The Reluctant Bride (Regency Undone)

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The Reluctant Bride (Regency Undone) Page 3

by Firth, Claire

  The feel of his mouth on her breast, even though it was through the material of her gown, jolted her out of the daze she seemed to have fallen into. With an indignant squeak, she broke free of his hold and flung herself across to the other side of the carriage where she sat staring at him quivering. His look on her was intent with some deep emotion she had never seen before and his eyes seemed to burn into the very depths of her soul. She thought she would never escape the all-consuming passion of that look.

  ‘Ah ... we arrive at last ...’ her husband said softly. ‘I suggest you retire to your room and wait for me there...’


  The big house loomed large and even more intimidating than usual as Sophia allowed herself to be helped from the carriage by the lackey. Unlike her parents’ home which was considerably smaller with far fewer staff, Avalon Hall occupied an impressive position at the base of a hill with a lake to one side and a vast stretch of velvet lawn sweeping away to distant trees at the front. The vista was outstanding but Sophia had little time to appreciate it today. Hurrying ahead of Ralph she nodded briefly to the butler as he opened the door, stalking past him head held high as she made her way purposefully towards the morning room. If he thought for one minute that she was going to accede to his wishes …

  ‘Not that way,’ her husband’s voice called after her.

  She ignored him carrying on defiantly, confident that he would not dare to make a scene in front of the servants. The next moment she shrieked as strong, firm hands swept her bodily into his arms and he headed for the stairs.

  ‘Her ladyship and I are not to be disturbed Beaumont. Please ensure that her staff are informed.’

  ‘Yes my Lord.’ His voice as always was neutral, his eyes appearing not to notice Sophia’s tiny struggling form, her hands hitting uselessly out at the hard wall of her husband’s chest.

  ‘Put me down this instant,’ she demanded outraged as he took the stairs two at a time.

  ‘I will be only too happy to do so in a moment my love,’ he laughed, but she could see his light hearted response was for the benefit of the servants only – his eyes promising a retribution that made her quail in her shoes and her puny punches halt in mid-air. After all, how well did she know her husband? She had no idea what he was capable of.

  Once in her bedroom he kicked the door nonchalantly shut behind him, swinging her round to dump her unceremoniously to the floor so that she was trapped between him and the door.

  ‘How dare you!’ she fumed, smoothing her dress in agitation. Her eyes met his furiously. ‘How dare you treat me like that in front of the servants as if I was some sort of common wench!’

  ‘And how dare you defy me, Madam.’

  She noticed his breathing was unsteady as he watched her with some fierce emotion she did not comprehend.

  ‘By God, wench is a good description for you. And a wilful wench at that. You do what you like and take no heed of those around you. Well I have had enough of your histrionics and your defiance my dear. You may have been able to twist your mama around your little finger but you will find I am not so easily swayed. It’s time to put all this nonsense behind us.’

  She stared horrified as he purposefully began unbuttoning his jacket. She had never seen him like this – raging with an aggression that seemed to be directed completely at her, his hot gaze raking her body in a way that made her skin prickle. Yet at the same time ... she could not believe it but as he removed his jacket to reveal the broad muscular strength that lay beneath, she was aware of a ripple of excitement as she looked at him.

  Horrified she gave a little gasp and tried to dodge past him but he caught her effortlessly in his arms, and swung her carelessly back against the door, placing one hand either side of her so that she could not escape.

  ‘Not so fast little one,’ he taunted softly. ‘You’ll have to do better than that to avoid your fate.’

  ‘And what do you intend to do now?’ she spat. ‘Force me into submission despite your promises?’

  His hand moved to undo the pins in her hair so that it tumbled free and unhindered around her shoulders. He seemed mesmerised by it.

  ‘I do not think somehow that will be necessary ...’ he murmured, tangling his fingers in the soft strands and tugging gently. ‘You are a passionate woman, Sophia, and I do believe your body is not as averse to mine as you might wish me to think. I believe when the time comes ... you will be begging me to take you.’

  ‘Pah! In your imaginations, Sir!’

  She stiffened as he suddenly leaned into her, closing the gap between them. ‘Wh ... what are you doing?’

  She felt his hands sliding down the folds of her dress, reaching round to where the material clung to her buttocks. She went rigid as he drew her into him. She knew little of these things – only what her friend Isabelle had told her – and that had terrified her. What a fool she had been to so aggravate him! She needed to diffuse the situation; gain herself some time.

  ‘My Lord! Ralph ...I beg of you ... I ... I will try to get used to you I promise. I ... I will make more effort ... I just need ... time.’

  ‘Your time has run out...’

  His voice was husky, his eyes intent as they stared into hers, and then his lips were lowering to hers, covering them in a warm searching kiss.

  ‘Open your mouth to me,’ he muttered against her lips.

  She yanked her head to the side, trying to ignore the strange sensation that was invading her lower limbs where he was pressing into her.

  ‘Never! If you are a man who breaks his word better I find out now,’ she spat. ‘So I may be better prepared for what to expect from the rest of my marriage!’

  He captured her face in his hands forcing her to look at him.

  ‘And are you a woman who breaks her word Sophia? You promised to be my wife, to bear my children – that was our agreement.’

  ‘But you said there was no hurry. You said you had no particular desire to make love to a woman whose heart was given to another.’

  It wasn’t exactly true - she had no heart to give. But it had served her purpose to let him believe that – it had made her feel that at least she had some control over the new life that was being thrust upon her. Some power over the man who otherwise held all the cards.

  ‘I find I have changed my mind,’ Ralph countered carelessly. ‘And whilst I agreed I would not force you I did not say, that I might not offer a little … encouragement to speed the process up.’

  Sophia hesitated, relieved that at least they were talking now rather than … than …

  ‘I will keep my word,’ she said hastily. ‘Only ... please ... I need just a little more time.’

  ‘Ye Gods.’

  Ralph banged his head on the door frame in frustration. ‘You would drive a man to distraction with your wiles. I have been patient enough Sophia. And how am I to know I can trust you if I do as you ask?’

  The look she gave him was steady despite the hint of desperation in it. ‘I give you my word Sir – and I will keep it.’

  She was beguiling him. Just like the owner of those other blue eyes had done all those years ago. He shouldn’t listen ... shouldn’t give her this power over him.

  He closed his eyes, his pent up frustration raging. But his anger was evaporating and with it came the realisation that a step had been taken after weeks of impasse – even if it was a very small one.

  And the thought of her coming to him willingly ... perhaps letting him show her how the act of love-making could be enjoyed...

  ‘Very well,’ he bit out stiffly. ‘I will give you a little longer.’

  ‘Thank you.’ She spoke with a quiet dignity that irrationally made him feel pleasure that he had for once pleased her.

  He scowled, determined not to relinquish all his authority. ‘There is however one condition ...’

  She looked at him warily.

  ‘From this moment forth we will sleep together as man and wife and there will be some degree of intimacy b
etween us. I gave you my word that I would not force the consummation of our marriage upon you and I will keep to that but I will join you in your bed that we might get to know each other a little better. That you might become more used to my proximity. Those are my terms. Do we have an agreement?’

  Sophia’s eyes flashed at him. ‘Some choice!’ she snapped.

  ‘It is the best you will get - and I think you should consider yourself lucky to have escaped so lightly. Now ...’ his look was challenging. ‘A kiss to seal the bargain I think?’

  Sophia glared at him but then a cooler expression entered her eyes. It was not as if she had never been kissed before after all. The occasional flirtation at a Coming-Out Ball, the odd experimental kiss with Edward. It was not such a big thing and it seemed to her that men got far more enjoyment out of kissing than women did. But the way he’d kissed her that morning …

  She closed her eyes and raised her mouth, shutting down the memory. She would simply pretend he was Edward.

  Still she tensed as she sensed him moving in.

  But his kiss when it came was bewildering, causing her eyelids to flutter open again in confusion. For it was not raw and demanding and ... frightening as it had been that morning but light and warm; teasing her lips as if he had all the time in the world - as if he enjoyed the taste of her.

  Her hands fluttered against his chest and then away again as she felt a perplexing response rising from her own untutored lips. They quivered tentatively beneath his, becoming accustomed to the firm pressure he was applying – a pressure that deepened as he drew her to him with a little shudder and allowed his warm tongue to gently explore her mouth in a manner that was not ... unpleasant. In fact the more it probed, the more it appeared her feelings were thrown into confusion ... her legs beginning to buckle beneath her until she was actually clutching weakly at his shoulders as if she would never let him go.

  She didn’t understand what was happening to her. She let out a little gasp as his fingers found and gently squeezed her nipple. How could anything feel so good?

  Hearing it her husband laughed exultantly all traces of his previous anger gone. ‘That’s right Sophia,’ he whispered, ‘Give in to the pleasure of it.’

  The pressure of his hand on her breast increased as he pressed her against the door, his muscled thighs rippling against hers so that she could feel their hardness pulsating into her. He began to thrust subtly against her and she let out a little moan, bemused by the fire that ignited in the sweet valley between her legs. She had never felt anything like it.

  She felt his hands tugging impatiently at the ties of her bodice ripping it swiftly apart to expose the pale skin of her breasts. She gasped throwing her head back against the door, aware she should be doing something to stop him as he lowered his head and drew first one breast then the other into his mouth. But the sensations being wrung from her were too delicious to want to put an end to them. Her nipples spiked into taut peaks under his ministrations, and the subtle thrusting of his thighs against hers was making her feel wanton.

  ‘Tell me, does this not feel good Sophia?’ he breathed against her skin.

  ‘Oh ...yes!’

  His hand took over on her breast, his thumb running delicately over the swollen tip as he raised his face to drink in the crimson flush of arousal in her cheeks.

  Sophia was bemused. This was so wrong - she should be feeling angered by what he was doing - embarrassed at being touched so intimately, but … these sensations. They were consuming her.

  Slowly she softened against him, her arms creeping up around his neck of their own accord as his lips reclaimed hers and she returned his embrace with wonder.

  So lost in the moment was she in fact that she was unaware of his hand inching lower ... barely noticed it easing up her gown.

  It was only when she felt his touch warm on the creamy softness of her thigh … inching its way higher … that she stiffened..

  ‘N… no...’ she protested half-heartedly.

  ‘I don’t think you really mean that,’ he whispered huskily, his teasing fingers causing her protests to die in her mouth as they finally worked their way beneath her undergarments and came to rest with gentle pressure on the soft downy warmth of her mound. She gasped as the heat flooded through her. She wanted to be touched ... there.

  And he seemed to know exactly where there was as his fingers homed in unerringly; stoking her arousal as they circled the juicy little peak.

  He seemed to enjoy taking his time, kissing her unhurriedly; withdrawing his fingers periodically to cup and squeeze, until the whole area between her legs felt as if it was on fire. She pushed wantonly into his hand, muttering incoherently. She did not know what had come over her. She couldn’t believe that she was here pressing herself shamelessly into her husband’s hands, knowing she was on the brink of something wonderful; wishing he would ... he would ...

  ‘Oh!’ She jerked wildly as his fingers suddenly dipped back into that secret place and started to rhythmically stoke the sensitive wet flesh. Back and forth they rocked ... steady, persistent, relentless; until her hands clutched like claws at his shoulders and breathless moans escaped her lips.

  She threw back her head and gasped. She was climbing higher and higher towards some elusive pinnacle that even now she could only begin to imagine as the pleasure fanned out between her legs in a rush of heat. She held her breath feeling the sensation soar, waiting for the sweetness about to explode within her.

  Then suddenly his fingers stopped.

  She could not believe it. She felt bereft.

  ‘I think that is probably enough for today...’

  His voice was gruff as he slowly withdrew his hand. ‘We mustn’t offend your sensibilities too much, my dear.’

  Sophia was stunned. She stood there quivering; yearning for him to finish what he had started yet unable to utter the words she knew would bring her the relief her body so craved. She had been close to something truly exquisite, she knew it, and her sense of frustration was so strong that she could barely refrain from groaning out loud.

  Aware that her husband’s eyes were still hungrily devouring the sight of her breasts on display, she drew the corners of her robe together in mortification. All it would take was one sentence and he would finish what he had started she knew, but she simply couldn’t utter the words. She was confused, shocked by her own behaviour, quite sure in her mind that true ladies would never succumb to such wanton wickedness. And with Ralph of all people. The one man who had curtailed her freedom, who already controlled every aspect of her life. She would not let him control her emotions too.

  ‘P ... please leave me,’ she whispered. ‘I ... I wish to change my dress. Perhaps you could send my maid in to help me?’

  ‘Of course.’ He took a step back from her, his expression dark and unfathomable as he studied her. It was almost as if he was seeing her for the first time, so intense was his stare. Then, with an abrupt bow and no other words, he turned and left the room.


  After he had left her Sophia sat in front of her dressing table and reviewed her image in the mirror. The eyes that stared back at her were huge and softly glowing, still heavy with the aftermath of their lovemaking and she felt the colour creep into her cheeks. That he should have seen her emotions laid so bare! The blood quickened in her veins at the memory of him pressed against her like that, the way his fingers had tortured her so exquisitely pushing aside her innocence as easily as if it were a flimsy veil.

  And it had not been she who had brought an end to the proceedings.

  What had happened to her determination to resist her husband? To show him that she was not some chattel to be purchased on a whim? Her eyes smouldered as she determinedly reminded herself of the reasons for her coldness towards him.

  Theirs was a marriage of convenience. Nothing unusual in that, except that she had already set her mind to marry Edward. She was not as naïve as some might think. She had seen her own mother’s unhappiness
in an arranged marriage with a domineering husband and had long ago realised that with Edward it would be she who would be in charge and she would never let him treat her the way her father had her mother. Such a life would have suited her well.

  Now Ralph had thwarted that plan and she could see that with him her life would be very different. She had met him with the full intention of accepting his proposal that first time around as she really had no choice, but his arrogant confidence had irked her. She was quite sure it had never even occurred to him that she might turn him down. She’d found herself overwhelmed by his inordinate good looks, and wanting to dent that cool self-assurance, she’d told him about Edward – embellishing the relationship even – taking pleasure out of the fact that she’d obviously shocked him. After all, how many prospective brides informed their would-be suitors that they were in love with another?

  His response however had in turn shocked her.

  ‘I don’t see that as a problem,’ he’d responded carelessly. ‘I will be quite honest with you as I see no reason for pretence. Your job primarily will be to act as Hostess when we are entertaining and in due course, hopefully provide me with an heir. I’m in no particular hurry to consummate our marriage or have children - especially if you need time to adjust your heart - as long as you have no objection to me indulging in the occasional discreet liaison?’

  That he should be so blatant about It. Liberal she may be but not in that way. Not when she’d seen the unhappiness and humiliation caused to her own mother by her father’s not-so-discreet liaisons. She’d taken great delight in turning him down; despite the fact she knew she’d have to face her father’s fury.

  But there was another reason why she felt the need to keep her distance and it confused her. There was something about Ralph that … frightened her. There – she’d acknowledged it. Not in a violent way; in fact now that she had come to know him better, she couldn’t believe he would ever strike her as her father occasionally had her mother. But he definitely unsettled her, made her feel she needed to be on her mettle when he was around. He had a way of looking at her just so at times that gave the impression he could see into the very depths of her being - which was ridiculous of course. He was far too shallow and superficial to have that sort of insight.


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