Bad Appetites: A Body Horror Novel

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Bad Appetites: A Body Horror Novel Page 10

by Jon Athan

  He chuckled, delirious and confused, then he said, “You know, it... it's not that bad. It would taste better with some sauce.”

  The young man groaned as he squirmed on the bed. A wave of blood poured from his stomach like an open floodgate as his guts spilled out through his cut. Yet, he insisted on having sauce on his personal meal. At heart, he still sought to keep a semblance of control and happiness. He knew he was on his death bed, but he couldn't admit it in front of Cindy.

  Joseph teetered as he stood from his bed. His thick legs wobbled, as if his limbs had transformed into noodles during his bed rest. He breathed heavily through his nose, exhausted from the simple motion. As he took his first step forward, his right leg snapped – severed at the kneecap. He screamed as he tumbled to the ground while his foot and shin remained firmly planted on the floor.

  Shaking like an aftershock, the ground vibrated as he hit the floor.

  Cindy gasped, then she shouted, “Joseph! No, Joe, don't do this! Please!”

  Charlotte grabbed Cindy and pulled her towards the doorway. She said, “We have to go.”

  “Let me go! Let me help him!”

  “We have to leave, Cindy! If we don't get you food, real food, you'll end up like this! I know it hurts, sweetie, I know it does, but we can't stay here. We can't!”

  From the ground, Joseph smiled and weakly said, “Get out of here, Cin. I'll... I'll see you later, babe. I love... I love you.”

  As Charlotte helped her out of the room, Cindy glanced back at Joseph and said, “I'm so sorry. I love you, sweetie. I love you...”

  Cindy gazed into her boyfriend's listless eyes – hollow, lifeless eyes. His physical appearance was hideous, disfigured and mangled, but his soul was still beautiful. She wanted to remember him for his kindness. Her mind was flooded with sweet and gentle memories. She hopelessly whimpered as she was dragged out of the home, forced to abandon the only man who truly loved her.

  Chapter Fourteen

  The Cure

  The city was illuminated by the street lamps and the stars. Most of the buildings were dark, closed for the day. However, a fast food restaurant on the corner of Main Street remained open – 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The restaurant was a beacon of light in the dark city. A few loud teenagers and hardworking adults could be seen inside, satisfying their need for greasy burgers and stale fries at midnight.

  Cindy sat in the passenger seat of the sedan, absently staring at the restaurant from the parking lot. She was lost in a maze of thoughts, pondering her regrets, disappointments, and mistakes. With Joseph gone, she couldn't help but feel guilty for his demise. She was devastated by the unfortunate turn of events.

  The troubled woman tugged on the hood of her coat and hid her face from the nocturnal public. With the shadows from her hood, she hid her shame and guilt. Despite the alarming situation, her insecurities still pricked at her mind. A fear of death, however, was her ultimate ailment. She could feel death looming around the corner – as if the Grim Reaper were sitting in the back seat.

  She muttered, “I'm next... I'm going to die like Joseph if I don't stop this.” She sniffled as she glanced down at her lap. She said, “I can't die like that. I'm not ready to die. Not yet...”

  Cindy hopped and gasped as the driver's door opened. She sighed as Charlotte flumped into her seat. Lost in her thoughts, she didn't see her approach the car. Her healthy friend brought a strawberry milkshake and a brown paper bag full of food. She placed the milkshake in the cupholder and set the bag on the center console between the seats.

  Charlotte said, “Eat up. I bought some burgers, some chicken nuggets, fries, onion rings... I tried to buy everything on the menu. It should be enough to buy us some time, right?”

  Cindy opened the bag and said, “Yeah. Thank you.”

  Charlotte watched as Cindy devoured the fries, one handful after another. The young woman ate like a feral animal, slurping and gulping as if she were eating her first meal after days of starvation. Her taste buds enjoyed the junk food, but she was really only eating for survival. It didn't matter if she enjoyed the food when thoughts of death clouded her vulnerable mind.

  Charlotte said, “We should head to the hospital. I don't know how long this food will last, so we shouldn't waste any time.” As she turned the key in the ignition, she said, “Let me know if you're feeling sick or hungry. I'll stop by somewhere else to get you anything you want, okay?”

  Cindy gently touched Charlotte's wrist. Mouth full of food, she said, “Wait. Let's just wait here for a second. I need to... I need to think about this.”

  “Think about what, Cin? Huh? There's nothing else to think about. Let's go to the hospital. The doctors will take care of you. Everything will get better. This... This nightmare will finally end. I'll be with you every step of the way, too, so don't let your insecurities stop you. Don't be an idiot. Please, I can't watch you hurt yourself like Joseph did. I can't.”

  “The hospital is... useless. The doctors can't save me. They won't be able to identify whatever is happening to me. They've probably never seen anything like this before. I mean, we're fucking melting for crying out loud. What can they do to stop this? Huh? What can they do, Charlotte?”

  “Calm down, Cindy. Everything–”

  “Don't tell me to calm down!” Cindy barked as she glared at Charlotte. She sternly said, “Don't tell me everything's going to be okay when it isn't. Don't talk to me like a damn child. Don't patronize me! Just... Just don't!”

  Charlotte was flustered by her friend's hostility, but she did not hold any resentment towards Cindy. She was an understanding person with an empathetic heart. Despite her pessimistic rant, Charlotte stroked Cindy's thin hair with a soft touch. Cindy sniffled and shook her head, mystified by her friend's kindness.

  How could she be so caring after such a terrible tantrum?

  Cindy took a large bite from a bacon double cheeseburger as she whimpered. Her vision was blurred with a red tint. Bloody tears streamed from her eyes and coursed down her cheeks. A droplet of blood dripped from her nose, plunging towards the center console. The sudden bleeding was worrisome and frightening.

  Charlotte tried to bury her fear, masquerading as a woman in control. She didn't want to strike fear into her friend's heart. She grabbed a napkin from the bag, then she dabbed Cindy's face. She tried to carefully remove the blood from her eyes without alarming her. Cindy was too concerned with eating to notice anyway.

  Charlotte said, “We have to go.”

  Cindy responded, “I'm sorry. I just can't waste my time at a hospital. If I go there, I know they won't let me leave. I'd be chaining myself to a bed and an IV – and I wouldn't even know if it was working. I can't do that.”

  “Well, what do you want to do? Hmm? You want me to watch you die? You want to melt in my car? Is that it?”

  “No. I want you to help me. The truth is: I don't know what was in those capsules and I forgot them at my apartment. How can I explain this to them? 'Give me all of your food. I have to eat or I'll be eaten from the inside.' You think a bunch of doctors are going to listen to that. No, it won't work. I have to find Deki. I have to find the man that sold them to me.”

  Charlotte quickly reversed, exiting her parking space in one swift movement. Both hands on the steering wheel, she drove out of the parking lot and took a right on Main Street. Despite Cindy's explanation, she headed towards the hospital – determined. She couldn't risk her friend's life for something of uncertainty. She couldn't live with her coffin on her shoulders.

  Without even glancing at Cindy, Charlotte said, “Don't act like an idiot. I know you don't want to be seen like this, but this is for the better. I don't know shit about the capsules, but I know this is our best chance. You have to take care of this the right way or you'll... you'll end up like Joseph. I don't want that and I know you don't want that, either.”

  “No. I can beat this. I just have to go to the source.”

  Her arm trembling from the effort, Cindy groaned
as she grabbed the cell phone from the dashboard. Breathing heavily, she glided her eyes towards the ceiling of the car. She didn't have her phone, so she had to remember Deki's number on her own. Fortunately, she spent several nights staring at his contact information, waiting for the perfect opportunity to call him for a date.

  Cindy dialed the number, then she held the phone to her rosy ear. She didn't touch her ear with the phone, though. She couldn't risk her ear falling from her head during such a dire time.

  As the call connected, she said, “Deki, it's Cindy.”

  In a blatantly irked tone, Deki responded, “Cindy? What the... What the hell are you doing calling me at midnight? Come on, I need to get some sleep. I'm busy. I have–” He paused as he clearly shuffled in his bed, grunting and coughing. He asked, “Whose number is this? Where are you calling me from?”

  “It's my friend's phone. Listen. I need your help. I was going to the hospital, but I don't think they'll help me.”

  “Depending on your condition, you're probably right.”

  “Then, what the hell am I supposed to do? How do I stop this?”

  “I told you: you have to eat. I hope you didn't ignore me again 'cause then you'd be in some serious trouble. Don't be stupid.”

  Cindy sighed in disappointment. She glanced at Charlotte, hoping for a helping a hand – a piece of advice, a shoulder to lean on. Charlotte kept her eyes on the road, though, determined to take Cindy to the hospital by any means necessary.

  Cindy said, “I've been eating, but it's not enough. I need more. The food is slowing it down, but I still feel sick. I'm not getting better. It's... It's not curing it. I want to go to the hospital, but I have to know what was in the capsules before I go. Please, I'm begging you. I'll do anything. I'll pay you another grand. Hell, I'll pay you two or three thousand dollars. I'll give you anything. Help me, Deki. Please, don't let me die like this. I'm scared. I'm so scared...”

  Deki did not immediately respond. He considered every option in the situation. He didn't want to be heavily involved with Cindy and her peculiar condition. His business would be crippled if he were linked to such a scandal. At the same time, he could not abandon the young woman in her time of need – especially because he was partially responsible. He had a heart.

  Deki sighed, then he said, “Okay. Why don't you come to my apartment and I'll give you a... a check-up. I don't know where you are, but I live at the Mosaic Apartments over at Forest Park. I live in Apartment 8D. That's the apartment marked with a 'D' on the eight floor. You understand me?”

  Cindy smiled, relieved by Deki's offer. She said, “I know the place. We're not far. I think we can be there in ten minutes. Thank you. Thank you so much. I owe you the–”

  “I'm willing to help you, but don't expect me to solve your problems if you're too far gone,” Deki interrupted. “I don't have a miracle 'cure' here, but maybe – maybe – we can work something out. I'll see you in a few.”

  Cindy was overwhelmed with relief. She could feel the euphoria flowing through her veins, like a drug addict savoring her first hit of heroin after a stressful day. The warm sensation temporarily whisked her away from her nightmare. Of course, she was quickly brought down by her final obstacle – her overbearing best friend.

  Cindy glanced at Charlotte with puppy eyes. She couldn't pout due to her detached lip, her bloodied eyelids were appalling, but the glimmer in her eyes was still effective. She stared at her palms, then she glanced at her fingertips. The coarse skin on her fingers was drooping towards her palms. Still, she clasped her palms together as if she were praying.

  Cindy said, “Please, take me to the Mosaic. Take me to Deki.”

  Charlotte shook her head and said, “I don't think so. Like I said, your best bet is the hospital.”

  “No, it's not. You know it isn't. It's the safe bet, but it isn't the best option. Please, take me to Deki so I can end this.”

  “I don't know about this, Cindy. I don't know if I can take that risk for you. I'd... I'd have blood on my hands if something happened to you.”

  Cindy leaned closer and said, “Please.”

  Like a parent with a lack of resolve, Charlotte could not reject Cindy's request. She closed her eyes and glanced down at her lap as the car rolled to a stop at a red light. She could only imagine the guilt she would feel if Cindy was not cured by Deki. However, she would feel the same way if the doctors failed to rescue her.

  Charlotte nodded and said, “Fine. The Mosaic is only a mile or so from the Saint John's hospital anyway, right?” She breathed heavily as she took a left turn. As the pair cruised towards Deki's apartment, Charlotte said, “At the first sign of trouble, I'm dragging you out of there and taking you to the hospital. I don't care what that man says. If he can't help you, we're out of there. I'm not kidding with you, either, Cindy.”

  Cindy nodded in agreement as she leaned back in her seat, thankful for Charlotte's understanding and cooperation. She was fighting an uphill battle against the fatal side-effects and her crippling depression – and Deki was her last hope.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Doctor Deki

  The Mosaic Apartments were located in the gentrified district of the city – an affluent area. The apartment building stood ten-stories high, towering over the neighboring shopping plaza. The Mosaic had resort-like amenities, including a private lounge, pools and jacuzzis, tennis courts, and a fully-equipped fitness center.

  Charlotte parked beside the building. She leaned forward in her seat and stared at the lavish structure. She could see several lights pouring through the windows on the eight floor, shining like a flare in the dark. The lights in the lobby were still on, too. She couldn't run out of the car, though. She was awed by the sheer affluence of the district.

  Flustered by the riches, Charlotte glanced at Cindy and said, “This guy must be loaded, man. How much did you pay for those capsules again?”

  Cindy huffed and rolled her eyes, then she said, “Enough for a man to live in a goddamn penthouse, I guess.”

  “I wonder how many other women he sold those capsules, too. I wonder if they were able to get out of this without the side-effects...”

  Cindy glanced at the building and stared at the top of the structure. She whispered, “I have no idea...” She sniffled, then she asked, “Can you help me out of this? I want to get this over with.”

  Charlotte was happy to oblige. She helped her friend out of the car, then she held her waist and led her into the lobby. There was a reception desk to the left, a sitting area directly ahead, and a pair of elevators to the right. The lobby had spotless marble flooring and crimson walls. From the ceiling height windows across the lobby, the pair could see several young people splashing in the illuminated pool.

  Life seemed carefree in the gentrified region.

  Charlotte said, “I thought there would be a receptionist or something to greet us.”

  Fueled by her jealousy, Cindy shook her head and scowled. She said, “She's probably out there skinny-dipping with the rest of 'em. Stupid slut...”

  Charlotte furrowed her brow upon hearing Cindy's unnecessary insult. Considering her deteriorating condition, she did not expect such a vulgar insult to spew from her mouth. She coughed to clear the anxiety from her throat, hoping to wake Cindy from her envious trance.

  She said, “Come on, Cin. Let's just hop on the elevator and head up to this asshole's apartment.”

  The couple hobbled into the elevator. With the press of a button, the pair found themselves ascending. Charlotte blabbered about the consequences of failure. She spoke about her fear of losing her best friend to such a horrible sickness. Her words were sincere, her feelings were obvious.

  Unfortunately, Cindy was not listening. Frankly, she did not care about Charlotte's sympathy. She liked Charlotte, the pair were obviously friendly, but she wasn't emotionally attached to her. She was worried about her apathy, but she couldn't be bothered to think about anyone but herself.

  Cindy stared at her reflecti
on on the elevator doors, hypnotized by her grotesque appearance. She still donned a black coat over a black t-shirt and sandals. Detached hair was sprawled across her shoulders and stomach. Most of her head was bald, leaving only patches of hair protruding every which way.

  Dried blood was smeared on her cheeks and chin. Her bottom lip was completely severed, lost during her visit to Joseph's house. Her yellow teeth and bloodied gums were evident. Her skin was drooping on her face and lacerations were forming across her body. The cuts were surrounded by thick, yellow blisters waiting to explode.

  Her skin was gray and coarse, gnarled and loose, as if she had just rose from her grave. Her eyes were red due to her bloodied tears. She emitted a foul odor, too, like a body roasting during a vicious war. The strange sickness was clearly accelerating despite her efforts to stop it. She wasn't dead, but she appeared to be putrefying.

  Ding – the elevator's bell announced their arrival at the eighth floor.

  Charlotte said, “It's Apartment 'D,' right?”

  Lost in her thoughts, Cindy nodded and mumbled, “Yeah, yeah...”

  The pair hobbled down the hall, limping past two parallel doors. Charlotte's sneakers thudded on the marble flooring, Cindy's sandals slapped the floor with each step. The ruckus was inconsequential in the lavish apartment complex, though. Most of the residents were either fast asleep due to natural stress or powerful sleeping pills.

  Charlotte stopped at the second door to the left. The cursive 'D' painted above the door was clear. She struck the door five times, hitting the barrier harder than a police officer raiding a drug house. She stopped as footsteps emerged in the home.

  As the door swung open, Deki said, “Hey, Cindy. It's–”


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