Give Us a Chance (Wheeler Brothers #2)

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Give Us a Chance (Wheeler Brothers #2) Page 15

by Allie Everhart

  I don't want to go to a club. Clubs are where I used to hang out, before I started dating Ivy. They're where I used to hook up with girls, or find a girl to take home.

  "Let's do something else. I don't want to go to a club."

  "Come on. It'll be fun. We don't have to stay long. We'll just have a couple drinks and dance a little and leave."

  Shit. She really wants to do this.

  "What club?"

  "How about Roxie 411? I used to like that one a lot."

  I've only been there a couple times but I slept with the bartender and one of the waitresses and I'm sure they still work there.

  "I'd rather not go to that one," I say. "Is there another one you like?"

  "How about Cheers and Beers? It's more of a bar than a club but they have a dance floor."

  That's even worse. I've been with three of the waitresses at Cheers and Beers within the last year.

  "Let's go somewhere else."

  I'm avoiding her gaze but I feel her watching me.

  "You've been with girls at both those places, haven't you?" she asks.

  I slowly nod. "Yeah."

  She's quiet, waiting for me to say something, but what do I say? There's nothing I can say that will change what I did. And I'm not sorry I did it. At the time, that's what I wanted. The girls were all willing partners and we had a good time. So what's there to say?

  "So we can't go to a club because of this?" Ivy asks.

  "I don't want to run into them. They'll come up to me and it'll make you uncomfortable."

  "It won't. As long as you aren't flirting with them or going home with them, then I'm fine. I just want to dance and have some fun. So can we go to Roxie's?"

  "Yeah. We can go." I look her in the eye. "But I need you to know I would never flirt with another girl, or take her home, or do anything with her while dating you."

  She nods, but her expression says she's not sure she believes me. "So seven?"

  "Yeah. See you tonight." I kiss her goodbye, then go back to my apartment.

  Later that afternoon, Bryce calls.

  "Did you find her?" I ask, referring to Jen's mom.

  "Yeah. At the bar down the street. She spent last night with a guy, got in a fight with him this morning, and decided to drown her sorrows in vodka shots instead of coming home. She got Jen's calls. She said she didn't answer them because she didn't want a lecture."

  "And she doesn't care that Jen was worried sick, wasting time searching all over town for her."

  He sighs. "That's Rita. She'll never change. So anyway, how'd it go? Did you get everything cleaned up?"

  "Yeah. Remember to call the homeowners to make sure they're happy with the job."

  "I will. Thanks for your help today. And tell Ivy she did a fucking awesome job. I can't believe she's never done that before. She was better than some of the flooring guys I work with who've been doing it for years."

  "I know. I told her that, but I'll tell her you said so too."

  "So what's going on with you and her? Is she your girlfriend now?"

  "She's not a girlfriend. She's just someone I'm dating."

  "You've gone out with her every night this week. Seems serious if you ask me."

  "I didn't ask you, so keep your opinions to yourself."

  "Like you don't offer up your opinion on Jen and me? Like every freaking day?"

  "I've been dating Ivy for a week. You and Jen have been going on like this for years. Even Dad can't take it anymore. We all just want you to stop pretending you're not in love with her and marry the girl."

  "That's not gonna happen."

  "Yeah, because you're too stubborn to tell her how you feel."

  "You're one to talk. Are you planning to tell Ivy how you feel? I saw how you were looking at her. You have feelings for her."

  "Maybe, but that's not something you tell a girl after dating her for a week. You save that shit for later." It's no use trying to pretend I don't have feelings for Ivy. My brothers know me too well. They can tell when I'm lying.

  "Are you bringing her to dinner tomorrow?"

  Tomorrow is family dinner at my dad's house. We have it a couple times a month. We used to just get pizza or my dad would throw some meat on the grill, but ever since Callie came into our lives, she's taken over the menu. She plans it all out and does the shopping, and she and my dad make the food, with Nash and Jen helping as needed. Jen's considered family so she always comes to family dinner.

  "I hadn't thought about it, but probably not. It's too soon."

  "Why? It's just dinner. It's not like you're bringing her there to introduce her to the family. She already knows all of us."

  "Still, I don't think it's a good idea."

  "I think you should bring her."

  "And I think you should marry Jen. And as long as I'm doling out advice, stop inking your body. You got enough tats."

  Bryce is covered in tattoos, mostly his upper body. They're along both arms, his back, his chest, his neck.

  He chuckles. "Sorry, bro. I'm getting another one next week. Already got the design."

  "Where the hell you gonna put it? You're running out of skin."

  "I got plenty of space. Don't worry about it."

  "Is this another one of Jen's designs?"

  Jen likes to draw, not like trees and flowers, but more like abstract designs. She says it helps her relieve stress, which she has a lot of thanks to her mom, her three jobs, and keeping up with her classes. All of Bryce's tattoos are Jen's designs.

  "Yeah, it's Jen's," he says. "I saw her drawing it last week and knew I had to have it."

  "Inking your body with her artwork isn't going to make her stop dating other guys. You know that, right?"

  "That's not why I do it. I just like her designs."

  "That's bullshit, but whatever. I've given you my lecture for today. I'll try again tomorrow."

  "I'm sure you will, asshole," he says jokingly. "I gotta go. I'll see ya later. And hey, bring Ivy tomorrow. Jen really likes her. She'd like to see her again."

  "I'll think about it."

  We hang up and I give his idea some thought. If I take Ivy with me tomorrow, will she think it means something? Will it scare her off, meeting my family? But like Bryce said, she already knows them so maybe she wouldn't read anything into it.

  I need another opinion on this so I call Nash.

  "Hey, you busy?" I ask.

  "Just watching a game on TV. What's up?"

  "Bryce thinks I should bring Ivy to dinner tomorrow. What do you think?"

  "Bringing her to family dinner? That's a big deal. You sure you're ready for that?"

  "Shit, I knew it. It's too soon, isn't it? What the hell am I doing listening to Bryce?"

  "You wouldn't have asked unless you wanted to bring her. So do you?"

  I sigh. "Kind of. I'm not even sure why."

  "Because you like her. A lot. Otherwise you wouldn't have gone out with her every night this week."

  "Yeah? So? That doesn't mean I should bring her to dinner."

  "Just bring her. We always have more than enough food."

  "I don't want her freaking out, thinking I'm getting all serious and shit."

  "Then tell her Callie asked her to come. Callie and her get along great, and Callie said Jen likes her. I know those two would appreciate having another girl around. And if Ivy's going to keep dating you, she might as well get used to our crazy family."

  "That's a good idea. I'll tell Ivy that Callie and Jen want her there."

  "Yeah, but don't act like it's just them. She needs to know you want her there too."

  "I know. I'll figure it out."

  "So how's it going? With Ivy?"

  "It's going well." I smile as I imagine her. "Really well."

  "That's good, man. Glad to hear it."

  Nash is always getting on my case for sleeping around, so he's freaking elated I'm actually spending more than a few hours with a woman. I'd never tell him this, but he's one of the main rea
sons I didn't give up on Ivy after she turned me down last summer and again last fall. I knew I liked her, more than I've liked anyone else, and I knew if I was ever going to try being in a relationship, I'd want it to be with her. I just wasn't sure I wanted that, until I saw Nash with Callie. They moved in together last September and seeing them so happy together made me a little envious. It made me wonder if I could ever have that with someone, and as soon as that thought popped in my head, the first person I imagined myself having that with was Ivy. I didn't even know her that well back then, but for some reason I could see us together.

  "Jake, I need to go. Callie just got home with the groceries and I got to help her carry them up."

  "Yeah, okay. I'll see ya tomorrow."

  "With Ivy," he says, a smile in his voice.

  "We'll see, but yeah, maybe."

  We say goodbye and I try to decide what to do. Should I ask her? It's just dinner. And I'm sure she'd like to see Callie and Jen again.

  Why am I worrying about this? It's stupid. I'll just ask, and if she says no, then fine. It's not like she needs to get to know my family. This thing she and I have going isn't going to last. I keep telling myself that, but the truth is, I want it to last. I'm just afraid to let it get to that point.



  Jake took me to a cute little Italian restaurant for dinner and now we're at Roxie's 411, the club I wanted to go to. Although it's true I haven't been to a club for a while and thought it might be fun, that's not the only reason I wanted to come here. The other reason is because I need to test myself to see if I can handle being with Jake and all the attention he gets from other women.

  Everywhere we go, women are staring at him and smiling at him and it's really starting to bother me. It's not his fault. He's not asking for the attention. In fact, he usually doesn't even notice it. But I do, and it causes those same feelings of insecurity and uncertainty that I had when dating Ryker and all the guys before him who cheated on me. They all got constant attention from women yet assured me I was the only one.

  Even if Jake proves to me he can be faithful, in order for us to keep this relationship going, I have to see if I can get over the fact that there will always be girls trying to get him for themselves, and that when we're out together, we'll likely run into girls that he slept with. That's already happened and I know it'll happen again tonight. So I need to see if I can get past all that, because if I can't, there's no use continuing this.

  This was never supposed to go beyond a few dates. Jake was supposed to push me to have sex, then dump me when I wouldn't, and never ask me out again. But instead, we've had a week of amazing dates and he hasn't once pressured me to have sex. He hasn't even gone beyond kissing me, which I have to say is getting a little frustrating. I'm desperate for him to touch me.

  But by taking it slow and not rushing into a physical relationship, we've been able to really get to know each other. And now, I admit, I have feelings for him. I want to keep dating him but I need to be realistic, and the reality is, if I can't handle the constant attention he gets from other women, then we just need to end this.

  "Hey." Jake rubs my hand. We're sitting at a small table, each having a rum and Coke. "I thought you wanted to dance."

  "I do, but I want to finish my drink first." I take a sip of it, scanning the room and noticing all the girls staring at Jake.

  "What are you looking at?" he asks, following my gaze.

  "Nothing. I thought I saw someone I knew, but it wasn't her." I turn back to Jake.

  "You look really hot tonight," he says, flashing a sexy smile my way.

  "Thanks." I'm wearing a black mini skirt with a white button-up shirt that I tied in front and unbuttoned enough to show off the cleavage spilling out of my push-up bra. I purposely dressed sexier tonight than I would've earlier in the week because now I actually want to date Jake and look sexy for him. And honestly, there's a small part of me that dressed this way to compete with all the other girls who want him.

  I don't want to be like that. I don't want to be constantly competing for Jake. I did that with Ryker and I hated it. It's too hard, and relationships shouldn't be that hard.

  "You need to get over here." Jake reaches down and slides my barstool closer to him. "You're too far away."

  He's been flirting with me a lot more the past couple days. And he's been more forward, like when he kissed me right in front of his brother this morning, and again outside my apartment building as my fellow tenants walked by. I don't mind his public displays of affection. In fact, I like it. It shows that he wants this. That he's not trying to hide me. That he doesn't care who sees us.

  "If we're not going to dance, let's do something else." He takes my drink from my hand and sets it down, then turns my face to his and kisses me. And not a short sweet kiss, but a long, deep kiss.

  I can just imagine the looks we must be getting. I'm sure those girls who were checking out Jake are now watching us, wondering who I am, probably assuming I'm Jake's fling for the night. I hope that's not what they're thinking.

  "Can I get you another drink?" a girl asks.

  I break from Jake's lips and look over and see a waitress standing there, a different one than we had before. The other one must be on break.

  "I think we're good," Jake says, not even looking at her. His eyes are on me, only me, as if there aren't any other girls in the room.

  "Jake?" the waitress says.

  He turns his head to see her and I hear a short sigh escape his lips. "Hey, Lana."

  "Hey." She leans her hip against the table, her eyes on Jake as she chews on the tip of her pen. "Haven't seen you for a while."

  "Yeah, it's been a few months." He finds my hand under the table and holds it securely in his.

  "What have you been up to?" She smiles and tilts her head.

  From their reaction to each other, it's obvious they slept together. I try to stay calm, fighting the urge to tell this girl to get the hell away from Jake. He's mine. Actually, he's not. I don't know what we are. Maybe that's why I'm feeling so unsure about him. Because I'm not sure what we are or where this is going. We haven't talked about it, and it's too soon to bring it up.

  "Mostly just working," Jake says.

  Lana keeps her eyes on him, circling her tongue suggestively around the tip of the pen. I'm about ready to punch her, but then feel Jake still holding my hand and relax.

  He clears his throat. "We're all set on drinks so..."

  "What are you doing later tonight?" she asks.

  Seriously? I'm right here. Can she not see me?

  "I have a girlfriend," he says, putting his arm around my shoulders.

  I'm so shocked, I nearly fall off my stool. He's calling me his girlfriend? Is he only doing it to get rid of Lana?

  "This is Ivy." He lightly squeezes my shoulder. "Ivy, this is Lana."

  She ignores me. "Girlfriend?" She laughs. "You don't have girlfriends, Jake. You're a use 'em and lose 'em type of guy. Everyone knows that."

  "I used to be, but I'm not anymore. Ivy is my girlfriend and we're on a date and we'd like some time alone."

  Lana huffs and rolls her eyes. "Whatever. We'll see how long she lasts." She saunters off, stopping at a table full of guys to take their order. She does the smile and head tilt thing and will probably end up going home with one of them.

  "Sorry about that," Jake says, keeping his arm around me as he takes a drink of his rum and Coke.

  "Guess I have to get used to it," I say, more harshly than I meant to. "It seems to happen wherever we go."

  "Ivy." He puts his drink down and swivels my barstool so I'm facing him and holds both my hands. "I'm sorry. I really am. If I could stop it, believe me, I would. It was rude of her to say that shit."

  "Especially in front of your girlfriend." I let out a laugh.

  "Why is that funny?"

  "Why is what funny?"

  "Why were you laughing just now?"

  "Because you told her I'm y
our girlfriend."

  "You ARE my girlfriend."

  My heart flutters in my chest but I try to remain unaffected. "Didn't you hear Lana just now? Jake Wheeler doesn't have girlfriends."

  "I do now." His eyes are on mine, an intense gaze, like he's trying to convince me that he means it. When I don't respond, he says, "Are you saying you don't want that?"

  "I um...I don't know," I say, being completely honest. Because the thing is, as much as I'd like to be his girlfriend, I'm afraid of being hurt again. My feelings for Jake after dating him for just a week are already deeper than the feelings I had for Ryker, who I dated for almost a year.

  "Why don't you know?" he asks.

  I glance around the room. "I don't want this happening every time we go out."

  "Shit," he mutters, shaking his head. "I knew coming here was a mistake."

  "It's not just here. It's everywhere. Even if girls don't come up to you, they're always watching you, checking you out. I feel like we're under a giant spotlight."

  He lets go of my hands and stands up. "Let's go."

  "Go where?"

  "We're getting out of here. We never should've come here. I knew this was a bad idea." He helps me off the stool.

  "But we haven't even danced yet."

  "We can dance some other time. Now come on." He takes my hand and practically drags me out of the club. He keeps going until we reach his SUV. Then he leans me against it and takes my face in his hands and kisses me. My body relaxes at the feel of his lips, his tongue tangling with mine, his warm body pressed against me.

  He pulls back just slightly, his eyes on mine, and says, "I like you, Ivy, so damn much that I can't stop thinking about you. I didn't even notice any of the other girls in there tonight. All I wanted to do was look at you. I've never spent this much time with a girl and yet I feel like the time we spend together is never enough." He drops his head and takes a breath, then raises his eyes back to mine. "I know we haven't defined what this is, what we're doing here, but I obviously consider you my girlfriend because I said it to Lana without even thinking about it. And it didn't seem strange, or odd, or too soon. It seemed right, like that's what you are. You're my girlfriend, Ivy. At least, that's what I want you to be."


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