Neighborly Intentions 2 (Perfect Hearts)

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Neighborly Intentions 2 (Perfect Hearts) Page 4

by Falon Gold

  “Roland!” she squealed, her head falling back on her shoulders as she pressed herself down on my lap to grind on me, her fingertips digging into my abdomen.

  If she did that move again, the little intellect I had left would go in the same direction the rest of my mind had went. Somebody had to stay aware of our surroundings. I didn’t want to get caught with my pants down, literally.

  “Fuck, Anna!” I forced out of clenched teeth to keep my tone at an octave just above whispering. “If you want this to be over, just keep sitting and grinding! I dare you!”

  She snorted and elevated to a crouch, using her heels and my stomach to herself up. Let it be said that Anna wasn’t hardheaded all the time, which I was pretty sure was a frequent thing and one of her strengths and character flaws. And then, she sat back down, grinding again.

  Good God! I wasn’t going to last or make this time worth it for her if I didn’t take back control of our movements. I slithered my fingers under her thighs pressing flat to mine. Lifting her up was way too damn easy. She couldn’t have weighed more than a buck sixty with combat boots on filled with water.

  Being elevated without warning caused her to squeak and laying her body along mine to recover her balance as well as a connection back to the earth. I knew I needed one. Thank God for benches. Dropping her weight down on me was like getting a Christmas present in July. As a thank-you to her for doing it, I stole her lips with mine and pumped into her, rocking and rolling my hips until I located that elusive g-spot. When she groaned and damn near sucked my top lip off my face, plus hissed, ‘Right there!’, I assumed I’d found that special place, Now, we were getting somewhere.

  With just the tip of my cock, I launched attacks on her g-spot. Within minutes, I got rewarded for my efforts when Anna mewled like a kitten, folded in on herself as much as she could around my big body between her legs, and drew her knees into my sides.

  “Yes, Roland!” she yelled into her chest.

  I cringed at the volume of her voice despite adoring her calling my name. “Shhhh, Anna, or you’re going to get us killed. Kiss me now and do not stop.” Best way to shut her up.

  She didn’t, or couldn’t, come out of the storm raging within her long enough to unfold and move her mouth to mine. I gripped her nape, drew her head to mine to swallow her cries before she alerted the whole damn neighborhood to where we were and what we were doing.

  Hayden would kill me if he found us fucking on Kay’s deck and his deck next door; he was as territorial as the next man and animal. He was a firm believer in what was his was Kay’s and hers was his to protect from every damn thing, including particles of dust. Christening Kay’s deck would count as the upmost violation in his book, especially after their exes had gotten together behind Kay’s and Hayden’s backs. Then, the exes christened Hayden’s and Kay’s homes with their betrayal as if their cheating wasn’t bad enough.

  Hayden was also a worthy, trained opponent in a fight. From what he had told me about Kay, so was she. After being with Anna, I wouldn’t have the power to breathe let alone scrap with anybody. I didn’t want my ass double-teamed and kicked either, so as much as I liked hearing my name being tossed to the heavens by Anna, she had to kick and scream silently as she fell over the proverbial edge into bliss. And it was my turn to do the same.

  Chapter Five


  I sought sanctuary in Roland’s kiss while trembling uncontrollably and mentally fumbling like a windswept leaf in a brutal breeze through the orgasm threatening to turn me inside out. Though I talked a lot of shit about people being lucky if their climaxes hurt, I don’t think people were supposed to come this hard.

  Roland’s lips may be giving support in my time of desperate need, but his body was doing the opposite, plummeting mine as if I had hidden treasure and the loot was buried in the very center of me. Getting the treasure out meant abrading my erogenous zones already blazing white hot from his deeps strokes until I spontaneously combusted. After that, all he’d have to do was pick up the loot off the ground. No sir, I didn’t want to explode.

  “Roland, please,” I begged for clemency against his mouth.

  He tackled my mouth with his again, shutting me up. In and out, he moved faster than a runaway train. His movements only agitated the storm raging within. There seemed to be no end to it. I was pretty sure my nails had dug holes in his eight-pack. The pain I had to be causing him seemed to be spurring him on to fuck me even harder.

  I couldn’t keep up with his pace even if I wanted to, and I had never been taken control of in the bedroom or outside under the full moon while I was on top of all places. Even during my first time, I was in the lead without a clue of what the hell I was doing. What seventeen-year-old did? Oh, but I bet Roland did at that age. He seemed to need no help from me period as he held my bottom half suspended in the air and pummeled my body like it had done something to him.

  God Almighty, if you just let me survive this, I’ll never do it again… until the next time. Amen. Don’t judge me on that prayer, I was being honest and being screwed thoroughly. I didn’t want to be screwed thoroughly anymore, had bitten off more than I could chew with Roland. And I’d do it again if I could just catch my breath and relieve the pressure being exerted on my center by my own climax. That was Roland’s fault. The man was too damn capable.

  And dammit, I wasn’t supposed to want to do this again with him after proving he was like every other man. That he would take a contribution from me the second I announced the offering. But, Lord help me, he was giving back more than I offered. More than I could afford and handle. I might not live through it, which would be a crying shame if I didn’t get to tell Kay about this.

  The orgasm finally waned in strength. I didn’t have time to find relief from the cruel beating it gave my insides before Roland was finding new depths within me. I had never felt so full of anything in my life.

  As soon as he stretched my womanhood enough to take him comfortably, his hands shoved my hips back and forth in a rocking motion. The forced grinding pressed my clit against his abdomen. Ripples of pleasure undulated through me. Oh hell no, I didn’t want to cum again, I hadn’t gotten over the first time.

  “No, no, no, Roland,” I gasped. “Don’t make me cum again.”

  “Let go with me, Anna,” he groaned, head tipped back.

  I clutched at his chest and shook my head. “Uh huh. Don’t want to.” No way in shape, form, or fashion.

  “Oh, but you’re going…” A strong quake rolled through him, cutting off his sentence.

  His body spring boarded off the surface beneath him, taking me with him. We fell back down hard on the bench, his own climax coming down hard on him. If his blunt-shaped nails hadn’t been biting into my skin under my skirt, my ass would’ve been bucked onto the ground.

  “Fuck!” he shouted.

  “Shhh,” I hushed him, covering his mouth with my own.

  We didn’t want anyone coming back here to see what all the fuss was about. His breathing kicked up a thousand notches, hot air bathing my face. He rocked me harder and faster, while he thrashed beneath me. I sat up to palm his chest for balance, thinking I had mounted a bucking donkey and had to squelch my own shrieks.

  Some erogenous zones I knew I had, some I didn’t, were being grazed with each pound, raid, and retreat of his rod. The ripples of pleasure swelled in size in my core then detonated. It was official, I was going to…

  “I’m coming again, Roland! You fucker!” I shouted, forgetting to be quiet.

  I cursed him some more until his hand palmed my head and pushed our mouths together. An arm creeped across my waist and held me down, keeping me from literally running away from the onslaught of pure ecstasy coursing through me. I still tried to escape, sliding up his body and arcing my back under his arm, hoping to lessen its hold or his penetration inside me. Just one giving up possession of my body would’ve worked. Yeah, well, that didn’t happen, and I barely endured the hell reigning down within me until it

  He quieted down at the same time. I collapsed on his heaving chest, tucking my head under his chin to rest for a hot second. Then, I was going to run or I would stay right where I was, enjoying the cuddling with my eyes closed and feeling safe and protected. It felt so right, yet so wrong, just like doing drugs did. Knowing that about control substances, despite never having been a user, was a testament to just how fucked I was.

  I had learned a lot about drugs right along with my mother, and there was no point in starting what would easily become an addiction, so I popped my eyes right back open then used my hands to push off him to a sitting position before standing up. I could walk away clean thanks to the protection that kept me dry… sort of, and I needed to get home quickly mainly to regroup. I was confused as ever now, and I didn’t usually stick around for pillow talk. I guessed this would be bench-talk. Whatever.

  If I stayed here any longer with him, I would do whatever kind of talking he wanted to. It was a blessing that he wasn’t offering any words when just being in his presence, in his arms felt better than it should. Better than what I was used to. I certainly had never been this comfortable in someone else’s space after sex. I shouldn’t be that comfortable now, and I didn’t like this anomaly either.

  Throwing my leg over Roland’s body, I stood beside him and spread a hand out in the air over his chest, afraid to touch him again. “Stay there. I’ll get you a towel from the house and be right back.”

  When I took off, so did my mind. What the hell did I just say to him? I almost skidded to a complete stop to think that one-sided conversation through but kept going. Apparently, ‘in his company’ was turning me into someone I didn’t know. I didn’t cater to someone else’s needs or stick around for the cleanup. Something was seriously wrong with me who was scurrying away like a frightened mouse down the two sets of steps into the house.

  Where was the fucking lioness who roared for no good damn reason and sat majestically while others catered to her when she allowed it? That bitch had left for parts unknown, and oh, when I found her ass, she was going to get a stern talking-to about abandoning her post. In her place was a fool that liked being with Roland and was going to take care of him before abandoning him.

  Liked being with him, Anna? Seriously! This shit is not for you who carries a blade to the bathroom. I rushed through the kitchen into the living area. It was still occupied with bodies cavorting in the dark. Kay and Hayden were one of the couples making love while standing up in the center of the dance floor that I skirted the edges of before sidestepping into the short hallway on my left. It opened to her two bedrooms and guest bathroom. The latter was my destination that I reached by executing another immediate left.

  The small room was blessedly vacant and quickly relieved of a hand towel from the single cabinet with a mosaic bowl doubling as a sink above the countertop instead of in it. Kay always had to have the prettiest things… at a reasonable price. She could find a sale in a store with her eyes closed.

  Turning on the faucets to wet the cloth, I wrung the excess water out of it then slipped across the hall to Kay’s master suite where my beaded clutch sat primly on her dresser. After retrieving it, I divested it of my car keys then jetted back to Roland still laying where I had left him, staring up at the night sky.

  “Here,” I flung the towel out at him.

  He turned his head in my direction slowly, in no hurry to do anything but look at me long enough for me to think that he was looking right through me. To the heart of me, to the damage there. No, no looking through me who didn’t want to be seen like that.

  I waved the cloth at him who finally took it. Successfully distracting him, I took the opportunity to turn my back, hearing him shift positions behind me. While he cleaned up, I imitated a sentry guarding him. Why I still remained out here with him, I had no clue, and I didn’t like being clueless. He was a grown man who’d proven he could look after himself. What soldier couldn’t?

  Nonetheless, something would not let me leave him yet. You’re staying to make sure you both cover your asses literally before leaving the deck. Yep, that was it. If it wasn’t, that was what I was claiming, or I have to own up to my feelings. That wasn’t an option at this point when I was jittery as a long-tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs, waiting for him to finish up while I watched the deck’s access visible from the kitchen.

  I shifted my weight from one foot to the other until the teeth of his zipper started eating each other. His ass was officially covered… so why was I still here. Was it to say goodbye to Roland? That felt about right and... Oh hell, that was exactly what I was doing, and Roland won’t be making me do anything else I hadn’t done in all my years.

  I took the first step to leave. Kay materialized out of the dark living area like a ghost into the kitchen. Her outfit was similar to mine; tight top and short skirt with heels. Hayden, dressed casually like Roland, was being dragged through the kitchen by Kay. When she rounded the table, I knew she was coming to the back doors to find me. It felt like I was about to be caught red-handed with Roland when I wasn’t even doing anything bad anymore.

  Since when did I care about getting caught? Right about now obviously. Bad Anna was not supposed to give a shit about what most people thought. Don’t judge me on that either. I never said I was perfect, but I cared a hell of a lot about what Kay thought, and she’d want to talk. No, uh huh, I wasn’t even capable of doing that either at the moment.

  My feet halted at the beginning of the steps, considering other avenues of escape. My options were ducking through her backyard then down the lane between her and Hayden’s home. Going that way would bring me out at the street where my car was parked. Skulking around in the dark was definitely going to make me look like a criminal who had just burglarized somebody’s home though.

  It was a distinct possibility that Mrs. Palmer, who lived across the street, would spot me and call up the cops. No, she’d call up her best friend to gossip about who she just saw coming out of Kay’s backyard. Mrs. Palmer was nosy and always getting the facts wrong on purpose. By the time I get home, the rumors would already be flying like fur. Shit would get real embarrassing fast for me. Yeah, well, so be it. Clutch tucked under my arm, I stepped down the first stair.

  “Anna,” Roland called quietly behind me.

  Shit. I glanced back at him who was standing tall in the center of the lowest level of the deck.

  “Anna,” Kay called, and she sounded close enough to be coming out the glass doors.

  I stopped in my tracks, didn’t want them to think I was running away therefore guilty of something. Okay, I was always guilty of something, but to act guilty was just as bad as being guilty though, so I swiveled on my heels to face him then look back at Kay and Hayden. I wasn’t sure who I should be looking at or answering first.

  “Yeah, Roland?” Deciding to answer them by the first come, first serve method, I tried to sound calm instead of flustered. The wobble in my voice proved I don’t pull that off.

  He cocked his head. Hooking his thumbs in the front pockets of his jeans brought his hands into my focus. The towel I gave him and the protection we used had disappeared. I didn’t dare ask where he had stashed them, not when Kay’s heels were rebounding off the slab of concrete laying as her back porch and bringing her into hearing range.

  “We need to talk,” he proposed.

  Oh God, no. Anything but that.

  “No, we don’t. We’ve done all we were going to do… I meant we’ve said all we’re going to say.” Jeez, get it together, Anna.

  “Are you at least going to say goodbye then?” he inquired, his lips lifting in a one-sided smirk that made him resemble a mischievous little boy.

  Images of a child looking a lot like a miniature Roland flickered in my head. Why in God’s name was I thinking about children now of all times? Something was seriously off in my head. I almost hit myself upside the skull in attempt to fix whatever had gotten loose, but knocking my marbles back into plac
e would make me look off. Since image was everything, I barely managed not to fidget in place, hoping to portray the essence of composed… and innocent.

  “No, Roland, I hadn’t planned on saying goodbye.” The truth again! Arrrgh!!! What the hell was he, truth serum?

  He frowned. “Why?”

  “Yeah, what he said,” Kay cut in from behind me, making me feel surrounded by those who would think that getting me to open up to them would help me in the long run. “Why are you leaving so soon anyway, Anna? You’ve only been here an hour.”

  I bet this was how interventions began. Swiping at my forehead, I dropped my eyes to the deck, feeling cornered. Kay’s disappointment wafted off her tone like smoke; we hadn’t parted without saying goodbye since I met her.

  “I just need to go home. I’m tired, sister, had a long day at work today.” That wasn’t a lie.

  The hair salon I worked at had people coming in and out all day, well into the early evening like there was a revolving door on the place. Not to mention that Roland had worn me out in only a handful of minutes in every way a human operated; physically, emotionally, intellectually, probably spiritually too. He did fuck like a God, but nervous energy better known as adrenaline was keeping me going.

  And I wanted to escape goddamnit, but I kept that and the part where I needed some space right now to myself. Roland was doing shit to my head, making my mind play tricks on me by flashing images of people that I don’t want in my life and shouldn’t have because life was just… fucked up. It had been that way for me from the moment I realized that I existed. And I would never curse anyone else with breathing.

  He crossed his arms over his massive chest, and turned out one muscular, strong leg that I’d just rode to bliss and back. Oooh damn, it was getting hot out here again. The black, bold lines and curves of a tattoo streaked down his right arm. I should’ve gotten a better look at the artwork that probably stopped at his shoulder. Men and tattoos did it for me.


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