Captured: A Bad Boy Romance

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Captured: A Bad Boy Romance Page 3

by Faye, Carmen

  Asher’s eyes watched her as she made a slight motion towards her clothes piled in a heap on the floor. Melissa felt the power of his gaze and her hands began to shake slightly.

  “It’s a shame to hide a body like that.” His calm voice echoed in her head and her legs rubbed together at its sound. “Especially in such unattractive clothing.” Hudson’s voice trailed off and she wished he’d say more.

  “Sorry to disappoint,” she rolled her eyes but he couldn’t see. “Sexy attire isn’t very suitable for my line of work.” She reached out and grabbed the fabric of her top. The rumpled shirt hid how much her hands were shaking.

  “There’s always the option of nude,” he chuckled at the statement.

  “Satisfying your perversions isn’t exactly the reason I came here,” Melissa hoped like hell her voice didn’t show how jumbled her mind was at that moment.

  She noticed as she was picking at the top that she was taking a lot longer than normal to dress. On any given day she could go from just out of bed to out the door in less than fifteen minutes. Yet she’d spent a good chunk of that amount of time sitting there picking at one piece of clothing. The hard part was convincing herself that she wasn’t prolonging it because she knew it turned him on.

  “I was more interested in satisfying your perversions, Agent Fuller.”

  The words shocked her enough that she dropped the clothing from her hand. It was an accident but she could almost feel his smirk as she did.

  “Seems that the idea appeals to you,” He walked up behind her and heat crept into her face.

  “Unless you are offering to let me handcuff you and take you downtown with me, I highly doubt I’m going to be satisfied.” Melissa finished as if nothing had happened.

  She wanted to bend over and pick up the clothing she’d dropped but she wasn’t certain how close he was behind her. It made her feel vulnerable. Part of that excited her. But the agent inside of her screamed that it was dangerous. As were the feelings her body was having.

  “I told you,” suddenly Hudson was in front of her. He stood close enough to kiss. “I don’t look quite as sexy in handcuffs.” His smile increased the ache inside of her.

  Fuller stood perfectly still as Asher bent at the knee in front of her. His mouth was only inches from the triangle of her panties as his arm reached for her clothing. She could feel the heat from his breath as he knelt before her. The throb underneath the fabric increased as she wondered what it would feel like to have those lips against her skin.

  “Besides.” She could feel the words vibrate against her midsection and wondered how long it took to grab two items. “Is that really the position you’d put me in?” Hudson’s question brought on many thoughts, most of which she couldn’t admit even to herself in that moment.

  Fuller’s legs got wobbly as she waited on him to rise. A sharp intake of air escaped her lips as she felt his hands grasp her thighs.

  “Careful now,” he cooed as he squeezed gently. “You were about to fall.”

  “I…I’m fine.” She managed to stutter. “Take your hands off of me.” The words didn’t even sound genuine.

  “Of course.” His hands released her thighs and he stood back up to face her, holding his top in his hand.

  In one smooth motion, Asher lifted the top over Melissa’s head and opened the bottom to allow her to slip her arms inside.

  “I don’t need help. Don’t try and get your rocks off on dressing me.” She snatched the top from his hand and fumbled again with it.

  “Oh,” he dragged out the word for as long as he could. “I’d much prefer undressing you.”

  Melissa stumbled backwards slightly at the words. She wanted to come back with a retort that would make him leave her alone, but the words wouldn’t come out.

  “I’m sure you have plenty of experience.” she finally managed.

  “You’re just lucky you haven’t agreed,” he smirked at her.

  “Why is that Mr. Hudson?” Fuller cocked her head sideways as if she were awaiting some silly drivel that would make her laugh.

  “That smart ass mouth of yours would earn you one hell of a spanking,” he smiled.

  Again she marveled at how calm and aloof he seemed to be. Totally in control regardless of who she was and what she was legally capable of doing to him. Yet the words he spoke were undoing something inside of her. Making her yearn for more. So much so that all this time later she was still in her bra and panties when she didn’t have to be.

  “You like that do you?” he grinned and she knew that he knew what she’d refused to say out loud. “Turns you on?”

  Her body stiffened at the question. She refused to answer. Melissa Fuller was an ATF agent. Not some bimbo from Vegas. She was not going to act like one.

  “Can’t admit it?” He continued to push.

  “Why would being spanked turn me on? Do I look like a sadist?” Melissa snapped at him as she fumbled again with the top she still wasn’t wearing.

  “Masochist,” he offered.

  “What?” Melissa was thrown off by the response and stopped what she was doing to clarify.

  “A sadist likes inflicting pain. A masochist.” He seemed to stop for a moment to find his words. “Is turned on by pain.”

  “I am not turned on by pain!” Melissa looked away.

  “Of course not, Agent Fuller.” He grinned. “But you are turned on.”

  “Don’t flatter yourself.” She said.

  “Oh I wouldn’t dream of it.”

  He was assuming a lot. Trying to turn this around on her. The problem was that Melissa wasn’t sure if it pissed her off that he was saying it, or if it pissed her off that it might be true.

  Melissa had enough from this criminal. He was using his sexual skills as a weapon over her. If he could make her weak in the knees then he had control over her. Isn’t that what his specialty was? He never got caught because women couldn’t turn away from his charm. She was going to prove that not every woman would melt over a little flirtation.

  “You don’t believe me?” She asked.

  His smirk turned into a questioning smile as he shook his head slowly. Asher was eager to see just what she was going to do. The disbelief was written all over his face.

  Truth be known, she didn’t believe herself either. Everything Asher said and did was creating hell inside of her. Her body wanted him more than she believed she’d ever wanted a man. But she was an agent of the law and he was a criminal. So she had to dispel that idea and get back to getting him off the streets. Even if she had to fake it.

  Fuller reached behind her and began to unsnap the bra that she’d been wearing. She tried not to notice that Hudson couldn’t take his eyes off of her. She pretended she didn’t hear the lag in his breathing as the garment slipped over her breasts and to the floor.

  She refused to look at him as her thumbs slid inside the waistband of her panties. A small and barely audible gasp came out as she began to slide them over her hips. Feeling the pressure of his stare made her grateful she kept up her shaving regimen even when she had no time for dating or sex.

  Lifting one foot at a time, Fuller stepped out of the panties and let them drop at her feet. She still had not met Asher’s eyes as she stood before him completely naked. Vulnerable. And faking a strong front that she hoped he believed.

  “And pray tell, Agent Fuller,” was all he seemed to get out. She could feel the movement as he stepped back just a bit. “What exactly does this prove?”

  She wanted to smile, but instead she stood rigid. Melissa was afraid to show any emotion. That would signify weakness and allow him to gain some control over the situation.

  “That I’m not turned on,” she began without looking up, “Not longing for your approval or discipline.”

  Every word she spoke was forced. But she felt like she managed to say it convincingly.

  “Then look me in the eyes when you say that,” the words didn’t come out demanding. They weren’t forceful or rude. It was as if
he’d made a simple statement in the same collected voice he had been using the entire time.

  Melissa didn’t want to do what he requested. She was terrified that one look at him would dissolve her strength and show him just how weak she felt. But she couldn’t back down from a challenge either. That was certain to destroy her credibility.

  Slowly she lifted her face to stare at his. Faking a confidence she didn’t really have, Fuller cocked her head sideways and stared eye to eye with this mysterious man that unraveled her body.

  “Happy now?” she questioned with a stone expression.

  “I’d be happier if you were bent over the bed as I spanked that sexy little ass of yours,” he spoke as if it were normal to talk to a woman that way, and her body responded much the same.

  She faked it. The resolve. The rigid posture. Even as her stomach jumped to her throat at the idea, her mind controlled her movements. He couldn’t see the dampening between her tightly clenched thighs—or so she hoped. He couldn’t hear the heartbeat that was erratic in her chest but its beat was drowning out all other sounds. He couldn’t tell her clit was throbbing for his touch, but she couldn’t hide the flush in her face or her raised nipples. Damn him!

  “Sucks to be you,” she quipped as if it didn’t faze her. “That just doesn’t do it for me.” She shrugged and continued to look this thug in the eye.

  “Those stiff nipples say otherwise,” he answered. “Hard and wanting to be touched. Kissed. Nibbled. Sucked on.”

  She felt the jolt in her body at his words. Was he really going to do this? Was he going to try and tempt her when she had nowhere to hide? Standing exposed before him. In that moment she realized that she had made a big mistake.

  She shifted her weight from one foot the other and continued to look at him.

  “It’s a bit chilly in here,” she commented as if that explained everything away.

  “Are you uncomfortable, Agent Fuller?” he questioned with a smirk.

  “N…not at all,” she stuttered slightly.

  “Aroused?” his gaze locked into hers and it was impossible to look away.

  “Why would I be aroused?” She rolled her eyes, and gave herself a chance to look away from him.

  “Because you are standing in a room naked with a man,” he began. “And he is extremely turned on by your body.”

  Fuller gasped at the declaration and that was all it took. Asher knew that he had her. She had overplayed her hand and she lost. But he’d said he wouldn’t force and she most certainly wasn’t going to beg. She’d just have to play this off in a different way.

  “You watching me, is repulsive,” she spat. “But, it has been a while since I was last with someone so it’s only a natural reaction.”

  She knew better than to lie completely. Obviously Hudson was skilled at reading people. If she made it seem innocent then he wouldn’t continue. Or so she thought.

  “You’re a naughty girl, Agent Fuller,” he grinned. “I like that.”

  Her knees began to wobble underneath her, but she tried her damned best to steady them. She didn’t need his help again.

  “If you say so,” she shrugged as if it wasn’t a big deal.

  “I bet you do naughty things to naughty thoughts,” he was still smiling. His voice was no more than a whisper, but she didn’t want to miss a single word. “Tell me about them.”

  “I do no such thing.” She gritted her teeth. “You aren’t going to convince me to agree to what you say.” She was smug and her mind was made up. If only she could get her aching body to agree.

  “Do you use sex toys?” he asked.

  “That’s none of your business,” she answered.

  “Are you wet?”

  “No!” She said emphatically and far too quickly. He had no reason to know what she was or wasn’t.

  “You’re cute when you blush,” he smiled a genuine smile. “And even cuter when you lie.”

  Slowly Asher moved closer to her and she felt her body tremble. She could sense his desire and it matched her own, but she knew better than to play this game. She was here for a reason.

  “I could touch you and find out,” he spoke softly and close enough that the words vibrated against her earlobe. “Dip my finger and lick every drop off. I bet you’re delicious.”

  Melissa felt her body shake and heard her own gasp as he spoke. She saw his smile widen at the realization that he was indeed turning her on. But if she didn’t actually react he would give up. She could get dressed and they could continue on with their game of chase.

  “You want to touch yourself right now…don’t you?” he almost whispered the words as he leaned in towards her.

  The question alone shook her. But what reached her more than anything was his movement. As he leaned in to whisper, the fabric of his shirt grazed her nipples, and a damn near electric current shot through her body. She tried to remain aloof to his touch, but it was getting damn hard to do so.

  “Ah….Uh….I don’t……No.” She replied with staggered words.

  “You don’t know?”

  “No. No I don’t.”

  “Too bad,” he shrugged and backed up. “Because I’d like to watch.”

  Melissa attempted to shift her weight, but the words caught her off guard and she stumbled backwards. Catching a chair she managed to stumble a few times before settling back onto her feet.

  “What did you say?” she stuttered again and realized she’d lost all control.

  “I’d like to watch you touch yourself.” He said it as if it were an everyday statement.

  Melissa was losing her senses. She knew that. Everything in her head tried to turn this around, but her body was aching and longing for this man. It went against anything she believed in. Her job. Her life. Her purpose.

  But for that one moment as she stood there and took in his words, she wanted him. Every damned inch of his tattooed body. The epitome of the bad boy that she’d spent her whole life chasing and putting away.

  Melissa wanted to feel Asher’s hands on her body. The nipples he seemed so focused on ached for his lips. The sticky dampness between her legs threatened to spill over her panties. She thought for one crazy second that she would love nothing more than to show just how badly she wanted him.

  Would it be so bad? She stood there questioning herself silently. Would it really be horrible if she gave in to him in that moment? It was possible that it’d lead to her gaining control of the situation. She kept telling herself that as she felt her body drawing closer to giving in.

  The problem was that deep down inside she knew it was more than a tactic to take charge. It was a yearning she’d never known. A magnetic attraction to a man she normally would loathe. No matter what she told herself, she wanted him and she was going to continue to want him long after she had him.

  His eyes dug deep into her as she stood and tried to steady her body and her thoughts. It was unreal what this man was doing to her. She couldn’t take it anymore.

  As she began to speak she barely noticed her hand moving towards the freshly shaven mound of flesh between her legs.

  “You are something, Mr. Hudson,” she rolled her eyes as she forced her hand to stop only inches from its destination. “You think you can just kidnap me and make me want you?”

  “I think you’ve wanted me before I took the blindfold off,” he admitted. “But I know you are stubborn. I’m just waiting to see which side wins.”

  “My side!” Melissa snapped.

  “Your side,” Asher moved closer, letting his scent tumble down towards her to swish between her lips. “But which side of you?” He turned and smirked as he continued. “The side that wants to toss me behind bars for crimes your agency is assuming I committed?” Melissa rolled her eyes as he talked. “Or,” he turned towards her and leaned in closely, “the side that wants nothing more than slipping your hand between your legs for me?”

  The words left her speechless and barely able to breathe. He had noticed. He was calling her out on
her own desires.

  “I don’t know,” she confessed before she could stop herself. “I don’t know.”

  Asher walked behind her and pushed himself up close to her. Fuller noticed that he was keeping his word. No part of him aside from the bulge underneath his jeans was touching her. He wasn’t forcing anything. But every damned inch of her body wished he would.

  “I’ve never….” She began and stopped, unsure of what words to use. “This isn’t something that…” No matter how many times she began, it was impossible to find the words. “I don’t….do….this” the emphasis on the final word was supposed to end the discussion.


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