Earth Song: Etude to War

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Earth Song: Etude to War Page 58

by Mark Wandrey

  “That doesn’t answer my question,” she said groggily.

  “We’re testing it right now on mice. We’ll know more in about twelve hours. In the hopes that it is a winner, we’ve got every gene probe on the planet producing the modified virus right now. By the time we have an answer, we’ll have enough to start administering it.

  “Children first,” she said, and pointed a finger at the screen, “absolutely no exceptions. I hear of even one dose going to some politician or rich asshole before every child on the planet has been seen to, and I’ll personally rip their fucking heads off. Do I make myself perfectly clear?”

  The wait proved too much, and Minu felt herself being gently shaken awake by Dram an unknown time later. She looked up into his weary face and momentarily forgot where she was. She’d been dreaming about swimming in her lake with Aaron and their new baby.

  “The first children are being given the retrovirus right now,” he told her, “it works perfectly.”

  She nodded and sighed, then tears started to roll down her cheeks.

  “It’s okay,” Dram said. “You did it, kid.”

  She had no memory of him picking her up in his powerful arms and carrying her to her bed. He placed her down, pulled a sheet over her and gently kissed her forehead. “Sleep, Sapphire,” he whispered, “we’ll drop the other shoe tomorrow.”

  Back in the lab Hodo was closing down all his computers and making sure test virii were flashed in ovens and samples all destroyed according to protocol. He’d spent weeks following his word and giving his best to defeat the virus he’d created, because there was no-one else responsible for it.

  He was only surprised his subordinates had had the initiative to release it without his orders. Even as he’d worked, he’d hoped there would be no cure and that it would mutate (as designed) to eventually kill all the worrisome humans. They would probably have killed him near the end, he understood that. But he’d feigned fear of catching it himself, even though he’d knew he was immune. What sort of idiot would make a bioweapon that would kill its maker as well?

  It was far beyond his own ability to design the virus. Oh, true enough the basis of it was from his own work, but the real best parts were not his. They’d come from a mysterious voice over a communicator in his office on their homeworld months ago, a supposedly private channel that was not able to be messed with. This guest gave him the gene sequences it said were specific for the humans and would have the best effect. It had been wrong.

  “So they beat you,” he said to his own personal tablet which showed the genetic sequence of the Nocturne, as the humans called it, “I didn’t think that was possible.”

  All the rest of the data had gone to the humans; this little bit would stay hidden on his personal tablet. Likely they wouldn’t notice it when he went home. “So the Grent are not infallible after all?”

  That was good to know.

  Chapter 74

  September 11th, 534 AE

  Fort Jovich, Peninsula Tribe Territory, Bellatrix

  The portal opened to a nondescript landscape with sparse vegetation and no signs of structures. Camera in the portal chamber worked to record every detail to see if they could later identify the world. Minu knew it was likely a waste of time.

  The three hulking Mok-Tok that stood in the doorway, two wearing battle armor and with heavy weapons at the ready spoke of the carefulness of those controlling the other side.

  In her hand was a box holding Hodo Bapal. The three Mok-Tok stood still and waited. Minu was unarmed as she walked through to the afternoon sun of the foreign world and sat the case on the ground. Behind her the portal closed.

  She pressed a button on the case’s side and a little door slid open. Hodo raced out and quickly disappeared into the fur of the middle beast, the one without arms or armor.

  After a moment it made a couple shuffling steps, seemed to quiver like someone out in the cold, then settled down. Minu’s translator came alive with his words. “You have dealt with me fairly, Chosen.”

  “And you have fulfilled your promise, so I can do no less. We follow The Law.”

  “As do we.”

  Minu chaffed at the line, ritual though it might be. The virus had been a serious violation of that law. Another time. She removed her PCR and reactivated the portal. An equally nondescript location appeared. They all played their little games.

  “One last thing, human.”

  Here it comes, she thought, this is when he vaporizes me. So be it, there would be repercussions from such a move.


  “I do not look forward to meeting you in battle again.”

  “Why do we have to be enemies?” Minu asked and took a step closer to the hulking behemoth that the little mouse-like being had become.

  She could have held Hodo in her hand with five of his closest friends, now he stood as tall as her and massed several hundred kilos more.

  “We have both learned to respect each other over these weeks. I’ve overlooked what your people did with the Nocturne, an arguably cowardly act, and am releasing you. I could just as easily have tossed you into a hole and pretended you never existed.”


  “So why must we be enemies? Humans will hold out an empty hand in peace, you have only to take it.”

  There was a pause as he either considered her words or waited for the translation. Then he replied. “Because you are upsetting a very old balance.”

  “We only want to exist and thrive,” Minu said.

  “Exactly. Farewell Chosen, we shall meet again.”

  “I have no doubt,” she replied and stepped back through.

  Minu stopped on two more worlds, the first to pick up a field cache of weapons and gear. If she was being followed, she aimed to make them pay. But after the next stop she spend a few hours hiding in a prepared ‘hunting blind’ left by Chosen scouts and found no sign of pursuit. So a quick trip to the freezing plains of Jumpoff and she was back in the ceramic concrete depth of Fort Jovich.

  She’d considered just rendevouzing with Lilith on her route and riding home with her, or going hunting for Aaron. The latter was the most appealing choice. But there were still loose ends to tie up on Bellatrix. Once that was all finished, she’d get some friends together and it would be time to go cat hunting.

  “Welcome back, Commander,” the voice boomed over the loudspeaker. “Stand by for bioscan.” The new equipment, built from modified designs sent from her daughter in deep space, made it so there would never again be a bioweapon attack on her home. “You’re clear, please proceed.” The huge dualloy doors slid open and she headed for the nearest lift.

  Up in her office (the small one next to Gregg’s as the Ranger commander), she changed out of combat gear, secured the weapons she’d picked up while offworld, and headed for the motor pool. She caught a nap during the flight to Steven’s Pass and felt refreshed when she landed and headed for the council chamber.

  Inside waited the leadership of the Chosen. Terrence Pagalio and Fernando Vega were having some sort of a discussion next to a cart full of coffee and snacks. Dram sat in the center of the table working on a tablet while Gregg, Bjorn, and Jasmine Osgood all discussed some technical matter. Gregg sat by himself, lost in thought, and looked up as she came in. He gave her a half hearted smile which she returned. Like thousands of other parents, his son had never woken up from the Nocturne, and likely never would. The codex was a powerful medical tool, yet it was still limited by human physiology.

  “Everything go okay?” Dram asked from his tablet.

  “He’s back with his people. Best we could do.”

  “You made the right moves,” he assured her. To Minu’s surprise, everyone around the room nodded in agreement, even Terrence and Jasmine. “Let’s get in session, shall we?”

  Everyone took a seat and a young five star Chosen came in when summoned and took up the recorder’s position. Minu didn’t recognize him. It was becoming more common as the years went by. The
re had been a time she had known nearly every Chosen by name.

  Dram spoke up in his powerful deep voice. “The Chosen council stands in session. Missing is former First among the Chosen, Jacob Bentley. Let the record show he was duly summoned in person by a representative of this council and refused to appear.”

  “Told me to go fuck myself,” Bjorn snorted.

  Dram shrugged. “The former First was suspended by this council in emergency session, but lacking quorum, which we now have. Do any of those members wish to alter their votes?” He looked at them each in order, and each one shook their heads. “Let the record show each member has indicated negative, as do I as well. The vote is to remove Jacob Bentley as First among the Chosen. Minu Groves, two star at large, how do you vote?”

  “Affirmative,” she said without hesitation.

  “Gregg Larson, Ranger branch, how do you vote?”

  “For myself and the seven hundred and forty two lives we left behind on Planet K, absolutely yes.”

  “It is so noted. Standing in official session, the council has voted unanimously to remove Jacob Bentley as First among the Chosen. He is retired from Chosen service, reduced to the permanent rank of three stars, and allowed an appropriate pension.”

  Minu felt strangely unemotional at the spectacular end to Jacob’s tenure as First. Even with how he’d treated her over all the years of her service, to sit on the council that was the first to forcefully unseat a First was not something she’d ever thought to do. Jacob had been her father’s second. What would he think of this move?”

  “Next business is appointing a new First.”

  “I thought the Tog did that?” Minu said.

  “They have elected to cease direct involvement in the Chosen. That includes selection as well.”

  She hadn’t known that and it came as quite a surprise.

  “I nominate Dram Aluvala,” Minu said, standing to make it formal.

  “I refuse,” he replied. She was the only one that appeared taken aback.


  “I initiated his removal. To then take his place would be wrong and potentially a conflict of interest.” He looked down and took a long deep breath. “No, I don’t want the job.”

  “But you took it after you removed him while I was gone!”

  “Someone had to,” he said and took off the single star to sit in on the table. It rested, shining and lonely on the perfect white moliplas surface. He produced a pair of two golden stars and pinned them on his cuffs before speaking again. “We’d already decided on who the next First is anyway.”

  Minu looked around the room one face at a time, and they were all looking at her. The last face she looked at was Bjorn, who gave her a little wink. Oh shit.

  “This council will now vote on the ascension of Minu Groves to the position of First among the Chosen.”

  An hour later the chamber doors opened and the largely laughing and smiling group of Chosen leadership filed out, many patting Minu on the back and offering their congratulations.

  The only one not smiling was Minu herself. Her face held the look of someone who’d just found out they’d inherited a herd of wild kloth. Outside waited dozens of reporters in a semi circle around a podium that had been set up while they were in session. Her expression didn’t improve.

  “Time to meet your adoring press,” Dram said and slapped her on the back hard enough to send her a step towards the podium.

  With little other choice than to make it look purposeful, she continued towards the podium. The cameras all turned on her, lights came up half blinding her, and Dram’s voice boomed out.

  “Ladies and gentlemen of the press, I give you the new First among the Chosen, Minu Groves!”

  In an instant she was submerged in a cacophony of stunned silence as they all stared at her in slack jawed shock. They’d been told to expect a major announcement, but not this.

  After a moment, the first questions started, “Minu—” was all she heard, because two dozen more questions were shouted at the same time.

  Minu allowed it for a moment before holding up her arms for silence. It was the first time she’d really looked at the single golden stars on both cuffs. She was taken aback by the apparition. She was First among the Chosen? To her surprise, the press fell silent as well, so she began.

  “I’ll read a brief statement, then take a couple questions. However there isn’t time for much more right now. Additional questions can be sent to my assistant, Ariana Beck, at the office of the Chosen First.

  “Now, as of seventeen-hundred hours today, I have been ascended to the office of First among the Chosen by the senior council of the Chosen. The Tog were not involved in this decision. They have abdicated that responsibility to us, their Chosen, to administer as we see fit.

  “I am extremely honored to accept this position, also once held by my father, Chriso Alma. I am fully aware of the level of responsibility placed on my shoulders, both as young as I am, and as the first female to hold this position, I will strive to make the best of the office that I have been given.

  “Dram Aluvala has remained at the position of Second among the Chosen, as I have requested. The only other significant change at this time will be the relocation of the Office of the First to Fort Jovich effective immediately. This is a tactical decision. Steven’s Pass will remain the administrative center of Chosen operations as well as other branch functions already lodged in this facility. That is all I have to say. Are there any questions?”

  Every one of the press clamored for attention and Minu had the unenviable job of picking one. But how to make sure it was the right person? She didn’t really know any of them by name.

  In the end, she merely pointed at one and said, “You, in the blue jacket.”

  “First Groves, can you—”

  “What is your name?”

  “I’m sorry, First?”

  “I asked your name. I would like to know with whom I am speaking.”

  “Oh, sorry. Tell Obusaka, Peninsula News Service.”

  “Very well, Mr. Obusaka, please proceed.”

  “Thank you. Can you tell me why you have been named First and what happened to First Jacob?”

  “There will be a separate press release on that matter. However, I will tell you that Mr. Bentley has been removed from his office and the Chosen for reasons of action during his service. As for why I was picked, you would have to ask the council.”

  “Would Chosen Dram tell us?” someone shouted without being picked.

  Minu shrugged and looked over her shoulder. Dram was standing close at hand, so he took a step forward so the array of mikes and cameras could better see him before speaking.

  “Minu Groves has been Chosen for almost twenty years, and in that time there has never been one of our number who has better exemplified our goals, ideals, and meaning to exist. She’s designed and implemented the shock rifles we use to defend ourselves, built the forts, and created our newest branch, the Rangers.

  “Years ago, at great personal risk to herself, she brought back the genetic codex and along with that, recently helped find the cure for the Nocturne Disease. So, you tell me, who exactly would be more qualified to lead the Chosen?”

  * * *

  Minu stepped into the First’s office; her office, at least until she relocated to Fort Jovich. Jacob had taken everything except the desk and the carpets. He’d even taken the bookends off the bookshelves and the chairs.

  Ariana had arrived earlier at Minu’s call, more than willing to continue as the personal assistant of the First, and had managed to find a few chairs for the room. As Minu walked in, a little hologram on her desk came alive and made her smile.

  It was of her, Lilith, and Aaron, taken aboard the Kaatan while they all floated in the zero gravity of the CIC. Aaron was holding up his fingers like rabbit ears behind Lilith’s stern face, the younger girl completely unaware.

  The sight of Aaron grinning mischievously tore at her heart. She needed to be out the
re looking for him, not moving into an office she didn’t deserve.

  “I’m sorry about Aaron,” Dram said from behind her, his deep bass tenor rolling reassuringly over her. He put a big hand on her shoulder and squeezed gently. “And Pip too. It was a tough trip.”

  “Pretty tough for over seven hundred Rangers too.” Minu sighed. She’d trained many of them herself. “Dram, I’d rather just run the Rangers. Give the Chosen to Gregg, damn it.”

  “That isn’t your decision.”

  “I could just resign…” she suggested.

  “Yes, you could. But you do that and I swear I’ll push for Jasmine as First.”

  “You wouldn’t do that.”

  “Maybe not, but it wouldn’t be your call to make. As a two star, you only have one vote.” He gestured to the chair behind the desk. “Take your rightful seat, and we can talk.”

  She glanced from him to the seat, shook her head, then sighed and walked behind the desk. How many times did she sit on the other side of this desk and get her ass chewed off by its previous occupant?

  She couldn’t easily recall, but it was more than one and less than a hundred. As she sat in the common high-backed office chair, she was grateful Jacob took the other chair.

  “You realize that you were destined for that chair from the moment you put on stars?” Dram sat across from her and looked as serious as the first time she’d seen him so many years ago as the daughter of the First. She snorted and he held up a hand.

  “Now that you are sitting there, I can tell you things I’ve kept to myself for almost twenty years.”

  “What are you talking about, Dram?”

  “I’m talking about what your father said before he left.”

  Chapter 75


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