Best Intentions: A Ghost Cats Story

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Best Intentions: A Ghost Cats Story Page 1

by Mandy M. Roth

  Even a wrong turn can be right.

  A Ghost Cats Story

  Lily arrives at Thioshpaye Bar and Cabins looking for room, board…and a man. The one standing behind the counter ought to be perfect—she’s not going to find anyone more gorgeous. But she’s only looking for a one-night stand, and the connection that sizzles between them tells her she could spend a lifetime in his arms.

  Brayen’s cougar-shifter eyes must be deceiving him. Humans aren’t supposed to be able to see the building, much less waltz right through the door. But he can tell that Lily is special—and sees through the bravery that masks her inner vulnerability. His pack won’t welcome a human, but when Lily is nearly attacked by wolf shifters, Brayen knows she’s his to protect—and love. At least for tonight.

  Before the night is over, Lily gets more than she bargained for—a taste of love she never knew could exist—and can never have. Faced with an empty bed in the morning, Brayen realizes he’s lost the one thing he never hoped to find. His true mate.

  Finding her again will take a miracle…and could cost them both everything.

  This book has been previously published.

  Warning: Cat-shifter nookie in some very wet places. Yes, it’s what you’re thinking.

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  This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the writer’s imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locale or organizations is entirely coincidental.

  Samhain Publishing, Ltd.

  577 Mulberry Street, Suite 1520

  Macon GA 31201

  Best Intentions

  Copyright © 2010 by Mandy M. Roth

  ISBN: 978-1-60928-105-2

  Edited by Lindsey Faber

  Cover by Natalie Winters

  All Rights Are Reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

  First Samhain Publishing, Ltd. electronic publication: July 2010

  Best Intentions

  Mandy M. Roth


  Dad, you were taken too young and will be greatly missed. I love you.

  Chapter One

  Lillian pulled up alongside the Thioshpaye Cabins and waited for the courage to get out of the vehicle. The thought of what she’d come to do still made her slightly nauseous. She wasn’t the type of girl who slept around and she certainly wasn’t the type who cheated, but she knew what had to be done. Besides, Jack had been the one to file for divorce, not her. He’d been the one who decided he couldn’t do it anymore. That he needed space. Sure, he begged her to forgive his error in judgment and take him back, but there was something she needed to attend to first.

  Gripping the wheel, her knuckles turning white, Lily glanced at the bar, Igmú, adjacent to the cabins. A sign, resembling a stretched hide with a painting on it, clearly spelled out the bar’s name. It looked weathered and old, yet new all at the same time. Great care had gone into the details of both the cabins and the bar. Someone had painstakingly assured Native American themes were consistent throughout. The entire atmosphere was different here. She’d sensed it the minute she’d pulled off the highway and driven down the long winding lane to the parking lot.

  You can do this, she told herself, chancing a quick glance at the bar, steeling her will as best she could. She’d come with a mission. If she turned back now, she’d lose her chance at filling the ache of her empty arms.

  Renee, her best friend, had told her she could find plenty of sexy men willing to shack up for a night or two at the bar, no questions asked, and that’s exactly what she needed.

  No muss, no fuss.

  She dropped her head back, pushing it against the headrest. Her thoughts ran faster than she could keep up with. A strange tingling in her chest seemed to be a cross between adrenaline and guilt.

  You can do this, she repeated, her mantra nearly burned into her brain. The first step was the hardest—getting out of the car. She managed it, just barely. Once out, she hovered near her vehicle, debating on whether or not to go in and do what she’d spent so long planning. Gulping, she made her way towards the entrance.

  It didn’t appear to be a dive and that surprised her. She’d expected the entire place to be flea-bitten and crawling with lowlifes. Renee’s stories about the happenings at the bar afterhours had given her that impression. The place not only looked like it was well kept; it looked like it turned a decent profit.

  She was a little disappointed her grandmother wasn’t alive to see the place. She would have loved it. She’d been full-blooded Lakota and had instilled a respect for the culture in Lily at an early age. The painstaking detail in every direction Lily looked would have certainly pleased her grandmother.

  She pushed open the door to the office and stepped inside, her attention still on the bar next door. The scent of varying spices filled the air with a pleasing, welcoming aroma. It too reminded her of the days she’d visit her grandmother. Those days still held a special place in her heart. It was when everything was simple and right in the world.

  Nothing made sense anymore.

  “Can I help you?” came a deep voice, causing her lower stomach to swirl with something akin to need.

  Shocked by her physical response, Lily glanced at the man behind the counter and drew in a deep breath. He was stunning. From what she could see, he was made of pure muscle. Not an ounce of fat on him. Her tongue darted out and over her lower lip, desperate for moisture that wasn’t there. The white T-shirt he wore showed off his sun-kissed skin. Sandy blond locks fell just below his shoulders and wisps of sun-bleached white strands ran through it. It was clear to see he enjoyed the outdoors and that they, in turn, had been kind to him.

  “You all right?” he asked, cocking a light brown eyebrow. Stark blue eyes stared out at her from under his thick lashes.

  It was too easy to picture those eyes reflected in a younger version of the man—a tiny bundle of joy that she could love for the rest of her days.

  No. Not him. Someone I’m not attracted to like this. Not him.

  Her pulse sped as she inched towards the counter. Each step was a step on the path of no return. She knew as much, yet she put one foot in front of the other and moved forward. “I need a cabin for the weekend.”

  “You by yourself?” he inquired, standing, taking her breath away. His six-foot-plus body was pure perfection.

  Oh Gawd, he’s even more gorgeous than I thought.

  Brayen’s heart raced as he watched the tiny brunette walk into the office. He rarely got excited over a woman upon first glance but she did it for him. His dick had hardened the minute she entered and he wasn’t sure it would ever go down. Her curves were where they needed to be and she actually had enough meat on her bones to not look fifteen. He hated the way women starved themselves trying to be a size zero. This one was perfect, not too big and not too small. Little on the short side, though.

  Her green gaze locked onto him and he wondered if his face was as red as it felt. He’d never been prone to getting embarrassed—this was a first. The way she stared at him made him both nervous and excited all at the same time. He hated to interrupt her but she didn’t appear to be making any headway in the introducing-herself department.

  The scent of her arousal filled his nostrils and he had to close his eyes a moment to prevent her from seeing them change
colors. She wasn’t a shifter. He could tell by her scent, yet here she stood in his establishment. The shaman—Running Elk—had said normal humans could not see the hotel or bar—they’d see it as abandoned and continue down the highway. He’d paid good money for the old man to work his magik on the joint and wasn’t happy to find out this little one found her way past it. Didn’t matter how fuckable she looked. She wasn’t one of them. Therefore, she needed to leave.

  “You want a cabin for the weekend, huh?”

  “Yes…yes, please, if there’s one available,” she added softly.

  Brayen eyed her closely. She didn’t really look the rustic cabin type. Seemed more like the kind of lady who preferred the finer things in life. His head said to send her on her merry way. His cock had other things in mind and sadly, it ruled in most matters. “Sure, I’ve got room, but wouldn’t you be more comfortable in the city? It’s only another fifteen to twenty minutes from here.”

  Her head snapped up and something flashed in her green eyes, anger perhaps. She moved her jaw around and Brayen could smell her body chemistry changing. Yep, she was good and pissed. He smiled at her feistiness. “So I take it that rather sexy pout means you’d rather be here, in my fine establishment.”

  She huffed. “Sexy pout?”

  “I figured it sounded better than hissy fit. We can call it whatever you want but let’s be honest. You want to be here.”

  For a second, he thought she might protest. He almost wished she would. She opened her mouth and closed it again. A curt nod was followed by the clearing of her throat. “Yes. Can I have a room or not?”

  “Sure thing,” he said, already knowing it was a bad idea. Still, he couldn’t stop himself. He glanced in the direction of the parking lot. “Need any help with your bags?”

  “I can manage on my own,” she replied, each word clipped. Her strong will only made him want to touch her more. He could just imagine what her expression would be when she was coming.

  I bet she’s a screamer.

  He hardened more, his cock pushing at the confines of his jeans. He palmed it, blatantly adjusting himself. A sly smile curved his lips as he noticed her noticing his actions. She gulped and he snickered. Hot damn. She was innocent, like a little lamb in the den of a lion, or in his case, a cougar.

  Her heart rate increased and his keen senses afforded him a whiff of her sweet smelling sweat. Brayen had to take a second to collect his thoughts and pull back on the beast uncoiling deep within him. It very much wanted to come out and play with the newest addition. But fucking a human was a bad idea. They were fragile and tended to break easily. A shifter’s appetite for rough sex was well known within the supernatural community. Just like the animals they shared their genetic makeup with, sex could be wild, dangerous and thrilling.

  Clenching his fists, he held back, refraining from going to her and seeing if her skin was as soft as it appeared to be. “Tell ya what. I’ll give you a cabin for the weekend for half price if you let me carry your bags to your room.”

  She balked. “Money’s not an issue. I can pay your fee and I can carry my own bags, Mr.…?”

  “Name is Brayen but Bray will do in a pinch, Miss…?”

  “Lily will do for me,” she said, still glaring at him.

  Damn. Even her dirty looks were sexy. His cock throbbed, wanting to be free of his jeans, and he silently cursed himself for wearing a snug-fitting pair. If she glanced down, she’d see exactly what her independent woman routine was doing to him.

  Exhaling slowly through his mouth, Brayen struggled to find an inner peace long enough to get her into her room and then get himself into an icy cold shower. Though he’d probably spend the entire time jacking off to her image anyways so he wasn’t sure the temperature of the shower much mattered. Might be better to blow a load right up front and get the tiny spitfire out of his mind.

  “Lily it is then.” He moved from behind the counter and came to a stop before her. She was so much smaller than him that she only came to his chest. He wanted to pick her up and see how well she fit against his body but he didn’t. He knew better. Already the little thing had a pull over him he didn’t much care for. Knowing how she felt in his arms would do nothing in the way of stopping that.

  Just one night.

  He grunted, liking the way his mind worked. Maybe one night would do it. She reeked with desire for him but his bet was on her being cold as ice if he tried anything. It was a shame too. He hadn’t been this attracted to anyone in his life. His condition prevented him from getting close to too many people. Accidently shifting when he lost control of his moods was a very real possibility, though he had more control than others over the beast within.

  He took a deep breath and savored the sweet scent of peaches. He wasn’t sure if she’d just eaten one or if it was some sort of lotion, but it drove him mad with desire. He stretched his shoulders and started for the door. The need to put some distance between them was great. “Let’s get you settled in. It’s getting late and tomorrow is the full moon.”

  He brushed past Lily and she tensed. The aroma of her arousal hit him again, causing him to stagger backwards. She grabbed his arm and it took everything in him not to throw her to the floor and fuck her then and there. Shaking, he heaved in large gasps of air, fighting as the beast within him uncoiled and took note of Lily. Instant approval radiated from it and Brayen knew if he dared to let it out, he’d do something he could never take back.

  He’d not only fuck her. He’d lay claim to her.

  “Are you okay?” she inquired, sliding her tiny hand up his arm more. The action, while innocent, sent fire to his groin. White teeth flashed as he considered sinking his hands into her dark hair and yanking her against his body. Already he could almost taste her cream on his tongue. She’d be sweet heaven he was sure.

  Pure male heat rolled off him as he glanced down at her hand upon his arm. A cunning smile slid over his face slow at first. Her gaze locked on him and her fingers dug at his arm as her breathing increased.

  At least he wasn’t flying solo in the attraction department. Clearly, Lily felt something for him. If the intensity of the pull was as extreme for her as it was him, their joining would be explosive. He wondered if she was a screamer or if she climaxed silently.

  Fuck. I want to find out.

  “Are you okay?” she repeated with less conviction in her voice.

  “I’m better now, thanks.”

  She rolled her eyes and pulled away from him. “Can I just get the key to my cabin now?”

  “In a hurry?” he asked, wanting to know more about the mysterious female.

  “As a matter of fact, I am. I want to get a bite to eat at the bar. They serve food, right?”

  Brayen’s gut clenched. They’d serve her there if she wasn’t careful. The establishment was crawling with shifters of various kinds. None of which were something a human female needed to be alone with. There was no way in hell he was letting her set foot in there without an escort. “They sure do. Can I buy you dinner?”

  Her gaze narrowed on him. “Why?”

  “Why not?” He bent and put his face dangerously close to hers. Her full, rose red lips tempted him, taking all his strength not to clamp his mouth down on hers. If he dared, he’d fuck her here and now.

  Lily stood there, gazing into the handsome stranger’s crisp blue eyes, and had to fight to concentrate on what he’d said to her. She caught the words buy dinner and that was it. She tried to look away from him but couldn’t. All she could do was shake her head slightly.

  She hadn’t intended to find anyone she was this attracted to. The most she’d hoped for was to find a man who at least caught her eye and then spend the weekend fucking his brains out and leave—no strings, no phone numbers, no contact again.

  The attraction she felt for this man, Brayen, was more than she’d hoped for and more than she felt comfortable with.

  Use your head, Lily. You need to be able to walk away from this man and not look back. Jack
is who you love. He’s the only man you’ve ever loved, she scolded herself as she stared at Brayen’s lips.

  He stayed locked in one spot for what seemed like an eternity. The door to the office opened, bringing with it a strong gust of cold wind. Lily gasped as the wind seemed to encircle her, thrusting her forward. She ran right into Brayen’s lips with her own, her mouth parted slightly from the yelp. She went to close her mouth and felt his warm tongue invade her. Her insides flared to life and her inner thighs pulsated with need. She put her hands on his chest and pushed back from him.

  Brayen glanced at her a moment and then around the office. Lily looked too. She felt someone or something touching her back, before it pushed her into Brayen again, but there was no one to be seen. Confused, she took a step towards Brayen. Fear danced up her spine. “Something’s here…behind me.”

  He pulled her close, his body large, muscular, protective. She shuddered against him, still glancing around the office. The hairs on the back of her neck stood on end.

  Brayen ran his hand up her back slowly. “It’s okay.”

  Her gaze lifted upwards, colliding with his. She saw him dipping his head and knew to pull away but couldn’t. Her body seemed locked in place, wanting what she knew was about to come.

  Another kiss.

  Brayen didn’t disappoint. His lips feathered over hers and he eased his tongue into her mouth. Whimpering, her tongue followed suit, dipping into his mouth as well. The kiss was intoxicating, drugging almost. Her entire body relaxed against the man and she knew in that moment she’d give herself freely to him—without worry or reservation.

  The kiss intensified and in the back of her mind, she knew better than to let it. This wasn’t supposed to happen. She wasn’t supposed to have this kind of attraction to another man. She was supposed to grin and bear it, getting through with what had to be done. Not this.


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