
Home > Romance > Tart > Page 25
Tart Page 25

by Lauren Dane

  By the time the song had finished, Jules simply handed Gillian a handkerchief.

  “Wait, Mum. Uncle Brody’s been helping me with something.” Miles spoke up. “Hi, um, I’m Miles . . . um, Brown now, yeah. Adrian and Gillian are my parents. Mum is pretty awesome. She never gets mad when I bring home stray animals. She always helps me when I need it. She loves scary movies and lets me stay up late on Friday nights so we can all watch them together. She’s the best mum ever. And because of that, she found Dad and took a chance by telling him about me. My song isn’t as awesome as Dad’s but it’s my present to you both.”

  Jules pressed her fingers over her lips, trying hard not to lose it. Such a sweet boy. Gillian had given up, tears steaming down her face as she dabbed them away. Brody came to stand with her, whispering something in her ear, making her laugh.

  Miles’s song was sweet and simple. She knew he’d been practicing it like crazy over the last month. It didn’t matter, it could have been the worst thing ever and they’d have loved it. But it was wonderful and easy to see where he came from. Music came down from both sides of his family.

  When it was over there wasn’t a dry eye in the house.

  “You’re a lucky mum.” Jules hugged Gillian tight. “And a lucky wife.”

  Gillian turned to face Jules better. “And a lucky friend. I know you’ve put a lot of your life into all this planning.”

  “You’re important to me. Of course I did. And it was worth it to watch you today. You deserved a special day.”

  Jules stood back and noted Mary ducking into the house with Damien Hurley, but said nothing about it. She’d hunt her friend down later and demand details.

  “I have a little something for you.” Gillian waved Adrian over.

  He came to Gillian’s side quickly, kissing her soundly.

  “Thank you for that. I’ve never had anyone write songs for me before you came along. I quite like it.”

  “Good to know.” Adrian looked at Gillian like there was no one else on the planet and it made Jules look back over her shoulder to Gideon and Cal, who stood with Brody, laughing about something or other.

  Gillian’s blush was visible even in the twilight of the reception. “I’m going to give Jules her present now.”

  “Ah, good. Hang on.” He ducked around the stage and was back holding a pretty wrapped box, which he gave to Gillian, who handed it to Jules.

  Jules took it with a smile, carefully peeled the paper away and then gasped when she saw the earrings tucked inside. “This is too much.”

  “No, it isn’t. I’m capable of saving money, you know. And as I didn’t have to buy a wedding dress, a house or much else of late.” Gillian sent Adrian a look. “I had a few extra pennies. You’re always there for me, Jules. You don’t know what that’s meant to me and to Miles.”

  The earrings were delicate flowers. Nothing big or showy. That wasn’t Jules’s style. It was totally clear Gillian had chosen them carefully and totally with Jules in mind. “These are gorgeous.”

  “They’re forget-me-nots. Like you never forget me. Or Miles.”

  The tears were back as she ran a finger over the pale purple stones making the petals. They dangled just a tiny bit. Enough to really catch the light but not so much they’d get caught in her hair or make her nervous wearing them out and about.

  “You’re making me cry.”

  “Good, you’ve all done nothing but make me cry for months now. I’m glad to share the happy tears. You’re happy, Jules. That’s the best present you could ever give me. Be brave and let yourself accept the love right in front of you.”

  She nodded, hugging Gillian again as they both cried.


  She looked so pretty there, asleep in the passenger seat, that Gideon hesitated before picking her up and taking her into the house. Cal ran ahead and unlocked the door.

  She woke up then with a start, relaxing when she saw where she was. He put her down.

  “Wow, I totally conked out.”

  Gideon bent to take first one shoe off and then the other, setting them side by side near the door.

  The smile on her face shocked through him. Damn, he loved this woman.

  “I liked that. Thank you.”

  “I like taking care of you.” It was the total truth.

  Cal came back inside with his arms full of stuff and she laughed when she saw it all. “We don’t have to leave the house at all tomorrow. Or I guess today.” She looked to the clock. “Plenty of food. Cake. Even champagne. We should have champagne and cake for breakfast.”

  “Works for me.” Cal put things in his fridge.

  She unzipped the side of her dress and took it off before she meandered upstairs, both men watching. “I’m going to take a shower so if you want to see me with all this fancy makeup and hair you’d best do it now.”

  Cal looked back to Gideon and headed up after her. Gideon made sure the door was locked and followed.

  He stood in the doorway and watched Cal push her against the bathroom counter and then fell to his knees, pressing his face against her pussy through her panties.

  Her lids slid down halfway. “My, you’re both awfully accommodating this evening. I’ve neglected you both terribly this week, I know.”

  Cal yanked her panties down and she stepped from them. “You have. And after I lick you and make you scream a little, you can make it up to me and Gideon.”

  “No need to ask twice.”

  Cal knelt there, with her legs spread, holding her pussy wide so he could kiss and lick her all over. She watched him, her fingers sliding through hair Gideon knew was soft and thick. Gideon knew the feel of that hair, knew the taste of her body, knew the taste of Cal’s body as well.

  As if she felt the weight of his gaze, she shifted to look in Gideon’s direction, the connection there clicked into place. “Why . . . oooh.” Her head fell back a moment before she looked to Gideon again, swallowing hard. “Why are you all the way over there? Only want to watch this pretty man lick me? Hmm?”

  Cal hummed against her and she shivered. Gideon got closer. Close enough to see the gooseflesh on her arms.

  “Do you like what he’s doing to you?” Gideon flipped the strap of her bra down and slid the cup back to expose her breast.

  “Mmm, yes. He’s very good with his mouth.”

  Gideon stole a kiss, his fingers joining hers in Cal’s hair.

  From his angle, he looked down much as she did to watch Cal eat her pussy. She whimpered when he sucked her clit into his mouth over and over.

  “He is.” Gideon pinched the exposed nipple, not wanting this moment to end. Just Jules, Gideon and Cal. Nothing but skin and sex and ease between them. It felt good to be back together this way.

  She started to answer but ended up on a strangled gasp, her eyes blurring as she came, one hand in Cal’s hair, the other on Gideon’s shoulder, trying to remain standing.

  Cal sent her a coy look as he kissed her thigh and then stood.

  “I missed this this week. I’m sorry I’ve been so busy with the wedding and all. I know I’ve neglected you both.”

  Gideon took her lips slowly and then backed away. “We missed you too. We’ve decided you can’t be away from us for a whole week anymore. We don’t like it.”

  Before she could say anything else, Cal moved in close for a kiss. She wrapped a leg around him to hold in him place as he meandered his way over her mouth and down her neck.

  Gideon’s mouth watered to taste her again.

  “Now then. Shower and then lots of fucking,” Cal said.

  “Or”—she put her bra on the counter and turned the water on—“we could fuck in the shower. Whichever.”

  She stepped in after undoing all the shiny bits from her hair and groaned as the hot water hit her skin. Gideon shucked his clothes as quickly as he could and jumped in with her, followed closely by Cal.

  Gideon didn’t want to wait anymore. He spun her around. “Hands on the wall. Spread your feet apart.�

  She obeyed, getting on tiptoe as he bent his knees to get to the right height to slide his cock into her pussy.

  She was so wet Gideon shivered at how good it felt. They’d decided two weeks before to stop using condoms after they’d all been tested. He had to admit this was a hundred million times better. The wet, hot embrace of her cunt, skin to skin, the slick of her honey against his cock and balls drove him close to the edge before he’d even gotten four or five strokes in.

  Cal slid his soap-slicked hands over Gideon and then Jules. She turned her head and he kissed her, swallowing her cries.

  Gideon banded her waist with his forearm and dug in deep, fucking her hard and fast, needing her after not having her for a week. Needing to be inside her after such an emotionally exhausting day.

  He’d had a wedding already, but he wanted to belong to Jules the way Gillian and Adrian belonged to each other. He wanted to belong to Cal like Ben and Todd belonged to each other.

  Orgasm hit him when she thrust back with a little twist of her hips. It sucked him under as he came so hard it stole his breath. For long moments after, he remained wrapped around her, gasping in air as his pounding heart slowed to normal.

  “Christ, I needed that.”

  She turned in his arms and kissed him. “Me too.”

  Cal washed her hair as she soaped his cock. Gideon loved the two of them together. Cal unabashedly demanding to be touched and stroked. Jules responding, giving him everything.

  “Not too much.” Cal put his hands over hers. “It’s been a week for me too. I want more than a hand job from you.”

  Jules laughed as she stepped back to rinse off one last time and get out. “Well, not a week. After all you and Gideon got down a few days ago at the very least.”

  Cal grinned and then looked to Gideon. “And that was hot. Not even going to lie about that. But as gorgeous and talented as our Gideon is, I need you.”

  “I’m all yours, Calvin.”

  “I know.” He got out and stalked to her, picking her up and placing her on the edge of his counter. “This is the perfect height. And all these mirrors will please Gideon.”

  Gideon dried off as Cal teased her pussy with the head of his cock.

  Cal tapped the head of his cock against her clit and she moaned. “Yes.”

  “Yes?” He tapped it a little harder and her moan went up an octave.


  “Just making sure. You’re so wet and ready for me.”

  She nodded. “Now. Now. Now.” She pulled him close and wrapped her legs around his waist as he laughed.

  Cal slid into that slick heat and paused to really appreciate how damned good it was. Her skin warm and fragrant from her shower gel. Her cunt was swollen and wet all around his cock.

  His woman.

  “Too long.”

  He began to thrust, delighting in the way her tits bounced. She bent a little to put her arms behind herself, bracing against his movements.

  “Mmm. You two have each other when I’m not around, you know.”

  “We do. And we did, believe me.” Cal sent Gideon a smile that had the other man laughing in that knowing way. “But I need Jules in my life. Every day. I need to wake up with Jules snuggled down between me and Gideon.” He thrust three times. “And I need to bury my cock in your cunt.”

  “Yes,” Gideon added.

  “I missed you too.”

  He picked up his pace and she walked her fingers down her belly. She was spread open, his body holding her thighs apart so he could easily see it when her middle finger brushed her clit. He certainly felt the squeeze around his cock.

  “You’re a dirty, dirty girl.”

  “I’m a stern governess, remember?”

  He swore at the images in his head. They really did have to look into a little bit of role-play because now he really needed to be reprimanded and pay his penance with his mouth.

  “Yes. Play with your clit, Jules. I want you to come again.”

  One arm behind herself, the other hand on her cunt, playing with her clit and Cal didn’t know what the hell to look at first. So much to see. She was a visual buffet.

  “N-now?” Her pussy spasmed around his cock and he knew she was right on the edge.

  “Oh yes. Right now.”

  She sucked in a breath and began to come around him, squeezing him so hard there was absolutely no way he could last another moment.

  “Give it to me; we have time for more. Always more,” she whispered.

  And he came with one last thrust, growling her name.

  • • •

  Jules snuggled down into the bed, her eyes heavy. It had been a long day. A long week. The wedding had been a wonderful event, the sex had been amazing and now she needed to sleep.

  Gideon got in on one side and Cal the other. “We should talk about the farmhouse now.”

  She pulled the blanket over her head. “I’ve been up nearly twenty-four hours. I’ve been eaten and fucked boneless. I need sleep. We can talk when we wake up.”

  Gideon kissed her temple and put an arm around her. “We can, indeed. I love you, Juliet.”

  “Mmm, love you too. Both of you.”

  Arms surrounded her as the heat of their bodies lulled her deeper into rest. Safe and loved.

  • • •

  And that’s all she remembered until her ringing phone woke her up not even three hours later. She scrambled from bed and took it out into the hall before it woke them up.

  The area code was 949. Her father lived there so she answered quickly.


  “Juliet? It’s Donna. Donna Lamprey.”

  Everything in her went cold. Donna was her father’s wife and she sounded freaked out.

  “What’s wrong?” She headed downstairs, grabbing a shirt Cal had tossed to the side.

  “It’s your father. He’s had a stroke. He’s in surgery right now. Can you come?”

  There was no other answer. “I’m on my way. I’ll get the first flight I can. I’ll keep my phone on when I’m not in the air.”

  “Thank you.” Donna told her the location of the hospital and Jules hung up, shoving her things in a bag and scrawling a note to them both. They’d been up as long as she had and she wanted them to rest. They couldn’t help anyway. Not with this.

  • • •

  Gideon woke up and realized Jules’s spot was empty and cold. She’d probably woken early and, not wanting to wake them, had gotten up. He pulled a pair of pants on and headed out. She wasn’t in Cal’s office or watching television, nor was there any detectible scent of coffee, which began to worry him. When Jules was around, there was always evidence of coffee.

  He went downstairs and saw the note on the fridge right away.

  Didn’t want to wake you. Dad is in hospital. I’m on my way down. Will call to update you on location and his condition. Love you both. J

  He called her cell but it was off and went straight to voice mail. He had no idea when she’d even left. Whether it was an hour ago or four. He saw she’d left a voice mail on his phone, pretty much repeating what her note had said. Her voice was flat and emotionless. Brisk as she went over the details. She’d made a reservation at a hotel near the hospital and would call when she got settled. The last call had been three hours before. She must be on a plane right then.

  He couldn’t believe they’d slept through all that. Damn it.

  He couldn’t believe she hadn’t woken them up either.

  “Shit.” He headed back upstairs to wake Cal.

  Cal shot straight up when Gideon shook him gently. He smiled when he saw Gideon but then sobered at his expression. “What? Jules?” He patted the bed. “What’s wrong?”

  Gideon told him.

  “I can’t believe she fucking left without even waking us up. What kind of trust is that?”

  Gideon shook his head. “No, I don’t think it was a lack of trust. Check your voice mail.”

  Cal frowned but did it and then
sighed as he hung up. “She’s on autopilot.”

  “Sounds like it, yes. I don’t like that she didn’t wake us either. And if she’d been a little more together she would have, you know it. But you know how she is. She went into planning mode and so she just made it all happen while she thought about four thousand other things, all with the purpose of getting down there to a man who barely speaks to her. Hell, she probably also left us sleeping because she was worried we hadn’t gotten enough rest.”

  That was most likely true as well. “If they treat her badly, I’m gonna burn shit down.” Cal pulled his pants on.

  Gideon nodded. “Get in line. Look, I’ve got to arrange for coverage at the farm. I’ll go to her once that’s done.”

  “I have two hearings tomorrow. I can’t postpone at this point. I’ll come right after that though.”

  “All right.” Gideon kissed Cal hard. He knew Cal would be feeling guilty over having to work and he wanted to address that. Knew Jules would have too. “Do what you need to. She understands that. I understand that. I’ll go first and you’ll follow. We’ll go to her. Be there when she needs us because that’s what you do for people you love. She’s going to need the support especially if Ethan is there.”

  “That fucker better keep his mouth shut or I’ll punch it shut.”

  A flush of desire swept through him. Cal was normally so mellow that when he’d gotten vicious in her defense it touched Gideon. Oh and it made him hot too. “I like it when you get sort of violent. Makes me want to fuck you.”

  Cal grinned. “No teasing. Go on. I’ll handle stuff on this end. Come back when you’re done and I’ll take you to the airport.”

  Gideon headed back home. His granddad was sympathetic, reminding him he’d run the damned farm before Gideon had decided to move back to Washington and he’d be just fine. He spoke with the foreman as well before packing a small bag and heading back to Cal’s.

  “Hey, take care of our girl. Give her love for me. I’ll be down tomorrow night. I’ve already booked a flight.”

  Gideon leaned across the seat and kissed Cal. Savoring his taste. “Didn’t even get any this morning. It’s a crime.”


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