Sun, Sea and Seduction

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Sun, Sea and Seduction Page 1

by Nicole Gestalt

  Title Page

  Sun, Sea and Seduction


  Nicole Gestalt

  Publisher Information

  Sun, Sea and Seduction - published in 2014

  by House of Erotica

  This book is sold subject to the condition that it shall not, by way of trade or otherwise, be lent, resold, hired out or otherwise circulated without the publisher’s prior written consent in any form of binding or cover other than that in which it is published, and without a similar condition being imposed on the subsequent purchaser.

  The characters and situations in this book are entirely imaginary and bear no relation to any real person or actual happening.

  Copyright © Nicole Gestalt 2014

  The right of Nicole Gestalt to be identified as author of this book has been asserted in accordance with section 77 and 78 of the Copyrights Designs and Patents Act 1988.

  Aphrodite’s Pleasure

  Arriving at an all-inclusive hotel Linda finds much more then she was expecting.

  Linda threw her bags down and looked around the large spacious room. Cool air from the air-conditioning units filled both the bedroom and the small sitting room whilst just outside she could see a private pool with a low wall surrounding it. Beyond that she was able to look down onto the beach and deep blue sea.

  Looking back at her bags she glanced to the cupboards where she should unpack and thought how stressful it had been to pack everything. The last thing she wanted to do after a long flight and bus journey was unpack. In fact what she actually needed, she decided, was a long cool drink.

  Glancing at the band on her arm she twirled it idly. She didn’t much like the bright red colour but she supposed that it didn’t really matter, what it mattered was what the band actually represented.

  With a quick glance in the mirror to double check her hair wasn’t all over the place thanks to sleeping on the plane she patted the short dark brown hair back down. The cut might have been a bit severe for most but she loved how little time it took to look after each morning and she had always suited the style. Satisfied it was how she wanted it she headed out the door with a single glance back at the luggage still sat on the side table where the porter had placed them.

  The door shut with a satisfying thud and she walked into a wall of heat. All around her birds sang hidden in the palm trees the noise their only give-away. Following the small path that led away from her bungalow she quickly found herself in the main complex of the hotel.

  To her right two large pools filled with people looked warm and inviting. To her left were the restaurants and bars and it was here she headed. Although it was only a short walk she was thankful for the shade once she stepped under the cover of the outdoor bar.

  Walking over she wound her way past tables and chairs most of which were already occupied and the tables full of a variety of colourful drinks. As she approached the bar one of the barman smiled over to her.

  “What would you like?”

  Linda blinked feeling suddenly slightly out of her depth but then she glanced at the large board situated behind the barman. Upon it was a huge list of cocktails each with a small explanation of its contents. The majority of them were written in red apart from a couple that were in blue. Overwhelmed by the choice she stalled for time.

  “Why are those ones in blue and the rest in red?” She pointed at them as she spoke. The barman beamed and clapped his hands together.

  “Well you are able to get all the drinks in red for free. The ones in blue are for those with a blue band, if you wish one of those you will need to pay the amount shown by the drink.”

  “Right,” she glanced at her red band and then back to the bartender “I would like an Aphrodite’s Pleasure please.”

  The bartender bobbed his head in acknowledgement and began pouring a variety of brightly coloured liquids from bottles she couldn’t read into a tall glass. Linda watched for a moment then became distracted by a blur of movement from her left and a shower of warm water that fell on her.

  “Oh one of those please!” The blur said in an excited and slightly breathless way. Linda looked over blinking through the droplets that were now running down her face. The blur was actually a rather attractive tanned woman who was wearing the brightest orange and green bikini Linda had ever seen. On most people Linda was sure it wouldn’t have worked but on the woman even with her wet wavy blonde hair it just seemed right. Linda drank the view in her eyes wandering over the blonde hair with obviously darker strands suggesting it was dyed and then down over the smiling face with small but deep red lips and lower to her bikini top. Linda found that at the angle she was she could just catch the curve of a gorgeous breast and through the fabric the smallest hint of a nipple being caressed by the fabric that held it.

  It was only as the bartender nudged her elbow when he placed the drink down in front of her did she realise she’d been staring. If the woman had noticed she didn’t say anything as she turned her attention from the bar to Linda. Linda blinked and looked over into bright green eyes.

  “What’s it like?” the woman motioned to the drink. Linda looked between her and the drink.

  “No idea yet this is my first one.” She nervously gripped the glass trying to steady herself and do something with her hands.

  “Just arrived?” the women said smiling her focus now totally on Linda and not the barman who was mixing her drink. Linda nodded.

  “Yes.” She couldn’t quite explain it but sitting there she felt very awkward and could hardly think of anything to say especially when the most gorgeous woman was sat so close. To stall she leaned over and took a deep suck from the straw taking a big mouthful of the drink. Out of the corner of her eye she could see the women studying her. The taste of strawberries and peaches filled her senses before a kick of alcohol of some sort hit her.

  “So?” the woman said once she had swallowed.

  “It’s nice .I like it anyway.” Said Linda looking back to her.

  “Good! I’m definitely having one of those. Natasha by the way.” She stuck her hand out at Linda. Linda took it with a smile.

  “Linda, it’s a pleasure to meet you.”

  “How long are you here for?”

  “A week, I just needed to get away and get a holiday.” Linda said taking another sip of her drink. Natasha’s appeared by her elbow and without missing a beat she took hold of it and sipped it. As Linda watched for a brief moment Natasha’s eyes widened then half closed in pleasure. Linda crossed her legs as the image of Natasha naked underneath danced in front of her eyes.

  “You were wrong; it isn’t just nice it’s gorgeous. Definitely the best I’ve tasted so far.” Linda blinked desperate to focus on what was happening in reality rather than what was happening in her head. She smiled at Natasha a little awkwardly.

  “Well you’ve been here longer then I have, so I’ll take your word for it.” She said softly before taking another sip. Natasha turned sharply in her chair to look at the board sending another spray of water from her hair over Linda. Linda blinked as the droplets splashed onto her but her eyes were drawn to a strand of hair that was now curled down over one of Natasha’s breasts framing it in slick wet hair just crying out to be touched.

  “Oh! I’ve made you all wet.” Natasha exclaimed causing Linda to almost choke on her drink. Words failed her and she stared at Natasha wondering how she could know how wet her presence had made her. Natasha reached out and as Linda sat paused in hesitation ran a finger down her face following the direction of the water droplets. Realising what she was talking about she shook her head a little.

  “It’s alright, besides you can’t help it your soaked.”

“I’ve just been playing Water Volleyball with the girls. You should come join us, the water is lovely and warm.”

  “Maybe when I’ve unpacked.” Linda said suddenly aware of a group of girls already in the water waving over at Natasha. She watched them for a moment and felt a sudden bout of jealousy with their tanned skin and sun kissed hair as well as their toned bodies. Who was she to compare to them? Her skin was so pale her friends often called her ghost and she had never managed to find the time to exercise to the degree the group clearly had, although she wasn’t unfit she wasn’t exactly toned and nothing had definition where it should be. With a slight shrug she looked back to her drink and finished it.

  “Well I hope you unpack quickly! I need to go back to them all but I’d love to see you later, say you will?”

  Taking a deep breath Linda nodded feeling suddenly lonely. As she watched Natasha bound back over to a large group in the pool and the whole lot of them smiling and laughing, clearly enjoying themselves she felt for the first time regret that she had come on the holiday alone. Not that she didn’t have friends she couldn’t have come away with but somehow she felt able to be herself only when others weren’t around. All her friends had boyfriends or were constantly talking about their latest crush, it wasn’t that they didn’t understand her desire to be with women rather then men but when talking they found it hard to relate. The feeling of loneliness faded as Linda watched Natasha rise up in the water after a dive. Her hair slicked against her body the water rushing over her costume her breasts visible due to the skin tight fabric. Hunger gnawed at Linda, and desire gripped her. She may be on her own but she was definitely wasn’t planning on spending the whole week alone. There was something to be said for a holiday romance, and it had been two years since her and Kat had finished, perhaps it was time. Finishing her drink she watched Natasha for a moment before heading back to her room to decide what she was going to do.


  Four hours later Linda had only unpacked enough to change her clothes into something a lot less warm and far more comfortable. Arriving at the main restaurant she knew she had made the right decision in coming to an all-inclusive hotel. Her job had been so stressful with one thing or another it was just nice to be able to get away and let everybody else organise what was for dinner and of course the weather.

  It was mid September but the air was warm and there hadn’t been a cloud in sight all day. So different to the grey cold weather she had left behind in the UK.

  “A table for one miss?” A smiling waitress stepped up to her. Nodding Linda found herself being led through a maze of seats into a covered outdoor seating area marked discreetly as adults only. “This is your first time dining with us is it not?”

  Linda smiled awkwardly

  “Is it that obvious?”

  The woman laughed and shook her head.

  “No but I do not recognise your face, I am very good with faces,” a large amount of laughter from their right at the end of the section drew her attention briefly “for example that group there.” Linda looked over as she indicated the group. “They come here every year for two weeks and have done for many years now. They always have that table even if there isn’t many of them. So now you arrive and since I do not recognise your face I ask such. When you are ready just head inside and help yourself to the food. Once you are all settled someone will be around to take your drinks order but if there is anything we can do to help please just ask,okay?”

  Linda nodded “Okay.” She still had her eyes upon the group at the head of which sat Natasha. When she turned to thank the woman she had already melted away and was busy helping someone else. Feeling slightly lost she watched Natasha for a moment longer enjoying being able to watch her when she was relaxed and happy. Not that she hadn’t by the bar but somehow watching her with her friends made her appear more real and far more at ease. A dark haired woman to her right said something which caused Natasha to laugh loudly again, throwing her head back and shaking her hair, leaving Linda wishing she could run her fingers through it.

  Glancing around with a start Linda checked to see if anyone was looking her way. They weren’t of course and if anyone had been it wouldn’t have been because they could hear what she was thinking. Deciding she had probably stood next to the table long enough she followed the waitresses direction and easily found the main room of the restaurant.

  The sheer amount of different types of food surprised her but with no trouble at all she quickly emerged with a huge plate full. Looking around as she sat down she noticed only the people who were pale had the mounds of food, everyone else had somewhat more respectable amounts.

  Blushing she turned her attention to the food and didn’t look anywhere else until she had made her way through the whole plate. She had only just finished when a familiar voice cut through her thoughts.

  “Do you mind if I join you?”

  Looking up she saw Natasha smiling down at her. Glancing around for a moment she shook her head and waved over to the chair on the opposite side of the table.

  “Of course not, but won’t your friends mind?”

  “No their all done eating now and are off on their after dinner romantic walks together.” Natasha pulled a face which Linda didn’t quite understand.

  “But not you?”

  “No! Maybe a couple of years ago but time and people move on.”

  “Sorry I didn’t mean to pry.” Linda looked down as a waitress took away her empty plate.

  “Nonsense you have a right to know if I’m single or not. Which I am by the way for the moment at least.”

  There was an edge to Natasha’s voice that caused Linda to look up. Natasha was gazing at her in a way that sent a shiver of pleasure through her. Linda met her gaze holding it as her stomach rumbled with hunger, hunger she knew food wouldn’t fix. Time seemed to stop as they looked at one another their conversation going unspoken. Natasha had changed out of her bikini and into a equally figure hugging orange dress that showed off her curves, a plunge neckline gave the faintest glimpse of her breasts but Linda’s focus was upon Natasha’s eyes.

  “Well, that makes two of us then.” Linda said breathlessly. She was only dimly aware of the waitress returning to light a candle then it was just the two of them again gazing at one another.

  “Well do you fancy a walk?” Natasha said leaning forward slightly reaching out with a hand. Linda reached out and took it her skin tingling at Natasha’s warm touch. Her heart pounded and she took a deep breath to steady herself.

  “I’d like that very much.”

  The heat of the day had now passed and although it was cooler it was still deliciously warm as they stood up and walked away. Linda let herself be led by Natasha running a finger over the back of Natasha’s hand letting her actions speak better then her words could to show her interest.

  They walked slowly around the central pool before turning down a small path Linda hadn’t yet explored so she let herself be led by Natasha who walked holding her hand still a glint in her eyes. They hadn’t spoken since they had walked away from the table but for some reason Linda didn’t feel the need to speak, now it was just the two of them she felt comfortable and happy to be around her. All the anxiety of earlier melted away being replaced by nothing but desire. As they walked Linda let the feeling surround her enjoying every moment of it, and the warmth of Natasha’s hand.

  The sound of water flowing came from her right and looking over Linda saw a small stream running in between the tropical plants. The water was lit up by moonlight reflecting on its surface turning it into a silver snake that twisted and turned. A little way on and the stream grew wider now lit from the sides by colourful lights. The plants here were taller and not as tightly packed as they had been but as the path curled around Linda realised that the hotel was completely obscured behind all the plants and the only noise that she could hear was that of the stream and a tiny waterfall.

  Natasha squeezed her hand drawing her attention back to her, in the moon
light her hair seemed to glow, wafting in the faint breeze like delicate spider webs. The effect was breath taking and all Linda was able to do for a moment was stand and stare.

  “Since they built this area couple of years ago I have always wanted to bring someone here.”

  Natasha’s voice was wistful and she squeezed Linda’s hand a little tighter as she spoke.

  “And now here we are.” Linda said softly still gazing at Natasha amazed at how much difference a day can make.

  “Yes, here we are.” Natasha reached out and took hold of Linda’s other hand drawing her closer.

  “Yes.” Was all that Linda could think of saying annoyed at herself and how awkward she suddenly felt again. For a moment all Linda could hear was the trickle of water and the pounding of her heart as Natasha drew her close. Her heart pounded faster as Natasha let go of her hand and instead placed it in the small of her back pressing Linda closer to her. She knew what was coming next and tilting her head back she parted her lips just slightly standing a bit taller to meet Natasha’s soft lips.

  The kiss was soft and gentle but it left Linda trembling her stomach apparently having become home to a swarm of butterflies that couldn’t settle whilst her heart pounding drowned all other sounds out. Natasha pulled away first before moving back for another kiss this time with a little more force to it. Linda parted her mouth enjoying the feel of Natasha’s lips against hers.

  Despite herself, her mind raced back to the last time she had been kissed. In a blink of an eye Natasha melted into Kat. A drunken kiss at a Christmas party had led to a brief but passionate affair which ended when Linda discovered Kat had been cheating on her with someone in the office. The pain of her finding out and closing the door not only on her relationship but her job hit hard, painful emotions rushed through her and to her surprise she felt tears run down her face.

  She pulled away from the kiss and through misty eyes looked at Natasha, was even a short holiday romance worth the pain of the goodbyes? She could see concern on Natasha’s face as Natasha reached a hand out and ran it down her cheek wiping away some of her tears.


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