Driven to Temptation: Road Trip Romance

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Driven to Temptation: Road Trip Romance Page 5

by Ava Catori

  Nick tossed our bags into the back of the Escalade, and I climbed into the vehicle. When he turned his key, the engine didn’t want to catch. He flipped it again, but still nothing. Cussing under his breath, he hopped down and popped the latch for the hood. He didn’t find anything obvious. He made a point to assure me it couldn’t be anything major. It was probably the battery or something. He cranked the car’s engine again, but it only sputtered.

  I pressed up against the door, placing my face on the cool glass of the window. This wasn’t how I wanted to start the day.

  “Might take a while,” he said.

  I simply nodded.

  “Go back inside and get comfortable. I’ll join you shortly,” he added.

  “I’ll be in the lobby,” I said, before heading back to the front of the hotel I’d just left.

  It wasn’t good news. He’d have to have it towed to a shop. He was pretty certain he’d narrowed down the issue, but it would take a part that he didn’t keep in his back pocket. In the meantime, I checked us back into the same hotel we’d just checked out of.

  The news didn’t get any better.

  Brody was in a jam. Apparently, the cops busted some of the people in the house after a bad deal went down. Of course, Brody didn’t have ID on him. He finagled his way out of being taken to jail somehow. Thankfully the cops believed his story. Of course, they could verify the details since he’d reported the situation of his car theft and such to the insurance company. And he had a copy of the police report from Mexico, not that he ever expected to see his car again. He was spooked enough to want out of the house he was staying at, but didn’t have the funding to do it. He was still refusing to call his folks about it all, and said things should stay quiet now that a few of them had been taken downtown for the night. He was tangled up in a bigger mess than he even realized.

  Nick took the news in stride, but brought with him word of a party. The guys down at the car shop told him to stop by later that night. They were having a big bash at twenty dollars a head to try to raise money for a friend’s hospital bill. He was buried in debt and his buddies organized the party-fundraiser. They told Nick to mention their names at the door, and he’d only have to pay ten dollars per person.

  My gut twisted on hearing about the party. The last thing I wanted to do was go to a party. Brody was in a tough spot and I wanted to get there as fast as I could. I didn’t bother hiding my frustration. “A party? Do you think that’s such a good idea? Really? Let’s just get the car fixed and go.”

  Nick blew me off, like I was being silly. Not like that made me feel much better. “Lighten up. It’s not like we can go anywhere until tomorrow, anyway. The car part is being shipped over, we’ll be on the road early, and there’s no harm in having a little fun since we’re stuck here. Come on, Amanda. Would you rather sit and pout all night? Don’t you get tired of being uptight all of the time? It’s like you seize up at the word fun.”

  “I’m not uptight,” I defended. I wrapped my arms around my body. I reiterated it, more for me than him. “I’m not uptight.”

  “What are you going to do, just sit in the room all night and twiddle your thumbs?” he challenged.

  Didn’t he get it? Didn’t he have a responsible thought inside him? His brother is going through Lord knows what, and Nick wants to tie one on and go to a party.

  He rethought his stance. “We’ve got time to kill. Come on, it will make the night go faster.”

  I turned away, let out a heavy sigh, and conceded. “Fine, but just for a little while, and I mean it.”

  “That a girl,” he commended, happy to get his way.


  People spilled out onto the lawn of the home that housed the party. They seemed to be doing a good job of raising money, and there was certainly no shortage of booze or other goodies you wanted to get your hands on. I knew nobody, other than Nick of course, but I was polite when some guys talked to me. All I wanted to do was get through the night unscathed and get back on the road. People were lit up, tripping, and drunk all around me. I’ll be honest; I didn’t want to be there. I’m more of a homebody than I like to admit, but figured an hour or two would appease Nick, and I could bail him out of trouble before it got too bad.

  Nick flagged me down in the crowd. He’d returned with another beer and offered me one. I took it, but would nurse it for the evening. I had zero interest in getting drunk and dealing with a hangover the following day. All I cared about was getting to El Paso in one piece and saving Brody’s ass. It sounded like things were escalating.

  Nick wandered off again, leaving me to fend for myself with a room full of strangers. I hated this party and didn’t want to be there. As if it couldn’t get any worse, some guy started hitting on me. He had bad breath, and was already more than halfway to his limit. It’s not that I can’t handle myself; it’s just that I didn’t want to deal with this nonsense. I had enough on my mind. I was polite but direct, telling him that I wasn’t interested. He didn’t seem to take the news as quickly as I would have liked. His inhibitions were sketchy with the booze in him. He moved in closer and slid his hands up over my ass.

  I jerked away from him. “Back off!”

  When the drunken fool didn’t respond, a flash of liquid energy shot by me quicker than I knew what was happening. I never saw him coming. Nick tackled him hard to the ground. His fists were flying, and it took a bunch of people to pull him off the guy. A drunk Nick and drunken asshole guy now stood practically nose to nose, threatening one another. Both had taken a few good shots, but Nick had done the most damage to the other guy’s face.

  When the sirens sliced through the air, the reality of what happened slapped everyone cold. We were about to have more trouble than we’d bargained for. It took some doing, but I was able to make Nick into a hero, coming to my rescue from somebody that wouldn’t take no for an answer. They were ready to drag his ass downtown and book both him and the other guy for fighting, and causing a public nuisance, but with a promise that we’d leave right then, they agreed to let us walk. I didn’t want to go to this stupid party, and now this. I was seething mad. My jaw tensed up, and it took everything inside of me not to hiss at my driving buddy. Only, the more I thought about it, the angrier I got. I was almost shaking…and ready to uncoil like a tightly wound spring.

  I wanted to let loose on Nick. He did this. There was always trouble when Nick was around. He hadn’t changed. He was the same asshole that dove into things without thinking. Now I needed to drag his ass back to the hotel, with no car, and him insisting he was fine. I’d had enough. I almost left him there, furious I even had to deal with this bullshit, but I knew I couldn’t…even if I wanted to. Bailing him out of lock up would drain money and time, something we had very little of.

  Once we’d cleared the obstacles and made it back to our room, I lit into him. “You’re a fucking asshole, some immature child that gets into trouble over and over again. Grow the fuck up. Your brother is in trouble, and you’re partying in New Orleans. Who does that shit? You almost ended up in the slammer, and then what happens? What the fuck happens to Brody?”

  When his answer was a snore, I wanted to kick him. I didn’t, but man, I wanted to. And I’m not a violent woman. Asshole was sleeping. It was probably better than way. If he tried to weasel out of it, I may have very well snapped.

  Chapter 16 – Nick

  She needs to take that stick out of her ass, not that I was going to let some stranger do it. The second I saw him too close and touching Amanda, something shot out of me like a tiger on the hunt. I pounced and took the jerk down. I slammed his face with my fists, and while we tussled, people pulled me off him before I could do more damage. Sure he got a swipe in, but he’d think before trying something like that again.

  When the sirens hit the air, we knew it meant trouble. Amanda growled at me, pissed that we were in the predicament. Hello, I just saved your ass from that sleazebag, and you’re angry with me? What the fuck? I was defending you – may
be I came on a little too strong, but I was making a statement. Don’t fucking touch her; she’s with me.

  She lit into me, but I can’t remember what she said. I think at some point, I drifted off. All I knew was that come morning, I felt the effects of the party, and was desperate for a hot cup of coffee.

  Chapter 17 - Amanda

  I woke angry. Nothing had changed, and I had nothing left to say. We drove in silence.

  I’d griped last night, not that he heard most of it. Asshole fell asleep before I could finish. I hated him, hated what he represented, and couldn’t understand how an adult even acted that way. Where was his sense of responsibility? Where was his common sense?

  As lunch neared, I suggested a drive-thru so we could stay on the road. He ignored me and pulled up to a Shoney’s. “It’s a waste of time,” I growled, still obviously bent.

  “What the fuck is your problem?” he finally asked, agitated as all hell. “I was defending your honor from a creep that had his hands all over you. This is the thanks I get…the cold fucking shoulder?”

  “I didn’t need your help. And just like usual, you mess things up and make them worse.” I sneered under my breath and climbed out of the Escalade. Didn’t he remember the part where the cops showed up and wanted to arrest him? If it weren’t for me, his ass would be in jail this morning.

  “You’re an uptight, selfish bitch who thinks her shit doesn’t smell,” he started. This wasn’t going to be a one-sided argument. “I’m getting sick and tired of you talking to me like I’m some child.”

  “I give children more credit than I give you,” I spat out. “You’re a fucking toddler, an immature toddler who can’t do jack shit for yourself without it ending in a disaster. No offense to toddlers.”

  Nick blocked my path, and stood in my face on the sidewalk next to the restaurant. Nose to nose, heated glares dared the other to say another word. I wanted to scream, growl, shout, anything to deal with the stress building up. Before I could protest, he pulled me into him, wrapped his hands around my face, and kissed me hard. Right there. Right on the sidewalk. In front of the car. In front of Shoney’s. I wanted to flip out, but I couldn’t. I wanted him to kiss me. I didn’t even realize it until our lips were locked. I wanted him to keep kissing me and not let go.

  His mouth was tender and warm, and he kissed me like he meant it. His tongue explored my lips and mouth. I sighed and sank into him. I was melting like a puddle of butter, unable to control my senses. I should have pulled away, should have stopped him, but instead I raked my fingers through his thick hair and kissed him back with everything I had. My brain ceased to function. I needed his kiss. It consumed me, fed my soul.

  Our parted lips gave us away. We were desperate, hungry for more. Standing on the sidewalk in front of the restaurant, we held on fast, afraid to let go. Finally, reality hit me. What was I doing?

  I pulled away and mumbled, “This can’t happen.”

  “What?” he asked, confused at my change of heart.

  I turned away, making a beeline for the restaurant door.

  Nick chased behind me. “You kissed me back. You want this as much as I do. Don’t deny it. There’s something between us whether you want to admit it or not. We have chemistry.”

  I shot my hand up. It was too complicated. Angry with myself for allowing that to happen, I bit my lip before answering - “Don’t.”

  We barely spoke during lunch. There were awkward stares, some almost comments, and mostly just a lot of confusion. We finished our lunch, and silently walked back to the car. We were on our way to San Antonio. I would have said something, eventually…but what could I say? I barely understood was going on between us.

  I went from being desperately worried about Brody, to driving with Nick cross-country, from hating the guy to kissing the guy, and hating him all over again. I was overwhelmed with bits and pieces that shouldn’t even have been a part of the drive. And yet, there I was…trapped in a car with Nick, wondering if I wanted him to kiss me again.

  Guilt edged out sensibilities. Brody was the one I cared about. He was my buddy and best friend. And yet, as Nick called it, I ‘friend-zoned’ him and kept him at bay. Why? Why could I kiss Nick, but not Brody?

  Brody had always been honest about his feelings. I owed it to him to figure out what mine were before I threw a bigger monkey wrench into the mix. Was I leading him on, letting him think we had a chance? I adored everything about Brody. He would be nothing less than a perfect boyfriend…and yet, I had chemistry with his half-brother Nick. Nick was the one I kissed, and the one I wanted to kiss again. Anger raced through me. Why? Why couldn’t it be the other way around? Why couldn’t Brody be the one I was falling for?

  I hated everything about Nick, but all I could do was replay our kiss over and over in my head.

  I didn’t want to hurt Brody. I knew that he’d be crushed if he found out something was going on between Nick and me. Was something going on? I closed my eyes and drifted off, allowing myself a few graceful moments of quiet.

  In San Antonio, we’d inched closer. Texas was a huge freaking state. On a map, it never looks that far away, but in reality, things weren’t quite as close as they seemed. We’d have one more seven-hour drive. We should have flown. I knew we couldn’t, but it would have made it so much easier.

  Either way, we were firmly planted in Texas. I called and checked in on Brody. The relief in his voice helped relax me. He’d made it through the week, and things had quieted down considerably. The two guys that remained kept things low key, appreciating that the spotlight was no longer on them. Business still moved, just not as briskly, and behind closed doors with only people they knew and trusted. No more strangers, no word of mouth, no nothing.

  Tired from the trip and emotions of the journey, I refused to go out for food. Staying in and ordering pizza was the only thing I wanted. If we could get through the night, watch some television and leave to get Brody first thing, we’d have conquered the first portion of the trip.

  It was a good call, and after the pizza arrived we both realized how tired we were. Who knew driving knocked you out so quickly. Each day dragged on. I decided I’d take my shower before heading to bed, that way come morning we could just pack up and go.

  I gathered my things and made my way into the bathroom. Closing the door behind me, I double checked and made sure to lock the door. Not that I didn’t trust him…okay, I didn’t trust him. From the sink’s counter, I grabbed the travel size shampoo, conditioner, and soap they offered and placed them on the ledge of the shower’s door. I rolled open the door and climbed in, turning on the water. It jolted me awake! I should have turned it on first. Cold water sprayed from the showerhead, pushing a squeal from my lips.

  Finally adjusting it just right, I sank into the steamed heat. The hot water cascaded over me, caressing me with a steady pulse. I closed my eyes and let the water run for a while. I could have stayed there all day. It was soothing, and exactly what I needed.

  His lips were on me, soft and tender. His mouth was hungry, full of desire. My muscles relaxed, caught up in the memory and the steam of the shower. In my imagination, his lips moved lower, slowly dotting my body, moving over my neck, and down my chest. He stopped to suckle one of my nipples, and then dropped to his knees.

  I swallowed hard and parted my thighs, lost in the fantasy that was unfolding. Reaching down, I touched myself, lazily drawing my fingers between my nether lips. I bristled as I imaged his razor stubble tickling my thigh. As his tongue circled my nub, he wrapped his lips over me and…

  Bang! Bang! Bang!

  I shook out of my fantasy.

  His words pierced the air. I yanked my hand away from my body, afraid I’d been caught in my lust.

  Nick banged again. “Yo, are you almost done in there?”

  Snatched from the moment, I lost the orgasm I’d been chasing and hollered back with a groan. “Yeah.”

  “The pizza’s hitting me bad,” he said, offering way too much informa
tion. “I need to use the bathroom, now!”

  And there went the tender, sexy episode down the drain. I quickly shut off the water, wrapped in a towel, and exited the bathroom. I couldn’t look him in the eye.

  The door slammed behind me. It was better this way. The last thing I needed was to let that fantasy sizzle and finish with an orgasm. Better that he destroyed the fantasy, squashing it like a bug on a windshield. I certainly didn’t need more Nick in my life.

  Chapter 18 – Nick

  She kissed me back in front of Shoney’s. I hadn’t expected it. Hell, I didn’t expect to kiss her, but she was glaring at me all pouty, looking adorable… and okay, I’ll admit that I’m digging the girl. I couldn’t stop myself. I half-expected her to reel back and slap me, but instead she welcomed me in. This wasn’t supposed to happen.

  What the fuck would Brody think? Would he be pissed off that I kissed her or understand that I got caught up in the moment? Probably better not to say anything. It’s not like we’re a thing. It was one time. I think it was more to slap that glare off of her face. Okay, maybe not. Maybe I’m making excuses. Either way, what’s done is done. I’ll put it behind us and pretend it never happened. Only it did and it was nice. Really nice.

  Chapter 19 - Amanda

  After that magical moment passed and I’d thrown some clothes on, Nick sauntered into the room as if nothing had happened. Fine, it was an act of nature. Maybe I was being immature. It’s just…never mind.

  Nick posed a question. “Hey, do you want to go up onto the roof and look at the stars?”

  The genuine sweetness in his voice surprised me. It was such a random question, but I wasn’t into breaking rules. I stumbled over my words, trying not to come off like some overactive goody-goody. “I wouldn’t feel right. Isn’t it dangerous anyway?”


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