Beneath Submission: (An Unbreakable Series) Romantic Suspense

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Beneath Submission: (An Unbreakable Series) Romantic Suspense Page 13

by A. L Long

  This was like déjà vu all over again. Opening the letter, it was clear who it came from. Mr. Colin made it very clear what he wanted: me.


  “This vendetta that Mr. Colin has will never end unless he is put away once and for all,” I heard Xavier state as he slowly pulled his t-shirt over his head.

  It had been three days since Xavier was released from the hospital and he was already working on a way to put Mr. Colin away once and for all. There was no evidence to indicate that he sold me to Mr. Sakai, but there was enough to prove that he took me and held my brother ransom. I knew exactly how Xavier felt, but he needed to be careful. After telling Detective Wallace and Detective Sloan everything he knew and his affiliation with Colin Gates, they decided to make a deal with him. If Xavier offered to help them put Mr. Colin and Mr. Sakai away for good, he wouldn’t have to spend any time in jail. That was, as long as he stayed out of trouble.

  “I know how badly you want Mr. Colin to pay for what he did to me, but you need to let the detectives handle it,” I suggested.

  Xavier was too agreeable with me when he said, “You’re right, Tessa. I need to keep my nose clean.”

  He was up to something, and I knew him well enough to know that whatever it was, it would be dangerous. Walking over to where he was standing, I helped him with his shirt and said, “How about we work on a way to help my father get Criss Cross up and running again?”

  Turning to face me, he pulled me into him and said, “You’re right. I have some money saved up. Maybe he could use it to restart.”

  I thought it was very thoughtful of him to offer, but there was no need. The insurance ruled it as vandalism and they had already agreed to cover the damages. It would be a long process, but my father would come back stronger than before. In the meantime, he still had orders that needed to be filled. Luckily, he kept most of the old equipment, that still worked, in the large building next to the main warehouse.

  Giving him a kiss, he held me even closer. I knew that we were going to be late and as much as I wanted this, I knew that it needed to end before it started. Pulling away, I said regretfully, “We better go before we are late.”

  My father wanted us to come down to Criss Cross and help with some of the mess that was caused by the vandals. He thought it would speed up the process of getting back what was lost. When we opened the door, Aiko was standing on the other side. I found this very strange considering she was planning on helping Agnes with breakfast.

  Giving her a curious stare, I asked, “Aiko, is there something wrong?”

  “Not at all, my friend. Breakfast is ready, and everyone is already in the dining room.”

  Following her down the hall and then down the stairs, she kept looking back at us as though we were going to ditch her. Focusing on the back of her head, I began to think about how funny she was acting since the day that Xavier had been released from the hospital. I knew that I was probably the only friend she had, but the way she was clinging to me was beginning to make me think that she was afraid she would lose me.

  Xavier must have known that something was up by the way he tugged on my hand to get my attention. There wasn’t anything that I could say, considering she was within earshot. The only thing I could do was place my finger over my lips and shake my head. Hopefully he knew that we would need to talk about this later when we were alone.


  When we arrived at Criss Cross reality sunk in as I gazed over at the warehouse to see the damage that had been done to the outside of the building. I had no idea how bad it actually was. Opening the door, Xavier stepped out of the car and held his hand out for me to take. When I stood outside the car, it was clear that the only reason that someone would do this to my father was because they wanted to send a message. It was just as Mr. Colin said, he always gets what he wants.

  Aiko was sitting in the front with my father and when she had stepped out of the car, her first reaction was a loud, “Wow,” as she looked up at the building.

  As we headed inside, the damage was even more extensive than the outside. It felt like a punch to my gut when I looked over and saw the expression on my father’s face. Everything that he had worked so hard to build was gone. Kicking away the debris to make a clearing, he headed toward the steps which led to his office. I was afraid to find out how much of the second floor had been damaged, so I held back while Xavier followed behind him.

  Instead of standing around, I decided to start cleaning up the mess. Looking around the room, I spotted a door that had a plaque on it that read ‘Utility.’ When I opened the door, I found that there was a large garbage can on wheels along with some additional garbage bags to line the can. Pulling one from the roll, I placed it inside the can and rolled it out of the closet and toward where most of the damage had been left.

  Xavier and my father had been gone for some time and I was beginning to wonder what was taking them so long. Tying the full bag, I pulled it from the can and placed it by the entrance door before heading up the steps to the second floor. When I reached the top, I could faintly hear Xavier and my father’s voices coming in the direction of my father’s office. Heading that way, I stepped over the debris trying hard not to trip.

  When I reached the office, there wasn’t much left of it. About the only thing that hadn’t been touched was the leather couch that the two of them were seated on. Walking up to them. I looked at them equally before asking, “What are you two up to?”

  I knew that they were contemplating some sort of plan by the way they were sitting there. I really didn’t blame my father, but I was totally against anything they might have planned. The last thing I wanted was for them to get hurt. Taking a seat between them, which caused them to move apart, I looked at Xavier and then my father and announced, “Whatever you two are thinking about doing, don’t. I never want to feel the way I did when I thought I would never see you guys again.”

  My father took hold of my hand and said, “Colin Gates can’t get away with hurting people any more. I’m afraid that if we don’t do something, then other people are going to get hurt.”

  My father was right. Mr. Colin needed to be stopped, only I didn’t want my father or Xavier to be the ones to do it. I looked at my father and then to Xavier and asked, “Don’t you think it would be better for the detectives to take care of this?”

  Their eyes were on me and I felt like I had asked something ridiculous by the way they were looking at me. Lowering his hand to mine, Xavier took hold of it and said, “Tessa, do you really think Laurel and Hardy are capable of taking care of two of the biggest criminals in LA?”

  Xavier had a point. Looking back at how they handled Mr. Colin at the party, he might not have been released. Wallace and Sloan weren’t the smartest men, but that still didn’t mean that Xavier and my father needed to go after them.

  Standing to my feet, I looked down on them and expressed my opinion on the matter. “I really don’t care who goes after those two. I only know that I don’t want it to be you.”

  When I left the office, I was pretty certain that neither one of them were going to do as I said. Matter of fact, I pretty sure that they continued their conversation the minute I left. Knowing that what I wanted wasn’t going to make any difference, I walked down the steps and resumed cleaning the mess that had been left in the lobby. Reaching the bottom of the stairs, Aiko had most of the mess around the reception area cleaned. The large trash can was heaping full of trash and needed to be emptied.

  Wiping her hand across her forehead, she asked sadly, “Why would anyone want to do this?”

  Stepping up to her, I replied, “You don’t know Mr. Colin. He is capable of doing much worse if he wanted to.”


  By the time we made it back to the cabin, it had turned dark. All of us were tired and in need of nourishment. Thankfully, we had arrived just in time for dinner. Once again, the meal that Agnes had prepared for us was amazing. My stomach had never had been so full
and when she offered dessert, there was no way that I could have eaten another bite.

  I volunteered to help with the dishes while the men went to the sitting room for an after-dinner drink. Aiko wasn’t feeling well and went on to bed. She hadn’t eaten much for dinner and I could tell that it may have been the company that caused her lack of appetite. Ever since Xavier got out of the hospital, she had been very distant. Drying the last dish, it was time for a nice long shower. I felt sticky and cruddy with all the work I had done at the warehouse. The men were still in the sitting room as I passed it in order to get to the stairs.

  Stopping at the doorway, I looked at both of them and said, “I’m beat. I’m going to take a shower and head on to bed.”

  Placing his tumbler on the coffee table, Xavier walked over to me and kissed me lightly on the forehead and whispered, “I’ll be there to wash your back.”

  I couldn’t help but smile. My shower would have to be extended so he could do just that. As I headed up the stairs, I decided to check on Aiko to see if she needed anything before I took my shower. Knocking lightly on her door, I waited for her to say, “Come in,” but there was only silence. Thinking that she might have already fallen asleep, I headed down the hall to my room.

  Once inside, I began removing my clothes, making sure to drop them down the laundry chute to be washed. Already I was feeling better having the dirty clothes off my body. Reaching inside the shower, I turned the handle and waited for the water to get hot. As I waited, I knew that this was going to be a night of all nights and wanted to put on something special for Xavier after my shower. Picking a white nightgown with a plunging back, I took it to the bathroom and laid it on the vanity before entering the shower.

  Standing under the spray of water, I was beginning to feel like myself. Placing a small amount of shampoo in my hand, I began lathering it in my hair when I heard the shower door open. Clasping his hands over mine, Xavier took control and began washing my hair. This had been a first for me, but as of right now it would not be the last. The way he worked in the shampoo made my head feel amazing. Even though my eyes were closed, I managed to find his lips when I turned to face him. Letting the water wash away the suds from my hair, our connection deepened. The kiss had been a long time coming and I took in every ounce of him.

  It didn’t take long before we were at each other like two people addicted to one another. Pressing my body against the hard tile, not even the shock of its coldness could keep me away from him. Every inch of my body was heated and all I wanted was to feel him. Keeping his mouth to mine, he gently cupped my breasts, one in each hand, and gently caressed them between his fingers. I could feel my body come alive as the tips of my nipples began to harden. Tweaking and pinching them between his fingers, he lowered his mouth down my neck, placing wet, tender kisses along the curve of my throat. My head fell back against the tile, wanting nothing more than to open myself to him.

  With ease, he lifted me from the floor and held my body securely against the tile. Keeping one hand on my butt and the other against the wall, I could feel the strength of his cock push against my sex. All I wanted was to feel him deep inside me, taking me to the one place that only he could.

  Balancing my body by placing my hands on his shoulders, I brought my body higher on his hips, giving him the access that he needed. Circling my hands around his neck, I lowered my head and whispered eagerly, “Take me, Xavier.”

  I didn’t have to ask twice. The power of his erection pushed inside me, making my breath hitch from the welcoming pressure that filled my channel. Xavier’s movement stopped, and his eyes met mine, “Did I hurt you?”

  Turning my head back and forth, I let him know without words that he was free to continue. Beginning where he had left off, he slowed his movements, teasing only the entrance to my channel. Trying as best I could, I lowered my hips, hoping that he would easily slide inside. My attempt was stopped as he held me in place and whispered, “Let me do this. I want complete control of your body.”

  Forcing myself to stop moving, I allowed him to take control. With each painfully slow move that he was making against my entrance, gliding his shaft between my folds to the tip of my clit, my body was yelling for more. Even though I had learned long ago how to control my desires, this was the one time my willpower had failed.

  Before he could make his way back deep inside me, the gates opened, and my juices spilled. There was so much wetness between us that when he offered himself, he was able to move easily inside me, thrust to thrust, deeper and deeper to the heart of my essence. As he quickened his movements, once again, my willpower failed, and my release exploded, sending my body down with an earth-shattering orgasm.

  When his body began to jerk, I knew that his willpower also gave out. Lowering his hand from the tile wall, he held me close with both hands as he said, “I guess you’re ready for your back to be washed.” Little did I know what he actually meant.


  It was the most gorgeous morning ever and all I wanted to do was spend it here next to Xavier. It didn’t matter that it had been raining like crazy. Nothing could have put a damper on this beautiful morning, not even the rain, at least, that was, until my head began spinning and I could feel the onset of something beyond this world take residence in my stomach. Rushing to the bathroom, I barely had enough time to lower my body to the floor before spilling all of the contents of food I ingested into the toilet. I couldn’t remember the last time I had felt so shitty. After spilling everything I had left in my stomach, I managed to make it to the sink to splash some water on my face. As I looked in the mirror, I realized maybe Aiko not feeling well was more than what I thought. There had to have been a flu bug going around and we were the lucky ones who caught it.

  When Xavier appeared in the doorway, he knew that something was up. I looked like death warmed over and felt just as bad as I looked. Stepping behind me, he placed his arms around my waist and said, “You don’t look so well.”

  “That’s an understatement,” I responded. “I feel like shit.”

  Falling back into bed, all I wanted to do was curl up in a ball and will myself to feel better as Xavier pulled the covers over me. As much as I wanted him to stay next to me, I didn’t want him to get sick too. Blowing me a kiss, he headed downstairs to see if Agnes knew of any remedies that would fight off the flu quickly.

  When Xavier came back to the room, he brought with him a tray that had soda crackers and what appeared to be ginger ale. I really didn’t feel like eating, but if it would make me feel better I was willing to try anything. Pushing myself to a sitting position, I fluffed my pillow and placed it behind my back. Keeping my eye on Xavier, he had a sad look on his face which told me he felt bad about how I felt.

  Placing the tray across my lap, he poured some of the ginger ale in a glass and handed it to me. Directing me to take slow, even sips, he said, “Agnes said that this should help.”

  Smiling back at him, I replied, “Leave it to Agnes to know.”

  I had to admit that the ginger ale and the crackers were making me feel much better. Not good enough to eat a 6-ounce steak, but well enough to get out of bed and to the shower. Even though it was still raining, I really didn’t want to spend the whole day in bed.

  It was amazing how much a hot shower made me feel better. My stomach wasn’t churning, and I was actually beginning to have somewhat of an appetite. Xavier had stayed by my side, even though my father had requested that he ride along to the warehouse with him. I think it was much more than just staying with me. I was pretty sure that he didn’t want to leave me alone knowing that Mr. Colin and Mr. Sakai were still free. I really couldn’t blame him, and I may have been a little selfish, but only because I didn’t want him to leave.


  It had been nearly a month since we had heard from Mr. Colin and Mr. Sakai. The detectives were certain than they had left the country and didn’t see any need for the added protection. Xavier, of course, felt differently and so d
id my father. When I complained of feeling like I couldn’t breathe, Xavier finally agreed to move us back into his condo. There was one stipulation: he insisted that there was someone outside of the building as well as on the inside. If I wanted to stay at the condo, I had no other choice but agree.

  Xavier unfortunately still had things to do at the club, which left me to entertain myself. There were only so many movies I could watch on Netflix, and my Kindle now had over one thousand books, all of which I had read. Thinking there must be something that I could do to keep myself busy, I decided that I could do a little bit of online shopping. Xavier was kind enough to let me use his laptop, which was much better than shopping from my phone.

  Taking a seat on the couch, I was just about ready to boot up the computer when there was a knock at the door. I wasn’t sure who it could be and hoped it wasn’t a surprise like the last time someone came to the condo. Placing the laptop on the couch, I stood up and walked over to the door. Looking through the peephole, a brunette with bright red lipstick was standing on the other side. Opening the door, we stood eye to eye before I asked, “Can I help you?”


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