Hypno Sleep - Brainwashed While Sleeping

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Hypno Sleep - Brainwashed While Sleeping Page 1

by Cindel Sabante

  Hypno Sleep – Brainwashed While Sleeping

  Cindel Sabante

  Copyright 2013© Cindel Sabante

  All characters in this story are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

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  Hypno Sleep - Brainwashed While Sleeping

  I stifled another yawn as I tried to read through the thick sheaf of papers in my hand. The tiny print unfocused and letters seemed to shift around at random as I stared. How am I supposed to read this? Why is the damn type so small?

  I'd been trying to get through the medical release form for nearly twenty minutes now and my frustration was mounting. I didn't care if they released my medical information or recorded the sessions. I just wanted some sleep! I gave up and signed the forms.

  A research assistant was waiting for me at the counter. Clad in a white lab coat and thick rimmed glasses, the man in front of me looked every part the lab geek. He smiled when I walked up, and I watched as his eyes darted over my body, checking me out.

  I didn't mind. I actually liked the attention. But looking was all the skinny lab tech was going to get from me. He was cute in a nerdy kind of way but I liked a man who could pick me up and throw me down on the bed. The lanky man in the lab coat was a far cry from the men I dated.

  The research assistant looked through the forms as I stood waiting. I yawned again. So tired. Why can't I just fall asleep like a normal person?

  "Britney Lawson, Freshman, unmarried. Severe insomnia since the beginning of the semester. Well, we can fix that." The man in the lab coat set the clipboard down and smiled at me. "Everything looks good here." His eyes drifted to my breasts. "Very good. So let's get you in back and I'll explain a bit about the study."

  Take a good look nerd boy. It doesn't matter how tired I am, you're not my type.

  His arm stretched out towards a set of double doors. "If you'll just follow me. I'm James by the way. Dr. Mantego is running the study, but he's leaving most of the casework to us undergrads. I expect we'll be seeing a lot of each other in the coming weeks."

  "So how's it going to work?" I asked as we walked.

  James spun around and started to walk backwards as he talked. He was all smiles."We will be using a mix of binaural sound waves to induce sleep. Primarily Alpha, Delta and Theta waves. Combined with sympathetic lighting tuned to certain wavelengths, you should drift off quickly and sleep until morning."

  I have no idea what he just said. "So, what do I have to do? Is it complicated?"

  He shook his head and turned back around. "Not complicated at all. You just lie down, listen to the music, and watch the pretty flashing lights."

  Music and lights? How is that going to help my insomnia? "No pills or anything? How are music and a lightshow going to make me sleep easier?"

  James pushed open another set of doubles doors and I followed him into a darkened room. Off to the side of the main room was an office with a glass wall. A bank of computers and a single chair sat nestled in the cramped space. But it was the main room that held my attention. In the center, bathed in a ring of soft white light, stood a four post bed. The dark floral pattern on the bedspread clashed awkwardly with the white walls and tiled floor.

  James moved toward the bed and patted the mattress as he smiled back at me. "The best mattress money can buy. And we want you to be as comfortable as possible, so if the sheets aren't to your liking, let us know. The more relaxed you are, the easier the treatment takes hold."

  "I've tried fancy beds and silky sheets. None of it helps. You still haven't told me how this all works."

  He picked up a pair of large earphones from off of the mound of pillows. "Sleeping isn't just about closing your eyes and waking up refreshed. While you sleep, your brain is processing the events of the past few days. We use tonal music that stimulates certain brainwaves associated with the different types of sleep. In effect, we control your night. It's kind of like hacking the brain."

  The thought of James, or anyone, messing with my head sent a shiver down my spine. But pills didn't work. Special diets, fancy beds, exercise regimens; none of those had worked either. This sleep study was my last chance to get a good night's rest. "When do we start?"

  James pushed up his sleeve and glanced at his watch. "How long does it take you to get ready for bed?"

  "Wait... now? It's still early!"

  "According to the questionnaire, you've been sleeping an average of two hours a day. We'll have plenty of time to normalize your sleeping schedule, but for now, we have to get you rested up first. So, changing room is over there," he pointed towards a door in the back of the room. "Doubles as your bathroom. Take whatever time you need to get ready for bed. Remember, the more relaxed you are, the easier this goes. Just push the button on the wall when you are ready to turn in." And with that, my nerdy lab tech walked out of the room.

  I looked around after the doors closed. Other than the bed, the room really was bare. I pushed my hand against the mattress, testing out the bed. Memory foam. Should be fine. The pillows were thick and fluffy. The sheets were soft and felt good against my arms. Good bed. I pushed down on the mattress, trying to see if the bed creaked. Quiet too.

  A black dome in the ceiling caught my eye. The forms I'd signed said I might be recorded, but I hadn't expected the camera right over the bed. But then, I didn't expect anything I'd seen so far. All I knew about the study before I'd arrived earlier was what the ad in the school paper had told me. The study had a high success rate and paid a decent amount of money at the end. The money was a bonus. I just wanted some sleep.

  I stepped into the bathroom and shut the door. Lights turned on automatically. I slipped my overnight bag off my shoulder and unpacked. Toothbrush, paste, make-up. Fresh clothes for the morning and a nightie for bed. I unfolded the nightie and pressed it to my body before turning towards the mirror. The light pink dress ended a few inches before my knees. I instantly regretted not bringing pajama pants. I know for next time. The nightie might cover me up, but not as much as I want. I didn't think I'd be recorded.

  I pulled my chestnut hair up into a ponytail, then slipped out of my day clothes. I unhooked my bra as well, letting the lacy white garment slip down my arms to join the rest of my discarded clothes on the floor. Left in nothing but a pair of thong undies, I pulled the nightie over my head and let the loose nightshirt settle over my skin. When I looked in the mirror, I could see my nipples pressing against the cotton. Great. James is going to love this.

  My bare feet slapped against the cold tiles as I left the bathroom. With my arms crossed over my chest, I pushed the red button on the wall. In seconds, James was back in the room with me. Was he just waiting outside?

  "All set then?" he asked. "Do you need a glass of water or something before we start?"

  I shook my head. I want to sleep, not talk to you all night. "Let's get started. I really hope this works."

  "Well, hop up on the bed and get comfortable. I have to get a few things queued up. Back in a minute." James disappeared into the small monitoring room.

  I climbed onto the bed and slipped under the warm sheets. The light above me dimmed before changing from soft white to a multicolored rainbow that shifted randomly. "Pretty..."

  "And functional," James said as he walked towards the bed. "The lights respond to the music. The combination of aural and visual stimuli increases the chance of success nearly tenfold."

  "As long as I pass out, I don't care what you have to do."

  James laughed and picked up the headphones. He slid the soft leather cups over my ears and adjusted the headband. Satisfied w
ith the fit, he pulled a cup away from my ear for a moment. "Comfortable?"

  With half a yawn, I answered. "Yes. Thank you."

  "Good." The ear cup pressed back to my head. As soon as it did, soft, melodic music filled my ears. That's pretty too...

  My eyes grew heavy almost instantly. The shifting lights danced above me as the music lulled me to sleep. But before my eyes closed completely, James touched my leg, trying to get my attention. His hand lingered on my thigh as he mouthed a few words that I didn't understand. But when he pointed towards the small monitoring room, then back to himself, the meaning was clear. I gave him a thumbs up and dropped my head back to the mattress. I was so distracted with the lights above me that I didn't notice just how long his hand seemed to hover on my thigh, or how James slipped his palm down my leg, nearly to the ankle, before pulling away.

  My eyes shut. The music rose and fell, shifting constantly. I tried to concentrate on the otherworldly tones, but my mind fogged as the lights above me faded and bloomed along with the dulcet tones. Within minutes, I was asleep.


  My eyes fluttered open as I pushed myself up into a sitting position. The music had stopped and the room was dark. What time is it? I stepped from the bed and stumbled towards the bathroom, with a lightness in my step. I hadn't felt this good in months. But before I reached the bathroom door, a voice from behind me made me jump.

  "Morning sleepyhead,” called James from across the room. "Or should I say, good afternoon?"

  No way. It was barely dinnertime when I fell asleep. I turned around and when my eyes fell to James, he was wearing the same cocksure grin and white lab coat from yesterday, but something was different about the lab tech. Was he always so cute?

  I shook my head as I stared at the man across the room. He hadn't changed physically, but somehow, I had butterflies in my stomach when I looked at him. And when he took a step closer, I felt a tingle between my legs. What the hell?

  "Forget how to speak since yesterday?" he asked as he closed on me.

  I ran a hand though my hair and took a step back. With every step James took, my body wanted him that much more. Something was wrong here. My hand closed around the door knob to the bathroom and I pushed the door open while still facing James. "I... I'm just not a morning person. Back in a minute."

  As the door closed I caught a whiff of his aftershave. The heady scent of spices sent tingles over my skin. Before I knew it, my nipples were as hard as diamonds and pressing against the tight cotton nightie. I had to grab onto the edge of the sink to steady myself as my knees grew weak.

  What the hell is happening?! Could too much sleep do this? And since when did skinny lab geeks turn me on?

  James knocked on the door. "Hey, want anything to eat? Or some coffee? I know a great place right off campus."

  Ohh God, he's asking me to breakfast! But as the rational side of my brain struggled with my strange feelings towards James, another part of me wanted to open the door and push him to the ground. Or maybe I would fall to the floor in front of him. James likes me on my knees.

  "What the hell?!" I turned on the faucet and splashed cold water over my face, trying to clear out the thoughts of me and James. He's not my type. This is wrong. But when I stepped into the shower, a new voice rose up within me. And the voice wasn't my own. It was James'.

  "What is your type? When was the last time you've had a man inside of you?" The voice asked. "James would be good to you. I would be good to you. I would make you feel so good..."

  I shut my eyes tight as hot water beat against my skin. Got to get myself together. Got to snap out of this. But those thoughts died a quick death when I turned around in the small shower and the water sprayed across my hardened nipples. The simple touch of the shower's spray against my sensitive nubs were enough to send me into convulsions. I wasn't sure when my hand dropped between my legs, but it didn't leave again until I came a minute later.

  Breathing heavily, I stepped out of the shower, leaving watery footprints on the clean, white tile. I wrapped myself in a towel as I tried to process everything. Is this just what being rested feels like? Have I simply forgotten how horny I used to be? I liked this line of reasoning better than the only other explanation that came to mind. I was either horny or I was crazy. I'll take horny every time.

  With that behind me, I started my morning routine. Teeth and hair were brushed, then I put on my face. But when I took out my eyeliner case, with various shades of powder to choose from, I found myself dipping the tiny applicator into a color I never used. James likes green. James will think I'm pretty.

  The thought made no sense, but I didn't question it. When I was done with my make-up, I slipped into my day clothes and stepped out of the bathroom. And when I opened the door to find James waiting for me outside, my heart skipped a beat. I batted my eyes and smiled.

  He pointed towards his own eyes as he spoke. "I like the green. It's my favorite color."

  "Thank you."

  "So... hungry?"

  My stomach growled. What's wrong with breakfast? A girl's got to eat. "I could go for something to eat." But as I finished the sentence, my eyes drifted down to his crotch. I saw myself on my knees again, this time with my hand slowly reaching into his pants to pull out his thick cock. Good girls get to swallow.

  I had to get out of here. If I stayed around James any longer, I wasn't sure if I'd be able to control myself. Even now, as I looked at him, my heart beat faster and my fingers flexed as they grabbed at imaginary cocks. "But I just remembered, I have class! I uhh, I have to go James. Sorry! Some other time!" I pushed past him, and when his hand brushed against my arm, I nearly froze and fell to my knees right there. But then I was through the swinging doors and headed down the hall, putting distance between me and the suddenly irresistible lab tech.

  The strange feelings faded as I walked back towards my apartment off campus. I started to feel guilty about the ways I'd acted. James was only trying to be nice. And why would it be wrong if I thought he was cute? As for my desires, the more I thought about my urges, the more they made sense. James gave me back my sleep. Why wouldn't I feel something towards him for that?

  But the rationalization didn't make me turn around. And when night fell, I stayed in my apartment. I laid down in my bed and pulled the sheets up to my chin before closing my eyes. But no matter how much I tossed and turned, no matter how many positions I twisted myself into, I couldn't fall asleep. I stayed up the next day and tried to sleep again that night, but after trying to pass out for half of the night, I gave up and climbed back out of bed.

  I can't even nap anymore! My head dropped into my hands as I sobbed. I just want to sleep.

  When the sun rose again, I laced up my shoes and stepped out the door. Over my shoulder was my overnight bag, filled with my toiletries and sleepwear. And when I walked back into the medical center on campus, James was standing in the hallway. When he saw me, a smile spread over his face and he waved me over.

  "Missed you for the past few days. And when I tried to call, no one answered. Is everything okay?"

  I stared down at my shoes. I could feel the heat in my cheeks as I blushed. How could I answer his question? I couldn't tell him the real reason I ran away. "I got busy. Schoolwork and stuff..."

  His hand fell across my shoulder and we walked back towards the sleep center. "Yeah, that happens. But you're back now. Think you'll be sticking to your schedule from now on?" I nodded and James smiled. "That's my girl. It's good to keep with the schedule. Now let's get you another good night's rest."


  I woke up as soon as the music turned off, just like I had for the past week now. James had been right when he said he would be controlling my sleep. As soon as the headphones started pumping the melodic music into my ears and the lights above me shimmered, my eyes shut until morning. And when I woke up, I felt great. My mind was clear, my body relaxed. My only complaint was that for the past couple of days, my butthole was sore. I was too embarrasse
d to tell James so I wrote it off as sleeping weird in bed.

  When I walked into the bathroom and the lights turned on, I caught my reflection in the mirror and couldn't help but smile. I looked good with my new blonde hair. I'd dyed it two days ago after getting a sudden urge to change things up. James likes blondes. My eyes slipped to my body next. The two pink disks of my nipples were plainly visible under my white chemise. The sheer material did a poor job of hiding my skin, but it was comfortable. And peeking out from just below the hemline of my lingerie was my hairless mound. James likes my outfits.

  I showered quickly, then dried off and got dressed. A tight shirt, high skirt, and tall heels were all I brought today. For a moment I questioned why I hadn't packed any underwear, but only for a moment. James likes my outfits.

  I stepped out of the bathroom and sadness filled me when I didn't see him in the room. He was usually waiting for me when I stepped out of the shower. Why wasn't he here now?

  Get out now! If he comes back it'll be too late!

  I pushed the stray thought from my head and filled the empty space with thoughts of James. I smiled as I walked towards the small observation room, hoping he was inside. He wasn't, but his computers were all running, bathing the tiny office in a pale glow from the many monitors. He'll be back soon. I just have to stay here and wait.

  And as I waited curiosity got the best of me. I knew I shouldn't have touched the computers, but I wondered what James was doing in here at all hours of the night. I sat down at the terminal and clicked on a folder named "B_Lawson_CCTV." Inside the folder were dozens of files with generic time stamps for names. There was also a single subfolder at the bottom of the listing, marked "Sub_BL_waudio."

  The subfolder opened, displaying eight more video files. But these files lacked the time stamps. They were just numbered with a date. I clicked on one and waited for it to load. When it finally did, I saw myself lying in bed. My eyes were closed and the headphones were on. Rainbow light bathed me as I slept. I almost turned the video off out of boredom, but as I dragged the mouse towards the little red X in the corner, movement on the screen caught my eye.


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