Sun, Sea and Seduction

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Sun, Sea and Seduction Page 3

by Nicole Gestalt

  “No it’s just me, there’s no one else with me.” She wasn’t sure but she thought she saw the woman’s eyes dilate a little as she leaned forward, a bit more clearly interested and less cagey.

  Rebecca looked down at the scones and thought for a moment back to who was meant to have been on the holiday with her. Her ex, Angel, had only decided to let her know that she had met someone else and was moving out after the holiday was booked. Neither of them had been to Britain before and so it would have been a great adventure for both of them. Six months later she hadn’t spoken to Angel since that last tearful conversation and was trying desperately to move on, the holiday she decided might be as good a way as any - and so despite her normal trepidations she decided to go for it and travel all on her own.

  On a whim and quickly before the voice in her head could lose its confidence she spoke.

  “Since you seem to know more about all this than I do, and there is no way I’m finishing two scones... and it would be a shame to waste one would you like to join me?” She blurted all the words out her face reddening as she spoke.

  The woman smiled brightly her eyes sparkling and looked down at the scones.

  “If I wouldn’t be intruding at all?”

  Rebecca shook her head.

  “No not at all in fact you would be doing me a favour, see I don’t know anyone here so it would be nice to meet people.”

  The smiled widened and the woman stood up smoothing down her skirt as she did so.

  “Well then how can I refuse?” She picked up her things and moved into the seat next to Rebecca.

  “I’m Alex, it’s a pleasure to meet you.” She spoke softly now that they were closer and the words seemed to have gained an edge to them that thrilled Rebecca. Her hand reached out and Rebecca took it in a warm handshake.

  “Rebecca.” She said letting out the breath she hadn’t realised she’d been holding.

  “Well Rebecca let me explain something about having Cream Teas here in Cornwall. First you need to cut the scone in half and then butter it.” Alex finally let go of Rebecca’s hand as she reached down and picked up one of the scones. Cutting it in half she quickly buttered the soft scone before dipping the knife into the strawberry jam. “Then you put a good amount of jam on, you can’t scrimp on this its better when it’s a thick layer.” She licked her lips as she spoke and Rebecca found her heart beginning to quicken. Her appetite for food decreasing as her hunger for Alex grew, but she found herself wondering how would she make a move on her.

  “And now, the final part,” Alex said with a hint of suspense causing Rebecca to watch her every move “we put a good spoonful of clotted cream on the top.” With a spoon she pressed down onto the hard coating of the cream letting the spoon move through the cream before pulling out a large spoonful and easily spreading it down onto the scone. Before Rebecca could respond Alex had lifted the whole mixture to her lips and taken a large bite. Cream and crumbs stuck to the corners of her mouth but she ran her tongue slowly over them a look of pure ecstasy on her face. Rebecca suddenly felt acutely jealous of the scone being able to produce that look on Alex’s face and scowled without realising.

  “What’s wrong?” Alex said snapping her out of her loathing of the cream tea.

  “I... nothing.” she shook her head “let me have a go.”

  She reached over and took the other half of the scone then followed all Alex’s instructions quickly leaving her with a mound of cream and jam piled up on the scone. Biting into it she tried to push down the worries of getting cream all over her face and just simply enjoy the luxuriant feeling of the mix. When she had finally swallowed she looked back over to Alex who seemed to be staring at her in an odd way.

  “Well how was it?” she said in a low husky voice that sent shudders through Rebecca.

  “Delicious though I’m not even sure I could finish a whole scone now!” Rebecca answered nerves pulling at her due to the way Alex seemed to be looking her up and down.

  “You’ve missed a bit.” Alex said a blush rising up to colour her face as she spoke, grabbing hold of a serviette she leant forward pressing it against Rebecca’s face before she had chance to react. Rebecca blinked as the serviette was gently brushed over her skin, not wanting to move away she leaned slightly into the hand holding the serviette trying to get over what she now really wanted.

  The motion seemed to make Alex smile slightly from the corner of her mouth and she moved the serviette a little lower down under her chin following the curve of Rebecca’s neck. Rebecca grabbed hold of the table to stop herself from leaning forward even more into the motion, her moan the only thing that escaped though all she wanted to do was stand up and drag Alex away to somewhere more private.

  “Would either of you ladies like some more tea?” The voice snapped through the moment sending them apart as if they had been electrocuted. Rebecca snapped her head round to find herself looking up at a smartly dressed waiter who seemed to be just standing there intent on waiting until his question had been answered. She opened her mouth to respond but Alex spoke first.

  “No thank you, actually we would like the bill but could you wrap up the remaining scone and also add a tub of your clotted cream and a jar of strawberry jam to the bill please?” the waiter nodded and walked off. Alex turned to face Rebecca and bit her lip slightly nervously.

  “I thought we could take this somewhere a little more privately.” She said in a low quiet voice and Rebecca found herself nodding her stomach knotting in hunger and joy to be soon much closer to Alex.

  They walked to Alex’s house since it was only a short way from the tea shop though Rebecca could hardly speak as they went, the excitement of doing something completely out of character causing her to become breathless. Her heart hammered in her chest and she couldn’t even look at Alex for worry that she would change her mind. The cream and jam sat in a small bag that Alex carried the jars tinkling against one another adding to the noise of her heels clicking on the pavement as they walked. Alex walked fast causing Rebecca to have to race a little to keep up but she still busied herself with the scenery and tried not to catch Alex’s eye even though they walked side by side. There was an expectant tension between the pair as if they both knew what was about to happen and were waiting for the other to pull away and change their mind but neither did, in no time at all Alex was unlocking the front door of her house.

  Rebecca was first shown into living room and then Alex turned to her.

  “Wait here for a little bit until I call you into the kitchen.”

  The way she said it sent Rebecca’s stomach knotting and her mind whirling. With a look that suggested she was in for a treat, Alex disappeared through another door. Rebecca was too busy being filled with a mix of nerves and anticipation to pay any attention to the room she now stood in and instead found herself standing by the door that Alex had gone through, awkwardly waiting being very confused by all the strange noises she heard through it.

  After what felt like a very long time Alex called from the other room and she pushed the door open nervously peeking around it unsure as to what she would find. What she found caused to her to stand open mouthed for a few moments before she recovered and her instinct took over.

  Laid upon a large kitchen table mostly naked lay Alex, she was propped up on her elbows and looking over to Rebecca with a bright smile on her face. Letting her eyes wander over her naked form Rebecca found herself staring with complete shock and delight at Alex’s breasts, one of which had a large dollop of strawberry jam on it the other had been covered completely with cream. Down her front were the broken up crumbs of the scone.

  “I thought we could continue the afternoon tea in a slightly more interesting fashion don’t you think?” Alex spoke quietly in a husky voice that was enough to break Rebecca out of the frozen uncertainty that caused her to linger by the door. Before she had thought about it she had shut the door behind her and closed the distance between them licking her lips.

  “I thin
k I far prefer having a cream tea this way.” She said her eyes upon Alex’s glistening breasts.

  “So cream or jam first?” Alex echoed the first words she had said to Rebecca, and although it wasn’t typical for Rebecca to throw herself at the first person she met there was an attraction she couldn’t deny to Alex and a need to be with her for as long as she could.

  She didn’t answer Alex’s question verbally instead moved right up to her, bending down she licked some of the scone from her stomach and happily moved over to the jam covered breast. Without pausing she began to lap and suck at the sticky red substance, the taste of strawberries filling her mouth as her tongue rolled over Alex’s hardening nipple. Scrapping her teeth against it she pulled a little teasingly the nipple into a harder point, a moan from Alex filled her with confidence and pushed her on. Letting go of the nipple she sucked at the remains of the strawberry jam lapping it all up where it had spread down over the breast leaving a sticky sweet residue. Her body tingled with every lap wishing it was her nipples that were having all the attention. Her body ached to be touched and her stomach cramped with desire.

  Moving around the table she shifted her attention to Alex’s other breast diving straight into the cream enjoying the idea that her face was now covered in it. The cream was smooth and cold making a complete contrast with the strawberry taste still in her mouth but she loved it and lapped it up as if she had been starving. Once she had removed enough cream to get access to Alex’s nipple she rolled it into her mouth nipping at it gently causing Alex to arch her back and moan loudly.

  This drove her on now downward, running her fingers softly over Alex’s body slipping a hand down between her legs and nudging them apart. Alex let her legs be moved saying nothing although Rebecca couldn’t help moving a hand down her own body slipping her hand between her waistline and down into her own knickers. Her fingers slipped down into herself as she ran her other hand playfully down Alex’s thigh. Alex moaned softly making Rebecca slicker with wetness and desire. Moving her fingers up, she leaned forward positioning herself so she could easily reach out with her tongue and lap at her pussy. She didn’t wait or pause instead just darted her tongue out at the same time that both her hands reached their goals. Alex bucked as her tongue flicked rapidly over her clit focusing on that area for a moment whilst her hand gently pressed up against her pushing her fingers slowly inside her. The bucking forced Rebecca to move quicker but she didn’t mind her own needs were quickly increasing and she was desperate to cum as soon as possible. Giving in to the want rushing through her, her own fingers worked at her clit rubbing up against it in the way she craved whilst she put all the rest of her attention upon Alex.

  Moving a little lower she darted her tongue into Alex pressing the tip up against her own fingers pushing in as deeply as she could get. Breathing in she felt completely surrounded with Alex’s deep musky scent mixed with the remnants of cream and strawberries turning it all into a hedonistic mist that she just couldn’t get enough of. Alex’s breathing became ragged as her body tensed her hands reaching down and pressing on the top of Rebecca’s head forcing her deeper into the soft curls of hair that hid her pussy from view. Lapping still faster Rebecca breathed in deeply her own body now on the verge of orgasm her heart hammering in her chest as her fingers danced over her clit. Just as the a rush of energy spread from between her legs her body pulsing with desire and orgasm Alex’s fingers dug down into her head and simultaneously they both came Rebecca relishing in how Alex’s pussy clenched down on her tongue.

  Rebecca stayed still until the echoes of Alex’s moans fell away and hands released her head, then stood up. Alex sat flushed with the afterglow of her orgasm staring at her a large smile on her face.

  “So how was that cream tea?” she asked breathlessly.

  Smiling Rebecca made her way back around the table so that she could lay a passionate kiss on Alex’s lips letting Alex taste herself mixed with the strawberries and cream. When she pulled away she licked her lips and looked Alex up and down again.

  “Delicious, in fact I think I might be even able to manage seconds.” Winking at Alex she bent down and hugged her reaching for the jar of cream she had spotted on the counter. They weren’t going to leave the house any time soon.

  Icy Beginnings

  On the last night of her holiday Susan finally gets the nerve up to ask Rebecca out but with Rebecca working all the time in a bar made of ice time is of the essence.

  Susan pulled her hood up, sadly tonight was her final night and it weighed heavily on her mind. Deep down she knew all holidays must come to an end but that didn’t mean she had to like it. Making her way down the steps she clung to the handrail and breathed out slowly. Her breath hung in the air as the temperature dropped further. Thankful for the gloves and warm coat she glanced around the ice bar for the last time of her holiday. Stood already behind the bar was Rebecca her long brown hair hidden behind the fur covered hood that all staff wore. Everyone in the bar was dressed in the same coats to keep them warm in the ice cold temperatures and a large clock on the wall let them all know how long they had left in the room.

  Soft music played as Susan moved through the crowd of people that had already managed to claim their drinks and were now stood talking and admiring the ice sculptures that decorated every wall. She glanced at a few people but didn’t recognise anyone but then she didn’t suppose that people came every single night, especially when you had to pay to get into the bar in the first place.

  Reaching the bar she watched Rebecca skilfully mix a cocktail for someone her hands moving quickly, a blur of gloves and ice before she poured the contents of the mixer she had been shaking into an ice glass and pushed it over to its grateful owner.

  Susan waited until Rebecca turned to look at her, her heart hammering quickly. Rebecca smiled at her and leaned forward.

  “What will it be tonight?” Her voice was soft and caused a shiver of pleasure to run through Susan. Rebecca was the reason she kept coming back night after night but as of yet she hadn’t been able to act on her feelings, and now tonight was all she had.

  “The usual please.” She said breathlessly, it always took her a few minutes to recover from the shock of the cold. Pulling her hood up further over her head she breathed down into her coat trying to warm her mouth up. Rebecca smiled her deep plum lipstick sending Susan’s stomach growling hungrily desperately wanting to kiss her lips and hold her close. With a start she realised Rebecca had been saying something and shaking her head she pressed herself closer against the bar.

  “Sorry, it’s loud in here what did you say?” Susan watched desperate to act as Rebecca licked her lips her breath coming out in white clouds.

  “I said a Tropical Kiss then?”

  Susan bit her lip and nodded not trusting herself to say anything. All around her people moved and chatted excitedly but she wished they would all just leave allowing her to be alone with Rebecca. As she watched as Rebecca moved around the bar mixing various coloured liquids together into a pre-cooled mixer. When Susan had first visited the ice bar she hadn’t had a clue what to try and it was the first drink Rebecca had offered her. Since then it was the only drink she had had in the bar, even though she still didn’t quite know what was in it. It hadn’t really occurred to her to ask Rebecca she just enjoyed watching her make the drink and then the sweet pineapple and strawberry hit from the drink neither of which were overpowering and somehow worked really well with some other element she couldn’t quite work out.

  With a flick of her wrist Rebecca poured the mix into a waiting glass made of ice. The deep orange colour shone through the glass and very carefully Susan picked it up. Over the top of the glass she could see Rebecca gazing at her as she took a sip, her dark eyes watching her every movement. Nerves rushed through Susan and in one gulp she drank the whole thing. Rebecca blinked and then laughed softly as Susan tried to not cough as the alcohol hit the back of her throat and warmed her body up.

  “Are you alright?” S
he said after a while concern clear in her voice.

  Susan spluttered and let her cough escape as her eyes watered. The room span a little and she held onto the bar to steady herself. A hand took a firm grip on her arm but through her watering eyes she couldn’t see who it was that was holding her.

  “Come take a seat.” The voice was Rebecca’s and she blinked a number of times to try and see if it was her that was leading her now away from the bar. She took another deep breath and steadied herself. Rubbing her eyes and cleared her vision enough to see Rebecca crouched down next to her concern evident on her face.

  “Susan, are you okay?” she said softly making Susan’s stomach jump. Although she had given Rebecca her name when she had found out hers the last thing she had expected was that Rebecca would remember it.

  Susan nodded shaking a little, partly because of the drink but also because of how close Rebecca now was. Even through the coats they both wore she was certain she could feel Rebecca’s warmth and wanted her hands to be wandering all over her. She shivered with desire and bit her lip as she looked over to Rebecca.

  “Maybe you should head out of here? All this time in the cold isn’t good for you.” Rebecca said softly. To Susan it seemed like they were the only two in the room and her heart pounded. Tonight was her last night that she would be able to spend any time with Rebecca and to have it ripped away all because of a drink was more then she could bare. Taking a deep breath she looked at Rebecca and decided it was now or never, especially if she was going to be asked to leave the cold for her own safety.

  “Rebecca, I...” she paused not sure what to say, glancing around she noticed that no one was now really paying attention and had all gone back to their own conversations. Happy she wasn’t going to be overheard she leaned forward closer to Rebecca and continued “I’m travelling home tomorrow but would you like to go for a drink with me after your shift?” The question hung in the air as Rebecca blinked and sat back a little clearly surprised.


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