Middleweight (Hallow Brothers Book 2)

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Middleweight (Hallow Brothers Book 2) Page 3

by Trish Andersen

  Micah wrapped his hands around her hips and pulled her to the edge of the dresser. Eve barely had a chance to wrap her legs around his hips before he rocked into her, filling her with one thrust. She whimpered as she clung to him. He filled every aching part of her. She gazed into his smoky brown eyes behind his thick lenses and wove her fingers in his thick, dark hair as she surrendered to him.

  He growled as he dug deeper, his large palms cupping her ass to drive him farther. Another rush of fire burned through her as she peaked again. Before tonight, she could count how many times a man made her orgasm on one hand. With Micah, she lost track.

  She listened to his breath deepen as his pace picked up. His focus on her never broke as each stroke was slower, more deliberate. Another knot twisted in her belly as she felt him grow thicker, stretching her farther. He broke his gaze as he knotted his hand in her hair and pulled her head aside to expose her neck. Eve clenched his ass to pull him closer as he nipped her jugular with his teeth. She wanted him deep inside her as he released. If she could bury him in her soul, she would.

  He cussed as he throbbed. The heat filled her, setting loose another bone-shattering orgasm. He let go of her hair to hold her close as his hips slowed. She hugged him to her. Her cold, hard common sense demand she run. Whatever just happened wasn’t sex. It was far more intense, spiritual. She couldn’t get attached to this man. She couldn’t with any man. Love wasn’t an option for her. And no other john would compare to him. Deacon owned her for sure now. She was fucked.

  She looked up into his dark, warm eyes and sighed. She lifted herself up carefully to kiss him, very aware his thick cock was still inside her.

  “How much is it to keep you here?” he murmured.

  “Nothing.” She kissed him again. “It’s on the house.”

  He kissed her as he picked her up off the dresser and carried her to the bed. He pulled free just before he laid her on the mattress. She hated the void he left inside her. She needed more. She craved more. Where the hell is this coming from? I’ve never needed a guy this bad.

  As he kneeled on the bed and descended on her, she reached up and touched the frames of his glasses. “Let’s take these off before they get broken.”

  Micah grinned. “Planning on getting rough?”

  “I like it rough.”

  “Leave them there. I’ll take the risk.”

  She softly kissed him. The feel of his lips on hers stirred her hunger for more of him. “Why would you do that?”

  “I can’t see shit without them. And I don’t want to miss any of your beauty.”

  She moaned. “Smooth talker, huh?”

  He nudged her legs apart and dipped his hips until his tip slid inside her. “Only truth.”

  She groaned at the invasion. His cock. His incredible cock. She pressed her hand against his chest before he could move. “Don’t. Stop.”

  He pulled back, leaving her empty. His voice was a low rumble. “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing.” Eve reached down until her fingers were wrapped around his erection. “I want this in my mouth.”

  “And you?”

  “Don’t worry about me.”

  Micah cocked a grin at her and then stretched out over her again. He guided her hand to her swollen, sensitive flesh until he was embedded inside her again. “Trust me? I promise those pretty lips will have something to suck in a bit. I want to hear you scream my name again.”

  She let go of him and then wrapped her fingers around his ass to encourage him. He thrust hard into her, each stroke deeper and stronger. The man made good on his word. She thrashed beneath him as the pleasure rushed through her. No man ever made her experience ecstasy like he did. As the last wave burned through her, she cried out. “Micah. Oh fuck, Micah.”

  He nibbled on her ear as she settled from her orgasm. She became quickly aware that he was still hard as a rock. “You didn’t?” she questioned breathlessly.

  “You wanted something to suck.” Micah pulled free from her. “I’ll go clean up.”

  Eve pushed him onto his back before he could stand. She climbed over him, running her hands up his legs. “Don’t bother.”

  Micah settled back against the pillows with a smug smile on his face. “As you wish.”

  Eve wrapped her hand around his cock and slowly pumped her fist up and down. She watched his face as she caressed his sac. He threw his head back against the headboard as he groaned. She laughed as she ran her tongue up his length to the tip, licking the drops of precum budding there. The taste of them together on his flesh made her crazy. She forgot why she was there. Whatever this force was on her, it stole every thought from her mind.

  She enveloped him in her mouth and softly sucked. She lifted her gaze to watch him. Micah wove his fingers in her hair as he bucked his hips, driving him farther into her mouth. Hearing the guttural moan from his throat, seeing his eyes closed as he surrendered to her drove her wild. She sucked him in deeper until his tip hit the back of her throat.

  Micah bucked again, causing her to gag. Her eyes watered. His eyes opened to slits as he let her go. “I’m sorry,” he murmured, his voice barely audible.

  Eve wiped a little drool from her lip. “Nothing to apologize for. It’s a natural reaction.” She pumped his cock with her fist again. “But I’m not finished yet.”

  “Fuck. It’s the most incredible sensation I’ve felt, second only to fucking you.”

  “Good. Baby, lie back and let me make you come.”

  He slipped his fingers into her hair again and led her mouth back to his cock. She gripped his hips and held his ass to the bed to stop him from thrusting. She wanted to give her little virgin pleasure, not let him take it. She stretched her jaw as he swelled, trying to accommodate as much of him as she could. She let go of his hip to fondle his sac.

  Micah near shouted a string of curse words as he came, his rush nearly flooding Eve. She swallowed fast to take as much of him as she could. She impressed herself when only a drop or two remained. She gently licked them from his skin.

  Micah kept hold of Eve’s hair, using it to lead her to straddle his lap. “You’re fucking amazing.”

  Eve kissed him, letting her lips linger on his. “I aim to please.”

  He groaned. “That taste.”

  “You, baby. Me. Both of us on my tongue.”

  He gripped her closer, devouring her with a brutal kiss. His tongue lapped hers eagerly. She held his head in her hands as she returned his kiss just as hard.

  She frowned as she felt his cock erect against her belly again. Eve instinctively ground herself against him as she gasped. She had no idea why. She lost control of her lust a long time ago. “How can you be hard again?”

  Micah cocked an eyebrow at her. “Is it a problem?”

  “Hell, no. But it’s not physically possible. Are you on drugs?”

  “No. It’s hard to explain.”

  “Try me.”

  Micah wrapped a hand around himself. He grabbed her hip with his other and led her to it. Without a word, Eve impaled herself with him. He filled every aching crevice.

  Micah caressed her ass as she rode him. “How about you stop asking what my cock is doing and just enjoy what it can do for you. Like make you scream my name one more time.”

  Eve threw her head back as she trailed her hand up her rib to pinch her own nipple. “Oh, Micah. Baby, please. Micah, Micah,” were the last coherent words to escape her lips before another orgasm drowned her in its wake.


  The sound of air brakes on a semi-truck as it downshifted woke Eve out of a dead sleep. She kissed the shoulder that served as her pillow and then looked up at the man that it belonged to. Micah softly snored. She studied his face for a moment. His chiseled features were gentle but undeniably sexy. He was the kind of guy she would love to marry if marriage were an option for her.

  “Get over it, Eve,” she muttered to herself. “No man is perfect. He probably beats his girlfriend or something. Or he live
s in his mom’s basement. He’s hiding something. All men do.”

  She kissed his shoulder once more before she pulled free from his embrace. She winced as she stood. She had never fucked a guy like that and her body was feeling it. She hobbled to her clothes and slowly pulled each piece on.

  She picked up her purse and slung it over her shoulder. Crossing the room, she stared at Micah sleeping peacefully. The craving deep inside her, the one that led her to dance for him at the club, demanded she strip and crawl back into bed with him. She frowned as she felt a vibration against her thigh. She reached into her purse to find her phone. Instead, she pulled out a wad of cash. She tugged the bills free as she counted them. “One hundred. Two. Three. Four. Five. Six. Seven. Eight. Nine. One thousand.” She looked back to the man in the bed. He must have tucked it in there when she fell asleep. “Oh, baby. You sweet, sweet man. Fuck, why do you have to be like that? Why do you make me want you?”

  She folded the cash and then kneeled beside the bed. She tucked it in his boot and then straightened again. She pressed a kiss to his forehead. “You’re going to make a great husband to a really lucky girl who deserves you. Bye, baby,” she whispered.

  She felt her purse shake again. She dug through a few contents in her bag and pulled out her cell. She read the message on the screen.

  Where the fuck are you? Get your ass back here with my money.

  Eve sighed. Deacon. She shot a look at the boot. If she returned to the club without payment, Deacon would assume she chickened out. That she disobeyed him. She gazed at Micah. She couldn’t take his money. The night was more than a quick lay for pay. It was spiritual. It rocked her to her core. She hurried out the door, closing it behind her before she could change her mind.

  She strode across the motel parking lot, ignoring the catcalls from the men who hung around outside. She didn’t slow her pace until she tossed aside the curtain that led backstage. She gasped as a hand gripped a tight hold of her upper arm and spun her around. She held her breath as her gaze met a pair of cold, black eyes. Another hand gripped around her throat.

  “Where the fuck have you been?” Deacon demanded.

  “Working,” Eve answered, her voice trembling.

  Deacon let go of her neck and held his hand out silently. Eve tore her gaze away from him. He shook her hard with the hand still gripped tight around her arm and then held his hand out again. “Give me my money.”

  “I couldn’t do it. I didn’t go,” Eve lied.

  “What do you mean you didn’t go? Do you remember my threat? I will kill you, Eve. I will fucking spill your blood all over the floor of my club. And you’re one of my favorites, you know. I like having you in my bed.”

  “I can’t do it, Deacon. I won’t let you own me,” Eve interjected.

  She never saw Deacon’s fist until it struck her. Her cheek throbbed. Had he not had hold of her she would have flown across the room.

  He pulled her to him until his nose touched hers. “You don’t seem to get it. I already own you. I want double what you lost me tonight. I’m leaving town for a couple of days to look for new girls. Spend that time dancing or on your back. Don’t make me need to replace you. Got it?”

  Eve’s voice came out as a soft snarl. “Yes, sir.”

  “Good.” He shook her one last time before shoving her away. “Go home. Rest. You’ll need it.”

  Eve crumpled to the floor as she watched Deacon stroll away. The dream of the sexy stranger she spent the night with in the motel, of feeling pleasure she never imagined, faded away. Something inside her wanted Micah for her own. It could never happen. This was her reality. She was going to be Deacon’s whore for hire soon and nothing more. She owed him too much to be otherwise.

  She slowly stood and tossed her hair back. She’d stopped crying after Deacon beat her years ago. She shot an icy glare at those around. They stared at her, wide-eyed, as normal. Rolling her shoulders back, she strode out of the club into the cool fall morning.

  Chapter Three

  Micah shot up, nearly falling out of the bed. Everything was blurry beyond recognition. He cussed under his breath as he groped at his face. Had things really gotten that fucking bad? The blackouts were bad enough. The near constant migraines drove him insane. But now his vision was completely fucked?

  He chuckled when he found his glasses missing. He didn’t remember taking them off. He slapped around his surroundings until his palm struck the cold, hard laminate of the end table. The arm of his glasses scraped his fingers. He picked them up and slipped them over his eyes.

  He glanced around the empty motel room. Only his things were scattered around on the furniture. The beautiful woman he spent the night with was gone. He frowned as he thought. What was her name? Eve? She must have taken my glasses off me.

  The thought of her made his cock stiffen. He had never felt pleasure like that before. And he wanted more. It was a drug, an insatiable hunger that tore at his soul. Was this what having sex was like? The undying need for more every second of the day?

  The piercing sound of a boxing ring bell tore Micah off the mattress to find his jeans. He dug in the pocket and pulled his cell free to answer it. “Yeah, Joe.”

  “Where the fuck are you?” Josiah demanded. “We’re about to head home.”

  Micah glanced around the room once again. “That sleazy motel across the street from the strip club. Right next to the highway.”

  “Shit, man. There are closer places to the club than that. Or you could have stayed in the truck. Why the fuck did you stay in that rat trap?”

  Micah ran a large hand through his hair. “It’s…complicated.”

  There was silence for a moment. “Are you shitting me? Is my baby brother no longer a virgin?”

  “You know, you can be just as bad as Caleb.”

  “Only on particularly good nights. Which last night was. Do you need some time for one last goodbye?”

  Micah tossed his jeans on the bed and then stormed across the room to the vanity for his T-shirt. How the hell it got there he would never know. He bent down to scoop it up and rose, pinching the phone between his shoulder and ear to balance it. He threaded one arm through a sleeve and wiggled to do the same with the other.

  A spot of black on his shoulder caught his eye. His heart jumped into his throat. It can’t be. He took a deep breath and turned his back to the mirror.

  “Mike, what’s going on?” Josiah asked.

  “What do you mean?” Micah mumbled as his eyes explored the image in the mirror. The detail was incredible. But then again, so was Caleb's. It was less floral than his little brother’s and ran from his shoulder to his waist and from spine to rib. Just like the others, there were claw marks in the center of the artwork. Micah swallowed hard. The intense pull that drew him to Eve made sense now.

  He was marked. He was mated. He closed his eyes as he groaned. How was he going to explain to his mother and brothers that his mate for life was a hooker?


  “No, I’m fine. Come get me. She’s already gone.”

  “Be there in five minutes.”

  “Great. See you then.”

  Micah ended the call and then tossed the phone on the bed. He finished pulling his shirt on and then tugged on his briefs and jeans. He grabbed a boot and jammed his foot into it. It met resistance. He pulled his foot free and reached inside. He studied the handful of cash in his hand. Slowly he counted the bills. Every dollar he paid her was there. He sighed as he tucked the wad in his pocket and put his boots on.

  He stepped outside as Josiah, Samuel, and Joshua sped into the lot. Josiah rolled down the driver’s side window and grinned at Micah. “Ready to go, lover boy?”

  “Let me turn the key in and settle the bill. Be back in a second.” Micah huffed as he shuffled across the parking lot to the office. He bit back his temper to deal with the sleazeball who ran the place. Once everything was settled, he climbed into the passenger seat.

  He was met by his brothers’ st
ares. “What the fuck do you want?”

  “Was she good?” Joshua asked.

  “Seriously, grow up.”

  “Were you good?” Samuel responded. “It was your first time and all. How much fumbling did you do?”

  “It’s none of your fucking business. What did you fucking do?” Micah demanded.

  Samuel shuffled uncomfortably. “I got laid. Nothing more.”

  “Did you get her number?” Josiah asked.

  Micah stared at the strip club across the street. The place looked deserted. He sighed, his eyes never leaving the building. He had no idea where she lived. He couldn’t contact her. But she was his mate for eternity. “Nope. Not a big deal. Let’s just get home.”

  He kept his gaze trained to the strip club until it faded from sight.


  Eve couldn’t sleep. She tried, but it just wouldn’t come. She couldn’t stop thinking about her hottie. She smiled as she sighed. Micah. That’s all she knew about him, his name. He could be a serial killer. He could be married with four kids. All she knew was that he was crazy great in bed. Her body was still trembling from the sheer ecstasy he showed her.

  She heard the front door of her apartment open and slam shut. She bounced her head back and forth on the pillow in time with the heavy objects set on the table.

  “Eve, are you up?” a feminine voice cried out.

  “Yeah, Tabitha. I’m in my room,” Eve shouted back.

  The footsteps approached her bedroom door. It was thrown open. A blonde dressed in the skimpiest waitressing uniform ever sewn stood there. Eve cocked her head at her.

  “Rough night?” Eve asked.

  “Drunks at the club down the street. I guess a couple of those MMA fighters everyone is so crazy about showed up. Those Hallow brothers. Ever heard of them? Anyway, it was a lot of testosterone trapped in one building for a bunch of women looking to get fucked. It was mass chaos. So, of course, it trickled down to the diner. How was yours?”


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