are amazing…this goes back to my theory that the people from her hometown are fucking crazy. I don’t even realize it but I chuckle.

  She looks down at me, “What are you giggling about little girl…is that what getting hit does to you? Maybe I should tickle you and see if you squeal…”

  I shake my head, “No I was just thinking… How stupid the people from your hometown must be.”

  She smiles and shakes her head, “You’re too funny.”

  I catch her neck with my hand and pull her down into an intense kiss, she pulls back and I can see she’s breathing hard her lips look swollen.

  She chuckles, “Now I think I’m the one that is dizzy.”

  I don’t know how we finagled around until we are lying side by side on the couch, making out like freshman in High School. But it is worth it.

  Her hands are rubbing up and down my chest as her lips are kissing down my neck. My hands are running up and down her sides, until I have one of them under her shirt around her breast, she moans against my lips and I feel her nipple harden. I’m just about to switch and roll over so she is on bottom, when the apartment door swings open.

  Russ chuckles, “Oh shit sorry guys…um…fuck…well it’s about time.” He walks into our bedroom and shuts the door.

  Gabby and I both can’t help but bust out laughing…so needless to say the moment was gone. “Russ man you can come back out!”

  “Nah man its cool!” He yells through the door.

  Gabby laughs, “No really you just were like a bucket of cold water…so come on out and watch the movie with us.”

  He finally does, but he can’t help snickering, but I don’t care. I’m stretched out with my feet on the coffee table and Gabby is leaned back into my chest with her legs stretched out on the couch with my arm around her shoulders.

  All of a sudden I hear a click like a camera, “What the hell was that?”

  Russ chuckles, “I’m sending this pic to Anna, we’ve had a bet going.”

  Gabby throws a pillow at him, “Asshole!”

  Chapter 18


  Sitting here wrapped up with Linc on the sofa is like a dream come true almost. Even if Russ did walk in on us getting pretty hot and heavy in our make-out session. Then I hear my text alert.

  Anna: Finally jeez!

  Me: How much money did you make off of me tramp?

  Anna: None it was more of a non-monetary bet.

  Me: Ok I just threw up in my mouth a lil.

  Linc looks down at me, “Would that have been Ms. Anna? Giving you grief?”

  “No see here’s my message.” I hand him my phone. He looks at it and laughs. I look over at Russ, “So dill weed what kind of bet did you make with my sister….I’m almost scared to ask, because she said it had nothing to do with money?”

  “Oh it just had to do with streaking…thanks to you guys the next time she’s here or if we go there I have to run naked through a public place.”

  Linc and I are both laughing so hard we barely breathe. “I’m just glad my sister won because I’m not sure I could let her streak. Especially in front of you…you closet Baptist.”

  My phone chimes another text…I’m still laughing when I pick up phone too look at the text.



  Me: Okay give me like ten minutes I can’t talk.

  Then I scroll to Cade’s number.

  Me: I need u ASAP Reece just text me.

  Cade: Yeah, I didn’t answer his text yet,

  Just got out of the shower.

  Me: Please come over here…I told him I would Call him in ten.

  Cade: Okay on my way.

  I sit my phone down and I guess a look is worth a thousand words because Linc and Russ are beside me now. Linc pulls my face around, “Gabby what’s wrong?”

  “Reece text me to call him ASAP said he’d tried to get ahold of Cade too. That he had to talk to one of us…It sounded important. Then I text Cade to come over.”

  About that time Cade and Daria burst in the door. I sit down at the table with Cade…

  I look at him, “What do you think he wants…I have this fear i
n my stomach right now…”

  “I don’t know, but it sounds important. So I guess we should call him.”

  “Well let’s put him on speaker so we can both talk.”



  “Yeah, well it’s me and Cade.”

  “Um…ugh…” I can hear him sniffle.

  “Reece what’s going on man, you are scaring Gabby and I both.”

  “Well, Elle and Leslie were in a wreck tonight…Leslie didn’t make it… Elle is…it’s not looking good.” His voice cracks and I hear him crying, “I know you guys pretty much wrote all of us off and I really can’t blame you, but I’ve also known both of you forever and I know you didn’t completely write them off.”

  I’m crying…Linc has his arms around me. I can’t speak…Cade finally chokes out, “Thank you for calling man…we um…will probably be on our way soon.”

  “Okay guys be careful. See you soon.”

  I’m sobbing at this point, I look up at Cade who has tears streaming out of his eyes. I hear Russ’s cell ringing. “Anna….Yeah….that guy Reece just called them…I think they are going to leave soon….Gabby can you talk to Anna?” I just shake my head I can’t form words right now. Cade takes the phone, “Yeah sweetie… we’re gonna leave here as soon as we can…let the parents know…yeah both yours and mine…we will…see you soon…”

  Daria automatically heads to my room and starts pulling out duffle bags I hear her putting things in them and heading to the bathroom and gathering things. I notice Russ has went into his and Linc’s room, Cade is still sitting across from me with his head in his hands. Daria comes back in, “Baby, we should head over to your room and gather you up some things to take with us.”

  Russ walks out of his and Linc’s room and tosses two duffle bags on the couch beside the two I now notice Daria has sitting there. I look over at Linc who still has his arms around me, “What’s with all the duffle bags?”

  He gently wipes a tear from my face, “Sweet girl, you didn’t think we’d let you face this alone did you?”

  I start crying again…I don’t know what I’ve done to deserve the friends I have now, but I love them…and I’m starting to fall head over heels for this guy holding me.


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