Big Bear Daddy: Werebear Surprise Baby Romance (Sweetwater Father Bears)

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Big Bear Daddy: Werebear Surprise Baby Romance (Sweetwater Father Bears) Page 7

by Anya Nowlan

  “Do you know anything about Lana’s father? Rachel must have told you something.”

  Her brows furrowed as she shook her head.

  “I tried to get her to talk about it but she always gave me non-answers. I got the feeling whoever it was, it wasn’t serious between them.”

  So my baby girl’s heritage is still somewhat of a mystery, he thought, nodding.

  “The way she talked, she was going to bring her baby up by herself. I did get a vague description of a guy, heavily tattooed and with lots of piercings, that Rachel had been seen hanging out with, but I have no idea if he’s the father or not.”

  “Or if he had something to do with Rachel’s disappearance,” Colt mused aloud.

  As a cop, he was trained to look for suspects near the victim’s inner circle. The sad truth was, more often than not, it was our loved ones that ended up hurting us.

  “The thought has crossed my mind. I can’t imagine anyone hurting the mother of their child, but then again, the world is a messed up place,” Jessy said quietly, now that Lana was asleep.

  Colt knew that all too well already. Every day he thought about all the things that could harm Lana, and his law enforcement career meant he didn’t lack for inspiration.

  “I think I tired her out,” Jessy whispered, running a hand down Lana’s chubby cheek after a small lull in the conversation.

  “I have a crib set up in the smaller bedroom, I can put her down there,” he replied, stretching out his hands to take her from Jessy.

  He scooped his daughter up and led the way back to the cabin with Jessy trailing behind. Lana’s room was the only one already fully done, with toy chests stacked around and pictures on the walls, while the other rooms were still sparse and full of junk.

  The floors creaked softly as he entered the nursery and set Lana down in her crib, tucking her in. Both he and Jessy hovered there for a moment, watching over Lana’s sleeping form together. He had to stop himself from taking Jessy’s hand in his during it.

  Leaving the door slightly ajar, he and Lana stepped back into the living room, with her looking around curiously.

  “Wow. This is going to look great once you get it cleaned out and refurbished.”

  “Here’s hoping,” he smiled, his attention more on Jessy than the cottage.

  “I’d be happy to help you out with Lana again,” she continued, walking around the room.

  Watching her stroll around in his home had a bigger effect on him than he would have thought. His bear was urging him to go to her, to touch her, to taste her… He couldn’t deny himself of what he so desperately wanted any longer.

  From the way her body reacted whenever he got near told him she had to be feeling the same way.

  With that decision made, he marched to Jessy’s side, winding his fingers in hers before lifting her hand to his mouth and giving it a soft kiss. She gasped a little when his lips touched her skin, her cheeks becoming flush and her eyes wide. It only made her more irresistible, watching her burn for him.

  “I’d be glad for your help,” he murmured, though he had something else than babysitting on his mind by now.

  His body moved on its own as he wound a hand in her soft hair and pulled her face close. Her body melted against him when he slowly leaned in and pressed his mouth to hers. She tasted even sweeter than he had imagined, and when her lips parted for him, only one thought reverberated through him.




  Colt’s tongue dipped past her lips and all sane thought flew out of Jessy’s mind. She couldn’t get enough of him as her hands started roaming the hard planes of his body.

  This feels so right…

  Deepening the kiss, she moaned into his mouth, relishing the way his hands crushed her to him. A deep, animalistic growl suddenly filled the room as if an animal was right there with them. She broke away, head swiveling to look around the cabin in shock.

  “What was that?” she asked, alarmed.

  They were pretty deep in the wilderness and she hadn’t even considered there could be predators around. Being a city girl, she wasn’t very confident in her abilities to fend for herself when faced with wild animals.

  Colt pulled away, running a hand down the back of his neck.

  “Yeah, about that…”he started, hesitant.

  She must have looked terrified, because he rushed to reassure her. The expression he wore though was one of partial guilt, now that Jessy thought about it.

  “We’re safe, don’t worry. The growling came from me. I’m a shifter.”

  Jessy would really have liked a chair or a couch to sit down on as she absorbed that information. Instead, she was left to stand awkwardly, staring at Colt who was carefully studying her reaction.

  Shifters had been out of the closet, so to say, for some time now, and while running into one wasn’t anything to write home about, they were still somewhat of a mystery to boring old humans. Even more so when the man one was kissing suddenly started growling.

  There were a couple of articles here and there, mostly about the genetic anomalies that allowed shifters to change their shape, but that was about it. They usually kept to themselves, feeling more comfortable among their own kind.

  For the most part, Jessy had just brushed it off. It was what it was and she didn’t come in contact with enough of them for it to make much of a difference in her life.

  Guess that theory can be thrown out the window, she thought dryly, feeling a little bit faint.

  Colt was patiently waiting for her to say something, so she blurted out the first thing that came to her mind.

  “What kind are you?”

  It struck her that the question might be considered rude, but Colt just chuckled, his dark eyes sparkling with amusement.

  “I’m a bear.”

  Well, of course he is. Look at him!

  She should have figured out what he was the moment she saw him. No regular person could be that huge and muscular and remain so graceful and agile at the same time. And, she had actually had some experience with bear shifters before.

  “There was a clan in Portland that Rachel and I would run into from time to time. My sister was drawn towards the bad boys early on, you see,” she said, smiling to herself as she slowly regained her composure. “But they were too bad even for her standards. I think the members of that clan alone kept our police department busy year-round.”

  Colt nodded, quirking his nose slightly. It looked awful cute on him.

  “There are those who get a little too into their animal side, but we’re not all like that. Many just want to live a normal, quiet life. Unless, that is, a shifter’s clan or family is threatened. Then, all bets are off and the claws come out.”

  An edge crept into his tone at that last part, and Jessy didn’t doubt he meant every word.

  “I wouldn’t want to get on your bad side,” she remarked.

  “I don’t think you have to worry about that,” he assured her, stepping closer.

  Her skin was still warm from being pressed against him and lust reignited in her core when he trailed a finger up her arm. Changing into an animal aside, he was still the same man she was dangerously attracted to, and she couldn’t help but shiver at his touch.

  I shouldn’t be doing this.

  “Maybe we should take it slow,” she muttered, even as it was the last thing she wanted to do.

  To be honest, she was already busy undressing Colt in her mind, but the rational side of her still clung to the notion that getting involved with him would unnecessarily complicate things. The latest piece of news only went to confirm that.

  They hadn’t even discussed how they’d handle raising Lana. Colt would obviously want his daughter to stay in Sweetwater, fixing up the cabin was proof enough of that. But Jessy had a life back in Portland.

  Do I, though? There’s no job or boyfriend waiting for me there, only an apartment someone else is living in…

  “We can take it howe
ver you’d like,” Colt replied, taking a step back.

  The look he wore was rueful, though. It matched what Jessy was feeling, so she couldn’t judge him for it even if she tried.

  “Want me to help you clean this place up?” she asked, eager to do something that didn’t involve standing so close to him.

  Why do I always talk myself out of what I want? she wondered, her skin still humming from Colt’s touch.

  It was late afternoon the next day and Jessy was in her hotel room, playing blocks with Lana, when a knock at the door interrupted their tower building efforts. After Lana had fallen asleep, she had spent most of yesterday helping Colt clean out the cabin, while he regaled her with funny stories from his time in the police force.

  Who knew criminals could be so dumb? she mused, thinking back on how animated Colt became when telling her about the guy who got stuck in a window, trying to escape a house he was robbing, and ended up calling the cops on himself.

  “Coming!” Jessy called out.

  Lana laughed as the stack of colorful squares came crashing down on the floor and Jessy rushed to open the door.

  Colt was standing there, dusty and sweaty, and sexier than ever.

  “Hey,” he smiled at her.

  She had to keep herself from lunging at him. Then again, that was almost always the case.

  Ever since that kiss, she couldn’t stop thinking about how she wanted to feel his big, warm hands all over her body. He had even invaded her dreams, and she had a feeling she couldn’t keep her distance much longer.

  “Dad,” Lana called out from behind her.

  “Someone’s been waiting for you,” Jessy said.

  Jessy gestured Colt inside with a smile.

  “Hey, baby. I missed you,” he murmured, picking Lana up and giving her a hug.

  “How did it go at the cabin?” she asked, busying herself with picking up the blocks and stuffing them into Lana’s diaper bag.

  “I got some of the guys from the local clan to help me get the furniture in. I think we’re all but ready to move in,” he replied, bouncing Lana in his lap. “How did you ladies do on your own?”

  “She was a little fussy at first, but once we got playing she settled down quickly. We had a great time.”

  Every second she spent with Lana only made her grow more attached to the little girl. It pained her to hand her back to Colt, but she couldn’t complain. He had been more than understanding during this whole craziness and she wouldn’t dream of butting into daddy-daughter time.

  “Maisy keeps telling me how much she’d like to babysit Lana every now and then. I’m thinking of taking her up on her offer. What do you say, dinner, just the two of us?”

  Colt gave her an expectant look, one filled with what Jessy could only call hope. Butterflied immediately started fluttering around in her stomach.

  With all her ideas about keeping her distance and not giving in to the chemistry between them, it took just one wicked grin from Colt for her to throw it all out the window.

  “I’d love to have dinner with you.”



  Jessy looked mesmerizing in the warm candlelight of the local Italian restaurant, the only Italian restaurant, spinning a fork in her pasta and throwing him a mischievous look.

  “Don’t tell me cops don’t get their share of fans, if you know what I mean,” she teased.

  They were well into the evening and any awkwardness that may have been present at the beginning of the evening had well and truly evaporated by now, leaving behind sizzle and easily flowing conversation.

  “Badge bunnies? Yeah, they exist, but I haven’t gotten mixed up with them. I’d like to think there’s more to me than just knowing how to use cuffs,” he winked, enjoying the way it drew a blush from her.

  “Did you always know you wanted to go into law enforcement?” she asked, clearing her throat a little before speaking.

  “Ever since I was a kid. Never wanted to do anything else. I applied to the Police Academy right after high school.”

  “Really?” she asked, eyes widening a bit. “That’s some conviction.”

  “There was something about being a cop that always called to me. I figured, why fight it?” he shrugged. “Mom tried to convince me to go to law school instead, but I knew my shifter side would get restless stuck behind a desk all day. She didn’t want me to get into any trouble, but I think I would have ended up in more had I gotten into law on that side of the equation.”

  “But you got restless anyway? Or was there some other reason you moved to Texas.”

  Her blue eyes considered him curiously. It felt nice, having a conversation with someone who really seemed to want to know things about him. Spirits knew, he’d had too many talks with Lana at this point. Having some grownup time was good for him.

  Though, of course, Colt couldn’t help but hope for a bit more grownup time in the future…

  “I guess you could say that was it. The city started to get to me. I wanted more space to run free, and being surrounded by glass and concrete all the time was stifling. That’s why I moved from Sacramento to Rockport.”

  Jessy nodded, taking a sip of her wine.

  “I get it. I’m not even a shifter, and spending the last few days here has had an effect on me. There’s something so honest and laidback about small towns like Sweetwater.”

  “I totally agree,” Colt said, finding himself hanging on her every word. “But you must be anxious to get back to Portland?”

  Don’t make it sound like you want to get rid of her.

  She pursed her perfectly pink lips, thinking it over.

  “Not really. There’s nothing waiting for me in Portland. I’ve lost touch with the people there.”

  Despite the slightly wistful tone in her voice, Colt was happy to hear her say that.

  Maybe she’ll want to stay here, with Lana… and me.

  Even though they were getting along more than great, in the back of his mind he was still worried she’d want to take Lana back home with her. Jessy was Lana’s aunt, after all, and if she decided to fight him for custody, there was a good chance she’d win. He couldn’t fight family relations, especially with the story Jessy had about Rachel.

  He would just have to hope that it wouldn’t come to that.

  “You don’t miss home at all?”

  “I haven’t even had a home for a while now. Unless my car counts,” she said with a laugh, and Colt could feel the tenseness he was carrying in his shoulders start to dissipate.

  “To tell you the truth, I never considered really putting down roots before Lana came into my life. Suddenly, having a home and not just a house became important. That’s why I came back to Sweetwater. It reminded me of happy times with my mom and dad, and it’s a great place to raise kids,” Colt explained.

  “Stability is important when you have children,” she agreed, sipping her wine. “I have to say, I really admire your commitment to Lana. You’re a wonderful father, I can tell just from the way Lana looks at you.”

  Colt had to fight down a blush.

  “Thank you, that means a lot.”

  They stared at each other in silence for a couple of seconds, and he was sure she could feel their bodies being yanked in each other’s direction just as he could. The pull he felt towards her was only growing stronger the more time they spent together, and by now he was more than sure about one thing.

  She is my mate.

  Nothing else could explain the way he felt about her and how his bear reacted when she was around. He could tell Jessy was feeling it too, as her heartbeat quickened and she licked her lips. After that kiss they shared in the cabin, all he could think about was making her his.

  She smiled at him, warm and playful, like she was thinking the same thing. He had to fight to keep his mind in the moment and not wandering off down pleasant passages.

  When they were done with their meals, Colt was reluctant to see the night end. After settling the bill they walked o
utside, and he slipped his hand around hers.

  “This time, I’m definitely walking you home.”

  “You’ll get no objections from me,” she grinned, giving his fingers a little squeeze.

  It was a beautiful night, and having her by his side made it perfect. But just as he was letting himself relax, something appeared in the air that made the back of his scalp prickle and his bear stir. Just a hint of something that wouldn’t let him put all his focus on Jessy.

  Slowing down, he looked around, taking deep breaths.

  There it is… the smell of bear. And not one I know.

  “Is something wrong?” Jessy asked, following his gaze with hers.

  “I’m not sure…”

  The streets were mostly empty, and the people who were still milling around weren’t paying them much attention. Yet he felt watched, even hunted. As a predator, he knew to trust his senses and they were telling him something was off.

  A shadow moved between one of the buildings just as he turned to give that spot a closer look. The hair on the back of his neck stood up as the bear inside him started to gear up for battle. He pushed the instincts down, focusing on Jessy’s hand in his, instead.

  “Someone was watching us,” he explained shortly, his muscles tense and a growl ready in the back of his throat.

  “What? Are you sure?” she asked, clearly alarmed as she should be.

  “Trust me, I’m sure.”

  “But why would anyone bother to do that?”

  Shit. I probably should have mentioned what Ethan told me.

  Colt ran a hand through his hair, giving her a quick look, before glancing around their surroundings again.

  “The Alpha of the local clan told me some shifters arrived in town recently and have been lurking around. I’m not sure what they’re doing here, but it’s better to be careful.

  “They were seen hanging around the hotel and they got here just after you, which strikes me as an odd coincidence. You should stay at the cabin tonight, so I can be sure you’re safe.”


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