“Why did you come here? How did you get here?” His brows drew together in bewilderment. “Does the ring answer to you?”
“Yes, it does” I said soberly. “I need to know what I am capable of, Lucian. I need to know my limits.”
He sat on the edge of the bed, looking down. It seemed to take him a moment to realize he had nothing on below the waist. He yanked the sheet from the bed, and artfully wrapped it around himself. He stood, continuing our conversation without missing a beat. “I can tell you what I know, Grace, but for now, how about you just get some sleep?”
I was instantly tired. I had no idea how long my little adventure lasted, or the duration that I was knocked out for, but my body wanted sleep. A bed sounded great. I looked around, making sure I hadn’t conjured one by mistake. This was really going to take some getting used to. “That sounds great, where do you want me?” I asked, suppressing a yawn.
His brows rose and a cocky smirk curved his lips.
I shook my head and said, “Sorry, Lucian, but I’ve had enough sexual innuendo for one evening. Can you save the flirting ‘til tomorrow? I promise I’ll be flattered and everything, I’m just too tired tonight.”
He looked angry all of a sudden. He turned toward me, “What do you mean you’ve had enough sexual innuendo? he asked, eyes narrowing, “Did Seth…?”
I refused to let him finish. “No, don’t worry. I’m okay, it’s okay. Just go to bed. I’ll talk to you about it tomorrow. Now, does this place have a guest room or do you get the couch?”
He smiled at me. “I really am glad to see that you’re safe.” He led me out of his room to the room across the hall.
He pushed the door open to reveal a small bedroom. It was lovely. The old fashioned bed was piled with beautiful quilts. It looked soft and inviting. The simple side table was white with slender legs that curled at the bottom. A pretty, Victorian-style lamp stood on one side of the table and an old fashioned wind-up alarm clock sat beside it. A white hope chest was placed at the foot of the bed, adorned with a pretty cushion made of lacy fabric. It was sweet and very feminine.
“Expecting someone?” I said with a smile.
“Yes … you.” He smiled again.
I felt a blush. I knew he wanted me to stay with him to keep me safe, but I was still flattered that he had gone to so much trouble.
“This doesn’t belong to your sister or some other relative, does it?” I asked.
He chuckled, “No, Grace. I have no living family; they passed many years ago. This room belongs to you alone.”
I felt warm as I stepped inside. Turning; I stood on tip-toe and placed a soft kiss on his cheek.
“Thank you, it’s perfect,” I whispered.
“I’m glad you approve,” He grazed soft knuckles across my cheek. “Sleep tight,” he said. I smiled at his back and shut the door.
The bed was as soft as it looked. I folded down the quilts and the crisp white cotton sheet and looked around the room. It was small. There were two doors on the far wall. I crossed the room to open them. The first was a closet. Inside were a couple of very sweet white dresses and three white cotton nightgowns with little cap sleeves. I took a nightgown off the hanger; it made me smile. It was so different from the slip of sin Seth had picked out for me. This one was as sweet as the room, almost virginal. The neckline was very modest with a tiny pink ribbon threaded around the collar. It ended in a small bow at the center. At the bottom was a little ruffle that would undoubtedly hit the floor.
The second door opened to a bathroom. Cream colored walls and a soft pink light greeted me. I set the nightgown on the sink and turned the shower on. The tub was deep and welcoming, but I just wanted to get clean.
I opened the medicine cabinet and found a brand new toothbrush and a tube of toothpaste. How considerate, I thought as I continued exploring. I opened one of the drawers under the sink and found a brush still in the package, along with hair ties, bobby pins and no-tangle rubber bands. My curiosity was definitely piqued. I opened another drawer and found two books. One was about the joys of raising horses, and the other was a romance novel. The cupboard was brimming with goodies as well. I scanned the contents and had to stifle a laugh. Next to the extra toilet paper rolls and shampoo were feminine napkins! I guess he figured I’d be here for a while and wouldn’t have time to pack. Man, he was a dream. I’ve never had a man buy anything so personal for me without a huge struggle or a bribe.
The room was getting steamy. I stripped and stepped into the hot stream. My neck felt tense. I rolled my head around and massaged my shoulders a little. I shampooed my long hair and poured a few handfuls of conditioner onto my head and let it soak in while I washed my body. I rinsed and stepped out of the shower, dried off and pulled the brush from the drawer and the new toothbrush from the cabinet. I ripped the packages off and tossed them into the trash. I didn’t notice a hair dryer so I brushed my hair out and braided it so it wouldn’t tangle during the night.
Not surprisingly I forgot to get clean panties. I stepped from the steamy room with my cute little gown in hand and walked to the dresser. Sure enough, the first drawer held new panties. They smelled like fabric softener. He must have washed the newness out for me. Was he for real? I was surprised they fit. They were white, covered my belly button and went up only slightly high on the sides. I was beginning to think that Lucian spent a little too much time in that church.
I usually slept in nothing but panties, but that was at home. In a man’s house, I was all for modesty. I pulled the matronly gown over my head. It hit me at the ankles. Turning to the full-length mirror, I examined my reflection. Yep, I looked as frumpy as I imagined I would. With no slippers on my feet and my miserable wet head, I was getting cold. I climbed into the bed and pulled the covers up to my chin. My wet head was very uncomfortable and it was a safe bet that it was going to chill me all night long. I really wanted to sleep. I mentally pouted. Then, remembering my wonderful new prize, I focused on my hair. Almost instantly, my head was warm and dry. Twisting the ring on my finger, I smiled to myself and drifted off to sleep.
My chest was constricted. It felt like a small child was napping on my lungs. I opened my eyes slowly to find a pair of yellow slanted orbs staring down at me. They belonged to a beautiful black cat. He was content judging by the sound of the V8-engine in his chest. I sat up slowly, careful not to knock him off the bed. I wondered how he had gotten into the room. Looking at the door. I noticed it was cracked open slightly.
I slid out of bed, my feet freezing the moment they hit the ground. Shivering, I crossed the room. I pushed the door closed again, but I didn’t hear it click. I could easily open it without twisting the handle. That was something I would have to remedy, but first, I had some phone calls to make.
The house was larger than I thought it would be. My room opened to the hall and Lucian’s room was directly across, I knew that much. There were two other doors along the long corridor. They were closed and I had to walk quickly past them to stifle my curiosity.
At the end of the hall was a very large living room. It was super masculine, and woodsy. I inhaled deeply. Leather and the smell of a wood fire burning made the room warm and inviting.
At the other end of the room stood a set of double doors. I headed that way, hoping to find Lucian. I entered the kitchen, which was impressive. Long counters stretched halfway around the large space. They were covered in rich marble. A huge center island, complete with cooktops and a sink made me shiver with envy. A lovely stainless steel stove occupied the closest wall, and at it, was the most gorgeous chef I have ever seen.
He turned, smiling at me as an amazing smell drifted my way.
“You’re awake,” he said with a cheerful voice, “I was hoping to serve you breakfast in bed.”
He flipped something in the pan and turned the fire off.
“You were, huh? Do you always give your guests the royal treatment?” My stomach rumbled. I was starving. My poor body had only s
een bad yogurt and two bags of popcorn in the last couple of days. This food would be a gift from heaven.
He grabbed two plates and arranged them on the island. He pulled some orange juice from the fridge and filled a pair of tall glasses. He then spooned the plates full with a veritable feast of cheese omelets, thick slices of bacon and beautiful pale chunks of cantaloupe.
He finished filling the plates and looked at me. “I don’t normally have guests,” he said honestly, “but if I did, I think you would still be special. Please, have a seat, I hope you like it.”
I sat on one of the tall stools. The smell coming from the food was wonderful. I took a bite of the eggs; the gooey cheese stretched without breaking. It was better than I could have hoped. The bacon was crisp and the melon sweet, bursting with sugary juice.
I ate like I hadn’t eaten in a week, which in reality, I pretty much hadn’t, at least not like this. He watched me, a smile on his face. He seemed to enjoy watching me gorge myself. I smiled back, swallowing the last bite.
“That was delicious,” I said, wiping my mouth with the cloth napkin. “Thank you.”
“I’m glad you enjoyed it. It’s not everyday a man gets to see a woman truly eat like she should, not fussing over organic eggs or non-dairy cheese.”
He took the plates to the sink and rinsed them off, then placed them into the dishwasher. I chugged my juice and placed the glass beside his in the dishwasher. I was not going to be a poor guest. That thought made me pause. I turned to him, my hand on his arm. “Thank you,” I said. “I know it was very sudden, my popping into your bedroom last night. I’m very sorry that I didn’t knock, or call. I intruded on your privacy. I just want you to know that I appreciate everything you have done for me.”
He looked startled “You don’t have to thank me or apologize.” He shrugged, “I’m the one who invaded your life. I knew what was going to happen and I panicked. I had no idea you could handle yourself so well. In hindsight, you really didn’t need me at all.” He frowned; he really believed that line of dung. God, he should get an A plus in broody.
“Lucian, if you hadn’t told me about the ring, I would never have gotten away from them in the first place. You helped me get away! If I hadn’t known I was able to use it, then Seth’s plans to exploit me would have succeeded. You were the reason they failed.”
He smiled then. “Thanks, Grace. That means a lot. I wanted so much to help you. I’m glad I could, however indirectly.”
If that was all he was offering, I’d take it. I remembered the phone calls I needed to make and changed the subject quickly.
“I don’t have my phone. Can I use yours? I have to work tonight, but under the circumstances, I think that may be a bad idea.” I tried to calm my voice as another thought hit me. “I also want to touch base with Ann. I left her a panicked message the night you called me and I haven’t heard from her since.”
“You can use the phone in the living room,” he said, “I’ll just finish straightening up in here and give you some privacy.”
“Thanks, and afterwards, maybe we can have that long talk? I really need some answers.”
I entered his living room and after a moment I found the phone sitting on a small desk in the corner. The small swivel stool squeaked as I sat and dialed Ann’s number. Crap, I got her voicemail, again. I heaved a sigh of frustration and hung up.
I dialed my boss next. The burly overweight man was in his late fifties. He owned The Edge and occasionally took over if someone was sick.
“Norris,” a gravely voice said after several rings.
“Mr. Norris? This is Grace. I’m really sorry, but I won’t be coming in tonight.” I held my breath, waiting for the outburst.
“Really?” He was slurring; fantastic, I thought. “You break your leg?” His voice was thick and slow. “If you can still walk, then you best be comin’ in.” He sounded like he’d been drinking for hours. How he ran a business was totally beyond me. “Sorry Mr. Norris, I can’t. I’ll give Debbie a call and let her know, so, okay, bye!” I knew he was pissed, so I hung up in a hurry. “That went well,” I muttered. I pressed the talk button again to call Debbie. After leaving a message on her cell, I dialed Ann again, with no luck. My worry increased. I put my head in my hands in thought.
Just as I looked up, Lucian came into the room. He was wiping his hands off on a small dish towel.
“You okay?” he asked, “Did you get a hold of your boss?” He walked toward me, a look of concern knitting his brows together.
“I did; he wasn’t too happy. But what I’m worried about is Ann; she didn’t answer her phone, again. I haven’t heard from her in a few days. She always visits the bar. She didn’t come in the day Seth grabbed me. That’s not normal. We usually speak at least a few times a day.”
“When was the last time you spoke to her?” He sat on the sofa across from me. He sounded worried. I thought about that as my head began to pound.
“The last time I saw her? Well, it was the night I met you actually,” I stated brusquely. “In fact, now that I think about it, you were the last person to see her.”
His flinch told me that the hint was not lost on him. But his voice remained concerned. “I did speak to her, but only briefly. She said she was meeting someone at her place. She was in a hurry. She seemed anxious when we spoke. That may be why I got so much out of her. She acted impatient, like she wanted to end our talk as quickly as she could.”
I leaned forward in my chair, pursing my lips in consideration; I raked my eyes over him, giving him an exaggerated once-over. “Lucian,” I said, my tone matter-of-fact, “I really don’t think Ann would have tried to get away from you. If anything, she would have tried to bring you home with her.” I smirked a little. She really would have. This guy was not someone you threw back. If you were lucky to get a little nibble, you needed to reel in as fast as you could, and Ann was very good at fishing. Poor Jared, he would have been tossed on the back burner for Lucian. I knew she wouldn’t, no couldn’t have passed him up.
“I am not unaware of my appeal to women,” he said, confidently. “I have been sought after and chased by more than I could ever remember. But I can assure you, your friend was not interested. Perhaps she met someone even more appealing?”
“Ridiculous! Who could be more…” I froze mid-sentence. I knew of only one man who could give Lucian the Mega Stud a run for his money.
Damn it!
“Seth!” I jumped up. “Seth made a date with her!” I spun, balling my fists. “Don’t you see? He was trying to get to me! It had to be him, that asshole!” I was breathing rapidly. What had he done with her? “We need to get to her house. Can you drive me?” I didn’t think popping into her living room would be the brightest idea. What if I was wrong and I zapped us into a room full of people? Or worse, zapped us into her bedroom during… Ugh, that wouldn’t be too hard to explain.
We would leave immediately. I ran to the bedroom while Lucian grabbed his jacket. I was pulling my hair free from the braid and brushing my teeth at the same time. I yanked the nightgown over my head and threw it on the end of the bed. I turned to the mirror, and in seconds, I was dressed. I conjured clothes for myself without even thinking! Without a second glance, I grabbed a rubber band and rushed out of the room.
I was pulling my hair up just as Lucian was getting his jacket on. I walked up behind him. “Ready?”
He jumped about a foot and whirled around. “Damn it, woman, don’t sneak up on people like that!” He stopped, looking puzzled, “You’re ready?” He looked shocked. “You were in there for just a few seconds.”
It was my turn to look shocked. “No kidding? It felt way longer.” A chill raced up my spine. I better learn more control. I was doing magic without even noticing it.
I grabbed his hand and pulled him toward the door. “Let’s move it.”
He grabbed his keys and we were out the front door.
The morning sun was bright; it glinted off the white boulders surrounding his h
ome. His yard was natural. The desert landscape virtually unspoiled.
We walked quickly to his garage. It was separate from the rest of the house and boasted two stories. There was a staircase on the outside that rose to the second floor. I wondered what he used the upper level for.
He walked ahead of me to punch his code into the keypad by the door. I stood off to the side and waited. After only a moment, the large door hummed and slowly rolled up. I heard a few beeps and the sound of an engine purring to life, which made me instantly covetous. My Nova never sounded that good. And no wonder, I sighed, as Lucian pulled a newer looking Range Rover slowly out of his garage. I understood why; the four-wheel-drive was a must out here in the winter. After a moment, the door began its slow descent back down. I walked to the passenger side, Lucian jumped out again. Running to my side, he pulled the door open and grinned roguishly at me. I just laughed, he was entirely too good to be true. I could definitely get used to his chivalry. It was a nice change from the rude-ass men that seem to dominate the world these days. Women’s lib is great, but so are manners.
The interior of his car was clean and well taken care of. I scanned the CD collection in the console and was surprised to find all of them were audio books. My eyebrows lifted at once. The titles ranged from Steven King and Dean Koontz, to self-help and books on magic and witchcraft. Some titles I couldn’t read; they were in French, Italian and some other foreign language I couldn’t identify. I was totally blown away! He was one smart cookie.
Lucian got in, bringing with him the clean smell of desert and sage. He put the car in gear and we began our journey.
“Do you have any music?” I said, holding up an audio book.
He laughed, reached into his coat pocket and handed me his MP3 player. I smiled. He had to have something worth listening to. I thumbed through the songs; he had a huge collection. “Oh, this is crazy,” I mumbled, overwhelmed. I thumbed it off, opting for silence. My nerves were clouding my thinking. I had been through so much these past few days; I was surprised I could still think at all. I was now an all powerful Madea, and didn’t have the foggiest idea what that meant. I was leaking magic and didn’t know how to control it, and I was on a vampire’s hit list. Not to mention, my best friend could be in mortal danger, and I had no idea what to do about it.
This Blood Page 6