Captured: A Bad Boy Romance

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Captured: A Bad Boy Romance Page 6

by Faye, Carmen

  “Patience is a virtue, Agent Fuller.” And with that, his head bent once more.

  Pressing her legs apart and firmly against the bed, Asher slipped his head in between them. He listened to the groans and moans and pleas as his tongue darted across her clit. Every few minutes he would take the throbbing bulb into his mouth and suck gently for a moment. Each time she’d cry his name and beg him for more.

  Then he’d release it and flick his tongue across it gently.

  After about half an hour of teasing her, he backed up and released her legs.

  “What… what are you… I mean are we… can you…” She was struggling to catch her breath.

  “Patience.” He repeated himself “I have an appointment to attend. Besides, this isn’t the way it works for me.”

  Melissa was speechless. She was so close to orgasm she could almost feel it building. Yet he’d stopped. Teased her and stopped.

  “When I have you, I will have all of you.” He spoke softly. “You will be restrained. You will ask me to restrain you.” He ran a finger along her thigh. “I will spank you.” His finger moved to her other thigh as her body shook. “I will explore every inch of your body,” he trailed his hand along her abdomen and around the edges of her nipples. “I will bring you to the brink of orgasm many times.” He flicked a thumb across her nipple and moved to the next one. “You will beg,” he flicked the thumb again and she groaned. “And when I say so.” His hand made its way to her mouth as his finger traced her lips. “You will come.” Her body trembled with the words.

  Asher leaned over and placed his lips on hers.

  “It will happen,” he whispered. “Soon.” He kissed her again and stood and walked towards the door. “Now finish your dinner.” And he left the room.


  He had her. Asher knew it. He finally had her. And it only took him being unable to talk. It wasn't even that she had done anything wrong. She hadn't. He just didn’t want to sit and chat with her.

  She was simply asking questions. But he damn sure didn't want to tell her he was stressed because he was risking his life and the life of his club to keep her alive. He didn't want to tell her she was supposed to be dead. More than anything, he didn't want to tell her that she was only alive because she had gotten under his skin.

  It took all he could do not to walk back in and fuck her right then and there. Something about the thought of her face as he gave her what she'd wanted from the first night turned him on. But he couldn't risk it. He was in a predicament.

  Normally he used his body and charm to schmooze the ladies. He got by and stayed safe because people wanted him. They liked him. They wanted to have him. Asher had always used that.

  Yet here he sat realizing Fuller had done the same to him. But he knew that game. And he didn't want to risk it. If she was playing him for an idiot, he would be risking everyone. He couldn't do that. So he had to keep control. And that's what he planned to do. Which meant she couldn't have him until he had her full submission. But she was damn near close.

  The guys could not know about this. They’d assumed he’d already fucked her and he let them believe it. At least that made it understandable for them that he was refusing to kill her. She was his toy. If they knew otherwise, they would doubt him. He had no room for doubt in his current situation.


  He had left. He did all of that to her and he left. She was mad. At him. At herself. At everything. She’d actually given in to him and now she sat more frustrated than ever and hating herself for letting him get under her skin.

  She could still smell him. Still taste him. It turned her on and made her head spin at the same time. She was happy and ashamed of herself all at once.

  When he'd told her to stand up, she'd gotten excited. And he had definitely lived up to the idea in her mind. But he lacked some serious follow through.

  His cologne had filled her nostrils and her nipples had tightened against his chest. Her body wanted him. Her attraction to him was strong. She held her breath, hoping he felt the same.

  She could still hear the words. Feel the shame. She had begged. Pleaded. He denied her.

  She wanted more. But she didn’t just want more. She wanted it all.

  He had been amazing at what she’d experienced so far. She was curious how good he was at completely satisfying her. She wanted to finish the job. Relieve that sexual tension. But something told her not to. She wanted him to be the one to bring her to release. She needed it to be him.


  He was in trouble. Asher walked out of the room knowing without a doubt that the woman lying in his bed was going to cause him to come completely unglued. He had to focus. But something about her made that damn near impossible.

  “I am fucked.”


  "I got nothing," Andy was exasperated. "Not a damn word."

  He was standing in front of half of the Vegas office as he told them the results of his work. The work that he'd been at all fucking night. And the results were that nobody had a god damn clue what had happened to her.

  "Alive? Dead?" Logan spat at him as though he were simply one of the minions that worked in the office, instead of one of the lead agents.

  "I don't know," Andy admitted, feeling less than a minion.

  The guilt was a bit much for him. He'd put the mike down less than two minutes. When he came back, there was nothing. Dead silence. The mike had been disabled and she was gone.

  She trusted him to keep her safe and now no one knew where the hell she was or if she was okay. It'd been almost two weeks at this point and there still were not any leads. For all they knew, Fuller had been dead since day one.

  "So how the fuck do we work with this?" Logan was talking down to him again and had he not felt like he deserved it he would have reacted.

  "Go in?" Andy suggested. "Take our chances."

  "We have absolutely nothing to use for a warrant." Logan shook his head. "Not a god damn thing."

  "So then we don't get one," Tesner spoke from the end of the table. "Fuck legalities. One of our own is in there."

  "We hope." Andy said softly.

  "Oh sure." Logan rolled his eyes. "Let's storm the place illegally. If we find her, we won't be able to do a damn thing but take her out and let Hudson come after us."

  "She's in danger." Amanda threw in.

  Andy wondered why Amanda was even involved in this. She wasn't a field agent. She was an office drone. His best guess was the rumor that was going around the office. Amanda wanted to rank up, and she was using blow jobs in the break room to get there.

  "She was the moment she went in." Logan offered.

  Andy watched as the room shook their heads. No one liked Logan, but they were stuck with him. There wasn't a god damned thing they could do but follow his orders. And it was obvious that Fuller wasn't a top priority.

  "Look," Logan started. "I want to get her out as much as anyone. But if we don't do it correctly, we'll risk her life and ensure we never get Asher Hudson off the street. Even Fuller wouldn't want that."

  Andy had a hard time believing his superior's words. "Fuller didn't want to be trapped in there. She'd want us to get her out.”

  "Guiterro was spotted in town this morning." Tesner offered shortly after his phone had gone off. "Maybe he's headed to Hudson’s."

  "Are we sure about this?" Logan asked.

  "Completely," Tesner answered with confidence.

  "Manuel Guiterro would never meet with anyone knowing a federal agent was on the premises." Logan spoke up.

  All of the heads looked down at the floor. They knew he was right. Andy had no doubt. That could only mean one thing. Either Guiterro wasn't headed to Hudson, or Fuller was dead.

  "Wallaby," Andy's head turned up at the sound of his name. "Get out there. Find out if Guiterro has another contact in Vegas. Don't come back to me until you know a fucking answer."

  Andy nodded and stood to leave. As he did he heard Logan give further orders.
r />   "Stevens, get with your guys. Find out if anything is set to go down at Hudson's tonight. Tesner, explore more about Guiterros visit to Vegas. See if he has anyone with him. Warren, see what the Nomad's are up to lately." Andy was about to close the door as one of his other suspicions was confirmed. "Amanda, you stay here and I'll give you your assignment."

  "Okay." she giggled.

  Andy slammed the door shut and walked towards his desk. This was going to be a long fucking day for all of them.


  "Logan," he answered the phone with the same arrogant voice he used with his agents. "Yeah," it was about time he thought. "Hold on one second okay?"

  Logan placed the phone on the desk and looked at Amanda. Her red hair hid her face as she knelt before him on the floor. He had to admit, she was damn good at this. And he also had to admit she wasn't very good at field ops. But as long as she thought she had a chance of going into the field, he'd keep getting blown. With a wife that had all but given up sex, it wasn’t an offer he was about to turn down.

  "Okay sweetheart," he spoke softly. "You can go back to work."

  "But you aren't...." God her voice annoyed him. If she didn't talk, she'd be perfect. Almost.

  "I need to take this call baby," he ran a hand through her curly hair. "Maybe a little later?"

  Amanda stood and leaned up towards him for a kiss that he begrudgingly gave her. Women were so fucking needy. Couldn't they just get him off and go?

  "Call me when you need me," she whispered and kissed his cheek as she gave his cock a few last strokes.

  Logan couldn't help but think that this was why he put up with the annoying voice. Her touch. Her lips. It was definitely worth it. As he watched her walk out, he debated taking that sexy ass to a hotel and pounding into it until his balls shriveled up. He knew damn well she'd let him. Probably repeatedly. And it sure would feel good to have more than the lips on her face wrapped around it.

  The door shut and he picked the phone back up and sat down.

  "What the fuck is going on?" He asked and waited to get an answer. "I don't give a god damn," he shouted into the phone. "This was not the way it was supposed to go!"

  "Look.” The one voice Logan hated more than Amanda’s was the one on the other end. Heavy southern accent. Ignorant, stupid, and annoying on a good day, which incidentally, today was not. "She's still alive."

  "Why?" Logan asked. "How fucking hard is it to get rid of her?"

  "He's always with her!" The voice answered. "I can't get close."

  "Figure it out, asshole," Logan ordered. "I can only stall things for so long. Get her the fuck out of there before I have to do my goddamned job!"

  The phone slammed and Logan started to pace. He needed this to end. He needed this to go the way it was supposed to. But nothing was working out. He needed stress relief, he decided as he grabbed his jacket and headed out to the main office.

  "Mandy!" he bellowed and she stood immediate. "Come on," he noticed others watching them. "We've got field work to do!"

  She grinned and grabbed her jacket as she walked quickly towards him. Standing alone outside the elevator she was giddy with excitement.

  "What are we doing?" she questioned, eager for the answer.

  "On your knees, and open your mouth." He shoved her inside the elevator the moment the doors opened.

  She smiled, hit the button to close the doors, and started undoing his belt.


  "Asher," Dakota stepped forward and smiled. "Glad we’re meeting again."

  "Well," Hudson seemed surprised by the reaction to his presence. "We do have a job to do."

  The brothers nodded.

  "Here's the plan, boys." Hudson stepped into the spotlight as he always did. "Guiterro is in town. He's ready." the idea made him cringe slightly. "Dakota," Asher turned towards his friend and confidant, "Are the weapons ready?"

  Dakota nodded. "All packaged and ready to go."

  "There aren't going to be any mistakes are there?" Asher questioned. "This isn't small potatoes guys. This man is dangerous. Extremely dangerous. If we fuck anything up, we are dead."

  "We’ve checked multiple times. We have everything that was requested." Dakota answered.

  "Good," Asher answered. "Where is it?"

  "Warehouse," Nelson answered with his southern accent. "We thought maybe Manny would be willing to meet there."

  "Are you shitting me?" Asher stared. "You’re going to take the biggest drug lord in all of Mexico to our warehouse that every cop in Vegas knows about? Why not cuff yourself while you’re at it. Save them the trouble."

  Nelson nodded. "Sorry," he answered. "I wasn't thinking."

  "Of course you weren’t." Asher rubbed his brows. "This is no small time deal. This is not a small time man we are dealing with. How many times do I have to repeat that?"

  "What about here?" Charlie asked. "Should he come here?"

  "Absolutely not." Asher answered.

  "Ash," Dakota spoke softly. "There’s not a whole lot of options left. We know they’re watching us now. Got word that they’re combing the desert for fifty miles around. Moving the entire shipment out into the desert is a dead giveaway.”

  "Not here." He said in a tone that brooked no arguing. "Final answer."

  "Look," Nelson approached him, "We need a safe place. This is as safe as it gets."

  "It's not negotiable." Asher said.

  "Why not here?" Mike commented. "Space out the shipments so it just looks like regular commutes."

  "Are you questioning my orders?"

  "Asher, how else can we do this? Mike’s got a point. Bulk shipment is out of the question now. The feds can suspect us all they want, but without a warrant." Dakota was always the voice of reason.

  Asher began to pace the floor. He damn well knew they were right. And until Fuller had been brought to him, the plan would have automatically been there at the house. It was safe and secure. But if they found her, it wouldn't be.

  They would all be dead. If for no other reason than the fact that he'd lied to Manny. He'd assured him that Fuller was taken care of. There was no way in hell she could be found here.

  "It won't work," he said, knowing that he was wrong. "It just won't."

  "You're risking all of us," Mike spoke up. "For a piece of ass."

  It was out. Asher thought no one would have the balls to say it out loud. Telling the guys that looked to him for leadership that he was failing because he was protecting Fuller went against what he believed.

  "No," he answered with a lie. "It ain’t safe. The fact that she snuck in, means that the feds are looking here just as hard as they’re looking at everywhere else."

  "It's safer than our other options!" It wasn't often that Dakota raised his voice. When that happened Asher knew it was bad. "Jesus Christ Ash. Get your head out of her cunt and get with it. We have to protect all of us."

  Asher stood there and thought long and hard. Dakota was right. He was risking them for her. He didn't want to do that. They trusted him. They were his family. They were his friends. But he didn't want to risk her either. There had to be a happy medium.

  "Fine," he agreed. "We’ll do it here. But we need a plan. Something to keep us safe, and still keep her safe."

  "Why does she matter so fucking much?" Nelson was pushing his limits with his boss. "She's just some pussy that will be gone soon enough."

  Asher glared at his friend. "She's not just some pussy," he answered. "I'm training her. Let me finish my work."

  "Then let's work it out," Dakota offered. "We can do this."

  "I do not want her harmed," Asher ordered. "At all."

  "I hear you." Dakota replied. "I’ve got a plan that keeps her out of harm."

  “Tell me.”

  The guys gathered round and Dakota described the best way he felt to protect them all. He told them step by step what each of them would be expected to do. Asher liked it. He thought it was a good way to keep everyone safe.

e problem he was going to have, was Fuller herself. She was almost trained, but not quite yet. If she knew what was going on she would do something drastic. She could easily endanger them all if she were to be found on the property. Especially if they were in the middle of a deal.

  He wondered if it was best to tell her the truth. After some thought, Asher decided that gagging her might be for the best. She wasn't going to like it, though.


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