Bad Appetites: A Body Horror Novel

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Bad Appetites: A Body Horror Novel Page 6

by Jon Athan

  Cindy was jealous of Charlotte – the truth was practically carved on her forehead.

  Charlotte said, “I'm so happy for you, sweetheart. You're going to have to tell me more about this 'miracle' regimen. I could shed a few pounds from this fat ass, too.”

  As Charlotte giggled, Cindy said, “I don't know about that. I think your man likes it.” She pointed towards the dance floor and said, “I think he could use a hand, too.”

  Charlotte glanced over her shoulder, then she huffed. Michael, donning a spiffy tuxedo, beckoned to his wife from afar. He teetered left-and-right, struggling to keep his balance. Although sunset had not yet arrived, the man was already drunk.

  Smiling from ear-to-ear, Charlotte said, “This is what I signed up for. I'm going to go check on him. You should come dance. I'm sure Joseph won't mind. Go on. Let loose.” As she strutted towards her husband, Charlotte shouted, “I'll find you in a few, hun! Let me take care of my man first!”

  Cindy nodded and said, “Sure, sure...”


  Cindy stood in front of the window with her arms crossed, staring down at the pedestrians like a king scoffing at his jester. Jealousy remained on her mind, clouding her rational thought patterns. She wanted to be happy for her friend, she wanted to celebrate her big day, but she found herself sulking and moping instead.

  Jealousy was a serious psychological issue, stemming from entitlement, insecurities, and passion. In an unhinged mind, jealousy could breed irrational thoughts, which would surely lead to wicked actions. If jealousy could be identified through a checklist, Cindy would unfortunately meet every requirement – and more.

  Cindy sighed, then she whispered, “My day will come, Charlotte. With or without you, my day will come...”

  “Hello. You wouldn't happen to be talking to me, would you?” a young man said from over Cindy's shoulder.

  Cindy furrowed her brow and glanced back at the intruding man, baffled.

  A handsome yuppie casually approached her. His black hair was neatly waxed to the right and his stubble was freshly trimmed. Like the rest of the male guests, he wore a tuxedo. Lean, tall, and confident, the man appeared suave and welcoming.

  Cindy nervously smiled and said, “No, no. I was just mumbling to myself, I guess.”

  The man stepped to Cindy's side, then he stared out the window. He said, “I figured. I had to get your attention somehow, though. My name is David – David Meyers. It's nice to meet you.”

  “My name is Cindy. It's nice to meet you, too, David.”

  “You're not here alone, are you? It's hard to imagine a woman like yourself showing up to a party like this by your lonesome. I don't want to run into an angry boyfriend or anything like that.”

  “Well, you don't have to worry about that. I'm here alone and... and I'm single. So, it's fine. There's no drama or anything. Are you, um...”

  “Am I here alone? Yes. Yes, I am. I'm one of Michael's friends. I'm not from around here, but I'll be here for a week. I thought I should get to know some of the 'locals,' you know? I figured I should mingle.”

  Cindy rolled her eyes and nodded. She said, “I see. You're that type of guy.”

  She sighed in disappointment as she turned her attention to the beautiful view. She tried to give David the cold shoulder. Although she played the role of a single woman, she was not interested in playing games. As far as she was concerned, David was a player on the prowl and she was the easy prey waiting to be baited.

  David said, “I think you have the wrong idea. I'm not looking for a... a one-night stand. I'm not that sleazy guy looking for an easy lay. I'm just looking for someone to talk to. It helps that you're absolutely beautiful, but that's beside the point. I just want to hang out, you know? It's alright if you don't want to, but, if you do, there won't be any pressure. I promise.”

  Cindy puckered her lips as she pondered the man's explanation. She glanced at David and gazed into his glowing blue eyes. He seemed equally sincere and deceitful. He was looking for an easy girl, but he didn't mind working for it. The simple fact was enough to satisfy Cindy.

  David grabbed Cindy's hand and asked, “So, what do you think? Huh? Wanna spend a little time together? Just a little?”

  Cindy said, “I don't know. Are you sure you want to spend time with a girl like me?”

  “I wouldn't have approached you if I didn't. As cliché as it sounds, you're my type. A full-body woman with a beautiful face and a shy personality. I love it. Right? What else could I ask for?”

  Cindy blushed as she stared down at her feet. She said, “I guess we can spend some time together.”

  David smirked and said, “Great. We should formally break the ice. We should let the world know you're in it for me and I'm in it for you. Let's dance.”


  “Yeah. Come on.”

  David tugged on Cindy's arm and pulled her towards the dance floor. Cindy nervously giggled as she reluctantly followed David's lead. The floor vibrated due to the heavy bass from the music. The smooth saxophone and vocals from the dance track were a bit more welcoming, but the young woman couldn't help but feel overwhelmed.

  David stepped side-to-side, casually swaying with the music. From his rested shoulders to his loose limbs, the man appeared relaxed and natural. He was in his natural habitat, surrounded by familiar faces.

  Cindy wasn't much of a dancer. She glanced around the dance floor and examined the other women. I'll copy them and David, she thought, if they laugh, I'll tell them it was a joke. She smiled as she took her first step to her left, then a quick step to the right. She even snapped her fingers, trying to replicate the rhythm.

  Before she could repeat the process, she grimaced and groaned. She felt a twinge in her stomach – a sharp pain near her belly button. Her stomach rumbled and moaned like the stomach of a starved man.

  David stopped dancing as he stared at his new friend, worried. He asked, “Are you okay, Cindy? Something wrong?”

  Rosy-cheeked, Cindy smiled through the pain and stuttered, “I–I'm... I'm fine. I'm... Shit...”

  She teetered left-and-right, struggling to keep her balance. Among the drunken party-goers, she felt nauseous, dizzy, and injured. The disorienting music, loud and obnoxious, did not help. She waved at David, then she lurched towards the restroom at the other end of the dance hall. Back-and-forth, she bounced off the dancing men and women like a ping pong ball being hurled across a table.


  Cindy entered the restroom, then she locked the door behind her. She glanced at the mirrors to her left, then towards the stall to her right. She staggered to her knees, then she crawled forward on all fours. She checked under the stall doors, searching for any lingering women or naughty couples. Fortunately, she was alone in the restroom.

  Terrified, Cindy whispered, “What's happening to me? What's going on? Is... Is it the cap–”

  The sick woman stopped as her stomach rumbled. She moaned and retched as she lurched into the last stall. On her knees, she tightly closed her eyes and vomited into the toilet. She felt a worrisome choking sensation in her throat, as if she were being strangled by a powerful man.

  The sound of the thick vomit splashing into the clear toilet water echoed through the room, but she didn't dare open her eyes. She was disgusted with herself. As the vomiting stopped, Cindy leaned on the stall wall and tilted her head towards the ceiling.

  She hysterically bawled and shouted, “No! No, God, no! Please, just... just stop this. I was doing so good. I was... I was doing so good, damn it! Why does this always happen to me?!”

  Cindy opened her eyes as wide as humanly possible as her stomach grumbled again. A gurgling and squelching reverberated from her stomach. She panted like a dog during a summer heat wave as she held her belly. The burning sensation was insufferable, as if she were being burned alive from the inside.

  Without looking into the toilet, she pulled her underwear down and sat on the seat. Against her will, she relieved her bowels. Sweat spur
ting from her glands like the bullets from a machine gun, she placed her palms on the walls and screamed at the top of her lungs. Veins bulged from her neck and brow, her eyes practically protruded from her skull, and her skin reddened with the strenuous effort.

  She felt as if she were giving birth to a full-grown man – as if her organs, small and large, were pouring through her anus.

  Tears streaming down her cheeks, Cindy placed her palms over her ears and shouted, “Stop! Please, stop!”

  She wanted to disappear from the world. She wanted to be whisked away from the humiliating situation. It was impossible, though. The best she could do was close her eyes and block her ears. She didn't want to see the bathroom, she didn't want to hear the excrement plopping in the toilet. She sought silence and darkness.

  The world around her darkened. The light vanished, the stall walls drifted away from her, and the racket became muffled. For a moment, she was plucked from the situation and dropped into the abyss.

  As her involuntary defecation stopped, Cindy opened her eyes and sighed in relief. The burning sensation in her stomach subsided. Her nausea dwindled with each passing second. She wrapped toilet paper around her fingers and wiped, then she let the paper fall into the toilet. As she stood from her seat to flush, she gasped and staggered.

  Cindy held her trembling hands to her mouth as she stared into the toilet, astonished. The bowl was painted red by the vomit and feces. The once pellucid water was crimson. Thick clumps of vomit and shit floated in the water, protruding from the surface – the tip of the iceberg. The bloody sight was grotesque.

  Eyes brimming with tears, Cindy whispered, “This... This can't be because of the capsules. I've lost too much weight to quit now. No... No, it's not the capsules. It was the food. I'm eating too much. Nothing's wrong with me. Th–This is normal... I'm okay.”

  Cindy reluctantly pushed the lever on the toilet's tank. The blood and chunks swirled for five seconds, then the toilet emitted a loud thud sound. Like a person rinsing his mouth, the toilet loudly gurgled the water. The racket echoed through the room. The thud reverberated again as the bloody water and chunks began to rise in the toilet.

  Cindy gasped, then she said, “No, no, no. Please, don't do this to me. Not now, not today.”

  She hopelessly pushed down on the lever, but to no avail. The disgusting mixture of blood, crap, and vomit would not flush. The water reached the top of the bowl, then the liquid spilled out. The water streamed down the sides of the toilet, then it coursed every which way across the spotless floor – bloody rivers.

  Cindy shook her head and said, “No, no. This... This wasn't me.”

  She closed the stall door, then she ran towards the sink. She quickly washed her hands and splashed water on her face. She wasn't filthy from the vomit or excrement, but she felt disgusted with herself. The water helped cleanse her mind. Rubbing her hands, she stared at her reflection on the mirror – mentally preparing herself for her great escape.

  She whispered, “You can do this, Cin.”

  Cindy inhaled deeply, then she exited the restroom. Several women were waiting outside, chattering and bickering. Upon spotting her, the catty women scowled at Cindy – frustrated at her lack of respect for the other guests. Cindy simply smiled and waved as she briskly walked away. I Ran by A Flock of Seagulls played on the dance floor as she absconded – appropriate.

  Before Cindy could reach the elevator, Charlotte shouted, “Cindy! Cindy, where are you going?”

  Cindy stopped at the bottom of the steps and glanced over her shoulder. Charlotte walked down the stairs, like an angel descending from the heavens above.

  Anxious, Cindy said, “Oh, hey. I'm sorry, but I have to go. Now.”

  Charlotte shrugged and asked, “Why? What's wrong?” She glanced at the top of the stairs and said, “I thought you were having a good time. I saw you dancing with that guy. I thought you were hitting it off. What happened?”

  “Yeah, it was okay, but I'm just not feeling it.”

  “Come on, Cindy. I know it's not right to cheat, but, if Joseph's not making you happy, maybe you should move on. You should take some time off and... and experiment. That's all I'm trying to say.”

  “I understand. It's not about that, though. I'm just... I have something I have to do. That's all. Congratulations on your wedding, sweetie. Enjoy the rest of your day. Love you.”

  Before Charlotte could respond, the ding from the elevator echoed through the banquet hall. Cindy rushed into the elevator, slipping past the other arriving guests. She nervously smiled and waved at the baffled bride. Charlotte returned the wave, mystified.

  As the doors closed, Cindy sighed in relief.

  Chapter Nine

  No Competition

  Cindy sat in the driver's seat of her sedan as she stared at the entrance of the gym. She smiled as she glanced at her reflection on the rear-view mirror. Her face became slimmer as she proceeded with her new diet regimen. She could see her defined cheekbones and jawline. Her flabby cheeks and extra chin were gone.

  As she stroked her cheeks and jaw, leering at herself like a pretentious pervert, Cindy said, “Three weeks... I spent years trying to lose weight and I did all of this in three weeks. I wish I could have met you sooner, Dr. Deki. You're a fucking miracle worker.”

  Wearing a loose black tank top over a matching sports bra and black leggings, Cindy strutted into the gym like a model on a catwalk. She swung her hips with each proud step. She even winked and smirked as she walked past the employee at the front desk. Her confidence surged since she started losing weight.

  Distracted by her conceited thoughts, she hopped and gasped as she carelessly bumped into a young man near the treadmills. Her eyes widened as the man turned towards her – Deki, the one and only. She couldn't help but smile smugly as she placed her hands on her hips and ogled the fit man. With her newfound physique, she had developed a kittenish demeanor.

  Deki's smile was wiped from his face as he examined Cindy. He furrowed his brow and stepped in reverse, trying to get the full picture. He sold dreams for a living, but he felt as if he were trapped in a nightmare. A mixture of anxiety and fear glimmered in his narrowed eyes.

  Deki stuttered, “Cin–Cindy... Cindy, is that you?”

  Cindy spun in place, then she said, “Yup. It's me. What do you think? Huh? I look great, don't I?”

  “You... You look fantastic. Just like I said, you look beautiful. Great job. You, um, lost a lot of weight, didn't you? Hell, I don't think you have to lose anymore, either. This look right here is working for you.”

  “No, no, no. I'm not going to stop now, Dr. Deki. I still have a long road ahead of me. I can do better. I know it.”

  Deki rubbed his chin as he examined Cindy's figure – almost like a real doctor would. He said, “Forgive me for asking this. You know, I talk to a lot of people in my line of work so I can be a little forgetful at times. When exactly did I sell you the capsules?”

  Cindy softly giggled as she glanced at the ceiling. She hummed and twirled her hair as she blatantly pondered the question – a real philosopher. She already knew the answer to the question – she was meticulously keeping track of her weight loss progress after all – but she wanted to keep Deki on the edge. She wanted to surprise him.

  As she turned her attention towards the man, Cindy smiled and said, “About three weeks. Maybe 22 days.”

  Wide-eyed, Deki repeated, “22 days?” He glanced around the gym with zany eyes, as if he were looking for the hidden camera crew of a prank show. He asked, “How much have you lost in the last three weeks? Hmm? No offense, but you were huge the last time I saw you.”

  “Well, I'm not 'huge' anymore.”

  “How much have you lost, Cindy?”

  Cindy smacked her lips, then she responded, “I've lost almost 90 pounds.”

  “Ninety pounds?! You have to be kidding me. That's... that's too much weight in too little time. That's the fastest I've ever seen. How much are you eating? You are eating a
s much as possible, right? You're following the instructions, aren't you?”

  Cindy sighed as she stared down at her running shoes. She was disappointed by Deki's concerned response. She hoped to share a hug with the man – or, perhaps even set up a date with him. Instead, she received a different version of Joseph's tired speech about health. Truth be told, she didn't follow Deki's instructions. After her frightening experience in the restroom, she began to limit her meals. She certainly wasn't eating or drinking anything with a red color.

  Cindy glanced up at Deki and said, “Thank you for your concern, but you don't have to worry about me. As you can see, I'm taking care of myself. I'll have the rest of your money ready by next week if that's what you're worried about.”

  Deki sighed, then he said, “I'm not worried about the money. I'm just trying to make sure you're okay. You're losing weight much faster than usual and that tells me you're not eating as much as you should be eating. Right?”

  “Wrong. I'm just watching what I eat. I don't want to eat too much and gain all of the weight back, so I'm trying to balance it out. Don't worry about it. I know what I'm doing.”

  Deki leaned closer to Cindy. He whispered, “Listen, you have to eat as much as possible throughout the day, especially if you're still taking the capsules. If you don't keep up with the capsules, the capsules will consume you. They will literally eat you from the inside. Hell, it can even change you – physically and mentally. You understand me?” Cindy clenched her jaw and nodded. Deki asked, “Have you had any internal bleeding? Hmm? Have you vomited blood or had any blood in your stool? Do you taste blood in your mouth?”

  Yes – Cindy wanted to blurt the truth, but her rampant ego would not allow it. If she answered truthfully, she would surely be sent to the hospital and the capsules would be removed from her possession. Without the capsules, she would return to her obese self within a handful of months. She was sprinting towards a brighter future, she couldn't return to her grim past.


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