The Chosen: A Tale of the Blood Breed

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The Chosen: A Tale of the Blood Breed Page 14

by A Tale of the Blood Breed (lit)

  “You’re really not lying, are you? How can all of that even be possible?”

  Lana nodded, feeling a weight lift off her shoulders at the knowledge that Kayla believed her. “I don’t know how it’s possible, but it is. Trust me, I’ve seen him change right before my eyes.”

  “Wow. Do you think he’d do it in front of me?”

  Shocked, Lana stared at her, surprised that Kayla actually wanted to see the change. “Are you serious? Why aren’t you more freaked out?”

  She shrugged and got up to set her empty cup in the sink. “I guess I always thought that there was more out there than just us, you know. I always believed in aliens, so why not open up my mind to the idea of vampires or mermaids or any other creature?”

  “I guess, I mean, I just can’t believe how well you’re taking all of this.”

  “Yeah, well, until I see the proof I am still a little skeptical.”

  Lana breathed out and looked out the window.

  “Listen, let’s just hang out, like old times. I can call Kaleb, and he can meet us for lunch. He is leaving tomorrow, you know.” Kayla reached across the table and placed her hand on top of Lana’s.

  “So soon?”

  “Yeah, he got called back earlier than he expected. It can just be the three of us again, like the good old times.”

  Lana couldn’t help the smile that covered her lips at the memories that came to mind—the three of them eating popcorn as they watched B-rated scary movies.

  “Yeah, that sounds like fun.” And it did, something “normal” to get her mind off of everything that seemed anything but.

  * * * *

  Aleksei stood with his feet braced apart on the cushioned blue mat. Dimitri stood much the same way with his sword hanging loosely in his grip. They started to circle each other, hoping to best one another. Aleksei needed to work off some steam, and working with a punching bag didn’t have the same effect.

  “Are you sure you’re up for this, old man?” Dimitri brought his sword up to shoulder level as he stared at him.

  “Oh, so the youngling wants to throw out the old man jokes, huh?” In one swift move, he swung his sword around in a move that would have sent the blade right through Dimitri’s shoulder. He stepped out of the way at the last minute and brought his blade down, cutting Aleksei’s bare chest before he had time to side step away.

  The warmth of his blood trickled down his skin a second before the cut knitted itself back together. “Very well done, although I have to say I gave you that one.”

  Dimitri gave a loud and deep laugh before he held his weapon high in the air and went for Aleksei’s thigh. Using his speed as an advantage, Aleksei moved behind Dimitri before the Breed knew what happened and placed the blade to his neck. He pressed the tip to Dimitri’s skin so it started to cut his flesh. A small line of blood formed just as he pulled away.

  “See, that just pisses me off.” Dimitri spun around with a grin on his face and bent, sweeping his feet out and brought Aleksei to his back. Dimitri swung his blade down, aiming at Aleksei’s pectoral. The blade slammed into the blue mat as Aleksei swung his sword in the air and ran it against Dimitri’s jean clad thigh. He hissed an oath and spun around with his sword held high. Adrenaline pumped through Aleksei’s veins, and he relished the sensation. He gave a purely predatory smile as they both lunged for each other at the same time.

  * * * *

  Osip left the female’s house pissed off and fuming. He should have just taken her, but then her little friend had shown up, and things would have just gotten messy. He had never been in a situation like this, and it infuriated him. He should have already had her, but no, he was playing these cat and mouse games, and they were getting old.

  The female was so tiny all he would have had to do was grab her. He ran a hand through his hair as he made his way back to his place. He watched her house, waiting for the right opportunity, but it never came. The two females stayed inside the house before they both left in one car. He followed them to a small restaurant before following them from one shop to the next. He gave up and headed home.

  He had a feeling her vampire would be back for her tonight, and as much as he wanted a confrontation, he didn’t have the time for it. He would just have to wait until the following evening.

  * * * *


  Lord D’s voice boomed throughout the walls as Osip knelt in front of him. He clenched his fists at the sound of his voice and willed himself to not lose his temper. Once he finished this job, he would collect his fee and be gone from this place before he killed the little fucker.

  “I have found her and will be collecting her the following evening. The opportunity wasn’t right. I didn’t want to draw any unwanted attention.”

  “No, we don’t need that. I am most pleased with you, Osip, most pleased, indeed.”

  Osip looked up, the female still between D’s thighs, his cock in her mouth. He held her wrist to his mouth, licking the blood that trailed down her cream-colored skin. He pushed her off and dismissed her while he pulled up his pants and walked down toward Osip.

  “Well, speak. What does she look like? I’m sure very beautiful if she is the Prophesied Female.”

  “She is most beautiful, very petite and ample in all the right places.” Osip suppressed the snarl that threatened to escape as he watched D close his eyes and lick his lips. He knew exactly what the leech was thinking about and what he planned for the little female. Why was he even going along with this? He always hunted down the worst of the worst, not innocent and small human females.

  Lord D snapped his eyes open and clapped his hands together. “Yes, you will bring her to me right away, and then you will be rewarded.”

  Osip bowed once more before stalking off toward the door. This was the last time he would help the vampires. Honestly, he couldn’t stand any being, but the leeches were the worst—always so selfish and conceited with all their wealth and power.

  He briskly walked through the stone corridors and made his way outside to the home where he resided. Maybe after this was all said and done he would travel to Europe. Yes, he always liked Europe and hadn’t been there in ages. Feeling resolved in his decision, he zipped up his jacket and walked faster as he naturally cloaked himself.

  * * * *

  Lana looked at herself in the mirror and ran her fingers through her hair. She spoke to Aleksei at least three different times today, the last one being only an hour ago.

  The sun just started to set, and she could feel butterflies in her stomach at the thought of Aleksei coming. She was excited about going to the new restaurant but more so about just seeing him. She thought about him constantly today, and every time her thoughts strayed toward him her heart beat faster and her stomach and did a little flip.

  Looking at the clock on her dresser, she grabbed her purse and headed down stairs. Before she even reached the bottom step, her doorbell rang, and her stomach did another familiar flip at the thought of Aleksei. Grabbing a shawl and wrapping it around her shoulders, she opened the door.

  He stood on the other side, over six and a half feet of male perfection. He wore a tailored black suit, the fabric molding to his muscular body not hiding the raw power he held. His short hair was impeccably styled and when he smiled, his perfect, straight white teeth showed.

  “Oh, I feel somewhat underdressed.” She blushed as his eyes gaze hooded and traveled up and down her body. She wore a simple black strapless dress and a matching shawl, her only jewelry being pearl earrings.

  “Hmm, maybe we should stay in tonight.” He leaned in and kissed her sweetly on the cheek. “I love that your cheeks turn the sweetest shade of pink when I compliment you. Your sweet blood rises to the surface and makes you glow.”

  He held his hand out, and she took it, shutting the door behind her as she followed him to the driveway. When she spotted his car sitting in the driveway, her eyes widened. It was indeed another one of those fancy, extreme cars.

what a car.” She looked up at him and smiled.

  “I wanted you to travel in luxury like the queen you are.”

  He stopped and brought her body flush against his, his mouth sweeping down and kissing her feverishly. Breaking the kiss, he led her to the passenger side and helped her into the car. He got in the driver’s side, looked at her, and smiled before he started the car and pulled out of her driveway.

  * * * *

  Lana watched as the Hibachi chef twirled his cooking utensils in the air and caught them gracefully. She had never been to a Japanese restaurant, let alone one that had a chef that cooked right in front of her. Aleksei reserved the whole restaurant for their night out and sat back in his seat just watching her. She smiled as the chef piled on onions, making a volcano in the process. He poured clear liquid in the center and set it afire, smoke coming out in tendrils from the tip of the onion volcano.

  Laughing, she clapped her hands as flames shot out of it like it had erupted. Looking over at Aleksei, her smile faltered as he watched her with hooded eyes. She could see the desire reflected in their depths and knew it matched hers. Shifting in her seat, her vagina pulsed with a need that should have been quenched by the numerous times he took her earlier.

  The chef filled their plates and left them with a bow. Lana cleared her throat, starting in on her food and pushing her lust-filled thoughts to the side. “So, you can eat regular food?” She twirled noodles around on her fork and watched him do the same with a set of chopsticks.

  “We can eat anything we want. We just also require a different…supplement.”

  “So, um…how old are you? I mean you said your kind is immortal, right? You must be pretty old.”

  He smiled at her before placing his chopsticks down and wiping his mouth. “What age would shock you?”

  Thinking about it, she shrugged, not really knowing how to answer. He watched at her, his mouth in a half smile. “I’m over six hundred years old.”

  She stared at him but kept her expression blank. Really, if she thought about it, this was probably one of the more “normal” things he had told her. “Wow, you bring a whole new meaning to robbing the cradle.”

  His lips quirked up and they both finished their meal.

  * * * *

  They sat at the restaurant for hours, just talking and holding each other’s hands. He told her all about his life and about his family. She felt so sorry for him when she learned about his mother, father, and brother dying. She grew fascinated when he told her about living in Russia hundreds of years ago. He told her in vivid detail about the battles he fought in and how life was all those years ago.

  She listened to him, but she found her concentration slip as she stared at him. Her chest ached when she looked at him, a feeling she was not familiar with. Could she have fallen for him so soon?

  If the emotions she was having were anything to go by, then she would have to say yes. Could it be love? She was a stranger to the concept, but who made the rules about how long it took to fall in love?

  As they left the restaurant, she noticed a newspaper lying on a bench. She let go of Aleksei’s hand and picked it up, the headline catching her attention.

  “Two more women missing in the small town of Stone Brooke.”

  She scanned the paper and looked up at Aleksei with wide eyes. “Can you believe what is happening? Those poor women.”

  He stared at her with a hard set in his eyes and took her hand to continue walking.

  “What’s going on?”

  His actions were weird, and she had a feeling he knew what was going on. He helped her into the car and slipped into the driver’s side, his focus on the window in front of him.

  “Lana, I don’t want to really get into it right now.”

  “Please tell me what’s going on.”

  He scrubbed a hand through his hair and faced her. For several heartbeats, they sat there staring at each other before he spoke again.

  “I am a Blood Breed as well as the ruler of my race. When a Blood Breed can’t control their hunger, they go into bloodlust. Usually, the bloodlust can be controlled if we feed quickly. If we feed when the bloodlust is at its highest, it gives us a high, and so it becomes addictive. Your senses are heightened, more so than normal, and you’re juiced up for anything, but you’re also very aggressive and unstable.

  “If a Breed doesn’t get the bloodlust under control, then there’s no going back. Those who choose that path will become something else, monsters in their own way. We call them the Bloodless. They are vile creatures that I don’t even want to associate with my species. They kill indiscriminately and live off the high that the blood gives them.” He ran a hand over his mouth and stared out his window. “I’m not telling you this to frighten you, but so that you know what is walking the night out there. They’re dangerous beyond measure, and I know they’re the ones killing those females.”

  She stared at his profile and gasped, her hand going up to her mouth. She couldn’t believe what she was hearing. “Why haven’t I heard about them killing women before? I mean this town is so quiet, and nothing like this has happened before.”

  “They don’t stay in one place for very long. Something has brought them to Stone Brooke, something that could change the lives of every creature on the planet.”

  “What could they possibly want here?”

  His phone choose that moment to ring, taking his focus so her question went unanswered. “Yeah?”

  She listened as Aleksei spoke short, clipped words, his whole demeanor changing right in front of her. Whoever he was speaking with was pissing him off, and it was clear by the way he spoke and how his body tensed up.

  “Okay, give me an hour. I’ll meet you back at my office.”

  “You have to go, right?” Disappointment filled her voice at the thought of not being able to spend the evening with him.

  “I do have to leave. Something’s come up, and as much as I want to stay with you, this seems to be extremely important and not able to wait.” He lifted his hand and ran his fingers along her cheek. “Don’t worry, love. I promise I’ll try and come back to see you tonight and explain what I can.”

  She nodded, knowing whatever he had to do was probably important. He held her hand as he left the restaurant and headed back to her place. Once at her house, they just sat there in silence, the slow hum of the car the only noise to break the silence. She turned to open her door and gasped as it swung open before she could touch the handle. Aleksei stood on the other side with his hand outstretched and a smile covering his lips. He led her to her front door where he pulled her into the warmth of his body and stared down at her.

  “I’m going to bid you goodnight and then kiss you gently on the lips.”

  She didn’t want him to bid her goodnight and certainly didn’t want a gentle kiss on the lips. His warm breath filtered across her skin as he kissed her cheek and then moved slowly toward her mouth. Their lips touched lightly, and she inhaled at the contact. Their mouths moved together in a slow and sensual exploration that left her breathless.

  His hands moved up to her face and framed it as their heads tilted, and the kiss deepened. He broke away, and she rested her head against his chest as she felt him start to stroke her hair. Her emotions were so strong at that moment that she wanted to tell him how she felt—tell him that she had fallen in love with him. The words lodged in her throat as she listened to the rhythmic beat of his chest.

  “I wish this would never end.”

  Chapter Seventeen

  Osip sat in a tree, watching the place where the female he would be taking shortly resided in. As always, he cloaked himself so no one would be able to sense him. He leaned against the thick trunk of the tree, his legs out in front of him, his arms crossed over his chest as he waited.

  A sleek, dark car crept down the quiet street and pulled into his target’s driveway. Eyes not missing anything, he watched as his target and the vampire got out and walked to her door. They shared a lover’s emb
race, and after several long moments, he expected the male to join her inside, but instead he went back to his car and pulled out of the driveway. The car drove a few feet down the street and then stopped. Osip thought for sure the male would go back to her, could practically smell his arousal and determination to do so, but his car slowly moved forward and was soon out of sight.

  He smiled, the adrenaline pumping through his body and priming him for his mission. Several minutes later, her bedroom light went on, and she walked past the window. He didn’t know if the male would come back, but he wasn’t about to wait and find out. He jumped out of the tree and walked toward the small house.

  * * * *

  Aleksei didn’t want to leave Lana, but Adrik insisted on speaking with him right away. Something in the back of his mind told him—urging him to go back, but he resisted the urge and drove off.

  He rolled his head around on his neck and tightened his hands on the steering wheel. It was getting harder to suppress his basic instincts, but he knew he needed to give her whatever time—knew he needed to give her however long it took for her to decide. He was determined to make this meeting quick and to get back to her and finish what they started on the doorstep.

  He pulled into the underground garage of the club and parked his car. Once inside, he made his way up to his office and waited for Adrik to show. A deep knock sounded on his door and Adrik walked in, his expression grim. “Let’s get this over with, if you don’t mind. I would like to get back to where I came from.”

  Adrik paced the floor in front of him as he ran a hand over his face. “I wanted to tell you this sooner but couldn’t reach you.” He stopped his pacing and sat down in one of the chairs. “I’m sure you know the Lykens took care of that rogue, right? Well, before I left them, he spoke about what they searched for.”

  Aleksei leaned forward in his chair. “And?”

  “He said his horde leader had them out searching for a female who bears the mark of the crescent moon within a circle on her skin. He said they were searching for the Prophesied Female.”

  Aleksei leaned back in his chair, stunned at the revelation. He knew the Bloodless were out killing women and searching for something, but what that something was he hadn’t known for sure. He suspected as much from reading the scrolls, but hearing the confirmation actually shocked him, which wasn’t an easy feat. He ran a hand over his mouth, not sure what to do with the new information.


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