Wulf and the Bounty Hunter

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Wulf and the Bounty Hunter Page 1

by Gail Koger

  Table of Contents

  Title Page




  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Loose Id Titles by Gail Koger

  Gail Koger

  Coletti Warlords 6:


  Gail Koger


  Coletti Warlords 6: Wulf and the Bounty Hunter

  Copyright © October 2016 by Gail Koger

  All rights reserved. This copy is intended for the original purchaser of this e-book ONLY. No part of this e-book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form without prior written permission from Loose Id LLC. Please do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials in violation of the author's rights. Purchase only authorized editions.

  Image/art disclaimer: Licensed material is being used for illustrative purposes only. Any person depicted in the licensed material is a model.

  eISBN 9781682522271

  Editor: Kierstin Cherry

  Cover Artist: Mina Carter

  Published in the United States of America

  Loose Id LLC

  PO Box 170549

  San Francisco CA 94117-0549


  This e-book is a work of fiction. While reference might be made to actual historical events or existing locations, the names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.


  This e-book contains sexually explicit scenes and adult language and may be considered offensive to some readers. Loose Id LLC’s e-books are for sale to adults ONLY, as defined by the laws of the country in which you made your purchase. Please store your files wisely, where they cannot be accessed by under-aged readers.

  * * * *

  DISCLAIMER: Please do not try any new sexual practice, especially those that might be found in our BDSM/fetish titles without the guidance of an experienced practitioner. Neither Loose Id LLC nor its authors will be responsible for any loss, harm, injury or death resulting from use of the information contained in any of its titles.


  This book is dedicated to my parents.


  I want to express my appreciation to my awesome readers.


  I was ten years old, alone on an alien planet, and desperate. I hadn’t eaten in two days, and I was so hungry I could eat a deet worm. I knew sneaking into a spaceport tavern was a bad idea, but if something went wrong, I could outrun a drunk male easily. I gathered my courage and slipped inside.

  A gasp escaped me. The bar was full of Coletti and Askole warriors. Stealing from one of them was beyond stupid, but I didn’t know what else to do. Father was locked up for assaulting an enforcer, and my brothers were on the outer rim fighting in the latest war. The port authorities had impounded our ship, locking me out. All I wanted was a hot meal and my own bed.

  The interior of the crowded tavern was dimly lit, making it easy for me to blend into the shadows. A tremor of alarm shook me. The warriors carried more weapons than my father, but I was a ten-year-old kid, and they wouldn’t shoot me. Would they? I froze in horror when one warrior eyed me curiously. His face and battle suit were splattered with blood. Had they just come from a war?

  Leaving suddenly seemed like a good idea. My gaze fixed on the grimy counter. Oh, thank the Goddess! Some fool had left his credit chip lying out. Edging closer, I mentally scanned the huge Coletti warrior sitting on the bar stool. The chip was probably his. One of the dancers was rubbing her breasts all over his face. The warrior really liked it. I frowned. Huh? He wanted his snake thingy inside the dancer’s tunnel? He had a snake? And why would he want to put it in her tunnel?

  I eased out of his mind and with a practiced move swiped his credit chip.

  A big hand clamped around my wrist. He growled in Galactic Basic, “Put it back.”

  “No.” I bit his hand and kicked him in the shin with my bionic foot.

  The Coletti warrior roared in fury, dumped the dancer on the floor, and grabbed me.

  The indignant dancer jumped up and threw the warrior’s drink in his face. “Bastard.” She flounced off.

  Taking advantage of the distraction, I punched him in the belly with my bionic right arm and tried to break free.

  The warrior hooted. “You think you can beat Wulf the Mighty, small one?”

  Balock’s balls! I turned on the tears and wailed loud enough that everyone stopped drinking to stare at us.

  “Tears won’t work on me,” Wulf sneered.

  My temper flared to life. The big bully was about to get the surprise of his life. Bracing myself against the bar, I reared back and kicked Wulf in the chest. He flew backward and slammed into a table full of Askole.

  The enormous Askole warriors jumped to their feet, and the fight was on. Chairs, tables, and bodies flew in every direction.

  I grinned in delight. My bionic legs had gotten me out of more scrapes than I could count.

  The Askole were moving so fast all I could see were black blurs as their terrifying claws flashed in a dizzying display of death. Those who didn’t get out of the way fast enough got cut up.

  Wulf simply teleported in and out, avoiding the Askole warriors’ deadly claws and fangs. Teleporting looked like so much fun. I wanted to do it too. I bet my father could find someone to teach me. I mean, I was psychic, and so was Wulf. How difficult could it be?

  Ducking a warrior’s flying foot, I slipped out the back door. My psychic senses flared to life. I rubbed my head. It felt like hundreds of fire ants tromping across my mind. It was great having an early warning system, but did it have to hurt so much? Plus, all I knew was something bad was coming my way. I hid behind a large metal trash bin.

  The sky was suddenly full of armored shuttles. A glittery blue light engulfed the street. When it faded, a dozen enforcers stood there. They rushed into the bar.

  Ha! Wulf the Mighty would get his butt tossed in jail.

  Weapons fire and shouts sounded from inside the bar. A minute later, battered and bleeding enforcers were tossed headfirst into the street.

  My relief was replaced by shock. I psychically scanned the bar. Holy Goddess, the enforcers were definitely losing the fight. Father had said the Coletti and Askole warriors were almost impossible to defeat. I hurried down the walkway.

  Wulf teleported outside the bar and pointed at me. “You! Stop!”

  One look at his bared fangs, and I fled into the busy marketplace. Weaving around the vendors’ carts, I scooted under a peddler’s table.

  The Coletti hurled the heavily loaded table across the courtyard.

  Screams, shrieks, and curses rang out as everyone ran for their lives. I couldn’t really blame them; Wulf had big, scary fangs.

  Whoa! I scrabbled backward as Wulf lunged for me. His h
and missed me by inches. I rolled under a vendor’s cart.

  “You cannot escape.” The vendor’s cart was abruptly heaved upward and launched at a squad of enforcers. Smack! Down they went with their arms and legs wriggling frantically under the heavy weight.

  Goddess save me. I quickly crawled under another table, flinching as it also went flying.

  Wulf seized the back of my jacket and yanked me to my feet. “You kick or bite me again, and I will put you over my knee.” He shook me like a rag doll. “Do you understand?”

  “Yes, my lord.”

  “Give me the chip.”

  With a submissive nod, I held it out. When the dumbass reached for it, I grabbed his outstretched hand and tossed him over my shoulder.

  Splash! The Coletti landed in the wishing pool. He shot to his feet covered in long red weeds.

  It was the funniest thing I had ever seen. Giggling hysterically, I ran down a narrow alley and slammed into a very wet Wulf.

  He laughed as I fought to break free. “You cannot outrun a Coletti, small one.”

  I made a rude noise.

  Wulf pulled a device off his weapons belt and scanned my body. “How did you lose your limbs?”

  “Tai-Kok,” I spat.

  His fierce scowl melted away. “How old are you?”


  “What’s your name?”

  “Yakira.” I wiggled, testing his grip. Father had decreased the power in my bionics because I kept getting into fights. If I was at full strength, the Coletti would have never caught me.

  Wulf patted me down and took the chip back. “Why did you take my chip?”

  My stomach growled. “I’m hungry.”

  “Where’s your father?”

  I glared at him.

  Wulf thrust into my mind. I threw up my shields, stunned at how easily he breached them. “You are strong for one so young.”

  “Get out of my head.”


  A shudder shook me. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t stop him from sifting through my memories.

  Wulf vanished from my head. “The male you call your father is not taking proper care of you.”

  I drew an angry breath and snarled, “I’m a warrior. I don’t need anyone to take care of me.”

  Amusement lit Wulf’s eyes. “My pardon. You are a truly ferocious warrior.” Taking a firm grip on my hand, he led me over to an outdoor café. “What do you want to eat?”

  He was going to feed me? Why? I had stolen from him. I eyed him suspiciously. “You aren’t going to kill me?”

  “No. I do not harm children.” He plopped me on a chair.

  Huh? Who knew?

  A Hus Ping waitress, who I thought resembled a five-hundred-pound Earth teddy bear, rushed up. “Ready to order?”

  “Skil cakes with Ru sausage,” I said quickly before Wulf could change his mind.

  She cast a jittery look at Wulf. “And you, my lord?”

  “I’ll take an Ome steak and your best ale.”

  “Yes, my lord.” She scurried off.

  Wulf’s amber gaze studied me. “Your father is Bjarke, a Norse clan warrior, but you appear to be human.”

  I shrugged. “Never heard of humans.” A memory skittered across my mind. Screaming. Awful cries that seemed to go on forever. Blood. I shivered. There had been so much blood. Gutted bodies scattered over the ground like broken dolls. A red-haired woman desperately fought her way through the Tai-Kok. Her green eyes were focused on me.

  Wulf was suddenly there, examining the images. “Is that your mother?”

  The memory vanished abruptly. “My mother is dead.”

  “Who told you that?”

  “My father.”

  “He’s not your blood kin,” Wulf stated.

  “Father rescued me from the Tai-Kok ship and raised me as his own. I owe him my life.”

  The waitress placed our food on the table. I stuffed an entire skil cake in my mouth and chewed frantically.

  “Easy, young one, you can eat as much as you want.”

  I kept on munching. He wanted something from me, but what? I swallowed and reached for a sausage. “Really?”

  He nodded. “A Coletti never lies.”

  “Can I see your snake?”

  Wulf choked on his drink. “My what?”

  “Snake. The one you wanted to put in the dancer’s tunnel. Is it in your pocket?”

  He stared at me for a long moment in utter disbelief. “Impossible. Totally impossible.”

  “It’s not in your pocket?”


  “Where is it?”

  “On my warbird,” Wulf said curtly and began mucking about in my head.

  “Stop! That tickles.”

  He halted abruptly, a baffled expression on his face.

  I looked at him hopefully. “I’ve never seen a snake before. What color is it?”

  “This can’t be happening.” Wulf drained his drink and motioned to the waitress for another. “You’re too young.”

  A crackling red energy beam struck Wulf in the back. He fell to the floor as violent muscle spasms shook his body.

  My brothers Colburn, Ivar, and Loki strode toward me, wearing body armor. Their long purple hair was braided for war.

  My message must have finally reached them at the battlefront. “How did you find me?”

  “We followed the trail of destruction,” Loki answered.

  I stuck my tongue out at him.

  Colburn scooped me up. “Time to leave. You have attracted the Overlord’s attention.”

  “Me? Why?” I grabbed the last skil cake.

  Loki ran a gentle hand over my hair. “Because you are one of a kind.”

  Wulf struggled to rise. “She belongs to me. I can protect her.”

  “No. You can’t.” Ivar kicked him in the face, slamming Wulf’s head back against the pavement.

  I winced. “Why does he think I belong to him?”

  “Coletti warriors are insane. You see one. You run.” Colburn raised my chin and looked me dead in the eye. “Do you understand?”

  “Yes.” I glared at him when he took a bite of my skil cake.

  I didn’t see Wulf again for ten years. Not that he and the Coletti didn’t try to find me, but my family was very, very good at hiding me.

  Chapter One

  I became a bounty hunter at the age of twenty. It wasn’t like I had a choice. My father and brothers had been arrested again. This time for smuggling. To my utter disgust the enforcers impounded our ship again. I tried to explain the ship was in dry dock for repairs and hadn’t been used to smuggle Avici, a banned ale, but they didn’t care. They simply arrested me too.

  Big mistake. I kicked my way out of their transport vehicle and led the enforcers on a merry chase. When their stun nets failed to trap me, the rat bastards started shooting. Like I was some kind of big-time criminal? My family smuggled ale for Goddess’s sake, not Shivet warheads. Tired of being shot at, I gave the enforcers a bigger prey to deal with. A very dangerous weapons dealer-slash-terrorist. The rather spectacular shootout was featured on the news vids for days.

  I needed a quick way to raise a million credits for my family’s bail, and bounty hunting was the logical choice. I had helped Loki on several of his hunts, and it didn’t look all that hard. I sneaked back into our ship and logged into the hunters’ database. Twenty minutes later, I found the perfect target. Gulog the Mad, and oh, Goddess, his bounty was three million credits. I’d even have enough left over to get my bionics upgraded.

  My eyes widened in horror. “Balock’s balls.” He was wanted for twelve counts of murder. No wonder most hunters avoided him. Only the truly insane or desperate went after someone that lethal.

  I let out a long sigh. Just call me desperate. Hmmm. According to the report, the enforcers had been summoned to the Sagas Inn for a fight. They’d found Gulog the Mad kicking the crap out of several patrons. When the enforcers tried to arrest him, they quickly found out Gu
log was truly mad. He killed twelve enforcers before fleeing. The enforcers’ error was in using force.

  Me? I wouldn’t make the same mistake. I had a nifty blowgun disguised as a necklace. The long black metal tubes held darts guaranteed to knock out a rampaging Gourman, a nasty wolflike creature. With my very best friend Ziyad’s help, Gulog the Mad’s bounty would soon be mine.

  Finding Gulog the Mad shouldn’t be hard. I thought about where my brothers would go if they were horny and thirsty. The Sharqi Pleasure Palace, of course. It was a male’s wet dream. Species from every corner of the galaxy swarmed the dimly lit, disgustingly gaudy interior. All with two thoughts on their feeble minds. Sex and booze. Not a problem since the joint had plenty of willing females and a fully stocked bar. All I had to do was wait for Gulog to show.

  I approached the bartender and asked for a job. His lecherous gaze crawled over my long purple hair with its red roots, my petite frame and full breasts. He spit a stream of brown liquid on the floor. “Pay’s fifty credits a day.”

  What a cheap bastard. “We keep our tips?”

  The bartender nodded. “You can change in the back.” He tossed me a costume and a link to input drink orders.

  I hurried into the back room. After a quick look around to make sure I was alone, I stripped off my tunic and loose trousers and squeezed into the costume. The scarlet corset pushed my breasts up until they threatened to spill out of the low-cut blouse. The itty-bitty skirt barely covered my ass. None of the shoes fit, so I left my boots on. One look in the mirror, and I grimaced. All I needed was a sword, and I’d look like that slutty warrior princess on the vids.

  After five long hours of dodging grabby paws, claws, and slimy tentacles, Gulog the Mad finally showed. About friggin’ time.


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