Bubblegum Bimbos: The Complete Series

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Bubblegum Bimbos: The Complete Series Page 4

by Sasha Scott

  “Another late night?” he asked her, taking Kat off guard as she simply presumed there was no way he would be up so late.

  “What’s it to you!?” she snapped back, “Gonna try and play the daddy card now?”

  In no way was he a father figure to her. To describe him as a stepfather would be a huge disservice to those men who had helped to raise children not of their own blood. Samuel was simply her mother’s new boyfriend.

  “You know your mom is worried about you Katherine. How about you knock off all this angsty crap and settle down and be a good girl for a change?”

  His patronizing words infuriated the rebellious Kat. While she didn’t like her mom on the outside there was still a part of her which loved her hidden below her angry nature. However there was no part of her which liked Samuel.

  He was a handsome man in his mid twenties with a toned body and thick, black, hair to match up with his slightly tanned complexion. Compared to her mature mother he was something of a catch in the looks department which naturally alerted her to what his true motivation probably was; money.

  Kat’s family was very rich thanks to her mother’s big job and it was clear that the unemployed Samuel was just leeching on that wealth to live the good life. That was something Kat rightfully detested.

  “I don’t want to hear that from a money grabbing asshole like you!” she snarled as she stormed away, thick biker boots making quite the racket. Just looking at him made her even angrier.

  Samuel didn’t share her frustrations. He just watched her go with a small smirk. After all if his plan worked he wouldn’t have to be worrying about her attitude problems any longer.

  After a long night’s sleep, Kat’s eyes finally began to creep open, catching the rays of light shining in from the curtains.

  While it was morning to her it was actually early in the afternoon in reality. Seeing as she also didn’t have a job and was also somebody who made good use out of the family piggy bank, Kat was free to rise and sleep whenever she saw fit which was why her social life usually took place in unsociable hours while the day was spent in dreamland.

  Feeling rested after only getting back in the dying hours, Kat dragged herself up from her bed and slowly got herself ready for another day of doing whatever she felt like.

  Her versions of the morning was the only time that she wasn’t caught wearing the biker boots, cut denim and black leather she usually wore, as she instead shuffled around comfortably in some baggy shorts and a vest top. However even then the marks of her lifestyle remained.

  The fact that her hair was short, blue and messy was a clear indication of the kind of girl she was even in normal clothing. Her piercings all over, in her tongue, lips, nose, eyebrows and belly button were also a sign, as well as the many in her ears. The tattoos she had gotten on her back and right arm simply ticked off another on the checklist.

  Despite all her accessories she was still a pretty young girl with pale skin and a petite, toned, body. Alternative fashion didn’t make her look any less beautiful, it was mainly her attitude which was a problem.

  When she ventured downstairs to grab some breakfast she’d probably have gotten into a quick fight with Samuel if he’d been present but luckily he was absent from her eyesight which allowed her the chance to grab a meal and then escape back to her room for some privacy.

  Before she departed from the kitchen she opened up her favorite draw to grab a fresh packet of gum. She was always chewing on the stuff after all and made sure the house was kept well stocked. However on this day there was only one packet remaining and it didn’t look like her usual brand. She’d never willingly buy a packet of bright, pink, gum.

  Even though it wasn’t her usual brand, gum was gum so she decided to bring it with her anyway, needing to restock later. After all what was the worst that could happen?

  After polishing off her breakfast and taking care of some others bits and bobs, Kat was wasting away the rest of the day just hanging around in her room. She’d get changed and head out later, until then she was just gonna chill and listen to some music.

  With her door locked to make sure the leech couldn’t disturb her, Kat turned on her favorite playlist and lounged on her bed, entering into relaxation mode.

  As usual this was the time when she decided to keep her mouth occupied, so she ripped open the packet of gum she’d snatched from the kitchen and plucked out one of the strips. Even without sniffing it she could smell a whiff of strawberries flowing free. Quite a nice flavor, one she happily filled her mouth with.

  The small scent she had picked up didn’t quite do justice to the strength of the flavor. It basically exploded out when she chewed it between her teeth and ran across it with her tongue. It was actually quite delicious, really sweet.

  Kat wasn’t really the kind of girl who went hand in hand with sweet things but this particular gum was really pleasing to her tastebuds and it helped her to settle her head down into rest and relaxation.

  Idly she chewed on the delectable bubblegum as her favorite songs flowed out and filled up the room. Now this was the life.

  Her head began to feel warm and cosy as the flavor stained all across her tongue, the bubbliness trapped within being released into Kat. It helped her mind to wander off into a state of daydreaming.

  Everything was fuzzy as the music seemed to melt into the atmosphere as her body entered into a state of relaxation that she wasn’t used to. It was like her mind was slowly tumbling into a trance.

  Lightly she chewed on the strawberry flavored treat, a trickle of saliva leaking from the corner of her lips as her eyes stared up blankly to the ceiling. At that moment she felt wonderful, she felt happy, she felt relaxed and she knew it. Why was she feeling that way then but she didn’t usually feel that way? How come she never felt like this normally?

  Kat’s mind slowly settled onto an answer. It was her anger.

  She was a person who allowed her emotions to come to the surface and the emotion she had decided to embrace was wrath; she felt enraged about the world. Society was a rotten thing and it filled her with fury. Just thinking about it was starting to make her blood boil. It was stressing out her mind and was making her feel bad.

  On instinct she reached out and swiped up a fresh strip of gum which she added to the first, giving her tastebuds a sudden strawberry surge, a rush which spread to her head and helped to quell her racing emotions. It made her feel much better.

  In this moment of clarity she began to wonder to herself, why did she strive to feel angry and rebellious all the time if it made her feel so rotten? What was so good about being constantly wrathful that she was prepared to feel bad?

  Her brain didn’t seem to have any response.

  Kat began to consider if things would be better if she removed all the negativity. Would she not feel happier if she acted like a happier person?

  She began to think over scenarios that made her mad, situations with had flipped her switch. What if she’d simply embraced it with a smile? She thought back to the argument she’d had with Samuel the night before. Her body refused to tumble soundly to sleep after that she was so on edge. If she’d acted nice and acted reasonably she probably could have fluttered off like an angel.

  Every scenario she saw was the same. If she allowed her happiness to flow then her mind could feel at ease.

  Kat began to fidget around in place, her relaxation being disturbed. It didn’t seem to be anything to do with the tasty gum, nor her peaceful daydreams. Whatever could it be? Really there was only one thing and that was her music.

  With a groan she lifted her head up and rose up from her trance, paying more attention to her rock music. The tune was heavy and rash, the lyrics were vulgar and angry. This was her favorite playlist but for some reason it just wasn’t sitting right with her at that time. She wanted something else.

  Still desiring some tunes, she flicked through her music player for something else to listen to. None of her playlists looked appealing, they were all just t
he same stuff. She really wasn’t in the mood for it.

  In the end she managed to discover something that pleased her scattered brain. It was a playlist she’d made when she was much younger which must have snuck under the radar from transfer to transfer. Unlike her current music preference this particular set was filled with catchy, girly, pop songs, the type she used to like before she became a teenager. It’d been such a long time since she’d listened to any of them so she hit play and hopped back onto her bed.

  The cheery melody’s which played through the speaker really took her back, back to those days before puberty when she was a happy girl and not a grumpy teen. How had she allowed herself to get so rage filled?

  Kat filled her mouth with another piece of gum and dipped deep into relaxation, allowing her mind to remember a happier time and consider where things had gone wrong.

  It was when she entered those teenage years that Kat began to rebel against her mother. She began to fight against her for being a single mother, and for spending so much time working; Kat used the lack of supervision to turn into a spoilt brat.

  That was at least six years ago too, six years of being a bitch.

  Did she really hate her mother? No, of course not. Her mom worked hard and earned lots of money so that Kat could live comfortably. Lots of people would be lucky to be Kat’s position and there she was spitting it back in her mom’s face. She had to be more grateful.

  In her mind she said thanks, thank you mommy for looking after your daughter. After all Kat did like being looked after. Maybe she’d just been attention seeking all along because she wanted to be cared for, to be pampered? Despite the fact she decorated herself in black leather and piercings, perhaps the way she really wanted to be treated was like a princess.

  When she was much younger she was the only child and was naturally doted on. She missed those days, she missed them so much.

  As a fresh strip entered her lips she imagined herself not in the harsh clothing she had filling her wardrobe but in a pretty, girly, dress, looking so cute. Just thinking about it brought a smile to her lips.

  She didn’t have anything she wanted to do in life. She’d never had any dreams of aspirations. Maybe this was why? Maybe she secretly wanted to live her life as a pampered princess.

  While she was a grouch there was no way a princess would be so angry. Princesses were always happy, always calm, always peaceful. Princesses didn’t allow their rage to boil over, the only emotions they showed were positive ones.

  Being a princess would be so nice, so easy. All she’d have to do was be nice, be pretty and be well behaved and she could be happy. Kat wanted to be happy.

  With the bubbly pop songs filling up the air around her, and a fresh surge of strawberry being allowed to melt into her tastebuds, Kat’s mind sunk deeper into her happy princess fantasy world. There was no way a princess would be caught covered in piercings with short, punky, hair. She began to imagine what Princess Kat would look like.

  Instead of having boyish, blue, hair that always looked a mess, Kat’s fantasy image had long, flowing, silky blonde locks which shimmered in the sun. As her mind pictured her body reacted.

  The bubbly bimbo making juices that the gum was filled with began to warp her body to satisfy the desires of her fuzzy mind.

  As she set her sights on blonde hair that cascaded down her upper back and down over her shoulders, her own locks began to grow longer and the color began to change from that unnatural aqua dye to a honey golden shimmer, like straight out of a fairy tale.

  Her body tingled in delight as her hair increased in length and quality to match the image in her mind, not that she noticed a thing. Instead her mind just felt all warm and mushy and moved onto the next focus point.

  Kat’s lifestyle of lounging around all day and living by the night, as well as all the thick makeup she wore, had made her skin paler. That didn’t suit a princess at all. Princesses didn’t try and make their skin snow white, they instead wanted to make themselves peachy and blushed. As her mind raced her cheeks began to develop color.

  The pale, almost grey, complexion that she’d developed was returned back to a warm tone that was only further emphasized by the cheery red glow of her cheeks. Yeah, that was more like it.

  Of course her body gave a thought to her piercings, all those metallic pieces all over her face, but it wasn’t something she lingered on. After all the piercings were something she could easily take out, something she could remove. Really they weren’t an issue, unlike her tattoos.

  While piercings were as simple as removing and allowing to heal, the ink which stained her skin was permanent. There was no way a good princess could have a tattoo sleeve filled with skulls, or the wings she had decorating her back. Why had she thought such things would look cool? In her happy place it all seemed repulsive.

  Luckily for Kat her body began to calm as she imagined her tattoos melting away, vanishing into thin air. Little did she know the real life was matching up in perfect synch with her thoughts, the ink draining from her skin.

  Kat’s bubbly brain kept idly wandering through fantasy. If she had a warm complexion, blonde locks and none of those nasty tattoos, she would look pretty princess like, certainly much better than she did already but there was still something missing, she just knew it.

  She didn’t even really need to think, in a moment of clarity the answer just came to her. If she wanted to be the best princess she would need to be even prettier.

  Her face was already a beautiful thing that men would adore, especially in the right makeup and without all those piercings. The only part letting her down was that petite body. Men didn’t like skinny little things, they liked sexy hourglass bombshells.

  A small voice right in the back of her mind wondered why she was suddenly so focused on what men thought but that bit of momentary resistance was quickly quelled by a new, fresh, piece of bubblegum.

  It was so obvious. Princesses needed to care what men thought because it was their duty to serve their kings. Their men pampered them and in return they offered their obedience. If a princess wasn’t sexy then her king wouldn’t be pleased. She had to be as hot as possible for her sake, and for her man’s sake.

  With that in mind she shaped her perfect princess body in her head, one that was transferred into reality with her as the target.

  Naturally if she wanted to look as pleasing on the eye as possible she would have to have huge tits. Men simply adored busty women so to be as hot as she could be she’d have to be stacked enough that no man could miss it.

  Her vest top quickly became a sports bra of sorts as her chest began to race up through the cup sizes, inflating like two plush balloons, growing to match her fantasy which meant surpassing what was common and moving onto the rare sizes only seen in adult movies. By the time her mind was satisfied her breasts had managed to hit a G cup, a fitting letter for giant tits.

  While a bust that big was sure to draw the eye she knew she’d look silly having such a hefty chest and narrow hips. Her next focus was on delivering balance, on expanding her bottom half.

  She purred in happiness as her mind felt pleased, her head satisfied by the way her ass was growing, her cheeks increasing in size, softness and weight, turning a tiny round rump into a big, juicy, bubble butt which would wobble with every step she took.

  Naturally her petite hips wouldn’t be able to handle carrying around such a jiggly booty so they spread outwards to accommodate, helping to give her a full, hourglass, figure that was sure to get men excited.

  So a blonde, pretty, busty, warm, hourglass shaped, bombshell. That seemed like the perfect princess to Kat and that she had become.

  Consciously she was still unaware that her appearance matched her ideals but that didn’t stop her from feeling happy and warm all over. For some reason she really wanted to go and find Samuel to show him how she looked.

  Samuel? Why Samuel? Kat didn’t even like Samuel. Why did she suddenly have such a strong pinning for him?
/>   Luckily for the fragile little girl, her worries were easily eradicated by her body instinctively taking another piece of gum. The overpowering strawberry flavor helped keep her head empty, and empty meant happy.

  It only made sense to show Samuel because he was the man of the house. If she was a princess then that made him the king. A princess had to look pretty for her king.

  As her blue eyes opened back up, the entire world cloaked in a rose tint that kept her dumb and docile, her mission became clear. First she had to remove all of her piercings and then she had to make herself pretty and find Samuel. Her body and mind commanded so.

  Samuel was relaxing in the lounge, watching a TV marathon, when he heard the sound of heels clicking over the wooden floor. If he was unlucky he was about to get yelled at. If he was lucky then all his problems were solved.

  “Like heya Samuel,” the giggly voice of the only woman in the house called over to him.


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