Sun, Sea and Seduction

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Sun, Sea and Seduction Page 5

by Nicole Gestalt

  Shifting my weight, I moved forward for another kiss but as I did the cheery voice of my next-door neighbor interrupted us. We both jumped away from one another, Sarah laughing as I span round to reply. By the time I turned back we realized that things weren’t going to go any further, at least not for the moment. We arranged to meet the next day and Sarah took my hand, squeezing it tightly before walking away down the street.

  I watched until she had turned the corner before I unlocked the door and headed in. Flopping down on my bed upstairs I smiled happily to myself, running my tongue over my lips enjoying the last remnants of her taste. Coffee and Coconuts again set my taste buds dancing; as far as I was concerned the next day couldn’t come fast enough. My clothes were still soaking wet so I quickly tugged them off me and lay back on the bed naked drying off naturally in the heat of my room. Closing my eyes I saw her standing in-front of me again her dress melting away until she was naked running her hands over her own body head thrown back as the rain splashed down over her. Her tongue running over her lips almost begging me to kiss them. In my mind I moved closer and placed quick hot kisses down her neck before taking a soft nipple in my mouth sucking gently causing her to moan out of her beautiful mouth the noises surrounding me as much as her scent did. Her mews of pleasure drove me on and I wrapped my other arm around her pressing her against me as I kissed and sucked her nipples teasing them into points. Moving away from her breasts I began to place kisses down her flat stomach delicately running my tongue over her hip bones and lower down over her soft mound breathing in the scent of coconuts and coffee that seemed to surrounded her totally. As I breathed her scent in my orgasm ripped through me tensing my body and sending me soaring her scent holding me close. When I came to it was all I could do to stop smiling Sarah consuming my thoughts.

  I couldn’t believe how right it had felt with her, and so quickly. It was the first of many meetings and encounters that I had with Sarah, spending every holiday together with one another until she moved in once we had both finished our university degrees. That meeting was also my first kiss with a girl, and I’ll never forget the taste of coffee and coconuts.

  Sweet Holidays

  On a surprise visit home Melanie is determined to make up time with Helen by bringing all the fun of a summer holiday to her.

  Twenty four hours was all that she had been able to get off from work, but pulling her overnight bag from the taxi she was determined to make each little hour worth it. Watching the taxi driver drive off she turned to face the front door she had been dreaming of for so long. It was a small apartment but one that they had made their own though Melanie was the first to admit it was mostly Helen’s influence. She had herself never had any sort of skill in decorating, though she could tell what she liked and what she didn’t, Helen on the other hand however seemed to intuitively know and understand exactly what would work in the space and what they would both like and enjoy.

  Unlocking the door she slipped in trying to be as quiet as possible. Helen should be out at work and not due back for an hour but she wasn’t going to take any chances that she’d walk in on her. Everything had to be just perfect. Helen had no idea that she was coming back, Melanie hadn’t had a chance to contact her but liked the idea of just surprising her. She hadn’t been home for four months and the aching she felt for Helen was becoming unbearable. It was the longest they had been apart and they were still only half way through her stint.

  Looking around the apartment she satisfied herself that Helen wasn’t in. Yet she was still surprised when she walked into the bedroom and breathed in the smell of Helen wafted around her making her stop in her tracks. Her body reacted instantly her legs becoming jelly as she ached to wrap her arms around Helen and pulls her close. A photograph on the bedside table caught her attention bringing tears to her eyes. Two smiling faces beamed looking out of the photograph; it was the last photograph of them taken together. Dropping her bag on the floor Melanie flopped forward onto the bed looking at the image. Helen’s pink face peeked out from a hat pulled down over her ears; a scarf wrapped tightly around her neck, Melanie was wrapped in equally fluffy and warm clothing as snow fell all around them. It was the coldest day they had had for a long time and had both ended up in the park throwing snow balls at one another, two days later Melanie had had the call that dragged her away from her lover and long-time partner.

  Drying her tears she pulled herself together and looked around the room. Helen, as she had expected, had kept the place spotless and exactly the same as it had been when she had left. Slipping off the bed she opened her overnight bag and pulled out the long stick of rock that she had bought especially for Helen. Grinning she placed it down on the bed and went to change, getting into shower allowing herself a small luxury before Helen arrived back.

  Not lingering she dragged herself away from the warm water and dressing again sat in the kitchen waiting knowing it wouldn’t be long.

  As the door opened Melanie turned and waited looking down the corridor. In a blur of bags and shopping Helen appeared at the top of the stairs looking flustered. Not noticing Melanie at first she got half way down the corridor before she noticed her. Watching her Melanie felt her heart pounding in her chest, Helen was dressed in a simple wrap around dress that complimented Helen’s body shape and allowed her ample breasts to be hidden but on show just teasingly enough. Melanie couldn’t hold back her wide smile as Helen froze clearly unsure as to what she was seeing. Slowly standing Melanie remained in the kitchen where she was not sure now that the moment had arrived what to do, neither of them spoke a lump in Melanie’s throat meant she didn’t even trust herself to make a noise. She knew there were already tears rolling down her face, and looking at Helen she could see tears running down hers also.

  Moments passed in silence neither sure what to do next before finally to Melanie’s relief Helen dropped the bags she was carrying and ran over to her sobbing. Catching Melanie wrapped her arms around her tightly, breathing in her scent and loving her warmth. She could feel Helen’s heart racing in her chest and knew hers was doing exactly the same.

  “What... what... are you doing here?” Helen’s words came out shakily punctuated by sobs of joy. Melanie’s heart ached but holding Helen so close she couldn’t ignore what her body now cried out for. There were too many clothes in the way and she didn’t like it.

  Without saying anything she picked Helen up effortlessly and walked into the bedroom where she reluctantly let go of her to place her down on the bed. Looking down at her she beamed her body aching for Helen’s touch, but she reminded herself they had lots of time for that there was still twenty hours left before she had to be back and she was going to take her time.

  “I have to back tomorrow, but until then I wanted to come and see you.” She replied huskily her words catching in her throat.

  Helen looked up at her and licked her lips, a small motion that made Melanie melt.

  “I needed to come and see you.” She said insistently, “I couldn’t be away from you any longer.” There were so many things she wanted to say and had prepared to say but now that Helen was in front of her she couldn’t get the words out and nothing seemed to work just as she had wanted it to. Realising no words she ever said would be good enough for this moment she gave up and bent forward running her hands up Helen’s legs.

  Pushing Helen’s legs apart Melanie had to fight with herself to go slowly letting herself remember every inch of Helen’s body. Nudging her legs apart Melanie moved up Helen’s legs placing quick kisses up them. Helen twisted and moaned as Melanie moved upward causing Melanie to grin and bit back a moan herself. Running her hands up Melanie placed her hands upon Helen’s thighs trying to prevent her from moving as she reached her goal. Running her tongue up the thin fabric Melanie nuzzled the area breathing in deeply, a scent she had missed and ached for. Gently pulling the fabric away with her teeth she darted forward with her tongue unable to hold herself back. Pushing her tongue forward she lapped uncontrollably for a
few moments giving in to her emotions and needs completely before she found the strength to hold herself back.

  Pulling away she looked at Helen who had a look of complete disappointment and confusion on her face. Grinning Melanie let the confusion linger before finally she reached over to the side of the bed and picked up the long stick of rock she had brought back. Allowing Helen to see it she ran her hands up the brightly coloured rock of sugar shot through with cherry red in the words ‘I love you’. Surrounding red was a pure white then a coating of the brightest yellows, blues and reds. A holiday indulgence bought to be taken away as a reminder of the holiday or in this case to be brought back for a brand new memory to make up for those lost holidays.

  Melanie rolled down the protective plastic throwing it to one side before removing the small piece of paper decorated with an old fashioned view of the seaside she had come back from. Teasingly with her eyes completely focused upon Helen’s she placed a small amount of rock in her mouth running her tongue over the edge. Running her tongue up the rock she focused on removing the sharp edges making sure it was smooth her eyes upon Helen who looked more intrigued then confused.

  Once Melanie was satisfied there were no sharp edges she wriggled back down the bed holding Helen’s legs open again with a grin she ran the rock up Helen’s legs leaving a glistening trail of sugar. Melanie felt her heart pound and her own pussy twitch in response as Helen bit her lip and moaned deeply.

  Pushing the rock achingly slowly into Helen her whole body shook and she gasped in a delicious way that Melanie found so enticing she couldn’t draw her eyes from her. Preventing the rock from entering her any further Melanie froze enjoying teasing Helen as the gasp of pleasure turned into a moan of frustration.

  Only when Helen began to rock her hips back and forth did Melanie continue. Pushing the rock deeper Helen moaned louder throwing her head back her hands grasping at the bedding.

  “You like that?” Melanie spoke in a low voice not wanting to break the moment.

  Whimpering Helen nodded and with a soft moan Melanie gently pulled the rock back towards her drawing it almost all the way out of Helen before pushing it back matching Helen’s hip movements. Helen seemed to desperately wriggle trying to push herself back down onto the rock but Melanie placed her hand firmly upon Helen’s body and prevented her from moving focusing solely on moving the rock in and out rocking it a little as she did so, so that her hand pressed up against Helen’s clit.

  As Melanie built up a rhythm Helen’s hands ran lower her fingers seeking out her clit letting Melanie focus on moving the rock faster. Watching Helen Melanie saw the colour flush into her cheeks, her breathing became ragged signs Melanie was very familiar with. Knowing Helen was close to the edge Melanie shifted her weight and bent down running her tongue up Helen’s thighs pausing when she got to the rock. Slowly pulling it out she replaced it with her own tongue flicking it over Helen’s clit and darting inward between her folds relishing in the sweet tasting juices.

  Helen’s cries began to quickly fill the room urging Melanie on lapping at her faster until she felt Helen’s entire body tremble, hands grasped at the top of her head holding her still as Helen rode out the orgasm that Melanie knew was ripping through her body.

  Only when Helen’s grip on her head subsided did she finally move away. Sitting up she looked down at Helen and smiled.

  “I love you.”

  Helen’s cheeks were flushed and her breathing still ragged but she had a look of absolute bliss on her that Melanie had missed so much. Running her tongue back over the stick of rock she sucked it clean as she gazed down at her love knowing this wouldn’t be the only time today that she would look like this she had much more planned and was going to enjoy every moment of it.

  The Cure

  Stricken with sea-sickness Katie wonders why a cruise was a good idea for a holiday! Then however she meets Chloe who turns out to be the cure she’s been looking for.

  The boat shifted under her feet and Katie groaned clutching the handrail tighter. Of all the things she could have done on her holiday why did she have to pick one that would make her ill? She knew the answer deep down but now as the world seemed to be spinning and she fought hard to keep her breakfast down, the ship pulled out of the harbour she wasn’t completely convinced cruising was for her.

  Taking a deep breath she risked a glimpse around her. None of her friends were in sight having abandoned her for the excitement of the ship. No doubt they were all busy in the ample shops aboard. The ship lurched again and she shut her eyes tightly, desperately trying to not throw up. With her eyes closed she didn’t see the need for the ship to bank sharply as it made its way out of the harbour. She tried to tighten her grip on the handrail but it slipped out and in the self-imposed dark she lost all sense of where she was. She bumped against unseen objects that moved out of her way before warm arms caught her and wrapped themselves around her.

  “Woah there. Are you alright?” For a moment Katie forgot her seasickness as a soft warming voice surrounded her. Taking a deep breath to steady herself she tasted oranges and a hint of chocolate which was the first flavour that didn’t add to her sea-sickness. The boat straightened and she felt more able to stand up although she did it slowly, reluctant to move away from her saviour. Finally she opened her eyes and saw a soft concerned face looking at her. Strawberry coloured hair tied back with a brightly coloured scarf and a deep tan contrasting with soft blue eyes that were so light they looked grey in the sun.

  “Sea-Sickness.” Was the only thing she could say all her words vanishing as she looked at the woman and her deep red lips glistening. The woman smiled and still holding onto Katie led her to one of the many seats upon the deck.

  “Come sit down, whenever I suffer from seasickness I’ve always found talking helps. It gives your mind something else to think about.”

  Katie let herself be led along and sat without protest unwilling to look away from the woman who captivated her.

  “Chloe.” The woman said once they had sat down offering her hand she grinned a wide bright smile and in a daze Katie took her hand shaking it.

  “Katie.” She squeaked feeling suddenly like a school girl again and oddly too formal.

  “Is this your first cruise?” Chloe said her voice so low that Katie had to really focus on it to be able to hear it.

  “Yes, me and my friends decided to do something different for our holiday.”

  “Oh,” she said moving away a little “So you’re here with someone else then?” disappointment was evident in her voice and she spoke a bit louder meaning Katie didn’t have to sit so close to her. Although Katie didn’t immediately move away instead she bit her lip and shook her head.

  “No, I mean yes... I’m here with others but I’m not here with anyone as such. We’re all just friends and nothing more.” Katie realised she was babbling but wanted nothing more than to see the smile come back on Chloe’s face. She didn’t see how Chloe reacted to the news that she was single as the boat lurched drawing her attention back to how ill she felt and the fact that she was on the sea. Closing her eyes tight she fought the sense of nausea rising. She could feel Chloe’s warm breath on her cheek and she could tell that Chloe had now moved closer to her.

  “Well that’s good because I’m not with anyone either. What’s your favourite sexual act?” Came a voice so husky and filled with lust at first it was only her voice that made Katie’s stomach flip. Then as the words sank in she opened her eyes in shock the nausea completely forgotten.

  “What?” she squeaked blinking as Chloe’s lips gently brushed over her earlobe.

  “I think mine is stripping really slowly for my partner, watching her eyes filling with desire as I peel away my clothes.” Chloe’s voice whispered her lips continuing to brush against Katie’s ear. There was an edge to her voice that held Katie’s attention completely and she found herself on tenterhooks waiting for Chloe to speak again.

  As for her words, Katie was overjoyed to hear C
hloe speak of another woman, and even more so that she was single Katie hesitated unsure of the best way to react.

  “Have you ever had anyone strip for you?” Chloe asked. Katie swallowed hard and shook her head a movement that caused Chloe’s lips to be next to hers so she did so. Katie paused torn between acting on impulse and the desires coursing through her and listening to her head and the fact that she knew nothing of Chloe other than her name and penchant for stripping for people. She leant forward a little but the moment had gone and Chloe’s lips weren’t where they had been.

  “Would you like someone too?”

  Images of Chloe semi-naked filled Katie’s head.

  “I... well... I’ve never thought about it.” She spluttered the images now dancing around in front of her.

  Chloe laughed and ran a finger down Katie’s cheek.

  “What about it then?”

  “What about what?” Katie looked at her in confusion. She wasn’t used to people talking to her rather than her friends and she was certainly not used to someone coming on so strong.

  “Would you like to see me strip for you. Be sat in a chair unable to move whilst I slowly strip each layer of clothing. Running my hands over myself teasing my nipples for you, with you watching helpless to join in whilst I pleasure myself for you. Would you like that?”

  Katie gaped at her as Chloe sat close to her her eyes holding Katie’s confused gaze. Soft blue eyes watched her and Katie wondered if in Chloe’s mind she was already stripping for her.

  “I...” she stammered out and then before she could answer anymore she was saved by familiar voices.

  “So! Were you sick this time?” Bethany’s voice reached her. A look of disappointment flashed over Chloe’s face as she sat back sharply.”


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